[book] note-commit.md: Update field element regions.

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therealyingtong 2021-08-13 12:22:51 +08:00
parent 8d7bf509f2
commit a72d4d3a7f
1 changed files with 213 additions and 191 deletions

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@ -231,37 +231,231 @@ $$
Outside this gate, we have constrained:
- $\ShortLookupRangeCheck{h_0, 5}$
## Field element decompositions
## Decomposition constraints
## Field element checks
All message pieces and subpieces have been range-constrained by the earlier decomposition gates. They are now used to:
- constrain each field element $\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\mathsf{x(g_d)})$,
$\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\rho)$, and $\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\psi)$ to be
255-bit values, with top bits $b_1$, $d_0$, $g_0$, and $h_1$ respectively.
- constrain $$
b &= b_0 + 2^4 \cdot b_1 + 2^5 \cdot b_2 + 2^6 \cdot b_3 \\
d &= d_0 + 2 \cdot d_1 + 2^2 \cdot d_2 + 2^{10} \cdot d_3 \\
e &= e_0 + 2^6 \cdot e_1 \\
g &= g_0 + 2 \cdot g_1 + 2^{10} \cdot g_2 \\
h &= h_0 + 2^5 \cdot h_1 \\
\mathsf{x(g_d)} &= a + 2^{250} \cdot b_0 + 2^{254} \cdot b_1 \\
\mathsf{x(pk_d)} &= b_3 + 2^4 \cdot c + 2^{254} \cdot d_0 \\
\mathsf{v} &= d_2 + 2^8 \cdot d_3 + 2^{58} \cdot e_0 \\
\rho &= e_1 + 2^4 \cdot f + 2^{254} \cdot g_0 \\
\psi &= g_1 + 2^9 \cdot g_2 + 2^{249} \cdot h_0 + 2^{254} \cdot h_1 \\
\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\mathsf{x(g_d)}) &= \mathsf{x(g_d)} \pmod{q_\mathbb{P}} \\
\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\mathsf{x(pk_d)}) &= \mathsf{x(pk_d)} \pmod{q_\mathbb{P}} \\
\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\rho) &= \rho \pmod{q_\mathbb{P}} \\
\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\psi) &= \psi \pmod{q_\mathbb{P}} \\
where $q_\mathbb{P}$ is the Pallas base field modulus.
- check that these are indeed canonically-encoded field elements, i.e. $$
\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\mathsf{x(g_d)}) &< q_\mathbb{P} \\
\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\mathsf{x(pk_d)}) &< q_\mathbb{P} \\
\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\rho) &< q_\mathbb{P} \\
\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\psi) &< q_\mathbb{P} \\
The Pallas base field modulus has the form $q_\mathbb{P} = 2^{254} + t_\mathbb{P}$, where
$$t_\mathbb{P} = \mathtt{0x224698fc094cf91b992d30ed00000001}$$
is 126 bits. We therefore know that if the top bit is not set, then the remaining bits
will always comprise a canonical encoding of a field element. Thus the canonicity checks
below are enforced if and only if the corresponding top bit is set to 1.
> In the constraints below we use a base-$2^{10}$ variant of the method used in libsnark
> (originally from [[SVPBABW2012](https://eprint.iacr.org/2012/598.pdf), Appendix C.1]) for
> range constraints $0 \leq x < t$:
> - Let $t'$ be the smallest power of $2^{10}$ greater than $t$.
> - Enforce $0 \leq x < t'$.
> - Let $x' = x + t' - t$.
> - Enforce $0 \leq x' < t'$.
### $\mathsf{x(g_d)}$ with $b_1 = 1 \implies \mathsf{x(g_d)} \geq 2^{254}$
Recall that $\mathsf{x(g_d)} = a + 2^{250} \cdot b_0 + 2^{254} \cdot b_1$. When the top bit $b_1$ is set, we check that $\mathsf{x(g_d)}_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P}$:
1. $b_1 = 1 \implies b_0 = 0.$
Since $b_1 = 1 \implies \mathsf{x(g_d)}_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P} < 2^{126},$ we know that
$\mathsf{x(g_d)}_{126..=253} = 0,$ and in particular
$$b_0 := \mathsf{x(g_d)}_{250..=253} = 0.$$
2. $b_1 = 1 \implies 0 \leq a < t_\mathbb{P}.$
To check that $a < t_\mathbb{P}$, we use two constraints:
a) $0 \leq a < 2^{130}$. This is expressed in the custom gate as
$$b_1 \cdot z_{a,13} = 0,$$
where $z_{a,13}$ is the index-13 running sum output by $\SinsemillaHash(a).$
b) $0 \leq a + 2^{130} - t_\mathbb{P} < 2^{130}$. To check this, we decompose
$a' = a + 2^{130} - t_\mathbb{P}$ into thirteen 10-bit words (little-endian) using
a running sum $z_{a'}$, looking up each word in a $10$-bit lookup table. We then
enforce in the custom gate that
$$b_1 \cdot z_{a',13} = 0.$$
#### Region layout
A_6 & A_7 & A_8 & A_9 & q_{\NoteCommit,x(g_d)} \\\hline
x(g_d) & b_0 & a & z_{a,13} & 1 \\\hline
& b_1 & a' & z_{a',13}& 0 \\\hline
#### Constraints
\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,x(g_d)} \cdot (a + b_0 \cdot 2^{250} + b_1 \cdot 2^{254} - \mathsf{x(g_d)}) = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,x(g_d)} \cdot b_1 \cdot b_0 = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,x(g_d)} \cdot b_1 \cdot z_{a,13} = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,x(g_d)} \cdot (a + 2^{130} - t_\mathbb{P} - a') = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,x(g_d)} \cdot b_1 \cdot z_{a',13} = 0 \\\hline
### $\mathsf{x(pk_d)}$ with $d_0 = 1 \implies \mathsf{x(pk_d)} \geq 2^{254}$
Recall that $\mathsf{x(pk_d)} = b_3 + 2^4 \cdot c + 2^{254} \cdot d_0$. When the top bit $d_0$ is set, we check that $\mathsf{x(pk_d)}_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P}$:
1. $d_0 = 1 \implies 0 \leq b_3 + 2^{4} \cdot c < t_\mathbb{P}.$
To check that $0 \leq b_3 + 2^{4} \cdot c < t_\mathbb{P},$ we use two constraints:
a) $0 \leq b_3 + 2^{4} \cdot c < 2^{140}.$ $b_3$ is already constrained individually
to be a $4$-bit value. $z_{c,13}$ is the index-13 running sum output by
$\SinsemillaHash(c).$ By constraining $$d_0 \cdot z_{c,13} = 0,$$ we constrain
$b_3 + 2^4 \cdot c < 2^{134} < 2^{140}.$
b) $0 \leq b_3 + 2^{4} \cdot c + 2^{140} - t_\mathbb{P} < 2^{140}$. To check this, we
decompose ${b_3}c' = b_3 + 2^{4} \cdot c + 2^{140} - t_\mathbb{P}$ into fourteen
10-bit words (little-endian) using a running sum $z_{{b_3}c'}$, looking up each
word in a $10$-bit lookup table. We then enforce in the custom gate that
$$d_0 \cdot z_{{b_3}c',14} = 0.$$
#### Region layout
A_6 & A_7 & A_8 & A_9 & q_{\NoteCommit,x(pk_d)} \\\hline
x(pk_d) & b_3 & c & z_{c,13} & 1 \\\hline
& d_0 & b_3c' & z_{b_3c',14}& 0 \\\hline
#### Constraints
\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,1} \cdot (a + b_0 \cdot 2^{250} + b_1 \cdot 2^{254} - \mathsf{x(g_d)}) = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,1} \cdot (b_3 + c \cdot 2^4 + d_0 \cdot 2^{254} - \mathsf{x(pk_d)} = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,1} \cdot (d_2 + d_3 \cdot 2^8 + e_0 \cdot 2^{58} - \mathsf{v}) = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,2} \cdot (e_1 + f \cdot 2^4 + g_0 \cdot 2^{254} - \rho) = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,2} \cdot (g_1 + g_2 \cdot 2^9 + h_0 \cdot 2^{249} + h_1 \cdot 2^{254} - \psi) = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,x(pk_d)} \cdot (b_3 + c \cdot 2^4 + d_0 \cdot 2^{254} - \mathsf{x(pk_d)} = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,x(pk_d)} \cdot d_0 \cdot z_{c,13} = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,x(pk_d)} \cdot (b_3 + c \cdot 2^4 + 2^{140} - t_\mathbb{P} - {b_3}c') = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,x(pk_d)} \cdot d_0 \cdot z_{{b_3}c',14} = 0 \\\hline
### $\mathsf{v} &= d_2 + 2^8 \cdot d_3 + 2^{58} \cdot e_0$
#### Region layout
A_6 & A_7 & A_8 & A_9 & q_{\NoteCommit,value} \\\hline
value & d_2 & d_3 & e_0 & 1 \\\hline
#### Constraints
\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,value} \cdot (d_2 + d_3 \cdot 2^8 + e_0 \cdot 2^{58} - \mathsf{value}) = 0 \\\hline
### $\rho$ with $g_0 = 1 \implies \rho \geq 2^{254}$
Recall that $\rho = e_1 + 2^4 \cdot f + 2^{254} \cdot g_0$. When the top bit $g_0$ is set, we check that $\rho_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P}$:
1. $g_0 = 1 \implies 0 \leq e_1 + 2^{4} \cdot f < t_\mathbb{P}.$
To check that $0 \leq e_1 + 2^{4} \cdot f < t_\mathbb{P},$ we use two constraints:
a) $0 \leq e_1 + 2^{4} \cdot f < 2^{140}.$ $e_1$ is already constrained individually
to be a $4$-bit value. $z_{f,13}$ is the index-13 running sum output by
$\SinsemillaHash(f).$ By constraining $$g_0 \cdot z_{f,13} = 0,$$ we constrain
$e_1 + 2^4 \cdot f < 2^{134} < 2^{140}.$
b) $0 \leq e_1 + 2^{4} \cdot f + 2^{140} - t_\mathbb{P} < 2^{140}$. To check this, we
decompose ${e_1}f' = e_1 + 2^{4} \cdot f + 2^{140} - t_\mathbb{P}$ into fourteen
10-bit words (little-endian) using a running sum $z_{{e_1}f'}$, looking up each
word in a $10$-bit lookup table. We then enforce in the custom gate that
$$g_0 \cdot z_{{e_1}f',14} = 0.$$
#### Region layout
A_6 & A_7 & A_8 & A_9 & q_{\NoteCommit,\rho} \\\hline
\rho & e_1 & f & z_{f,13} & 1 \\\hline
& g_0 & e_1f' & z_{e_1f',14}& 0 \\\hline
#### Constraints
\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,\rho} \cdot (e_1 + f \cdot 2^4 + g_0 \cdot 2^{254} - \rho) = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,\rho} \cdot g_0 \cdot z_{f,13} = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,\rho} \cdot (e_1 + f \cdot 2^4 + 2^{140} - t_\mathbb{P} - {e_1}f') = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,\rho} \cdot g_0 \cdot z_{{e_1}f',14} = 0 \\\hline
### $\psi$ with $h_1 = 1 \implies \psi \geq 2^{254}$
Recall that $\psi = g_1 + 2^9 \cdot g_2 + 2^{249} \cdot h_0 + 2^{254} \cdot h_1$. When the top bit $h_1$ is set, we check that $\psi_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P}$:
1. $h_1 = 1 \implies h_0 = 0.$
Since $h_1 = 1 \implies \psi_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P} < 2^{126},$ we know that $\psi_{126..=253} = 0,$
and in particular $h_0 := \psi_{249..=253} = 0.$
2. $h_1 = 1 \implies 0 \leq g_1 + 2^{9} \cdot g_2 < t_\mathbb{P}.$
To check that $0 \leq g_1 + 2^{9} \cdot g_2 < t_\mathbb{P},$ we use two constraints:
a) $0 \leq g_1 + 2^{9} \cdot g_2 < 2^{140}.$ $g_1$ is already constrained individually
to be a $9$-bit value. $z_{g,13}$ is the index-13 running sum output by
$\SinsemillaHash(g).$ By constraining $$h_1 \cdot z_{g,13} = 0,$$ we constrain
$g_1 + 2^9 \cdot g_2 < 2^{129} < 2^{130}.$
b) $0 \leq g_1 + 2^{9} \cdot g_2 + 2^{130} - t_\mathbb{P} < 2^{130}$. To check this,
we decompose ${g_1}{g_2}' = g_1 + 2^{9} \cdot g_2 + 2^{130} - t_\mathbb{P}$ into
thirteen 10-bit words (little-endian) using a running sum $z_{{g_1}{g_2}'}$,
looking up each word in a $10$-bit lookup table. We then enforce in the custom gate
that $$h_1 \cdot z_{{g_1}{g_2}',13} = 0.$$
#### Region layout
A_6 & A_7 & A_8 & A_9 & q_{\NoteCommit,\psi} \\\hline
\psi & g_1 & g_2 & z_{g,13} & 1 \\\hline
& h_1 & g_1g_2' & z_{g_1g_2',13}& 0 \\\hline
#### Constraints
\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,\psi} \cdot (g_1 + g_2 \cdot 2^9 + h_0 \cdot 2^{249} + h_1 \cdot 2^{254} - \psi) = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,\psi} \cdot h_1 \cdot h_0 = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,\psi} \cdot h_1 \cdot z_{g,13} = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,\psi} \cdot (g_1 + g_2 \cdot 2^9 + 2^{130} - t_\mathbb{P} - {g_1}{g_2}') = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,\psi} \cdot g_0 \cdot z_{{g_1}{g_2}',13} = 0 \\\hline
### $y$-coordinate checks.
Note that only the $ỹ$ LSB of the $y$-coordinates $\mathsf{y(g_d), y(pk_d)}$ was input to the hash, while the other bits of the $y$-coordinate were unused. However, we must still check that the witnessed $ỹ$ bit matches the original point's $y$-coordinate. The checks for $\mathsf{y(g_d), y(pk_d)}$ will follow the same format. For each $y$-coordinate, we witness:
@ -299,85 +493,6 @@ $$
## Canonicity checks
At this point, we have constrained $\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\mathsf{x(g_d)})$,
$\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\rho)$, and $\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\psi)$ to be
255-bit values, with top bits $b_1$, $d_0$, $g_0$, and $h_1$ respectively. We have also
\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\mathsf{x(g_d)}) &= \mathsf{x(g_d)} \pmod{q_\mathbb{P}} \\
\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\mathsf{x(pk_d)}) &= \mathsf{x(pk_d)} \pmod{q_\mathbb{P}} \\
\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\rho) &= \rho \pmod{q_\mathbb{P}} \\
\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\psi) &= \psi \pmod{q_\mathbb{P}} \\
where $q_\mathbb{P}$ is the Pallas base field modulus. The remaining constraints will
enforce that these are indeed canonically-encoded field elements, i.e.
\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\mathsf{x(g_d)}) &< q_\mathbb{P} \\
\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\mathsf{x(pk_d)}) &< q_\mathbb{P} \\
\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\rho) &< q_\mathbb{P} \\
\ItoLEBSP{\BaseLength{Orchard}}(\psi) &< q_\mathbb{P} \\
The Pallas base field modulus has the form $q_\mathbb{P} = 2^{254} + t_\mathbb{P}$, where
$$t_\mathbb{P} = \mathtt{0x224698fc094cf91b992d30ed00000001}$$
is 126 bits. We therefore know that if the top bit is not set, then the remaining bits
will always comprise a canonical encoding of a field element. Thus the canonicity checks
below are enforced if and only if the corresponding top bit is set to 1.
> In the constraints below we use a base-$2^{10}$ variant of the method used in libsnark
> (originally from [[SVPBABW2012](https://eprint.iacr.org/2012/598.pdf), Appendix C.1]) for
> range constraints $0 \leq x < t$:
> - Let $t'$ be the smallest power of $2^{10}$ greater than $t$.
> - Enforce $0 \leq x < t'$.
> - Let $x' = x + t' - t$.
> - Enforce $0 \leq x' < t'$.
### $\mathsf{x(g_d)}$ with $b_1 = 1 \implies \mathsf{x(g_d)} \geq 2^{254}$
In these cases, we check that $\mathsf{x(g_d)}_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P}$:
1. $b_1 = 1 \implies b_0 = 0.$
Since $b_1 = 1 \implies \mathsf{x(g_d)}_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P} < 2^{126},$ we know that
$\mathsf{x(g_d)}_{126..=253} = 0,$ and in particular
$$b_0 := \mathsf{x(g_d)}_{250..=253} = 0.$$
2. $b_1 = 1 \implies 0 \leq a < t_\mathbb{P}.$
To check that $a < t_\mathbb{P}$, we use two constraints:
a) $0 \leq a < 2^{130}$. This is expressed in the custom gate as
$$b_1 \cdot z_{a,13} = 0,$$
where $z_{a,13}$ is the index-13 running sum output by $\SinsemillaHash(a).$
b) $0 \leq a + 2^{130} - t_\mathbb{P} < 2^{130}$. To check this, we decompose
$a' = a + 2^{130} - t_\mathbb{P}$ into thirteen 10-bit words (little-endian) using
a running sum $z_{a'}$, looking up each word in a $10$-bit lookup table. We then
enforce in the custom gate that
$$b_1 \cdot z_{a',13} = 0.$$
\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,2} \cdot b_1 \cdot b_0 = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,2} \cdot b_1 \cdot z_{a,13} = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,1} \cdot (a + 2^{130} - t_\mathbb{P} - a') = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,2} \cdot b_1 \cdot z_{a',13} = 0 \\\hline
### $\mathsf{y(g_d)}$ with $k_3 = 1 \implies \mathsf{y(g_d)} \geq 2^{254}$
In these cases, we check that $\mathsf{y(g_d)}_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P}$:
@ -413,98 +528,5 @@ $$
### $\mathsf{x(pk_d)}$ with $d_0 = 1 \implies \mathsf{x(pk_d)} \geq 2^{254}$
In these cases, we check that $\mathsf{x(pk_d)}_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P}$:
1. $d_0 = 1 \implies 0 \leq b_3 + 2^{4} \cdot c < t_\mathbb{P}.$
To check that $0 \leq b_3 + 2^{4} \cdot c < t_\mathbb{P},$ we use two constraints:
a) $0 \leq b_3 + 2^{4} \cdot c < 2^{140}.$ $b_3$ is already constrained individually
to be a $4$-bit value. $z_{c,13}$ is the index-13 running sum output by
$\SinsemillaHash(c).$ By constraining $$d_0 \cdot z_{c,13} = 0,$$ we constrain
$b_3 + 2^4 \cdot c < 2^{134} < 2^{140}.$
b) $0 \leq b_3 + 2^{4} \cdot c + 2^{140} - t_\mathbb{P} < 2^{140}$. To check this, we
decompose ${b_3}c' = b_3 + 2^{4} \cdot c + 2^{140} - t_\mathbb{P}$ into fourteen
10-bit words (little-endian) using a running sum $z_{{b_3}c'}$, looking up each
word in a $10$-bit lookup table. We then enforce in the custom gate that
$$d_0 \cdot z_{{b_3}c',14} = 0.$$
\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,2} \cdot d_0 \cdot z_{c,13} = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,1} \cdot (b_3 + c \cdot 2^4 + 2^{140} - t_\mathbb{P} - {b_3}c') = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,2} \cdot d_0 \cdot z_{{b_3}c',14} = 0 \\\hline
### $\mathsf{y(pk_d)}$
This can be checked in exactly the same way as $\mathsf{y(g_d)}$, with $b_2$ replaced by $d_1$.
### $\rho$ with $g_0 = 1 \implies \rho \geq 2^{254}$
In these cases, we check that $\rho_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P}$:
1. $g_0 = 1 \implies 0 \leq e_1 + 2^{4} \cdot f < t_\mathbb{P}.$
To check that $0 \leq e_1 + 2^{4} \cdot f < t_\mathbb{P},$ we use two constraints:
a) $0 \leq e_1 + 2^{4} \cdot f < 2^{140}.$ $e_1$ is already constrained individually
to be a $4$-bit value. $z_{f,13}$ is the index-13 running sum output by
$\SinsemillaHash(f).$ By constraining $$g_0 \cdot z_{f,13} = 0,$$ we constrain
$e_1 + 2^4 \cdot f < 2^{134} < 2^{140}.$
b) $0 \leq e_1 + 2^{4} \cdot f + 2^{140} - t_\mathbb{P} < 2^{140}$. To check this, we
decompose ${e_1}f' = e_1 + 2^{4} \cdot f + 2^{140} - t_\mathbb{P}$ into fourteen
10-bit words (little-endian) using a running sum $z_{{e_1}f'}$, looking up each
word in a $10$-bit lookup table. We then enforce in the custom gate that
$$g_0 \cdot z_{{e_1}f',14} = 0.$$
\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,2} \cdot g_0 \cdot z_{f,13} = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,1} \cdot (e_1 + f \cdot 2^4 + 2^{140} - t_\mathbb{P} - {e_1}f') = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,2} \cdot g_0 \cdot z_{{e_1}f',14} = 0 \\\hline
### $\psi$ with $h_1 = 1 \implies \psi \geq 2^{254}$
In these cases, we check that $\psi_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P}$:
1. $h_1 = 1 \implies h_0 = 0.$
Since $h_1 = 1 \implies \psi_{0..=253} < t_\mathbb{P} < 2^{126},$ we know that $\psi_{126..=253} = 0,$
and in particular $h_0 := \psi_{249..=253} = 0.$
2. $h_1 = 1 \implies 0 \leq g_1 + 2^{9} \cdot g_2 < t_\mathbb{P}.$
To check that $0 \leq g_1 + 2^{9} \cdot g_2 < t_\mathbb{P},$ we use two constraints:
a) $0 \leq g_1 + 2^{9} \cdot g_2 < 2^{140}.$ $g_1$ is already constrained individually
to be a $9$-bit value. $z_{g,13}$ is the index-13 running sum output by
$\SinsemillaHash(g).$ By constraining $$h_1 \cdot z_{g,13} = 0,$$ we constrain
$g_1 + 2^9 \cdot g_2 < 2^{129} < 2^{130}.$
b) $0 \leq g_1 + 2^{9} \cdot g_2 + 2^{130} - t_\mathbb{P} < 2^{130}$. To check this,
we decompose ${g_1}{g_2}' = g_1 + 2^{9} \cdot g_2 + 2^{130} - t_\mathbb{P}$ into
thirteen 10-bit words (little-endian) using a running sum $z_{{g_1}{g_2}'}$,
looking up each word in a $10$-bit lookup table. We then enforce in the custom gate
that $$h_1 \cdot z_{{g_1}{g_2}',13} = 0.$$
\text{Degree} & \text{Constraint} \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,2} \cdot h_1 \cdot h_0 = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,2} \cdot h_1 \cdot z_{g,13} = 0 \\\hline
2 & q_{\NoteCommit,1} \cdot (g_1 + g_2 \cdot 2^9 + 2^{130} - t_\mathbb{P} - {g_1}{g_2}') = 0 \\\hline
3 & q_{\NoteCommit,2} \cdot g_0 \cdot z_{{g_1}{g_2}',13} = 0 \\\hline