
167 lines
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use ff::Field;
use rand_core::RngCore;
use super::super::{Coeff, Polynomial};
use super::{Blind, Params};
2020-09-07 09:22:25 -07:00
use crate::arithmetic::{
2022-09-09 10:43:43 -07:00
best_multiexp, compute_inner_product, eval_polynomial, parallelize, CurveAffine,
2020-09-07 09:22:25 -07:00
use crate::transcript::{EncodedChallenge, TranscriptWrite};
use group::Curve;
use std::io;
/// Create a polynomial commitment opening proof for the polynomial defined
/// by the coefficients `px`, the blinding factor `blind` used for the
/// polynomial commitment, and the point `x` that the polynomial is
/// evaluated at.
/// This function will panic if the provided polynomial is too large with
/// respect to the polynomial commitment parameters.
/// **Important:** This function assumes that the provided `transcript` has
/// already seen the common inputs: the polynomial commitment P, the claimed
/// opening v, and the point x. It's probably also nice for the transcript
/// to have seen the elliptic curve description and the URS, if you want to
/// be rigorous.
pub fn create_proof<
C: CurveAffine,
E: EncodedChallenge<C>,
R: RngCore,
T: TranscriptWrite<C, E>,
params: &Params<C>,
mut rng: R,
transcript: &mut T,
p_poly: &Polynomial<C::Scalar, Coeff>,
p_blind: Blind<C::Scalar>,
x_3: C::Scalar,
) -> io::Result<()> {
// We're limited to polynomials of degree n - 1.
assert_eq!(p_poly.len(), params.n as usize);
// Sample a random polynomial (of same degree) that has a root at x_3, first
// by setting all coefficients to random values.
let mut s_poly = (*p_poly).clone();
for coeff in s_poly.iter_mut() {
*coeff = C::Scalar::random(&mut rng);
// Evaluate the random polynomial at x_3
let s_at_x3 = eval_polynomial(&s_poly[..], x_3);
// Subtract constant coefficient to get a random polynomial with a root at x_3
s_poly[0] -= &s_at_x3;
// And sample a random blind
let s_poly_blind = Blind(C::Scalar::random(&mut rng));
// Write a commitment to the random polynomial to the transcript
let s_poly_commitment = params.commit(&s_poly, s_poly_blind).to_affine();
// Challenge that will ensure that the prover cannot change P but can only
// witness a random polynomial commitment that agrees with P at x_3, with high
// probability.
let xi = *transcript.squeeze_challenge_scalar::<()>();
// Challenge that ensures that the prover did not interfere with the U term
// in their commitments.
2021-04-12 23:47:25 -07:00
let z = *transcript.squeeze_challenge_scalar::<()>();
// We'll be opening `P' = P - [v] G_0 + [ξ] S` to ensure it has a root at
// zero.
let mut p_prime_poly = s_poly * xi + p_poly;
let v = eval_polynomial(&p_prime_poly, x_3);
p_prime_poly[0] -= &v;
let p_prime_blind = s_poly_blind * Blind(xi) + p_blind;
// This accumulates the synthetic blinding factor `f` starting
// with the blinding factor for `P'`.
let mut f = p_prime_blind.0;
// Initialize the vector `p_prime` as the coefficients of the polynomial.
let mut p_prime = p_prime_poly.values;
assert_eq!(p_prime.len(), params.n as usize);
// Initialize the vector `b` as the powers of `x_3`. The inner product of
// `p_prime` and `b` is the evaluation of the polynomial at `x_3`.
let mut b = Vec::with_capacity(1 << params.k);
let mut cur = C::Scalar::ONE;
for _ in 0..(1 << params.k) {
cur *= &x_3;
// Initialize the vector `G'` from the URS. We'll be progressively collapsing
// this vector into smaller and smaller vectors until it is of length 1.
let mut g_prime = params.g.clone();
// Perform the inner product argument, round by round.
for j in 0..params.k {
let half = 1 << (params.k - j - 1); // half the length of `p_prime`, `b`, `G'`
// Compute L, R
// TODO: If we modify multiexp to take "extra" bases, we could speed
// this piece up a bit by combining the multiexps.
let l_j = best_multiexp(&p_prime[half..], &g_prime[0..half]);
let r_j = best_multiexp(&p_prime[0..half], &g_prime[half..]);
let value_l_j = compute_inner_product(&p_prime[half..], &b[0..half]);
let value_r_j = compute_inner_product(&p_prime[0..half], &b[half..]);
let l_j_randomness = C::Scalar::random(&mut rng);
let r_j_randomness = C::Scalar::random(&mut rng);
let l_j = l_j + &best_multiexp(&[value_l_j * &z, l_j_randomness], &[params.u, params.w]);
let r_j = r_j + &best_multiexp(&[value_r_j * &z, r_j_randomness], &[params.u, params.w]);
let l_j = l_j.to_affine();
let r_j = r_j.to_affine();
// Feed L and R into the real transcript
2020-09-07 09:22:25 -07:00
let u_j = *transcript.squeeze_challenge_scalar::<()>();
let u_j_inv = u_j.invert().unwrap(); // TODO, bubble this up
2020-09-07 09:22:25 -07:00
// Collapse `p_prime` and `b`.
// TODO: parallelize
for i in 0..half {
p_prime[i] = p_prime[i] + &(p_prime[i + half] * &u_j_inv);
b[i] = b[i] + &(b[i + half] * &u_j);
2020-09-07 09:22:25 -07:00
// Collapse `G'`
parallel_generator_collapse(&mut g_prime, u_j);
2020-09-07 09:22:25 -07:00
// Update randomness (the synthetic blinding factor at the end)
f += &(l_j_randomness * &u_j_inv);
f += &(r_j_randomness * &u_j);
2020-09-07 09:22:25 -07:00
// We have fully collapsed `p_prime`, `b`, `G'`
assert_eq!(p_prime.len(), 1);
let c = p_prime[0];
2020-09-07 09:22:25 -07:00
2020-09-07 09:22:25 -07:00
2020-09-07 09:22:25 -07:00
fn parallel_generator_collapse<C: CurveAffine>(g: &mut [C], challenge: C::Scalar) {
2020-09-07 09:22:25 -07:00
let len = g.len() / 2;
let (g_lo, g_hi) = g.split_at_mut(len);
parallelize(g_lo, |g_lo, start| {
2020-09-15 18:02:58 -07:00
let g_hi = &g_hi[start..];
let mut tmp = Vec::with_capacity(g_lo.len());
for (g_lo, g_hi) in g_lo.iter().zip(g_hi.iter()) {
tmp.push(g_lo.to_curve() + &(*g_hi * challenge));
2020-09-15 18:02:58 -07:00
C::Curve::batch_normalize(&tmp, g_lo);
2020-09-15 18:02:58 -07:00
2020-09-07 09:22:25 -07:00