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// DerivationTool.swift
// Pods
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 10/8/20.
import Foundation
public protocol KeyValidation {
func isValidExtendedViewingKey(_ extvk: String) throws -> Bool
func isValidTransparentAddress(_ tAddress: String) throws -> Bool
func isValidShieldedAddress(_ zAddress: String) throws -> Bool
public protocol KeyDeriving {
Given a seed and a number of accounts, return the associated viewing keys.
- Parameter seed: the seed from which to derive viewing keys.
- Parameter numberOfAccounts: the number of accounts to use. Multiple accounts are not fully
supported so the default value of 1 is recommended.
- Returns: the viewing keys that correspond to the seed, formatted as Strings.
func deriveViewingKeys(seed: [UInt8], numberOfAccounts: Int) throws -> [String]
Given a spending key, return the associated viewing key.
- Parameter spendingKey: the key from which to derive the viewing key.
- Returns: the viewing key that corresponds to the spending key.
func deriveViewingKey(spendingKey: String) throws -> String
Given a seed and a number of accounts, return the associated spending keys.
- Parameter seed: the seed from which to derive spending keys.
- Parameter numberOfAccounts: the number of accounts to use. Multiple accounts are not fully
supported so the default value of 1 is recommended.
- Returns: the spending keys that correspond to the seed, formatted as Strings.
func deriveSpendingKeys(seed: [UInt8], numberOfAccounts: Int) throws -> [String]
Given a seed and account index, return the associated unified address.
- Parameter seed: the seed from which to derive the address.
- Parameter accountIndex: the index of the account to use for deriving the address. Multiple
accounts are not fully supported so the default value of 1 is recommended.
- Returns: the address that corresponds to the seed and account index.
func deriveUnifiedAddress(seed: [UInt8], accountIndex: Int) throws -> String
Given a unified viewing key string, return the associated unified address.
- Parameter viewingKey: the viewing key to use for deriving the address. The viewing key is tied to
a specific account so no account index is required.
- Returns: the address that corresponds to the viewing key.
func deriveUnifiedAddress(viewingKey: String) throws -> String
Derives a transparent address from seedbytes, specifying account and index
func deriveTransparentAddress(seed: [UInt8], account: Int, index: Int) throws -> String
Derives the account private key to spend transparent funds from a specific seed and account
func deriveTransparentAccountPrivateKey(seed: [UInt8], account: Int) throws -> String
Derives a transparent address from the given transparent account private key
func deriveTransparentAddressFromAccountPrivateKey(_ xprv: String, index: Int) throws -> String
func deriveTransparentAddressFromPublicKey(_ pubkey: String) throws -> String
derives unified full viewing keys from seedbytes, specifying a number of accounts
- Returns an array of unified viewing key tuples.
func deriveUnifiedFullViewingKeysFromSeed(_ seed: [UInt8], numberOfAccounts: Int) throws -> [UnifiedFullViewingKey]
derives a Unified Address from a Unified Full Viewing Key
func deriveUnifiedAddressFromUnifiedFullViewingKey(_ ufvk: UnifiedFullViewingKey) throws -> UnifiedAddress
public enum KeyDerivationErrors: Error {
case derivationError(underlyingError: Error)
case unableToDerive
case invalidInput
public class DerivationTool: KeyDeriving {
var rustwelding: ZcashRustBackendWelding.Type = ZcashRustBackend.self
var networkType: NetworkType
public init(networkType: NetworkType) {
self.networkType = networkType
Given a seed and a number of accounts, return the associated viewing keys.
- Parameter seed: the seed from which to derive viewing keys.
- Parameter numberOfAccounts: the number of accounts to use. Multiple accounts are not fully
supported so the default value of 1 is recommended.
- Returns: the viewing keys that correspond to the seed, formatted as Strings.
public func deriveViewingKeys(seed: [UInt8], numberOfAccounts: Int) throws -> [String] {
guard numberOfAccounts > 0, let numberOfAccounts = Int32(exactly: numberOfAccounts) else {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.invalidInput
do {
let ufvks = try rustwelding.deriveUnifiedFullViewingKeyFromSeed(seed, numberOfAccounts: numberOfAccounts, networkType: networkType)
var keys: [String] = []
for ufvk in ufvks {
return keys
} catch {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.derivationError(underlyingError: error)
Given a spending key, return the associated viewing key.
- Parameter spendingKey: the key from which to derive the viewing key.
- Returns: the viewing key that corresponds to the spending key.
public func deriveViewingKey(spendingKey: String) throws -> String {
do {
guard let key = try rustwelding.deriveExtendedFullViewingKey(spendingKey, networkType: networkType) else {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.unableToDerive
return key
} catch {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.derivationError(underlyingError: error)
Given a seed and a number of accounts, return the associated spending keys.
- Parameter seed: the seed from which to derive spending keys.
- Parameter numberOfAccounts: the number of accounts to use. Multiple accounts are not fully
supported so the default value of 1 is recommended.
- Returns: the spending keys that correspond to the seed, formatted as Strings.
public func deriveSpendingKeys(seed: [UInt8], numberOfAccounts: Int) throws -> [String] {
guard numberOfAccounts > 0, let numberOfAccounts = Int32(exactly: numberOfAccounts) else {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.invalidInput
do {
guard let keys = try rustwelding.deriveExtendedSpendingKeys(seed: seed, accounts: numberOfAccounts, networkType: networkType) else {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.unableToDerive
return keys
} catch {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.derivationError(underlyingError: error)
Given a seed and account index, return the associated unified address.
- Parameter seed: the seed from which to derive the address.
- Parameter accountIndex: the index of the account to use for deriving the address. Multiple
accounts are not fully supported so the default value of 1 is recommended.
- Returns: the address that corresponds to the seed and account index.
public func deriveUnifiedAddress(seed: [UInt8], accountIndex: Int) throws -> String {
guard accountIndex >= 0, let accountIndex = Int32(exactly: accountIndex) else {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.invalidInput
do {
guard let address = try rustwelding.deriveUnifiedAddressFromSeed(seed: seed, accountIndex: accountIndex, networkType: networkType) else {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.unableToDerive
return address
} catch {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.derivationError(underlyingError: error)
Given a unified viewing key string, return the associated unified address.
- Parameter viewingKey: the viewing key to use for deriving the address. The viewing key is tied to
a specific account so no account index is required.
- Returns: the address that corresponds to the viewing key.
public func deriveUnifiedAddress(viewingKey: String) throws -> String {
do {
guard let zaddr = try rustwelding.deriveUnifiedAddressFromViewingKey(viewingKey, networkType: networkType) else {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.unableToDerive
return zaddr
} catch {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.derivationError(underlyingError: error)
public func deriveTransparentAddress(seed: [UInt8], account: Int = 0, index: Int = 0) throws -> String {
do {
guard let zaddr = try rustwelding.deriveTransparentAddressFromSeed(
seed: seed,
account: account,
index: index,
networkType: networkType
) else {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.unableToDerive
return zaddr
} catch {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.derivationError(underlyingError: error)
public func deriveUnifiedFullViewingKeysFromSeed(_ seed: [UInt8], numberOfAccounts: Int) throws -> [UnifiedFullViewingKey] {
guard numberOfAccounts > 0, let numberOfAccounts = Int32(exactly: numberOfAccounts) else {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.invalidInput
do {
return try rustwelding.deriveUnifiedFullViewingKeyFromSeed(seed, numberOfAccounts: numberOfAccounts, networkType: networkType)
} catch {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.derivationError(underlyingError: error)
derives a Unified Address from a Unified Full Viewing Key
public func deriveUnifiedAddressFromUnifiedFullViewingKey(_ ufvk: UnifiedFullViewingKey) throws -> UnifiedAddress {
do {
let encoding = try deriveUnifiedAddress(viewingKey: ufvk.encoding)
return ConcreteUnifiedAddress(encoding: encoding)
} catch {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.unableToDerive
public func deriveTransparentAddressFromPublicKey(_ pubkey: String) throws -> String {
guard !pubkey.isEmpty else {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.invalidInput
do {
return try rustwelding.derivedTransparentAddressFromPublicKey(pubkey, networkType: networkType)
} catch {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.derivationError(underlyingError: error)
Derives the transparent funds account private key from the given seed
- Throws:
- KeyDerivationErrors.derivationError with the underlying error when it fails
- KeyDerivationErrors.unableToDerive when there's an unknown error
public func deriveTransparentAccountPrivateKey(seed: [UInt8], account: Int = 0) throws -> String {
do {
guard let seedKey = try rustwelding.deriveTransparentAccountPrivateKeyFromSeed(
seed: seed,
account: account,
networkType: networkType
) else {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.unableToDerive
return seedKey
} catch {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.derivationError(underlyingError: error)
extension DerivationTool: KeyValidation {
public func isValidExtendedViewingKey(_ extvk: String) throws -> Bool {
do {
return try rustwelding.isValidExtendedFullViewingKey(extvk, networkType: networkType)
} catch {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.derivationError(underlyingError: error)
public func isValidTransparentAddress(_ tAddress: String) throws -> Bool {
do {
return try rustwelding.isValidTransparentAddress(tAddress, networkType: networkType)
} catch {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.derivationError(underlyingError: error)
public func isValidShieldedAddress(_ zAddress: String) throws -> Bool {
do {
return try rustwelding.isValidShieldedAddress(zAddress, networkType: networkType)
} catch {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.derivationError(underlyingError: error)
Derives the transparent address from an account private key
- Throws:
- KeyDerivationErrors.derivationError with the underlying error when it fails
- KeyDerivationErrors.unableToDerive when there's an unknown error
public func deriveTransparentAddressFromAccountPrivateKey(_ xprv: String, index: Int) throws -> String {
do {
guard let tAddr = try rustwelding.deriveTransparentAddressFromAccountPrivateKey(xprv, index: index, networkType: networkType) else {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.unableToDerive
return tAddr
} catch {
throw KeyDerivationErrors.derivationError(underlyingError: error)
private struct ConcreteUnifiedAddress: UnifiedAddress {
var encoding: String