
222 lines
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// Z2TReceiveTests.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit-Unit-Tests
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 8/4/21.
import Combine
import XCTest
@testable import TestUtils
@testable import ZcashLightClientKit
class Z2TReceiveTests: ZcashTestCase {
let testRecipientAddress = "t1dRJRY7GmyeykJnMH38mdQoaZtFhn1QmGz"
let sendAmount: Int64 = 1000
var birthday: BlockHeight = 663150
let defaultLatestHeight: BlockHeight = 663175
var coordinator: TestCoordinator!
var syncedExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "synced")
var sentTransactionExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "sent")
var foundTransactionsExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "found transactions")
let branchID = "2bb40e60"
let chainName = "main"
var cancellables: [AnyCancellable] = []
let network = DarksideWalletDNetwork()
override func setUp() async throws {
try await super.setUp()
self.coordinator = try await TestCoordinator(
container: mockContainer,
walletBirthday: birthday,
network: network
try await coordinator.reset(saplingActivation: 663150, startSaplingTreeSize: 128607, startOrchardTreeSize: 0, branchID: self.branchID, chainName: self.chainName)
override func tearDown() async throws {
try await super.tearDown()
let coordinator = self.coordinator!
self.coordinator = nil
cancellables = []
try await coordinator.stop()
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: coordinator.databases.fsCacheDbRoot)
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: coordinator.databases.dataDB)
func subscribeToFoundTransactions() {
.filter { event in
guard case .foundTransactions = event else { return false }
return true
.sink(receiveValue: { [weak self] _ in self?.self.foundTransactionsExpectation.fulfill() })
.store(in: &cancellables)
func testSendingZ2TWithMemoFails() async throws {
try FakeChainBuilder.buildChain(darksideWallet: self.coordinator.service, branchID: branchID, chainName: chainName)
let receivedTxHeight: BlockHeight = 663188
2. applyStaged(received_Tx_height)
try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: receivedTxHeight)
let preTxExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "pre receive")
3. sync up to received_Tx_height
do {
try await coordinator.sync(
completion: { _ in
error: self.handleError
} catch {
await handleError(error)
await fulfillment(of: [preTxExpectation, foundTransactionsExpectation], timeout: 5)
let sendExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "sendToAddress")
let sendAmount = Zatoshi(10000)
4. create transaction
do {
_ = try await coordinator.synchronizer.sendToAddress(
spendingKey: coordinator.spendingKey,
zatoshi: sendAmount,
toAddress: try! Recipient(testRecipientAddress, network: self.network.networkType),
memo: try Memo(string: "test transaction")
XCTFail("Should have thrown error")
} catch {
guard case ZcashError.synchronizerSendMemoToTransparentAddress = error else {
XCTFail("expected SynchronizerError.genericError(\"Memos can't be sent to transparent addresses.\") but received \(error)")
func testFoundTransactions() async throws {
try FakeChainBuilder.buildChain(darksideWallet: self.coordinator.service, branchID: branchID, chainName: chainName)
let receivedTxHeight: BlockHeight = 663188
2. applyStaged(received_Tx_height)
try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: receivedTxHeight)
let preTxExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "pre receive")
3. sync up to received_Tx_height
do {
try await coordinator.sync(
completion: { _ in
error: self.handleError
} catch {
await handleError(error)
await fulfillment(of: [preTxExpectation, foundTransactionsExpectation], timeout: 5)
let sendExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "sendToAddress")
var pendingEntity: ZcashTransaction.Overview?
var testError: Error?
let sendAmount = Zatoshi(10000)
4. create transaction
do {
let pending = try await coordinator.synchronizer.sendToAddress(
spendingKey: coordinator.spendingKey,
zatoshi: sendAmount,
toAddress: try! Recipient(testRecipientAddress, network: self.network.networkType),
memo: nil
pendingEntity = pending
} catch {
testError = error
await fulfillment(of: [sendExpectation], timeout: 12)
guard pendingEntity != nil else {
XCTFail("error sending to address. Error: \(String(describing: testError))")
5. stage 10 empty blocks
try coordinator.stageBlockCreate(height: receivedTxHeight + 1, count: 10)
let sentTxHeight = receivedTxHeight + 1
6. stage sent tx at sentTxHeight
guard let sentTx = try coordinator.getIncomingTransactions()?.first else {
XCTFail("sent transaction not present on Darksidewalletd")
try coordinator.stageTransaction(sentTx, at: sentTxHeight)
6a. applyheight(sentTxHeight + 1 )
try coordinator.applyStaged(blockheight: sentTxHeight + 1)
self.foundTransactionsExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "inbound expectation")
7. sync to sentTxHeight + 1
let sentTxSyncExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "sent tx sync expectation")
do {
try await coordinator.sync(
completion: { synchronizer in
let pMinedHeight = await synchronizer.pendingTransactions.first?.minedHeight
XCTAssertEqual(pMinedHeight, sentTxHeight)
error: self.handleError
} catch {
await handleError(error)
await fulfillment(of: [sentTxSyncExpectation, foundTransactionsExpectation], timeout: 5)
func handleError(_ error: Error?) async {
_ = try? await coordinator.stop()
guard let testError = error else {
XCTFail("failed with nil error")
XCTFail("Failed with error: \(testError)")