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// TransactionEncoder.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 11/20/19.
import Foundation
typealias TransactionEncoderResultBlock = (_ result: Result<EncodedTransaction, Error>) -> Void
public enum TransactionEncoderError: Error {
case notFound(transactionId: Int)
case notEncoded(transactionId: Int)
case missingParams
case spendingKeyWrongNetwork
case couldNotExpand(txId: Data)
protocol TransactionEncoder {
/// Creates a transaction, throwing an exception whenever things are missing. When the provided wallet implementation
/// doesn't throw an exception, we wrap the issue into a descriptive exception ourselves (rather than using
/// double-bangs for things).
/// Blocking
/// - Parameters:
/// - Parameter spendingKey: a `SaplingExtendedSpendingKey` containing the spending key
/// - Parameter zatoshi: the amount to send in `Zatoshi`
/// - Parameter to: string containing the recipient address
/// - Parameter memoBytes: MemoBytes for this transaction
/// - Parameter accountIndex: index of the account that will be used to send the funds
/// - Throws: a TransactionEncoderError
func createTransaction(
spendingKey: SaplingExtendedSpendingKey,
zatoshi: Zatoshi,
to address: String,
memoBytes: MemoBytes,
from accountIndex: Int
) throws -> EncodedTransaction
/// Creates a transaction, throwing an exception whenever things are missing. When the provided wallet implementation
/// doesn't throw an exception, we wrap the issue into a descriptive exception ourselves (rather than using
/// double-bangs for things).
/// Non-blocking
/// - Parameters:
/// - Parameter spendingKey: a `SaplingExtendedSpendingKey` containing the spending key
/// - Parameter zatoshi: the amount to send in `Zatoshi`
/// - Parameter to: string containing the recipient address
/// - Parameter memo: string containing the memo (optional)
/// - Parameter accountIndex: index of the account that will be used to send the funds
/// - Parameter result: a non escaping closure that receives a Result containing either an EncodedTransaction or a /// TransactionEncoderError
// swiftlint:disable:next function_parameter_count
func createTransaction(
spendingKey: SaplingExtendedSpendingKey,
zatoshi: Zatoshi,
to address: String,
memo: String?,
from accountIndex: Int,
result: @escaping TransactionEncoderResultBlock
Creates a transaction that will attempt to shield transparent funds that are present on the cacheDB .throwing an exception whenever things are missing. When the provided wallet implementation doesn't throw an exception, we wrap the issue into a descriptive exception ourselves (rather than using double-bangs for things).
- Parameters:
- Parameter tAccountPrivateKey: transparent account private key to spend the UTXOs
- Parameter memo: string containing the memo (optional)
- Parameter accountIndex: index of the account that will be used to send the funds
- Throws: a TransactionEncoderError
func createShieldingTransaction(
tAccountPrivateKey: TransparentAccountPrivKey,
memo: String?,
from accountIndex: Int
) throws -> EncodedTransaction
/// Creates a transaction, throwing an exception whenever things are missing. When the provided ///wallet implementation
/// doesn't throw an exception, we wrap the issue into a descriptive exception ourselves (rather ///than using
/// double-bangs for things).
/// Non-blocking
/// - Parameters:
/// - Parameter spendingKey: a string containing the spending key
/// - Parameter zatoshi: the amount to send in zatoshis
/// - Parameter to: string containing the recipient address
/// - Parameter memoBytes: MemoBytes for this transaction
/// - Parameter accountIndex: index of the account that will be used to send the funds
/// - Parameter result: a non escaping closure that receives a Result containing either an ///EncodedTransaction or a TransactionEncoderError
func createTransaction(
spendingKey: String,
zatoshi: Int,
to address: String,
memoBytes: MemoBytes,
from accountIndex: Int,
result: @escaping TransactionEncoderResultBlock
)// swiftlint:disable function_parameter_count
/// Creates a transaction that will attempt to shield transparent funds that are present on the cacheDB.
/// Throwing an exception whenever things are missing. When the provided wallet implementation
/// doesn't throw an exception, we wrap the issue into a descriptive exception ourselves (rather than using double-bangs for things).
/// Blocking
/// - Parameters:
/// - Parameter spendingKey: a string containing the spending key
/// - Parameter tSecretKey: transparent secret key to spend the UTXOs
/// - Parameter Parameter memoBytes: MemoBytes for this transaction
/// - Parameter accountIndex: index of the account that will be used to send the funds
/// - Throws: a TransactionEncoderError
func createShieldingTransaction(
spendingKey: String,
tSecretKey: String,
memoBytes: MemoBytes,
from accountIndex: Int
) throws -> EncodedTransaction
///Fetch the Transaction Entity from the encoded representation
/// - Parameter encodedTransaction: The encoded transaction to expand
/// - Returns: a TransactionEntity based on the given Encoded Transaction
/// - Throws: a TransactionEncoderError
func expandEncodedTransaction(_ encodedTransaction: EncodedTransaction) throws -> TransactionEntity