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//! Traits and structs for implementing circuit components.
use std::{fmt, marker::PhantomData};
use ff::Field;
use crate::{
plonk::{Advice, Any, Assigned, Column, Error, Fixed, Permutation, Selector},
pub mod floor_planner;
pub use floor_planner::single_pass::SimpleFloorPlanner;
pub mod layouter;
/// A chip implements a set of instructions that can be used by gadgets.
/// The chip stores state that is required at circuit synthesis time in
/// [`Chip::Config`], which can be fetched via [`Chip::config`].
/// The chip also loads any fixed configuration needed at synthesis time
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/// using its own implementation of `load`, and stores it in [`Chip::Loaded`].
/// This can be accessed via [`Chip::loaded`].
pub trait Chip<F: FieldExt>: Sized {
/// A type that holds the configuration for this chip, and any other state it may need
/// during circuit synthesis, that can be derived during [`Circuit::configure`].
/// [`Circuit::configure`]: crate::plonk::Circuit::configure
type Config: fmt::Debug + Clone;
/// A type that holds any general chip state that needs to be loaded at the start of
/// [`Circuit::synthesize`]. This might simply be `()` for some chips.
/// [`Circuit::synthesize`]: crate::plonk::Circuit::synthesize
type Loaded: fmt::Debug + Clone;
/// The chip holds its own configuration.
fn config(&self) -> &Self::Config;
/// Provides access to general chip state loaded at the beginning of circuit
/// synthesis.
/// Panics if called before `Chip::load`.
fn loaded(&self) -> &Self::Loaded;
/// Index of a region in a layouter
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct RegionIndex(usize);
impl From<usize> for RegionIndex {
fn from(idx: usize) -> RegionIndex {
impl std::ops::Deref for RegionIndex {
type Target = usize;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
/// Starting row of a region in a layouter
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct RegionStart(usize);
impl From<usize> for RegionStart {
fn from(idx: usize) -> RegionStart {
impl std::ops::Deref for RegionStart {
type Target = usize;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
/// A pointer to a cell within a circuit.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Cell {
/// Identifies the region in which this cell resides.
region_index: RegionIndex,
/// The relative offset of this cell within its region.
row_offset: usize,
/// The column of this cell.
column: Column<Any>,
/// A region of the circuit in which a [`Chip`] can assign cells.
/// Inside a region, the chip may freely use relative offsets; the [`Layouter`] will
/// treat these assignments as a single "region" within the circuit.
/// The [`Layouter`] is allowed to optimise between regions as it sees fit. Chips must use
/// [`Region::constrain_equal`] to copy in variables assigned in other regions.
/// TODO: It would be great if we could constrain the columns in these types to be
/// "logical" columns that are guaranteed to correspond to the chip (and have come from
/// `Chip::Config`).
pub struct Region<'r, F: Field> {
region: &'r mut dyn layouter::RegionLayouter<F>,
impl<'r, F: Field> From<&'r mut dyn layouter::RegionLayouter<F>> for Region<'r, F> {
fn from(region: &'r mut dyn layouter::RegionLayouter<F>) -> Self {
Region { region }
impl<'r, F: Field> Region<'r, F> {
/// Enables a selector at the given offset.
pub(crate) fn enable_selector<A, AR>(
&mut self,
annotation: A,
selector: &Selector,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<(), Error>
A: Fn() -> AR,
AR: Into<String>,
.enable_selector(&|| annotation().into(), selector, offset)
/// Assign an advice column value (witness).
/// Even though `to` has `FnMut` bounds, it is guaranteed to be called at most once.
pub fn assign_advice<'v, V, VR, A, AR>(
&'v mut self,
annotation: A,
column: Column<Advice>,
offset: usize,
mut to: V,
) -> Result<Cell, Error>
V: FnMut() -> Result<VR, Error> + 'v,
VR: Into<Assigned<F>>,
A: Fn() -> AR,
AR: Into<String>,
.assign_advice(&|| annotation().into(), column, offset, &mut || {
to().map(|v| v.into())
/// Assign a fixed value.
/// Even though `to` has `FnMut` bounds, it is guaranteed to be called at most once.
pub fn assign_fixed<'v, V, VR, A, AR>(
&'v mut self,
annotation: A,
column: Column<Fixed>,
offset: usize,
mut to: V,
) -> Result<Cell, Error>
V: FnMut() -> Result<VR, Error> + 'v,
VR: Into<Assigned<F>>,
A: Fn() -> AR,
AR: Into<String>,
.assign_fixed(&|| annotation().into(), column, offset, &mut || {
to().map(|v| v.into())
/// Constraint two cells to have the same value.
/// Returns an error if either of the cells is not within the given permutation.
pub fn constrain_equal(
&mut self,
permutation: &Permutation,
left: Cell,
right: Cell,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.region.constrain_equal(permutation, left, right)
/// A layout strategy within a circuit. The layouter is chip-agnostic and applies its
/// strategy to the context and config it is given.
/// This abstracts over the circuit assignments, handling row indices etc.
pub trait Layouter<F: Field> {
/// Represents the type of the "root" of this layouter, so that nested namespaces
/// can minimize indirection.
type Root: Layouter<F>;
/// Assign a region of gates to an absolute row number.
/// Inside the closure, the chip may freely use relative offsets; the `Layouter` will
/// treat these assignments as a single "region" within the circuit. Outside this
/// closure, the `Layouter` is allowed to optimise as it sees fit.
/// ```ignore
/// fn assign_region(&mut self, || "region name", |region| {
2021-04-25 17:53:43 -07:00
/// let config = chip.config();
/// region.assign_advice(config.a, offset, || { Some(value)});
/// });
/// ```
fn assign_region<A, AR, N, NR>(&mut self, name: N, assignment: A) -> Result<AR, Error>
A: FnMut(Region<'_, F>) -> Result<AR, Error>,
N: Fn() -> NR,
NR: Into<String>;
/// Gets the "root" of this assignment, bypassing the namespacing.
/// Not intended for downstream consumption; use [`Layouter::namespace`] instead.
fn get_root(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Root;
/// Creates a new (sub)namespace and enters into it.
/// Not intended for downstream consumption; use [`Layouter::namespace`] instead.
fn push_namespace<NR, N>(&mut self, name_fn: N)
NR: Into<String>,
N: FnOnce() -> NR;
/// Exits out of the existing namespace.
/// Not intended for downstream consumption; use [`Layouter::namespace`] instead.
fn pop_namespace(&mut self, gadget_name: Option<String>);
/// Enters into a namespace.
fn namespace<NR, N>(&mut self, name_fn: N) -> NamespacedLayouter<'_, F, Self::Root>
NR: Into<String>,
N: FnOnce() -> NR,
NamespacedLayouter(self.get_root(), PhantomData)
/// This is a "namespaced" layouter which borrows a `Layouter` (pushing a namespace
/// context) and, when dropped, pops out of the namespace context.
pub struct NamespacedLayouter<'a, F: Field, L: Layouter<F> + 'a>(&'a mut L, PhantomData<F>);
impl<'a, F: Field, L: Layouter<F> + 'a> Layouter<F> for NamespacedLayouter<'a, F, L> {
type Root = L::Root;
fn assign_region<A, AR, N, NR>(&mut self, name: N, assignment: A) -> Result<AR, Error>
A: FnMut(Region<'_, F>) -> Result<AR, Error>,
N: Fn() -> NR,
NR: Into<String>,
self.0.assign_region(name, assignment)
fn get_root(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Root {
fn push_namespace<NR, N>(&mut self, _name_fn: N)
NR: Into<String>,
N: FnOnce() -> NR,
panic!("Only the root's push_namespace should be called");
fn pop_namespace(&mut self, _gadget_name: Option<String>) {
panic!("Only the root's pop_namespace should be called");
impl<'a, F: Field, L: Layouter<F> + 'a> Drop for NamespacedLayouter<'a, F, L> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let gadget_name = {
#[cfg(feature = "gadget-traces")]
let mut gadget_name = None;
let mut is_second_frame = false;
backtrace::trace(|frame| {
if is_second_frame {
// Resolve this instruction pointer to a symbol name.
backtrace::resolve_frame(frame, |symbol| {
gadget_name = symbol.name().map(|name| format!("{:#}", name));
// We are done!
} else {
// We want the next frame.
is_second_frame = true;
#[cfg(not(feature = "gadget-traces"))]