
286 lines
9.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use std::{
fmt::{self, Write},
use ff::PrimeField;
use crate::{
plonk::{Circuit, ConstraintSystem},
struct Constraint {
name: &'static str,
expression: String,
queries: BTreeSet<String>,
struct Gate {
name: &'static str,
constraints: Vec<Constraint>,
/// A struct for collecting and displaying the gates within a circuit.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use ff::Field;
/// use halo2_proofs::{
/// circuit::{Layouter, SimpleFloorPlanner},
/// dev::CircuitGates,
/// plonk::{Circuit, ConstraintSystem, Error},
/// poly::Rotation,
/// };
/// use pasta_curves::pallas;
/// #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
/// struct MyConfig {}
/// #[derive(Clone, Default)]
/// struct MyCircuit {}
/// impl<F: Field> Circuit<F> for MyCircuit {
/// type Config = MyConfig;
/// type FloorPlanner = SimpleFloorPlanner;
/// fn without_witnesses(&self) -> Self {
/// Self::default()
/// }
/// fn configure(meta: &mut ConstraintSystem<F>) -> MyConfig {
/// let a = meta.advice_column();
/// let b = meta.advice_column();
/// let c = meta.advice_column();
/// let s = meta.selector();
/// meta.create_gate("R1CS constraint", |meta| {
/// let a = meta.query_advice(a, Rotation::cur());
/// let b = meta.query_advice(b, Rotation::cur());
/// let c = meta.query_advice(c, Rotation::cur());
/// let s = meta.query_selector(s);
/// Some(("R1CS", s * (a * b - c)))
/// });
/// // We aren't using this circuit for anything in this example.
/// MyConfig {}
/// }
/// fn synthesize(&self, _: MyConfig, _: impl Layouter<F>) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// // Gates are known at configure time; it doesn't matter how we use them.
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// }
/// let gates = CircuitGates::collect::<pallas::Base, MyCircuit>();
/// assert_eq!(
/// format!("{}", gates),
/// r#####"R1CS constraint:
/// - R1CS:
/// S0 * (A0@0 * A1@0 - A2@0)
/// Total gates: 1
/// Total custom constraint polynomials: 1
/// Total negations: 1
/// Total additions: 1
/// Total multiplications: 2
/// "#####,
/// );
/// ```
pub struct CircuitGates {
gates: Vec<Gate>,
total_negations: usize,
total_additions: usize,
total_multiplications: usize,
impl CircuitGates {
/// Collects the gates from within the circuit.
pub fn collect<F: PrimeField, C: Circuit<F>>() -> Self {
// Collect the graph details.
let mut cs = ConstraintSystem::default();
let _ = C::configure(&mut cs);
let gates = cs
.map(|gate| Gate {
name: gate.name(),
constraints: gate
.map(|(i, constraint)| Constraint {
name: gate.constraint_name(i),
expression: constraint.evaluate(
&|selector| format!("S{}", selector.0),
#[cfg(feature = "unstable-dynamic-lookups")]
&|table_tag| format!("T{}", table_tag.0),
&|query| format!("F{}@{}", query.column_index, query.rotation.0),
&|query| format!("A{}@{}", query.column_index, query.rotation.0),
&|query| format!("I{}@{}", query.column_index, query.rotation.0),
&|a| {
if a.contains(' ') {
format!("-({})", a)
} else {
format!("-{}", a)
&|a, b| {
if let Some(b) = b.strip_prefix('-') {
format!("{} - {}", a, b)
} else {
format!("{} + {}", a, b)
&|a, b| match (a.contains(' '), b.contains(' ')) {
(false, false) => format!("{} * {}", a, b),
(false, true) => format!("{} * ({})", a, b),
(true, false) => format!("({}) * {}", a, b),
(true, true) => format!("({}) * ({})", a, b),
&|a, s| {
if a.contains(' ') {
format!("({}) * {}", a, util::format_value(s))
} else {
format!("{} * {}", a, util::format_value(s))
queries: constraint.evaluate(
&|_| BTreeSet::default(),
&|selector| iter::once(format!("S{}", selector.0)).collect(),
#[cfg(feature = "unstable-dynamic-lookups")]
&|table_tag| iter::once(format!("V{}", table_tag.0)).collect(),
&|query| {
vec![format!("F{}@{}", query.column_index, query.rotation.0)]
&|query| {
vec![format!("A{}@{}", query.column_index, query.rotation.0)]
&|query| {
vec![format!("I{}@{}", query.column_index, query.rotation.0)]
&|a| a,
&|mut a, mut b| {
a.append(&mut b);
&|mut a, mut b| {
a.append(&mut b);
&|a, _| a,
let (total_negations, total_additions, total_multiplications) = cs
.flat_map(|gate| {
gate.polynomials().iter().map(|poly| {
&|_| (0, 0, 0),
&|_| (0, 0, 0),
#[cfg(feature = "unstable-dynamic-lookups")]
&|_| (0, 0, 0),
&|_| (0, 0, 0),
&|_| (0, 0, 0),
&|_| (0, 0, 0),
&|(a_n, a_a, a_m)| (a_n + 1, a_a, a_m),
&|(a_n, a_a, a_m), (b_n, b_a, b_m)| (a_n + b_n, a_a + b_a + 1, a_m + b_m),
&|(a_n, a_a, a_m), (b_n, b_a, b_m)| (a_n + b_n, a_a + b_a, a_m + b_m + 1),
&|(a_n, a_a, a_m), _| (a_n, a_a, a_m + 1),
.fold((0, 0, 0), |(acc_n, acc_a, acc_m), (n, a, m)| {
(acc_n + n, acc_a + a, acc_m + m)
CircuitGates {
/// Prints the queries in this circuit to a CSV grid.
pub fn queries_to_csv(&self) -> String {
let mut queries = BTreeSet::new();
for gate in &self.gates {
for constraint in &gate.constraints {
for query in &constraint.queries {
let mut ret = String::new();
let w = &mut ret;
for query in &queries {
write!(w, "{},", query).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "Name").unwrap();
for gate in &self.gates {
for constraint in &gate.constraints {
for query in &queries {
if constraint.queries.contains(*query) {
write!(w, "1").unwrap();
} else {
write!(w, "0").unwrap();
write!(w, ",").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "{}/{}", gate.name, constraint.name).unwrap();
impl fmt::Display for CircuitGates {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
for gate in &self.gates {
writeln!(f, "{}:", gate.name)?;
for constraint in &gate.constraints {
if constraint.name.is_empty() {
writeln!(f, "- {}", constraint.expression)?;
} else {
writeln!(f, "- {}:", constraint.name)?;
writeln!(f, " {}", constraint.expression)?;
writeln!(f, "Total gates: {}", self.gates.len())?;
"Total custom constraint polynomials: {}",
.map(|gate| gate.constraints.len())
writeln!(f, "Total negations: {}", self.total_negations)?;
writeln!(f, "Total additions: {}", self.total_additions)?;
writeln!(f, "Total multiplications: {}", self.total_multiplications)