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// Synchronizer.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 11/5/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
import Combine
import Foundation
/// Represent the connection state to the lightwalletd server
public enum ConnectionState {
/// not in use
case idle
/// there's a connection being attempted from a non error state
case connecting
/// connection is established, ready to use or in use
case online
/// the connection is being re-established after losing it temporarily
case reconnecting
/// the connection has been closed
case shutdown
/// Reports the state of a synchronizer.
public struct SynchronizerState: Equatable {
/// Unique Identifier for the current sync attempt
/// - Note: Although on it's lifetime a synchronizer will attempt to sync between random fractions of a minute (when idle),
/// each sync attempt will be considered a new sync session. This is to maintain a consistent UUID cadence
/// given how application lifecycle varies between OS Versions, platforms, etc.
/// SyncSessionIDs are provided to users
public var syncSessionID: UUID
/// account balance known to this synchronizer given the data that has processed locally
public var accountBalance: AccountBalance?
/// status of the whole sync process
var internalSyncStatus: InternalSyncStatus
public var syncStatus: SyncStatus
/// height of the latest block on the blockchain known to this synchronizer.
public var latestBlockHeight: BlockHeight
/// Represents a synchronizer that has made zero progress hasn't done a sync attempt
public static var zero: SynchronizerState {
syncSessionID: .nullID,
accountBalance: .zero,
internalSyncStatus: .unprepared,
latestBlockHeight: .zero
syncSessionID: UUID,
accountBalance: AccountBalance?,
internalSyncStatus: InternalSyncStatus,
latestBlockHeight: BlockHeight
) {
self.syncSessionID = syncSessionID
self.accountBalance = accountBalance
self.internalSyncStatus = internalSyncStatus
self.latestBlockHeight = latestBlockHeight
self.syncStatus = internalSyncStatus.mapToSyncStatus()
public enum SynchronizerEvent {
// Sent when the synchronizer finds a pendingTransaction that has been newly mined.
case minedTransaction(ZcashTransaction.Overview)
// Sent when the synchronizer finds a mined transaction
case foundTransactions(_ transactions: [ZcashTransaction.Overview], _ inRange: CompactBlockRange)
// Sent when the synchronizer fetched utxos from lightwalletd attempted to store them.
case storedUTXOs(_ inserted: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity], _ skipped: [UnspentTransactionOutputEntity])
// Connection state to LightwalletEndpoint changed.
case connectionStateChanged(ConnectionState)
/// Primary interface for interacting with the SDK. Defines the contract that specific
/// implementations like SdkSynchronizer fulfill.
public protocol Synchronizer: AnyObject {
/// Alias used for this instance.
var alias: ZcashSynchronizerAlias { get }
/// Latest state of the SDK which can be get in synchronous manner.
var latestState: SynchronizerState { get }
/// reflects current connection state to LightwalletEndpoint
var connectionState: ConnectionState { get }
/// This stream is backed by `CurrentValueSubject`. This is primary source of information about what is the SDK doing. New values are emitted when
/// `InternalSyncStatus` is changed inside the SDK.
/// Synchronization progress is part of the `InternalSyncStatus` so this stream emits lot of values. `throttle` can be used to control amout of values
/// delivered. Values are delivered on random background thread.
var stateStream: AnyPublisher<SynchronizerState, Never> { get }
/// This stream is backed by `PassthroughSubject`. Check `SynchronizerEvent` to see which events may be emitted.
var eventStream: AnyPublisher<SynchronizerEvent, Never> { get }
/// Initialize the wallet. The ZIP-32 seed bytes can optionally be passed to perform
/// database migrations. most of the times the seed won't be needed. If they do and are
/// not provided this will fail with `InitializationResult.seedRequired`. It could
/// be the case that this method is invoked by a wallet that does not contain the seed phrase
/// and is view-only, or by a wallet that does have the seed but the process does not have the
/// consent of the OS to fetch the keys from the secure storage, like on background tasks.
/// 'cache.db' and 'data.db' files are created by this function (if they
/// do not already exist). These files can be given a prefix for scenarios where multiple wallets
/// - Parameters:
/// - seed: ZIP-32 Seed bytes for the wallet that will be initialized
/// - walletBirthday: Birthday of wallet.
/// - for: [walletMode] Set `.newWallet` when preparing synchronizer for a brand new generated wallet,
/// `.restoreWallet` when wallet is about to be restored from a seed
/// and `.existingWallet` for all other scenarios.
/// - Throws:
/// - `aliasAlreadyInUse` if the Alias used to create this instance is already used by other instance.
/// - `cantUpdateURLWithAlias` if the updating of paths in `Initilizer` according to alias fails. When this happens it means that
/// some path passed to `Initializer` is invalid. The SDK can't recover from this and this instance
/// won't do anything.
/// - Some other `ZcashError` thrown by lower layer of the SDK.
func prepare(
with seed: [UInt8]?,
walletBirthday: BlockHeight,
for walletMode: WalletInitMode
) async throws -> Initializer.InitializationResult
/// Starts this synchronizer within the given scope.
/// Implementations should leverage structured concurrency and
/// cancel all jobs when this scope completes.
func start(retry: Bool) async throws
/// Stop this synchronizer. Implementations should ensure that calling this method cancels all jobs that were created by this instance.
/// It make some time before the SDK stops any activity. It doesn't have to be stopped when this function finishes.
/// Observe `stateStream` or `latestState` to recognize that the SDK stopped any activity.
func stop()
/// Gets the sapling shielded address for the given account.
/// - Parameter accountIndex: the optional accountId whose address is of interest. By default, the first account is used.
/// - Returns the address or nil if account index is incorrect
func getSaplingAddress(accountIndex: Int) async throws -> SaplingAddress
/// Gets the unified address for the given account.
/// - Parameter accountIndex: the optional accountId whose address is of interest. By default, the first account is used.
/// - Returns the address or nil if account index is incorrect
func getUnifiedAddress(accountIndex: Int) async throws -> UnifiedAddress
/// Gets the transparent address for the given account.
/// - Parameter accountIndex: the optional accountId whose address is of interest. By default, the first account is used.
/// - Returns the address or nil if account index is incorrect
func getTransparentAddress(accountIndex: Int) async throws -> TransparentAddress
/// Creates a proposal for transferring funds to the given recipient.
/// - Parameter accountIndex: the account from which to transfer funds.
/// - Parameter recipient: the recipient's address.
/// - Parameter amount: the amount to send in Zatoshi.
/// - Parameter memo: an optional memo to include as part of the proposal's transactions. Use `nil` when sending to transparent receivers otherwise the function will throw an error.
/// If `prepare()` hasn't already been called since creation of the synchronizer instance or since the last wipe then this method throws
/// `SynchronizerErrors.notPrepared`.
func proposeTransfer(
accountIndex: Int,
recipient: Recipient,
amount: Zatoshi,
memo: Memo?
) async throws -> Proposal
/// Creates a proposal for shielding any transparent funds received by the given account.
/// - Parameter accountIndex: the account for which to shield funds.
/// - Parameter shieldingThreshold: the minimum transparent balance required before a proposal will be created.
/// - Parameter memo: an optional memo to include as part of the proposal's transactions.
/// If `prepare()` hasn't already been called since creation of the synchronizer instance or since the last wipe then this method throws
/// `SynchronizerErrors.notPrepared`.
func proposeShielding(
accountIndex: Int,
shieldingThreshold: Zatoshi,
memo: Memo
) async throws -> Proposal
/// Creates the transactions in the given proposal.
/// - Parameter proposal: the proposal for which to create transactions.
/// - Parameter spendingKey: the `UnifiedSpendingKey` associated with the account for which the proposal was created.
/// Returns a stream of objects for the transactions that were created as part of the
/// proposal, indicating whether they were submitted to the network or if an error
/// occurred.
/// If `prepare()` hasn't already been called since creation of the synchronizer instance
/// or since the last wipe then this method throws `SynchronizerErrors.notPrepared`.
func createProposedTransactions(
proposal: Proposal,
spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey
) async throws -> AsyncThrowingStream<TransactionSubmitResult, Error>
/// Sends zatoshi.
/// - Parameter spendingKey: the `UnifiedSpendingKey` that allows spends to occur.
/// - Parameter zatoshi: the amount to send in Zatoshi.
/// - Parameter toAddress: the recipient's address.
/// - Parameter memo: an `Optional<Memo>`with the memo to include as part of the transaction. send `nil` when sending to transparent receivers otherwise the function will throw an error
/// If `prepare()` hasn't already been called since creating of synchronizer instance or since the last wipe then this method throws
/// `SynchronizerErrors.notPrepared`.
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Upcoming SDK 2.1 will create multiple transactions at once for some recipients.")
func sendToAddress(
spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey,
zatoshi: Zatoshi,
toAddress: Recipient,
memo: Memo?
) async throws -> ZcashTransaction.Overview
/// Shields transparent funds from the given private key into the best shielded pool of the account associated to the given `UnifiedSpendingKey`.
/// - Parameter spendingKey: the `UnifiedSpendingKey` that allows to spend transparent funds
/// - Parameter memo: the optional memo to include as part of the transaction.
/// If `prepare()` hasn't already been called since creating of synchronizer instance or since the last wipe then this method throws
/// `SynchronizerErrors.notPrepared`.
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Upcoming SDK 2.1 will create multiple transactions at once for some recipients.")
func shieldFunds(
spendingKey: UnifiedSpendingKey,
memo: Memo,
shieldingThreshold: Zatoshi
) async throws -> ZcashTransaction.Overview
/// all the transactions that are on the blockchain
var transactions: [ZcashTransaction.Overview] { get async }
/// All transactions that are related to sending funds
var sentTransactions: [ZcashTransaction.Overview] { get async }
/// all transactions related to receiving funds
var receivedTransactions: [ZcashTransaction.Overview] { get async }
/// A repository serving transactions in a paginated manner
/// - Parameter kind: Transaction Kind expected from this PaginatedTransactionRepository
func paginatedTransactions(of kind: TransactionKind) -> PaginatedTransactionRepository
/// Get all memos for `transaction`.
// sourcery: mockedName="getMemosForClearedTransaction"
func getMemos(for transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview) async throws -> [Memo]
/// Attempt to get recipients from a Transaction Overview.
/// - parameter transaction: A transaction overview
/// - returns the recipients or an empty array if no recipients are found on this transaction because it's not an outgoing
/// transaction
// sourcery: mockedName="getRecipientsForClearedTransaction"
func getRecipients(for transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview) async -> [TransactionRecipient]
/// Attempt to get outputs involved in a given Transaction.
/// - parameter transaction: A transaction overview
/// - returns the array of outputs involved in this transaction. Transparent outputs might not be tracked
// sourcery: mockedName="getTransactionOutputsForTransaction"
func getTransactionOutputs(for transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview) async -> [ZcashTransaction.Output]
/// Returns a list of confirmed transactions that preceed the given transaction with a limit count.
/// - Parameters:
/// - from: the confirmed transaction from which the query should start from or nil to retrieve from the most recent transaction
/// - limit: the maximum amount of items this should return if available
/// - Returns: an array with the given Transactions or an empty array
func allTransactions(from transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview, limit: Int) async throws -> [ZcashTransaction.Overview]
/// Returns the latest block height from the provided Lightwallet endpoint
func latestHeight() async throws -> BlockHeight
/// Returns the latests UTXOs for the given address from the specified height on
/// If `prepare()` hasn't already been called since creating of synchronizer instance or since the last wipe then this method throws
/// `SynchronizerErrors.notPrepared`.
func refreshUTXOs(address: TransparentAddress, from height: BlockHeight) async throws -> RefreshedUTXOs
/// Account balances from the given account index
/// - Parameter accountIndex: the index of the account
/// - Returns: `AccountBalance`, struct that holds sapling and unshielded balances or `nil` when no account is associated with `accountIndex`
func getAccountBalance(accountIndex: Int) async throws -> AccountBalance?
/// Rescans the known blocks with the current keys.
/// `rewind(policy:)` can be called anytime. If the sync process is in progress then it is stopped first. In this case, it make some significant
/// time before rewind finishes. If `rewind(policy:)` is called don't call it again until publisher returned from first call finishes. Calling it
/// again earlier results in undefined behavior.
/// Returned publisher either completes or fails when the wipe is done. It doesn't emits any value.
/// Possible errors:
/// - Emits rewindErrorUnknownAnchorHeight when the rewind points to an invalid height.
/// - Emits rewindError for other errors
/// `rewind(policy:)` itself doesn't start the sync process when it's done and it doesn't trigger notifications as regorg would. After it is done
/// you have start the sync process by calling `start()`
/// If `prepare()` hasn't already been called since creating of synchronizer instance or since the last wipe then returned publisher emits
/// `SynchronizerErrors.notPrepared` error.
/// - Parameter policy: the rewind policy
func rewind(_ policy: RewindPolicy) -> AnyPublisher<Void, Error>
/// Wipes out internal data structures of the SDK. After this call, everything is the same as before any sync. The state of the synchronizer is
/// switched to `unprepared`. So before the next sync, it's required to call `prepare()`.
/// `wipe()` can be called anytime. If the sync process is in progress then it is stopped first. In this case, it make some significant time
/// before wipe finishes. If `wipe()` is called don't call it again until publisher returned from first call finishes. Calling it again earlier
/// results in undefined behavior.
/// Returned publisher either completes or fails when the wipe is done. It doesn't emits any value.
/// Majority of wipe's work is to delete files. That is only operation that can throw error during wipe. This should succeed every time. If this
/// fails then something is seriously wrong. If the wipe fails then the SDK may be in inconsistent state. It's suggested to call wipe again until
/// it succeed.
/// Returned publisher emits `initializerCantUpdateURLWithAlias` error if the Alias used to create this instance is already used by other
/// instance.
/// Returned publisher emits `initializerAliasAlreadyInUse` if the updating of paths in `Initilizer` according to alias fails. When
/// this happens it means that some path passed to `Initializer` is invalid. The SDK can't recover from this and this instance won't do anything.
func wipe() -> AnyPublisher<Void, Error>
/// This API stops the synchronization and re-initalizes everything according to the new endpoint provided.
/// It can be called anytime.
/// - Throws: ZcashError when failures occur and related to `synchronizer.start(retry: Bool)`, it's the only throwing operation
/// during the whole endpoint change.
func switchTo(endpoint: LightWalletEndpoint) async throws
public enum SyncStatus: Equatable {
public static func == (lhs: SyncStatus, rhs: SyncStatus) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.unprepared, .unprepared): return true
case let (.syncing(lhsProgress), .syncing(rhsProgress)): return lhsProgress == rhsProgress
case (.upToDate, .upToDate): return true
case (.error, .error): return true
default: return false
/// Indicates that this Synchronizer is actively preparing to start,
/// which usually involves setting up database tables, migrations or
/// taking other maintenance steps that need to occur after an upgrade.
case unprepared
case syncing(_ progress: Float)
/// Indicates that this Synchronizer is fully up to date and ready for all wallet functions.
/// When set, a UI element may want to turn green.
case upToDate
/// Indicates that this Synchronizer was succesfully stopped via `stop()` method.
case stopped
case error(_ error: Error)
public var isSyncing: Bool {
if case .syncing = self {
return true
return false
public var isSynced: Bool {
if case .upToDate = self {
return true
return false
public var isPrepared: Bool {
if case .unprepared = self {
return false
return true
public var briefDebugDescription: String {
switch self {
case .unprepared: return "unprepared"
case .syncing: return "syncing"
case .stopped: return "stopped"
case .upToDate: return "up to date"
case .error: return "error"
enum InternalSyncStatus: Equatable {
/// Indicates that this Synchronizer is actively preparing to start,
/// which usually involves setting up database tables, migrations or
/// taking other maintenance steps that need to occur after an upgrade.
case unprepared
/// Indicates that this Synchronizer is actively processing new blocks (consists of fetch, scan and enhance operations)
case syncing(Float)
/// Indicates that this Synchronizer is fully up to date and ready for all wallet functions.
/// When set, a UI element may want to turn green.
case synced
/// Indicates that [stop] has been called on this Synchronizer and it will no longer be used.
case stopped
/// Indicates that this Synchronizer is disconnected from its lightwalletd server.
/// When set, a UI element may want to turn red.
case disconnected
case error(_ error: Error)
public var isSyncing: Bool {
if case .syncing = self {
return true
return false
public var isSynced: Bool {
if case .synced = self {
return true
return false
public var isPrepared: Bool {
if case .unprepared = self {
return false
return true
public var briefDebugDescription: String {
switch self {
case .unprepared: return "unprepared"
case .syncing: return "syncing"
case .synced: return "synced"
case .stopped: return "stopped"
case .disconnected: return "disconnected"
case .error: return "error"
/// Mode of the Synchronizer's initialization for the wallet.
public enum WalletInitMode: Equatable {
/// For brand new wallet - typically when users creates a new wallet.
case newWallet
/// For a wallet that is about to be restored. Typically when a user wants to restore a wallet from a seed.
case restoreWallet
/// All other cases - typically when clients just start the process e.g. every regular app start for mobile apps.
case existingWallet
/// Kind of transactions handled by a Synchronizer
public enum TransactionKind {
case sent
case received
case all
/// Type of rewind available
/// -birthday: rewinds the local state to this wallet's birthday
/// -height: rewinds to the nearest blockheight to the one given as argument.
/// -transaction: rewinds to the nearest height based on the anchor of the provided transaction.
public enum RewindPolicy {
case birthday
case height(blockheight: BlockHeight)
case transaction(_ transaction: ZcashTransaction.Overview)
case quick
/// The result of submitting a transaction to the network.
/// - success: the transaction was successfully submitted to the mempool.
/// - grpcFailure: the transaction failed to reach the lightwalletd server.
/// - submitFailure: the transaction reached the lightwalletd server but failed to enter the mempool.
/// - notAttempted: the transaction was created and is in the local wallet, but was not submitted to the network.
public enum TransactionSubmitResult {
case success(txId: Data)
case grpcFailure(txId: Data, error: LightWalletServiceError)
case submitFailure(txId: Data, code: Int, description: String)
case notAttempted(txId: Data)
extension InternalSyncStatus {
public static func == (lhs: InternalSyncStatus, rhs: InternalSyncStatus) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.unprepared, .unprepared): return true
case let (.syncing(lhsProgress), .syncing(rhsProgress)): return lhsProgress == rhsProgress
case (.synced, .synced): return true
case (.stopped, .stopped): return true
case (.disconnected, .disconnected): return true
case (.error, .error): return true
default: return false
extension InternalSyncStatus {
init(_ blockProcessorProgress: Float) {
self = .syncing(blockProcessorProgress)
extension InternalSyncStatus {
func mapToSyncStatus() -> SyncStatus {
switch self {
case .unprepared:
return .unprepared
case .syncing(let progress):
return .syncing(progress)
case .synced:
return .upToDate
case .stopped:
return .stopped
case .disconnected:
return .error(ZcashError.synchronizerDisconnected)
case .error(let error):
return .error(error)
extension UUID {
/// UUID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
static var nullID: UUID {
UUID(uuid: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))