
355 lines
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// Stubs.swift
// ZcashLightClientKitTests
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 18/09/2019.
// Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRPC
import SwiftProtobuf
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit
// swiftlint:disable function_parameter_count identifier_name
class AwfulLightWalletService: MockLightWalletService {
override func latestBlockHeight() throws -> BlockHeight {
throw LightWalletServiceError.criticalError
override func latestBlockHeightAsync() async throws -> BlockHeight {
throw LightWalletServiceError.invalidBlock
override func blockRange(_ range: CompactBlockRange) -> AsyncThrowingStream<ZcashCompactBlock, Error> {
AsyncThrowingStream { continuation in continuation.finish(throwing: LightWalletServiceError.invalidBlock) }
/// Submits a raw transaction over lightwalletd.
override func submit(spendTransaction: Data) async throws -> LightWalletServiceResponse {
throw LightWalletServiceError.invalidBlock
extension LightWalletServiceMockResponse: Error { }
class SlightlyBadLightWalletService: MockLightWalletService {
/// Submits a raw transaction over lightwalletd.
override func submit(spendTransaction: Data) async throws -> LightWalletServiceResponse {
throw LightWalletServiceMockResponse.error
extension LightWalletServiceMockResponse {
static var error: LightWalletServiceMockResponse {
errorCode: -100,
errorMessage: "Ohhh this is bad, really bad, you lost all your internet money",
unknownFields: UnknownStorage()
static var success: LightWalletServiceMockResponse {
LightWalletServiceMockResponse(errorCode: 0, errorMessage: "", unknownFields: UnknownStorage())
class MockRustBackend: ZcashRustBackendWelding {
static func clearUtxos(dbData: URL, address: String, sinceHeight: BlockHeight, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> Int32 {
static func getNearestRewindHeight(dbData: URL, height: Int32, networkType: NetworkType) -> Int32 {
static func network(dbData: URL, address: String, sinceHeight: BlockHeight, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> Int32 {
static func initAccountsTable(dbData: URL, uvks: [UnifiedViewingKey], networkType: NetworkType) throws -> Bool {
static func getVerifiedTransparentBalance(dbData: URL, address: String, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> Int64 {
static func getTransparentBalance(dbData: URL, address: String, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> Int64 {
static func putUnspentTransparentOutput(
dbData: URL,
address: String,
txid: [UInt8],
index: Int,
script: [UInt8],
value: Int64,
height: BlockHeight,
networkType: NetworkType
) throws -> Bool {
static func downloadedUtxoBalance(dbData: URL, address: String, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> WalletBalance {
throw RustWeldingError.genericError(message: "unimplemented")
static func createToAddress(
dbData: URL,
account: Int32,
extsk: String,
to address: String,
value: Int64,
memo: String?,
spendParamsPath: String,
outputParamsPath: String,
networkType: NetworkType
) -> Int64 {
static func shieldFunds(
dbCache: URL,
dbData: URL,
account: Int32,
tsk: String,
extsk: String,
memo: String?,
spendParamsPath: String,
outputParamsPath: String,
networkType: NetworkType
) -> Int64 {
static func deriveTransparentAddressFromSeed(seed: [UInt8], account: Int, index: Int, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> String? {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.unableToDerive
static func deriveTransparentPrivateKeyFromSeed(seed: [UInt8], account: Int, index: Int, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> String? {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.unableToDerive
static func deriveTransparentAddressFromSecretKey(_ tsk: String, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> String? {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.unableToDerive
static func derivedTransparentAddressFromPublicKey(_ pubkey: String, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> String {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.unableToDerive
static func deriveUnifiedViewingKeyFromSeed(_ seed: [UInt8], numberOfAccounts: Int, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> [UnifiedViewingKey] {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.unableToDerive
static func isValidExtendedFullViewingKey(_ key: String, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> Bool {
static func deriveTransparentPrivateKeyFromSeed(seed: [UInt8], networkType: NetworkType) throws -> String? {
static func initAccountsTable(dbData: URL, exfvks: [String], networkType: NetworkType) throws -> Bool {
static func deriveTransparentAddressFromSeed(seed: [UInt8], networkType: NetworkType) throws -> String? {
static func deriveExtendedFullViewingKeys(seed: [UInt8], accounts: Int32, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> [String]? {
static func deriveExtendedSpendingKeys(seed: [UInt8], accounts: Int32, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> [String]? {
static func deriveShieldedAddressFromSeed(seed: [UInt8], accountIndex: Int32, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> String? {
static func deriveShieldedAddressFromViewingKey(_ extfvk: String, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> String? {
static func consensusBranchIdFor(height: Int32, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> Int32 {
guard let consensus = consensusBranchID else {
return try rustBackend.consensusBranchIdFor(height: height, networkType: networkType)
return consensus
static var networkType = NetworkType.testnet
static var mockDataDb = false
static var mockAcounts = false
static var mockError: RustWeldingError?
static var mockLastError: String?
static var mockAccounts: [String]?
static var mockAddresses: [String]?
static var mockBalance: Int64?
static var mockVerifiedBalance: Int64?
static var mockMemo: String?
static var mockSentMemo: String?
static var mockValidateCombinedChainSuccessRate: Float?
static var mockValidateCombinedChainFailAfterAttempts: Int?
static var mockValidateCombinedChainKeepFailing = false
static var mockValidateCombinedChainFailureHeight: BlockHeight = 0
static var mockScanblocksSuccessRate: Float?
static var mockCreateToAddress: Int64?
static var rustBackend = ZcashRustBackend.self
static var consensusBranchID: Int32?
static func lastError() -> RustWeldingError? {
mockError ?? rustBackend.lastError()
static func getLastError() -> String? {
mockLastError ?? rustBackend.getLastError()
static func isValidShieldedAddress(_ address: String, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> Bool {
static func isValidTransparentAddress(_ address: String, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> Bool {
static func initDataDb(dbData: URL, networkType: NetworkType) throws {
if !mockDataDb {
try rustBackend.initDataDb(dbData: dbData, networkType: networkType)
static func initAccountsTable(dbData: URL, seed: [UInt8], accounts: Int32, networkType: NetworkType) -> [String]? {
mockAccounts ?? rustBackend.initAccountsTable(dbData: dbData, seed: seed, accounts: accounts, networkType: networkType)
static func initBlocksTable(
dbData: URL,
height: Int32,
hash: String,
time: UInt32,
saplingTree: String,
networkType: NetworkType
) throws {
if !mockDataDb {
try rustBackend.initBlocksTable(
dbData: dbData,
height: height,
hash: hash,
time: time,
saplingTree: saplingTree,
networkType: networkType
static func getAddress(dbData: URL, account: Int32, networkType: NetworkType) -> String? {
mockAddresses?[Int(account)] ?? rustBackend.getAddress(dbData: dbData, account: account, networkType: networkType)
static func getBalance(dbData: URL, account: Int32, networkType: NetworkType) -> Int64 {
mockBalance ?? rustBackend.getBalance(dbData: dbData, account: account, networkType: networkType)
static func getVerifiedBalance(dbData: URL, account: Int32, networkType: NetworkType) -> Int64 {
mockVerifiedBalance ?? rustBackend.getVerifiedBalance(dbData: dbData, account: account, networkType: networkType)
static func getReceivedMemoAsUTF8(dbData: URL, idNote: Int64, networkType: NetworkType) -> String? {
mockMemo ?? rustBackend.getReceivedMemoAsUTF8(dbData: dbData, idNote: idNote, networkType: networkType)
static func getSentMemoAsUTF8(dbData: URL, idNote: Int64, networkType: NetworkType) -> String? {
mockSentMemo ?? getSentMemoAsUTF8(dbData: dbData, idNote: idNote, networkType: networkType)
static func validateCombinedChain(dbCache: URL, dbData: URL, networkType: NetworkType) -> Int32 {
if let rate = self.mockValidateCombinedChainSuccessRate {
if shouldSucceed(successRate: rate) {
return validationResult(dbCache: dbCache, dbData: dbData, networkType: networkType)
} else {
return Int32(mockValidateCombinedChainFailureHeight)
} else if let attempts = self.mockValidateCombinedChainFailAfterAttempts {
self.mockValidateCombinedChainFailAfterAttempts = attempts - 1
if attempts > 0 {
return validationResult(dbCache: dbCache, dbData: dbData, networkType: networkType)
} else {
if attempts == 0 {
return Int32(mockValidateCombinedChainFailureHeight)
} else if attempts < 0 && mockValidateCombinedChainKeepFailing {
return Int32(mockValidateCombinedChainFailureHeight)
} else {
return validationResult(dbCache: dbCache, dbData: dbData, networkType: networkType)
return rustBackend.validateCombinedChain(dbCache: dbCache, dbData: dbData, networkType: networkType)
private static func validationResult(dbCache: URL, dbData: URL, networkType: NetworkType) -> Int32 {
if mockDataDb {
return -1
} else {
return rustBackend.validateCombinedChain(dbCache: dbCache, dbData: dbData, networkType: networkType)
static func rewindToHeight(dbData: URL, height: Int32, networkType: NetworkType) -> Bool {
mockDataDb ? true : rustBackend.rewindToHeight(dbData: dbData, height: height, networkType: networkType)
static func scanBlocks(dbCache: URL, dbData: URL, limit: UInt32, networkType: NetworkType) -> Bool {
if let rate = mockScanblocksSuccessRate {
if shouldSucceed(successRate: rate) {
return mockDataDb ? true : rustBackend.scanBlocks(dbCache: dbCache, dbData: dbData, networkType: networkType)
} else {
return false
return rustBackend.scanBlocks(dbCache: dbCache, dbData: dbData, networkType: Self.networkType)
static func createToAddress(
dbData: URL,
account: Int32,
extsk: String,
consensusBranchId: Int32,
to address: String,
value: Int64,
memo: String?,
spendParamsPath: String,
outputParamsPath: String,
networkType: NetworkType
) -> Int64 {
static func shouldSucceed(successRate: Float) -> Bool {
let random = Float.random(in: 0.0...1.0)
return random <= successRate
static func deriveExtendedFullViewingKey(_ spendingKey: String, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> String? {
static func deriveExtendedFullViewingKeys(seed: String, accounts: Int32, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> [String]? {
static func deriveExtendedSpendingKeys(seed: String, accounts: Int32, networkType: NetworkType) throws -> [String]? {
static func decryptAndStoreTransaction(dbData: URL, txBytes: [UInt8], minedHeight: Int32, networkType: NetworkType) -> Bool {