
293 lines
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// CompactBlockDownloadOperation.swift
// ZcashLightClientKit
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 10/16/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Electric Coin Company. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
class CompactBlockDownloadOperation: ZcashOperation {
override var isConcurrent: Bool { false }
override var isAsynchronous: Bool { false }
private var downloader: CompactBlockDownloading
private var range: CompactBlockRange
required init(downloader: CompactBlockDownloading, range: CompactBlockRange) {
self.range = range
self.downloader = downloader
self.name = "Download Operation: \(range)"
override func main() {
guard !shouldCancel() else {
do {
try downloader.downloadBlockRange(range)
} catch {
self.error = error
protocol CompactBlockProgressDelegate: AnyObject {
func progressUpdated(_ progress: CompactBlockProgress)
class CompactBlockStreamDownloadOperation: ZcashOperation {
enum CompactBlockStreamDownloadOperationError: Error {
case startHeightMissing
override var isConcurrent: Bool { false }
override var isAsynchronous: Bool { false }
private var storage: CompactBlockStorage
private var service: LightWalletService
private var done = false
private var cancelable: CancellableCall?
private var cancelableTask: Task<Void, Error>?
private var startHeight: BlockHeight?
private var targetHeight: BlockHeight?
private var blockBufferSize: Int
private var buffer: [ZcashCompactBlock] = []
private weak var progressDelegate: CompactBlockProgressDelegate?
/// Creates an Compact Block Stream Download Operation Operation
/// - Parameters:
/// - service: instance that conforms to `LightWalletService`
/// - storage: instance that conforms to `CompactBlockStorage`
/// - blockBufferSize: the number of blocks that the stream downloader will store in memory
/// before writing them to disk. Making this number smaller makes the downloader easier on RAM
/// memory while being less efficient on disk writes. Making it bigger takes up more RAM memory
/// but is less straining on Disk Writes. Too little or too big buffer will make this less efficient.
/// - startHeight: the height this downloader will start downloading from. If `nil`,
/// it will start from the latest height found on the local cacheDb
/// - targetHeight: the upper bound for this stream download. If `nil`, the
/// streamer will call `service.latestBlockHeight()`
/// - progressDelegate: Optional delegate to report ongoing progress conforming to
/// `CompactBlockProgressDelegate`
required init(
service: LightWalletService,
storage: CompactBlockStorage,
blockBufferSize: Int,
startHeight: BlockHeight? = nil,
targetHeight: BlockHeight? = nil,
progressDelegate: CompactBlockProgressDelegate? = nil
) {
self.storage = storage
self.service = service
self.startHeight = startHeight
self.targetHeight = targetHeight
self.progressDelegate = progressDelegate
self.blockBufferSize = blockBufferSize
self.name = "Download Stream Operation"
override func main() {
guard !shouldCancel() else {
do {
if self.targetHeight == nil {
self.targetHeight = try service.latestBlockHeight()
guard let latestHeight = self.targetHeight else {
throw LightWalletServiceError.generalError(message: "missing target height on block stream operation")
let latestDownloaded = try storage.latestHeight()
let startHeight = max(self.startHeight ?? BlockHeight.empty(), latestDownloaded)
let stream = service.blockStream(
startHeight: startHeight,
endHeight: latestHeight
cancelableTask = Task {
do {
for try await zcashCompactBlock in stream {
try self.cache(zcashCompactBlock, flushCache: false)
let progress = BlockProgress(
startHeight: startHeight,
targetHeight: latestHeight,
progressHeight: zcashCompactBlock.height
try self.flush()
self.done = true
} catch {
if let err = error as? LightWalletServiceError, case .userCancelled = err {
self.done = true
} else {
self.fail(error: error)
while !done && !isCancelled {
} catch {
self.fail(error: error)
override func fail(error: Error? = nil) {
super.fail(error: error)
override func cancel() {
func cache(_ block: ZcashCompactBlock, flushCache: Bool) throws {
if flushCache || buffer.count >= blockBufferSize {
try flush()
func flush() throws {
try self.storage.write(blocks: self.buffer)
self.buffer.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
class CompactBlockBatchDownloadOperation: ZcashOperation {
enum CompactBlockBatchDownloadOperationError: Error {
case startHeightMissing
case batchDownloadFailed(range: CompactBlockRange, error: Error?)
override var isConcurrent: Bool { false }
override var isAsynchronous: Bool { false }
private var batch: Int
private var maxRetries: Int
private var storage: CompactBlockStorage
private var service: LightWalletService
private var cancelable: CancellableCall?
private var startHeight: BlockHeight
private var targetHeight: BlockHeight
private weak var progressDelegate: CompactBlockProgressDelegate?
required init(
service: LightWalletService,
storage: CompactBlockStorage,
startHeight: BlockHeight,
targetHeight: BlockHeight,
batchSize: Int = 100,
maxRetries: Int = 5,
progressDelegate: CompactBlockProgressDelegate? = nil
) {
self.storage = storage
self.service = service
self.startHeight = startHeight
self.targetHeight = targetHeight
self.progressDelegate = progressDelegate
self.batch = batchSize
self.maxRetries = maxRetries
self.name = "Download Batch Operation"
override func main() {
guard !shouldCancel() else {
do {
let localDownloadedHeight = try self.storage.latestHeight()
if localDownloadedHeight != BlockHeight.empty() && localDownloadedHeight > startHeight {
LoggerProxy.warn("provided startHeight (\(startHeight)) differs from local latest downloaded height (\(localDownloadedHeight))")
startHeight = localDownloadedHeight + 1
var currentHeight = startHeight
startHeight: currentHeight,
targetHeight: targetHeight,
progressHeight: currentHeight
while !isCancelled && currentHeight <= targetHeight {
var retries = 0
var success = true
var localError: Error?
let range = nextRange(currentHeight: currentHeight, targetHeight: targetHeight)
repeat {
do {
let blocks = try service.blockRange(range)
try storage.insert(blocks)
success = true
} catch {
success = false
localError = error
retries += 1
} while !isCancelled && !success && retries < maxRetries
if retries >= maxRetries {
throw CompactBlockBatchDownloadOperationError.batchDownloadFailed(range: range, error: localError)
startHeight: startHeight,
targetHeight: targetHeight,
progressHeight: range.upperBound
currentHeight = range.upperBound + 1
} catch {
self.fail(error: error)
override func fail(error: Error? = nil) {
super.fail(error: error)
override func cancel() {
func nextRange(currentHeight: BlockHeight, targetHeight: BlockHeight) -> CompactBlockRange {
CompactBlockRange(uncheckedBounds: (lower: currentHeight, upper: min(currentHeight + batch, targetHeight)))