
1361 lines
50 KiB

// swift-format-ignore-file
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.
// Source: service.proto
import GRPC
import NIO
import NIOConcurrencyHelpers
import SwiftProtobuf
/// Usage: instantiate `CompactTxStreamerClient`, then call methods of this protocol to make API calls.
internal protocol CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol: GRPCClient {
var serviceName: String { get }
var interceptors: CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol? { get }
func getLatestBlock(
_ request: ChainSpec,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> UnaryCall<ChainSpec, BlockID>
func getBlock(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> UnaryCall<BlockID, CompactBlock>
func getBlockNullifiers(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> UnaryCall<BlockID, CompactBlock>
func getBlockRange(
_ request: BlockRange,
callOptions: CallOptions?,
handler: @escaping (CompactBlock) -> Void
) -> ServerStreamingCall<BlockRange, CompactBlock>
func getBlockRangeNullifiers(
_ request: BlockRange,
callOptions: CallOptions?,
handler: @escaping (CompactBlock) -> Void
) -> ServerStreamingCall<BlockRange, CompactBlock>
func getTransaction(
_ request: TxFilter,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> UnaryCall<TxFilter, RawTransaction>
func sendTransaction(
_ request: RawTransaction,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> UnaryCall<RawTransaction, SendResponse>
func getTaddressTxids(
_ request: TransparentAddressBlockFilter,
callOptions: CallOptions?,
handler: @escaping (RawTransaction) -> Void
) -> ServerStreamingCall<TransparentAddressBlockFilter, RawTransaction>
func getTaddressBalance(
_ request: AddressList,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> UnaryCall<AddressList, Balance>
func getTaddressBalanceStream(
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> ClientStreamingCall<Address, Balance>
func getMempoolTx(
_ request: Exclude,
callOptions: CallOptions?,
handler: @escaping (CompactTx) -> Void
) -> ServerStreamingCall<Exclude, CompactTx>
func getMempoolStream(
_ request: Empty,
callOptions: CallOptions?,
handler: @escaping (RawTransaction) -> Void
) -> ServerStreamingCall<Empty, RawTransaction>
func getTreeState(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> UnaryCall<BlockID, TreeState>
func getLatestTreeState(
_ request: Empty,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> UnaryCall<Empty, TreeState>
func getSubtreeRoots(
_ request: GetSubtreeRootsArg,
callOptions: CallOptions?,
handler: @escaping (SubtreeRoot) -> Void
) -> ServerStreamingCall<GetSubtreeRootsArg, SubtreeRoot>
func getAddressUtxos(
_ request: GetAddressUtxosArg,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> UnaryCall<GetAddressUtxosArg, GetAddressUtxosReplyList>
func getAddressUtxosStream(
_ request: GetAddressUtxosArg,
callOptions: CallOptions?,
handler: @escaping (GetAddressUtxosReply) -> Void
) -> ServerStreamingCall<GetAddressUtxosArg, GetAddressUtxosReply>
func getLightdInfo(
_ request: Empty,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> UnaryCall<Empty, LightdInfo>
func ping(
_ request: Duration,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> UnaryCall<Duration, PingResponse>
extension CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol {
internal var serviceName: String {
return "cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer"
/// Return the height of the tip of the best chain
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to GetLatestBlock.
/// - callOptions: Call options.
/// - Returns: A `UnaryCall` with futures for the metadata, status and response.
internal func getLatestBlock(
_ request: ChainSpec,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> UnaryCall<ChainSpec, BlockID> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getLatestBlock.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetLatestBlockInterceptors() ?? []
/// Return the compact block corresponding to the given block identifier
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to GetBlock.
/// - callOptions: Call options.
/// - Returns: A `UnaryCall` with futures for the metadata, status and response.
internal func getBlock(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> UnaryCall<BlockID, CompactBlock> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getBlock.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetBlockInterceptors() ?? []
/// Same as GetBlock except actions contain only nullifiers
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to GetBlockNullifiers.
/// - callOptions: Call options.
/// - Returns: A `UnaryCall` with futures for the metadata, status and response.
internal func getBlockNullifiers(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> UnaryCall<BlockID, CompactBlock> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getBlockNullifiers.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetBlockNullifiersInterceptors() ?? []
/// Return a list of consecutive compact blocks
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to GetBlockRange.
/// - callOptions: Call options.
/// - handler: A closure called when each response is received from the server.
/// - Returns: A `ServerStreamingCall` with futures for the metadata and status.
internal func getBlockRange(
_ request: BlockRange,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil,
handler: @escaping (CompactBlock) -> Void
) -> ServerStreamingCall<BlockRange, CompactBlock> {
return self.makeServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getBlockRange.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetBlockRangeInterceptors() ?? [],
handler: handler
/// Same as GetBlockRange except actions contain only nullifiers
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to GetBlockRangeNullifiers.
/// - callOptions: Call options.
/// - handler: A closure called when each response is received from the server.
/// - Returns: A `ServerStreamingCall` with futures for the metadata and status.
internal func getBlockRangeNullifiers(
_ request: BlockRange,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil,
handler: @escaping (CompactBlock) -> Void
) -> ServerStreamingCall<BlockRange, CompactBlock> {
return self.makeServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getBlockRangeNullifiers.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetBlockRangeNullifiersInterceptors() ?? [],
handler: handler
/// Return the requested full (not compact) transaction (as from zcashd)
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to GetTransaction.
/// - callOptions: Call options.
/// - Returns: A `UnaryCall` with futures for the metadata, status and response.
internal func getTransaction(
_ request: TxFilter,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> UnaryCall<TxFilter, RawTransaction> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTransaction.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTransactionInterceptors() ?? []
/// Submit the given transaction to the Zcash network
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to SendTransaction.
/// - callOptions: Call options.
/// - Returns: A `UnaryCall` with futures for the metadata, status and response.
internal func sendTransaction(
_ request: RawTransaction,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> UnaryCall<RawTransaction, SendResponse> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.sendTransaction.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeSendTransactionInterceptors() ?? []
/// Return the txids corresponding to the given t-address within the given block range
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to GetTaddressTxids.
/// - callOptions: Call options.
/// - handler: A closure called when each response is received from the server.
/// - Returns: A `ServerStreamingCall` with futures for the metadata and status.
internal func getTaddressTxids(
_ request: TransparentAddressBlockFilter,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil,
handler: @escaping (RawTransaction) -> Void
) -> ServerStreamingCall<TransparentAddressBlockFilter, RawTransaction> {
return self.makeServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTaddressTxids.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTaddressTxidsInterceptors() ?? [],
handler: handler
/// Unary call to GetTaddressBalance
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to GetTaddressBalance.
/// - callOptions: Call options.
/// - Returns: A `UnaryCall` with futures for the metadata, status and response.
internal func getTaddressBalance(
_ request: AddressList,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> UnaryCall<AddressList, Balance> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTaddressBalance.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTaddressBalanceInterceptors() ?? []
/// Client streaming call to GetTaddressBalanceStream
/// Callers should use the `send` method on the returned object to send messages
/// to the server. The caller should send an `.end` after the final message has been sent.
/// - Parameters:
/// - callOptions: Call options.
/// - Returns: A `ClientStreamingCall` with futures for the metadata, status and response.
internal func getTaddressBalanceStream(
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> ClientStreamingCall<Address, Balance> {
return self.makeClientStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTaddressBalanceStream.path,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTaddressBalanceStreamInterceptors() ?? []
/// Return the compact transactions currently in the mempool; the results
/// can be a few seconds out of date. If the Exclude list is empty, return
/// all transactions; otherwise return all *except* those in the Exclude list
/// (if any); this allows the client to avoid receiving transactions that it
/// already has (from an earlier call to this rpc). The transaction IDs in the
/// Exclude list can be shortened to any number of bytes to make the request
/// more bandwidth-efficient; if two or more transactions in the mempool
/// match a shortened txid, they are all sent (none is excluded). Transactions
/// in the exclude list that don't exist in the mempool are ignored.
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to GetMempoolTx.
/// - callOptions: Call options.
/// - handler: A closure called when each response is received from the server.
/// - Returns: A `ServerStreamingCall` with futures for the metadata and status.
internal func getMempoolTx(
_ request: Exclude,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil,
handler: @escaping (CompactTx) -> Void
) -> ServerStreamingCall<Exclude, CompactTx> {
return self.makeServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getMempoolTx.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetMempoolTxInterceptors() ?? [],
handler: handler
/// Return a stream of current Mempool transactions. This will keep the output stream open while
/// there are mempool transactions. It will close the returned stream when a new block is mined.
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to GetMempoolStream.
/// - callOptions: Call options.
/// - handler: A closure called when each response is received from the server.
/// - Returns: A `ServerStreamingCall` with futures for the metadata and status.
internal func getMempoolStream(
_ request: Empty,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil,
handler: @escaping (RawTransaction) -> Void
) -> ServerStreamingCall<Empty, RawTransaction> {
return self.makeServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getMempoolStream.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetMempoolStreamInterceptors() ?? [],
handler: handler
/// GetTreeState returns the note commitment tree state corresponding to the given block.
/// See section 3.7 of the Zcash protocol specification. It returns several other useful
/// values also (even though they can be obtained using GetBlock).
/// The block can be specified by either height or hash.
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to GetTreeState.
/// - callOptions: Call options.
/// - Returns: A `UnaryCall` with futures for the metadata, status and response.
internal func getTreeState(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> UnaryCall<BlockID, TreeState> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTreeState.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTreeStateInterceptors() ?? []
/// Unary call to GetLatestTreeState
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to GetLatestTreeState.
/// - callOptions: Call options.
/// - Returns: A `UnaryCall` with futures for the metadata, status and response.
internal func getLatestTreeState(
_ request: Empty,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> UnaryCall<Empty, TreeState> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getLatestTreeState.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetLatestTreeStateInterceptors() ?? []
/// Returns a stream of information about roots of subtrees of the Sapling and Orchard
/// note commitment trees.
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to GetSubtreeRoots.
/// - callOptions: Call options.
/// - handler: A closure called when each response is received from the server.
/// - Returns: A `ServerStreamingCall` with futures for the metadata and status.
internal func getSubtreeRoots(
_ request: GetSubtreeRootsArg,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil,
handler: @escaping (SubtreeRoot) -> Void
) -> ServerStreamingCall<GetSubtreeRootsArg, SubtreeRoot> {
return self.makeServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getSubtreeRoots.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetSubtreeRootsInterceptors() ?? [],
handler: handler
/// Unary call to GetAddressUtxos
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to GetAddressUtxos.
/// - callOptions: Call options.
/// - Returns: A `UnaryCall` with futures for the metadata, status and response.
internal func getAddressUtxos(
_ request: GetAddressUtxosArg,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> UnaryCall<GetAddressUtxosArg, GetAddressUtxosReplyList> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getAddressUtxos.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetAddressUtxosInterceptors() ?? []
/// Server streaming call to GetAddressUtxosStream
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to GetAddressUtxosStream.
/// - callOptions: Call options.
/// - handler: A closure called when each response is received from the server.
/// - Returns: A `ServerStreamingCall` with futures for the metadata and status.
internal func getAddressUtxosStream(
_ request: GetAddressUtxosArg,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil,
handler: @escaping (GetAddressUtxosReply) -> Void
) -> ServerStreamingCall<GetAddressUtxosArg, GetAddressUtxosReply> {
return self.makeServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getAddressUtxosStream.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetAddressUtxosStreamInterceptors() ?? [],
handler: handler
/// Return information about this lightwalletd instance and the blockchain
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to GetLightdInfo.
/// - callOptions: Call options.
/// - Returns: A `UnaryCall` with futures for the metadata, status and response.
internal func getLightdInfo(
_ request: Empty,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> UnaryCall<Empty, LightdInfo> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getLightdInfo.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetLightdInfoInterceptors() ?? []
/// Testing-only, requires lightwalletd --ping-very-insecure (do not enable in production)
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: Request to send to Ping.
/// - callOptions: Call options.
/// - Returns: A `UnaryCall` with futures for the metadata, status and response.
internal func ping(
_ request: Duration,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> UnaryCall<Duration, PingResponse> {
return self.makeUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.ping.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makePingInterceptors() ?? []
@available(*, deprecated)
extension CompactTxStreamerClient: @unchecked Sendable {}
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "CompactTxStreamerNIOClient")
internal final class CompactTxStreamerClient: CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol {
private let lock = Lock()
private var _defaultCallOptions: CallOptions
private var _interceptors: CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol?
internal let channel: GRPCChannel
internal var defaultCallOptions: CallOptions {
get { self.lock.withLock { return self._defaultCallOptions } }
set { self.lock.withLockVoid { self._defaultCallOptions = newValue } }
internal var interceptors: CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol? {
get { self.lock.withLock { return self._interceptors } }
set { self.lock.withLockVoid { self._interceptors = newValue } }
/// Creates a client for the cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer service.
/// - Parameters:
/// - channel: `GRPCChannel` to the service host.
/// - defaultCallOptions: Options to use for each service call if the user doesn't provide them.
/// - interceptors: A factory providing interceptors for each RPC.
internal init(
channel: GRPCChannel,
defaultCallOptions: CallOptions = CallOptions(),
interceptors: CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol? = nil
) {
self.channel = channel
self._defaultCallOptions = defaultCallOptions
self._interceptors = interceptors
internal struct CompactTxStreamerNIOClient: CompactTxStreamerClientProtocol {
internal var channel: GRPCChannel
internal var defaultCallOptions: CallOptions
internal var interceptors: CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol?
/// Creates a client for the cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer service.
/// - Parameters:
/// - channel: `GRPCChannel` to the service host.
/// - defaultCallOptions: Options to use for each service call if the user doesn't provide them.
/// - interceptors: A factory providing interceptors for each RPC.
internal init(
channel: GRPCChannel,
defaultCallOptions: CallOptions = CallOptions(),
interceptors: CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol? = nil
) {
self.channel = channel
self.defaultCallOptions = defaultCallOptions
self.interceptors = interceptors
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *)
internal protocol CompactTxStreamerAsyncClientProtocol: GRPCClient {
static var serviceDescriptor: GRPCServiceDescriptor { get }
var interceptors: CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol? { get }
func makeGetLatestBlockCall(
_ request: ChainSpec,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<ChainSpec, BlockID>
func makeGetBlockCall(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<BlockID, CompactBlock>
func makeGetBlockNullifiersCall(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<BlockID, CompactBlock>
func makeGetBlockRangeCall(
_ request: BlockRange,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<BlockRange, CompactBlock>
func makeGetBlockRangeNullifiersCall(
_ request: BlockRange,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<BlockRange, CompactBlock>
func makeGetTransactionCall(
_ request: TxFilter,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<TxFilter, RawTransaction>
func makeSendTransactionCall(
_ request: RawTransaction,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<RawTransaction, SendResponse>
func makeGetTaddressTxidsCall(
_ request: TransparentAddressBlockFilter,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<TransparentAddressBlockFilter, RawTransaction>
func makeGetTaddressBalanceCall(
_ request: AddressList,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<AddressList, Balance>
func makeGetTaddressBalanceStreamCall(
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncClientStreamingCall<Address, Balance>
func makeGetMempoolTxCall(
_ request: Exclude,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<Exclude, CompactTx>
func makeGetMempoolStreamCall(
_ request: Empty,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<Empty, RawTransaction>
func makeGetTreeStateCall(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<BlockID, TreeState>
func makeGetLatestTreeStateCall(
_ request: Empty,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<Empty, TreeState>
func makeGetSubtreeRootsCall(
_ request: GetSubtreeRootsArg,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<GetSubtreeRootsArg, SubtreeRoot>
func makeGetAddressUtxosCall(
_ request: GetAddressUtxosArg,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<GetAddressUtxosArg, GetAddressUtxosReplyList>
func makeGetAddressUtxosStreamCall(
_ request: GetAddressUtxosArg,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<GetAddressUtxosArg, GetAddressUtxosReply>
func makeGetLightdInfoCall(
_ request: Empty,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<Empty, LightdInfo>
func makePingCall(
_ request: Duration,
callOptions: CallOptions?
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<Duration, PingResponse>
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *)
extension CompactTxStreamerAsyncClientProtocol {
internal static var serviceDescriptor: GRPCServiceDescriptor {
return CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.serviceDescriptor
internal var interceptors: CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol? {
return nil
internal func makeGetLatestBlockCall(
_ request: ChainSpec,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<ChainSpec, BlockID> {
return self.makeAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getLatestBlock.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetLatestBlockInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetBlockCall(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<BlockID, CompactBlock> {
return self.makeAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getBlock.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetBlockInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetBlockNullifiersCall(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<BlockID, CompactBlock> {
return self.makeAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getBlockNullifiers.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetBlockNullifiersInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetBlockRangeCall(
_ request: BlockRange,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<BlockRange, CompactBlock> {
return self.makeAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getBlockRange.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetBlockRangeInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetBlockRangeNullifiersCall(
_ request: BlockRange,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<BlockRange, CompactBlock> {
return self.makeAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getBlockRangeNullifiers.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetBlockRangeNullifiersInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetTransactionCall(
_ request: TxFilter,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<TxFilter, RawTransaction> {
return self.makeAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTransaction.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTransactionInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeSendTransactionCall(
_ request: RawTransaction,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<RawTransaction, SendResponse> {
return self.makeAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.sendTransaction.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeSendTransactionInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetTaddressTxidsCall(
_ request: TransparentAddressBlockFilter,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<TransparentAddressBlockFilter, RawTransaction> {
return self.makeAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTaddressTxids.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTaddressTxidsInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetTaddressBalanceCall(
_ request: AddressList,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<AddressList, Balance> {
return self.makeAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTaddressBalance.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTaddressBalanceInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetTaddressBalanceStreamCall(
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncClientStreamingCall<Address, Balance> {
return self.makeAsyncClientStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTaddressBalanceStream.path,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTaddressBalanceStreamInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetMempoolTxCall(
_ request: Exclude,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<Exclude, CompactTx> {
return self.makeAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getMempoolTx.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetMempoolTxInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetMempoolStreamCall(
_ request: Empty,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<Empty, RawTransaction> {
return self.makeAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getMempoolStream.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetMempoolStreamInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetTreeStateCall(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<BlockID, TreeState> {
return self.makeAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTreeState.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTreeStateInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetLatestTreeStateCall(
_ request: Empty,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<Empty, TreeState> {
return self.makeAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getLatestTreeState.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetLatestTreeStateInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetSubtreeRootsCall(
_ request: GetSubtreeRootsArg,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<GetSubtreeRootsArg, SubtreeRoot> {
return self.makeAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getSubtreeRoots.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetSubtreeRootsInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetAddressUtxosCall(
_ request: GetAddressUtxosArg,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<GetAddressUtxosArg, GetAddressUtxosReplyList> {
return self.makeAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getAddressUtxos.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetAddressUtxosInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetAddressUtxosStreamCall(
_ request: GetAddressUtxosArg,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncServerStreamingCall<GetAddressUtxosArg, GetAddressUtxosReply> {
return self.makeAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getAddressUtxosStream.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetAddressUtxosStreamInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makeGetLightdInfoCall(
_ request: Empty,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<Empty, LightdInfo> {
return self.makeAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getLightdInfo.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetLightdInfoInterceptors() ?? []
internal func makePingCall(
_ request: Duration,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncUnaryCall<Duration, PingResponse> {
return self.makeAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.ping.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makePingInterceptors() ?? []
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *)
extension CompactTxStreamerAsyncClientProtocol {
internal func getLatestBlock(
_ request: ChainSpec,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> BlockID {
return try await self.performAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getLatestBlock.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetLatestBlockInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getBlock(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> CompactBlock {
return try await self.performAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getBlock.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetBlockInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getBlockNullifiers(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> CompactBlock {
return try await self.performAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getBlockNullifiers.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetBlockNullifiersInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getBlockRange(
_ request: BlockRange,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncResponseStream<CompactBlock> {
return self.performAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getBlockRange.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetBlockRangeInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getBlockRangeNullifiers(
_ request: BlockRange,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncResponseStream<CompactBlock> {
return self.performAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getBlockRangeNullifiers.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetBlockRangeNullifiersInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getTransaction(
_ request: TxFilter,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> RawTransaction {
return try await self.performAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTransaction.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTransactionInterceptors() ?? []
internal func sendTransaction(
_ request: RawTransaction,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> SendResponse {
return try await self.performAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.sendTransaction.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeSendTransactionInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getTaddressTxids(
_ request: TransparentAddressBlockFilter,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncResponseStream<RawTransaction> {
return self.performAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTaddressTxids.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTaddressTxidsInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getTaddressBalance(
_ request: AddressList,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> Balance {
return try await self.performAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTaddressBalance.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTaddressBalanceInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getTaddressBalanceStream<RequestStream>(
_ requests: RequestStream,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> Balance where RequestStream: Sequence, RequestStream.Element == Address {
return try await self.performAsyncClientStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTaddressBalanceStream.path,
requests: requests,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTaddressBalanceStreamInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getTaddressBalanceStream<RequestStream>(
_ requests: RequestStream,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> Balance where RequestStream: AsyncSequence & Sendable, RequestStream.Element == Address {
return try await self.performAsyncClientStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTaddressBalanceStream.path,
requests: requests,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTaddressBalanceStreamInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getMempoolTx(
_ request: Exclude,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncResponseStream<CompactTx> {
return self.performAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getMempoolTx.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetMempoolTxInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getMempoolStream(
_ request: Empty,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncResponseStream<RawTransaction> {
return self.performAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getMempoolStream.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetMempoolStreamInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getTreeState(
_ request: BlockID,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> TreeState {
return try await self.performAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getTreeState.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetTreeStateInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getLatestTreeState(
_ request: Empty,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> TreeState {
return try await self.performAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getLatestTreeState.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetLatestTreeStateInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getSubtreeRoots(
_ request: GetSubtreeRootsArg,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncResponseStream<SubtreeRoot> {
return self.performAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getSubtreeRoots.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetSubtreeRootsInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getAddressUtxos(
_ request: GetAddressUtxosArg,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> GetAddressUtxosReplyList {
return try await self.performAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getAddressUtxos.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetAddressUtxosInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getAddressUtxosStream(
_ request: GetAddressUtxosArg,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) -> GRPCAsyncResponseStream<GetAddressUtxosReply> {
return self.performAsyncServerStreamingCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getAddressUtxosStream.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetAddressUtxosStreamInterceptors() ?? []
internal func getLightdInfo(
_ request: Empty,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> LightdInfo {
return try await self.performAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.getLightdInfo.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makeGetLightdInfoInterceptors() ?? []
internal func ping(
_ request: Duration,
callOptions: CallOptions? = nil
) async throws -> PingResponse {
return try await self.performAsyncUnaryCall(
path: CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata.Methods.ping.path,
request: request,
callOptions: callOptions ?? self.defaultCallOptions,
interceptors: self.interceptors?.makePingInterceptors() ?? []
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *)
internal struct CompactTxStreamerAsyncClient: CompactTxStreamerAsyncClientProtocol {
internal var channel: GRPCChannel
internal var defaultCallOptions: CallOptions
internal var interceptors: CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol?
internal init(
channel: GRPCChannel,
defaultCallOptions: CallOptions = CallOptions(),
interceptors: CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol? = nil
) {
self.channel = channel
self.defaultCallOptions = defaultCallOptions
self.interceptors = interceptors
internal protocol CompactTxStreamerClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol: Sendable {
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getLatestBlock'.
func makeGetLatestBlockInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<ChainSpec, BlockID>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getBlock'.
func makeGetBlockInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<BlockID, CompactBlock>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getBlockNullifiers'.
func makeGetBlockNullifiersInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<BlockID, CompactBlock>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getBlockRange'.
func makeGetBlockRangeInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<BlockRange, CompactBlock>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getBlockRangeNullifiers'.
func makeGetBlockRangeNullifiersInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<BlockRange, CompactBlock>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getTransaction'.
func makeGetTransactionInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<TxFilter, RawTransaction>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'sendTransaction'.
func makeSendTransactionInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<RawTransaction, SendResponse>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getTaddressTxids'.
func makeGetTaddressTxidsInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<TransparentAddressBlockFilter, RawTransaction>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getTaddressBalance'.
func makeGetTaddressBalanceInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<AddressList, Balance>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getTaddressBalanceStream'.
func makeGetTaddressBalanceStreamInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Address, Balance>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getMempoolTx'.
func makeGetMempoolTxInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Exclude, CompactTx>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getMempoolStream'.
func makeGetMempoolStreamInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Empty, RawTransaction>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getTreeState'.
func makeGetTreeStateInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<BlockID, TreeState>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getLatestTreeState'.
func makeGetLatestTreeStateInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Empty, TreeState>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getSubtreeRoots'.
func makeGetSubtreeRootsInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<GetSubtreeRootsArg, SubtreeRoot>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getAddressUtxos'.
func makeGetAddressUtxosInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<GetAddressUtxosArg, GetAddressUtxosReplyList>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getAddressUtxosStream'.
func makeGetAddressUtxosStreamInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<GetAddressUtxosArg, GetAddressUtxosReply>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'getLightdInfo'.
func makeGetLightdInfoInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Empty, LightdInfo>]
/// - Returns: Interceptors to use when invoking 'ping'.
func makePingInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Duration, PingResponse>]
internal enum CompactTxStreamerClientMetadata {
internal static let serviceDescriptor = GRPCServiceDescriptor(
name: "CompactTxStreamer",
fullName: "cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer",
methods: [
internal enum Methods {
internal static let getLatestBlock = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetLatestBlock",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetLatestBlock",
type: GRPCCallType.unary
internal static let getBlock = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetBlock",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetBlock",
type: GRPCCallType.unary
internal static let getBlockNullifiers = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetBlockNullifiers",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetBlockNullifiers",
type: GRPCCallType.unary
internal static let getBlockRange = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetBlockRange",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetBlockRange",
type: GRPCCallType.serverStreaming
internal static let getBlockRangeNullifiers = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetBlockRangeNullifiers",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetBlockRangeNullifiers",
type: GRPCCallType.serverStreaming
internal static let getTransaction = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetTransaction",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetTransaction",
type: GRPCCallType.unary
internal static let sendTransaction = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "SendTransaction",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/SendTransaction",
type: GRPCCallType.unary
internal static let getTaddressTxids = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetTaddressTxids",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetTaddressTxids",
type: GRPCCallType.serverStreaming
internal static let getTaddressBalance = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetTaddressBalance",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetTaddressBalance",
type: GRPCCallType.unary
internal static let getTaddressBalanceStream = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetTaddressBalanceStream",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetTaddressBalanceStream",
type: GRPCCallType.clientStreaming
internal static let getMempoolTx = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetMempoolTx",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetMempoolTx",
type: GRPCCallType.serverStreaming
internal static let getMempoolStream = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetMempoolStream",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetMempoolStream",
type: GRPCCallType.serverStreaming
internal static let getTreeState = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetTreeState",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetTreeState",
type: GRPCCallType.unary
internal static let getLatestTreeState = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetLatestTreeState",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetLatestTreeState",
type: GRPCCallType.unary
internal static let getSubtreeRoots = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetSubtreeRoots",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetSubtreeRoots",
type: GRPCCallType.serverStreaming
internal static let getAddressUtxos = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetAddressUtxos",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetAddressUtxos",
type: GRPCCallType.unary
internal static let getAddressUtxosStream = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetAddressUtxosStream",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetAddressUtxosStream",
type: GRPCCallType.serverStreaming
internal static let getLightdInfo = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "GetLightdInfo",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetLightdInfo",
type: GRPCCallType.unary
internal static let ping = GRPCMethodDescriptor(
name: "Ping",
path: "/cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/Ping",
type: GRPCCallType.unary