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2020-10-15 20:28:38 -07:00
//! This module contains an optimisation of the polynomial commitment opening
//! scheme described in the [Halo][halo] paper.
2020-09-29 00:23:41 -07:00
//! [halo]: https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/1021
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
2020-09-29 00:23:41 -07:00
use super::*;
use crate::{arithmetic::CurveAffine, transcript::ChallengeScalar};
2020-09-29 00:23:41 -07:00
mod prover;
mod verifier;
pub use prover::create_proof;
pub use verifier::verify_proof;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct X1 {}
/// Challenge for compressing openings at the same point sets together.
type ChallengeX1<F> = ChallengeScalar<F, X1>;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct X2 {}
/// Challenge for keeping the multi-point quotient polynomial terms linearly independent.
type ChallengeX2<F> = ChallengeScalar<F, X2>;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct X3 {}
/// Challenge point at which the commitments are opened.
type ChallengeX3<F> = ChallengeScalar<F, X3>;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct X4 {}
/// Challenge for collapsing the openings of the various remaining polynomials at x_3
/// together.
type ChallengeX4<F> = ChallengeScalar<F, X4>;
/// A polynomial query at a point
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ProverQuery<'a, C: CurveAffine> {
/// point at which polynomial is queried
pub point: C::Scalar,
/// coefficients of polynomial
pub poly: &'a Polynomial<C::Scalar, Coeff>,
/// blinding factor of polynomial
pub blind: commitment::Blind<C::Scalar>,
/// A polynomial query at a point
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct VerifierQuery<'r, 'params: 'r, C: CurveAffine> {
/// point at which polynomial is queried
point: C::Scalar,
/// commitment to polynomial
commitment: CommitmentReference<'r, 'params, C>,
/// evaluation of polynomial at query point
eval: C::Scalar,
impl<'r, 'params: 'r, C: CurveAffine> VerifierQuery<'r, 'params, C> {
/// Create a new verifier query based on a commitment
pub fn new_commitment(commitment: &'r C, point: C::Scalar, eval: C::Scalar) -> Self {
VerifierQuery {
commitment: CommitmentReference::Commitment(commitment),
/// Create a new verifier query based on a linear combination of commitments
pub fn new_msm(
msm: &'r commitment::MSM<'params, C>,
point: C::Scalar,
eval: C::Scalar,
) -> Self {
VerifierQuery {
commitment: CommitmentReference::MSM(msm),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum CommitmentReference<'r, 'params: 'r, C: CurveAffine> {
Commitment(&'r C),
MSM(&'r commitment::MSM<'params, C>),
impl<'r, 'params: 'r, C: CurveAffine> PartialEq for CommitmentReference<'r, 'params, C> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(&CommitmentReference::Commitment(a), &CommitmentReference::Commitment(b)) => {
std::ptr::eq(a, b)
(&CommitmentReference::MSM(a), &CommitmentReference::MSM(b)) => std::ptr::eq(a, b),
_ => false,
struct CommitmentData<F, T: PartialEq> {
commitment: T,
set_index: usize,
point_indices: Vec<usize>,
evals: Vec<F>,
impl<F, T: PartialEq> CommitmentData<F, T> {
fn new(commitment: T) -> Self {
CommitmentData {
set_index: 0,
point_indices: vec![],
evals: vec![],
trait Query<F>: Sized {
type Commitment: PartialEq + Copy;
type Eval: Clone + Default;
fn get_point(&self) -> F;
fn get_eval(&self) -> Self::Eval;
fn get_commitment(&self) -> Self::Commitment;
type IntermediateSets<F, Q> = (
Vec<CommitmentData<<Q as Query<F>>::Eval, <Q as Query<F>>::Commitment>>,
fn construct_intermediate_sets<F: Field + Ord, I, Q: Query<F>>(queries: I) -> IntermediateSets<F, Q>
I: IntoIterator<Item = Q> + Clone,
// Construct sets of unique commitments and corresponding information about
// their queries.
let mut commitment_map: Vec<CommitmentData<Q::Eval, Q::Commitment>> = vec![];
// Also construct mapping from a unique point to a point_index. This defines
// an ordering on the points.
let mut point_index_map = BTreeMap::new();
// Iterate over all of the queries, computing the ordering of the points
// while also creating new commitment data.
for query in queries.clone() {
let num_points = point_index_map.len();
let point_idx = point_index_map
if let Some(pos) = commitment_map
.position(|comm| comm.commitment == query.get_commitment())
} else {
let mut tmp = CommitmentData::new(query.get_commitment());
// Also construct inverse mapping from point_index to the point
let mut inverse_point_index_map = BTreeMap::new();
for (&point, &point_index) in point_index_map.iter() {
inverse_point_index_map.insert(point_index, point);
// Construct map of unique ordered point_idx_sets to their set_idx
let mut point_idx_sets = BTreeMap::new();
// Also construct mapping from commitment to point_idx_set
let mut commitment_set_map = Vec::new();
for commitment_data in commitment_map.iter() {
let mut point_index_set = BTreeSet::new();
// Note that point_index_set is ordered, unlike point_indices
for &point_index in commitment_data.point_indices.iter() {
// Push point_index_set to CommitmentData for the relevant commitment
commitment_set_map.push((commitment_data.commitment, point_index_set.clone()));
let num_sets = point_idx_sets.len();
// Initialise empty evals vec for each unique commitment
for commitment_data in commitment_map.iter_mut() {
let len = commitment_data.point_indices.len();
commitment_data.evals = vec![Q::Eval::default(); len];
// Populate set_index, evals and points for each commitment using point_idx_sets
for query in queries {
// The index of the point at which the commitment is queried
let point_index = point_index_map.get(&query.get_point()).unwrap();
// The point_index_set at which the commitment was queried
let mut point_index_set = BTreeSet::new();
for (commitment, point_idx_set) in commitment_set_map.iter() {
if query.get_commitment() == *commitment {
point_index_set = point_idx_set.clone();
// The set_index of the point_index_set
let set_index = point_idx_sets.get(&point_index_set).unwrap();
for commitment_data in commitment_map.iter_mut() {
if query.get_commitment() == commitment_data.commitment {
commitment_data.set_index = *set_index;
let point_index_set: Vec<usize> = point_index_set.iter().cloned().collect();
// The offset of the point_index in the point_index_set
let point_index_in_set = point_index_set
.position(|i| i == point_index)
for commitment_data in commitment_map.iter_mut() {
if query.get_commitment() == commitment_data.commitment {
// Insert the eval using the ordering of the point_index_set
commitment_data.evals[point_index_in_set] = query.get_eval();
// Get actual points in each point set
let mut point_sets: Vec<Vec<F>> = vec![Vec::new(); point_idx_sets.len()];
for (point_idx_set, &set_idx) in point_idx_sets.iter() {
for &point_idx in point_idx_set.iter() {
let point = inverse_point_index_map.get(&point_idx).unwrap();
(commitment_map, point_sets)
fn test_roundtrip() {
use group::Curve;
use rand_core::OsRng;
use super::commitment::{Blind, Params};
2022-09-09 10:43:43 -07:00
use crate::arithmetic::eval_polynomial;
use crate::pasta::{EqAffine, Fp};
use crate::transcript::Challenge255;
const K: u32 = 4;
let params: Params<EqAffine> = Params::new(K);
let domain = EvaluationDomain::new(1, K);
let rng = OsRng;
let mut ax = domain.empty_coeff();
for (i, a) in ax.iter_mut().enumerate() {
*a = Fp::from(10 + i as u64);
let mut bx = domain.empty_coeff();
for (i, a) in bx.iter_mut().enumerate() {
*a = Fp::from(100 + i as u64);
let mut cx = domain.empty_coeff();
for (i, a) in cx.iter_mut().enumerate() {
*a = Fp::from(100 + i as u64);
let blind = Blind(Fp::random(rng));
let a = params.commit(&ax, blind).to_affine();
let b = params.commit(&bx, blind).to_affine();
let c = params.commit(&cx, blind).to_affine();
let x = Fp::random(rng);
let y = Fp::random(rng);
let avx = eval_polynomial(&ax, x);
let bvx = eval_polynomial(&bx, x);
let cvy = eval_polynomial(&cx, y);
let mut transcript = crate::transcript::Blake2bWrite::<_, _, Challenge255<_>>::init(vec![]);
&mut transcript,
.chain(Some(ProverQuery {
point: x,
poly: &ax,
.chain(Some(ProverQuery {
point: x,
poly: &bx,
.chain(Some(ProverQuery {
point: y,
poly: &cx,
let proof = transcript.finalize();
let mut proof = &proof[..];
let mut transcript =
crate::transcript::Blake2bRead::<_, _, Challenge255<_>>::init(&mut proof);
let msm = params.empty_msm();
let guard = verify_proof(
&mut transcript,
.chain(Some(VerifierQuery::new_commitment(&a, x, avx)))
.chain(Some(VerifierQuery::new_commitment(&b, x, avx))) // NB: wrong!
.chain(Some(VerifierQuery::new_commitment(&c, y, cvy))),
// Should fail.
let mut proof = &proof[..];
let mut transcript =
crate::transcript::Blake2bRead::<_, _, Challenge255<_>>::init(&mut proof);
let msm = params.empty_msm();
let guard = verify_proof(
&mut transcript,
.chain(Some(VerifierQuery::new_commitment(&a, x, avx)))
.chain(Some(VerifierQuery::new_commitment(&b, x, bvx)))
.chain(Some(VerifierQuery::new_commitment(&c, y, cvy))),
// Should succeed.
mod tests {
2022-09-09 10:43:43 -07:00
use super::Query;
struct MyQuery<F> {
commitment: usize,
point: F,
eval: F,
impl<F: Clone + Default> Query<F> for MyQuery<F> {
type Commitment = usize;
type Eval = F;
fn get_point(&self) -> F {
fn get_eval(&self) -> Self::Eval {
fn get_commitment(&self) -> Self::Commitment {
mod proptests {
use group::ff::FromUniformBytes;
2022-09-09 10:43:43 -07:00
use proptest::{collection::vec, prelude::*, sample::select};
use super::construct_intermediate_sets;
use pasta_curves::Fp;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct MyQuery<F> {
point: F,
eval: F,
commitment: usize,
impl super::Query<Fp> for MyQuery<Fp> {
type Commitment = usize;
type Eval = Fp;
fn get_point(&self) -> Fp {
fn get_eval(&self) -> Self::Eval {
2020-10-15 16:16:44 -07:00
fn get_commitment(&self) -> Self::Commitment {
2020-10-15 16:16:44 -07:00
prop_compose! {
fn arb_point()(
bytes in vec(any::<u8>(), 64)
) -> Fp {
Fp::from_uniform_bytes(&<[u8; 64]>::try_from(bytes).unwrap())
2020-10-15 16:16:44 -07:00
prop_compose! {
fn arb_query(commitment: usize, point: Fp)(
eval in arb_point()
) -> MyQuery<Fp> {
MyQuery {
prop_compose! {
// Mapping from column index to point index.
fn arb_queries_inner(num_points: usize, num_cols: usize, num_queries: usize)(
col_indices in vec(select((0..num_cols).collect::<Vec<_>>()), num_queries),
point_indices in vec(select((0..num_points).collect::<Vec<_>>()), num_queries)
) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> {
prop_compose! {
fn compare_queries(
num_points: usize,
num_cols: usize,
num_queries: usize,
points_1 in vec(arb_point(), num_points),
points_2 in vec(arb_point(), num_points),
mapping in arb_queries_inner(num_points, num_cols, num_queries)
queries_1 in mapping.iter().map(|(commitment, point_idx)| arb_query(*commitment, points_1[*point_idx])).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
queries_2 in mapping.iter().map(|(commitment, point_idx)| arb_query(*commitment, points_2[*point_idx])).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
) -> (
) {
proptest! {
fn test_intermediate_sets(
(queries_1, queries_2) in compare_queries(8, 8, 16)
) {
let (commitment_data, _point_sets) = construct_intermediate_sets(queries_1);
let set_indices = commitment_data.iter().map(|data| data.set_index).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let point_indices = commitment_data.iter().map(|data| data.point_indices.clone()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
// It shouldn't matter what the point or eval values are; we should get
// the same exact point set indices and point indices again.
let (new_commitment_data, _new_point_sets) = construct_intermediate_sets(queries_2);
let new_set_indices = new_commitment_data.iter().map(|data| data.set_index).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let new_point_indices = new_commitment_data.iter().map(|data| data.point_indices.clone()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
assert_eq!(set_indices, new_set_indices);
assert_eq!(point_indices, new_point_indices);