use std::array; use super::super::{copy, CellValue, EccConfig, EccPoint, EccScalarFixedShort, Var}; use crate::constants::ValueCommitV; use halo2::{ circuit::Layouter, plonk::{ConstraintSystem, Error, Selector}, poly::Rotation, }; use pasta_curves::pallas; pub struct Config { // Selector used for fixed-base scalar mul with short signed exponent. q_mul_fixed_short: Selector, super_config: super::Config, } impl From<&EccConfig> for Config { fn from(config: &EccConfig) -> Self { Self { q_mul_fixed_short: config.q_mul_fixed_short, super_config: config.into(), } } } impl Config { // We reuse the constraints in the `mul_fixed` gate so exclude them here. // Here, we add some new constraints specific to the short signed case. pub(crate) fn create_gate(&self, meta: &mut ConstraintSystem) { meta.create_gate("Short fixed-base mul gate", |meta| { let q_mul_fixed_short = meta.query_selector(self.q_mul_fixed_short); let y_p = meta.query_advice(self.super_config.y_p, Rotation::cur()); let y_a = meta.query_advice(self.super_config.add_config.y_qr, Rotation::cur()); let sign = meta.query_advice(self.super_config.window, Rotation::cur()); // `(x_a, y_a)` is the result of `[m]B`, where `m` is the magnitude. // We conditionally negate this result using `y_p = y_a * s`, where `s` is the sign. // Check that the final `y_p = y_a` or `y_p = -y_a` let y_check = q_mul_fixed_short.clone() * (y_p.clone() - y_a.clone()) * (y_p.clone() + y_a.clone()); // Check that the correct sign is witnessed s.t. sign * y_p = y_a let negation_check = sign * y_p - y_a; array::IntoIter::new([y_check, negation_check]) .map(move |poly| q_mul_fixed_short.clone() * poly) }); } pub fn assign( &self, mut layouter: impl Layouter, scalar: &EccScalarFixedShort, base: &ValueCommitV, ) -> Result { layouter.assign_region( || "Short fixed-base mul", |mut region| { let offset = 0; // Copy the scalar decomposition self.super_config .copy_scalar(&mut region, offset, &scalar.into())?; let (acc, mul_b) = self.super_config.assign_region_inner( &mut region, offset, &scalar.into(), base.clone().into(), self.super_config.mul_fixed, )?; // Add to the cumulative sum to get `[magnitude]B`. let magnitude_mul = self.super_config.add_config.assign_region( &mul_b, &acc, offset + NUM_WINDOWS, &mut region, )?; // Increase offset by 1 after complete addition let offset = offset + 1; // Assign sign to `window` column let sign = copy( &mut region, || "sign", self.super_config.window, offset + NUM_WINDOWS, &scalar.sign, &self.super_config.perm, )?; // Conditionally negate `y`-coordinate let y_val = if let Some(sign) = sign.value() { if sign == -pallas::Base::one() { magnitude_mul.y.value().map(|y: pallas::Base| -y) } else { magnitude_mul.y.value() } } else { None }; // Enable mul_fixed_short selector on final row self.q_mul_fixed_short .enable(&mut region, offset + NUM_WINDOWS)?; // Assign final `y` to `y_p` column and return final point let y_var = region.assign_advice( || "y_var", self.super_config.y_p, offset + NUM_WINDOWS, || y_val.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError), )?; let result = EccPoint { x: magnitude_mul.x, y: CellValue::new(y_var, y_val), }; #[cfg(test)] // Check that the correct multiple is obtained. { use group::Curve; let base: super::OrchardFixedBases = base.clone().into(); let scalar = scalar .magnitude .zip(scalar.sign.value()) .map(|(magnitude, sign)| { let sign = if sign == pallas::Base::one() { pallas::Scalar::one() } else if sign == -pallas::Base::one() { -pallas::Scalar::one() } else { panic!("Sign should be 1 or -1.") }; magnitude * sign }); let real_mul =|scalar| base.generator() * scalar); let result = result.point(); if let (Some(real_mul), Some(result)) = (real_mul, result) { assert_eq!(real_mul.to_affine(), result); } } Ok(result) }, ) } } #[cfg(test)] pub mod tests { use ff::PrimeFieldBits; use halo2::{circuit::Layouter, plonk::Error}; use pasta_curves::{arithmetic::FieldExt, pallas}; use crate::circuit::gadget::ecc::{chip::EccChip, FixedPointShort, Point, ScalarFixedShort}; use crate::constants::load::ValueCommitV; #[allow(clippy::op_ref)] pub fn test_mul_fixed_short( chip: EccChip, mut layouter: impl Layouter, zero: &Point, ) -> Result<(), Error> where pallas::Scalar: PrimeFieldBits, { // value_commit_v let value_commit_v = ValueCommitV::get(); let value_commit_v = FixedPointShort::from_inner(chip.clone(), value_commit_v); // [0]B should return (0,0) since it uses complete addition // on the last step. { let scalar_fixed = pallas::Scalar::zero(); let scalar_fixed = ScalarFixedShort::new( chip.clone(), layouter.namespace(|| "ScalarFixedShort"), Some(scalar_fixed), )?; let result = value_commit_v.mul(layouter.namespace(|| "mul by zero"), &scalar_fixed)?; result.constrain_equal(layouter.namespace(|| "[0]B = 𝒪"), &zero)?; } // Random [a]B { let scalar_fixed_short = pallas::Scalar::from_u64(rand::random::()); let mut sign = pallas::Scalar::one(); if rand::random::() { sign = -sign; } let scalar_fixed_short = sign * &scalar_fixed_short; let scalar_fixed_short = ScalarFixedShort::new( chip.clone(), layouter.namespace(|| "ScalarFixedShort"), Some(scalar_fixed_short), )?; value_commit_v.mul(layouter.namespace(|| "mul fixed"), &scalar_fixed_short)?; } // [2^64 - 1]B { let scalar_fixed_short = pallas::Scalar::from_u64(0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFu64); let scalar_fixed_short = ScalarFixedShort::new( chip.clone(), layouter.namespace(|| "ScalarFixedShort"), Some(scalar_fixed_short), )?; value_commit_v.mul(layouter.namespace(|| "mul fixed"), &scalar_fixed_short)?; } // [-(2^64 - 1)]B { let scalar_fixed_short = -pallas::Scalar::from_u64(0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFu64); let scalar_fixed_short = ScalarFixedShort::new( chip.clone(), layouter.namespace(|| "ScalarFixedShort"), Some(scalar_fixed_short), )?; value_commit_v.mul(layouter.namespace(|| "mul fixed"), &scalar_fixed_short)?; } // There is a single canonical sequence of window values for which a doubling occurs on the last step: // 1333333333333333333334 in octal. // [0xB6DB_6DB6_DB6D_B6DC] B { let scalar_fixed_short = pallas::Scalar::from_u64(0xB6DB_6DB6_DB6D_B6DCu64); let scalar_fixed_short = ScalarFixedShort::new( chip, layouter.namespace(|| "ScalarFixedShort"), Some(scalar_fixed_short), )?; value_commit_v.mul(layouter.namespace(|| "mul fixed"), &scalar_fixed_short)?; } Ok(()) } }