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[*] -> idle
idle -[#green,bold]-> migrateLegacyCacheDB
migrateLegacyCacheDB : MigrateLegacyCacheDBAction
migrateLegacyCacheDB -[#green,bold]-> validateServer
validateServer : ValidateServerAction
validateServer -[#green,bold]-> fetchUTXO
fetchUTXO : FetchUTXOAction
fetchUTXO -[#green,bold]-> handleSaplingParams
handleSaplingParams : SaplingParamsAction
handleSaplingParams -[#green,bold]-> updateSubtreeRoots
updateSubtreeRoots : UpdateSubtreeRootsAction
updateSubtreeRoots -[#green,bold]-> updateChainTip
updateChainTip : UpdateChainTipAction
updateChainTip -[#green,bold]-> clearCache : Every 10mins or after updateSubtreeRoots
updateChainTip -[#green,bold]-> download : Processing of scan range continues
processSuggestedScanRanges : ProcessSuggestedScanRangesAction
processSuggestedScanRanges -[#green,bold]-> download : Scan range available to process
processSuggestedScanRanges -[#green,bold]-> finished : Scan ranges FULLY processed
download : DownloadAction
download -[#green,bold]-> scan
scan : ScanAction
scan -[#green,bold]-> clearAlreadyScannedBlocks : All ok
scan -[#green,bold]-> rewind : continuity error
rewind : RewindAction
rewind -[#green,bold]-> processSuggestedScanRanges
clearAlreadyScannedBlocks : ClearAlreadyScannedBlocksAction
clearAlreadyScannedBlocks -[#green,bold]-> enhance
enhance : EnhanceAction
enhance -[#green,bold]-> updateChainTip : Range NOT finished
enhance -[#green,bold]-> clearCache : Range finished, clear cache and check the scan ranges
note right of enhance
Enhance transactions in batches of 1000
blocks. Dont't do it for each scan batch
which is usualy 100 blocks.
end note
clearCache : ClearCacheAction
clearCache -[#green,bold]-> processSuggestedScanRanges
finished --> [*]