//! This module contains an implementation of the polynomial commitment scheme //! described in the [Halo][halo] paper. //! //! [halo]: https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/1021 use super::{Coeff, LagrangeCoeff, Polynomial}; use crate::arithmetic::{best_fft, best_multiexp, parallelize, CurveAffine, CurveExt}; use crate::helpers::CurveRead; use ff::{Field, PrimeField}; use group::{Curve, Group}; use std::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Mul, MulAssign}; mod msm; mod prover; mod verifier; pub use msm::MSM; pub use prover::create_proof; pub use verifier::{verify_proof, Accumulator, Guard}; use std::io; /// These are the public parameters for the polynomial commitment scheme. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Params { pub(crate) k: u32, pub(crate) n: u64, pub(crate) g: Vec, pub(crate) g_lagrange: Vec, pub(crate) w: C, pub(crate) u: C, } impl Params { /// Initializes parameters for the curve, given a random oracle to draw /// points from. pub fn new(k: u32) -> Self { // This is usually a limitation on the curve, but we also want 32-bit // architectures to be supported. assert!(k < 32); // In src/arithmetic/fields.rs we ensure that usize is at least 32 bits. let n: u64 = 1 << k; let g_projective = { let mut g = Vec::with_capacity(n as usize); g.resize(n as usize, C::Curve::identity()); parallelize(&mut g, move |g, start| { let hasher = C::CurveExt::hash_to_curve("Halo2-Parameters"); for (i, g) in g.iter_mut().enumerate() { let i = (i + start) as u32; let mut message = [0u8; 5]; message[1..5].copy_from_slice(&i.to_le_bytes()); *g = hasher(&message); } }); g }; let g = { let mut g = vec![C::identity(); n as usize]; parallelize(&mut g, |g, starts| { C::Curve::batch_normalize(&g_projective[starts..(starts + g.len())], g); }); g }; // Let's evaluate all of the Lagrange basis polynomials // using an inverse FFT. let mut alpha_inv = ::Scalar::ROOT_OF_UNITY_INV; for _ in k..C::Scalar::S { alpha_inv = alpha_inv.square(); } let mut g_lagrange_projective = g_projective; best_fft(&mut g_lagrange_projective, alpha_inv, k); let minv = C::Scalar::TWO_INV.pow_vartime([k as u64, 0, 0, 0]); parallelize(&mut g_lagrange_projective, |g, _| { for g in g.iter_mut() { *g *= minv; } }); let g_lagrange = { let mut g_lagrange = vec![C::identity(); n as usize]; parallelize(&mut g_lagrange, |g_lagrange, starts| { C::Curve::batch_normalize( &g_lagrange_projective[starts..(starts + g_lagrange.len())], g_lagrange, ); }); drop(g_lagrange_projective); g_lagrange }; let hasher = C::CurveExt::hash_to_curve("Halo2-Parameters"); let w = hasher(&[1]).to_affine(); let u = hasher(&[2]).to_affine(); Params { k, n, g, g_lagrange, w, u, } } /// This computes a commitment to a polynomial described by the provided /// slice of coefficients. The commitment will be blinded by the blinding /// factor `r`. pub fn commit(&self, poly: &Polynomial, r: Blind) -> C::Curve { let mut tmp_scalars = Vec::with_capacity(poly.len() + 1); let mut tmp_bases = Vec::with_capacity(poly.len() + 1); tmp_scalars.extend(poly.iter()); tmp_scalars.push(r.0); tmp_bases.extend(self.g.iter()); tmp_bases.push(self.w); best_multiexp::(&tmp_scalars, &tmp_bases) } /// This commits to a polynomial using its evaluations over the $2^k$ size /// evaluation domain. The commitment will be blinded by the blinding factor /// `r`. pub fn commit_lagrange( &self, poly: &Polynomial, r: Blind, ) -> C::Curve { let mut tmp_scalars = Vec::with_capacity(poly.len() + 1); let mut tmp_bases = Vec::with_capacity(poly.len() + 1); tmp_scalars.extend(poly.iter()); tmp_scalars.push(r.0); tmp_bases.extend(self.g_lagrange.iter()); tmp_bases.push(self.w); best_multiexp::(&tmp_scalars, &tmp_bases) } /// Generates an empty multiscalar multiplication struct using the /// appropriate params. pub fn empty_msm(&self) -> MSM { MSM::new(self) } /// Getter for g generators pub fn get_g(&self) -> Vec { self.g.clone() } /// Writes params to a buffer. pub fn write(&self, writer: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> { writer.write_all(&self.k.to_le_bytes())?; for g_element in &self.g { writer.write_all(g_element.to_bytes().as_ref())?; } for g_lagrange_element in &self.g_lagrange { writer.write_all(g_lagrange_element.to_bytes().as_ref())?; } writer.write_all(self.w.to_bytes().as_ref())?; writer.write_all(self.u.to_bytes().as_ref())?; Ok(()) } /// Reads params from a buffer. pub fn read(reader: &mut R) -> io::Result { let mut k = [0u8; 4]; reader.read_exact(&mut k[..])?; let k = u32::from_le_bytes(k); let n: u64 = 1 << k; let g: Vec<_> = (0..n).map(|_| C::read(reader)).collect::>()?; let g_lagrange: Vec<_> = (0..n).map(|_| C::read(reader)).collect::>()?; let w = C::read(reader)?; let u = C::read(reader)?; Ok(Params { k, n, g, g_lagrange, w, u, }) } } /// Wrapper type around a blinding factor. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Blind(pub F); impl Default for Blind { fn default() -> Self { Blind(F::ONE) } } impl Add for Blind { type Output = Self; fn add(self, rhs: Blind) -> Self { Blind(self.0 + rhs.0) } } impl Mul for Blind { type Output = Self; fn mul(self, rhs: Blind) -> Self { Blind(self.0 * rhs.0) } } impl AddAssign for Blind { fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Blind) { self.0 += rhs.0; } } impl MulAssign for Blind { fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: Blind) { self.0 *= rhs.0; } } impl AddAssign for Blind { fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: F) { self.0 += rhs; } } impl MulAssign for Blind { fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: F) { self.0 *= rhs; } } #[test] fn test_commit_lagrange_epaffine() { const K: u32 = 6; use rand_core::OsRng; use crate::pasta::{EpAffine, Fq}; let params = Params::::new(K); let domain = super::EvaluationDomain::new(1, K); let mut a = domain.empty_lagrange(); for (i, a) in a.iter_mut().enumerate() { *a = Fq::from(i as u64); } let b = domain.lagrange_to_coeff(a.clone()); let alpha = Blind(Fq::random(OsRng)); assert_eq!(params.commit(&b, alpha), params.commit_lagrange(&a, alpha)); } #[test] fn test_commit_lagrange_eqaffine() { const K: u32 = 6; use rand_core::OsRng; use crate::pasta::{EqAffine, Fp}; let params = Params::::new(K); let domain = super::EvaluationDomain::new(1, K); let mut a = domain.empty_lagrange(); for (i, a) in a.iter_mut().enumerate() { *a = Fp::from(i as u64); } let b = domain.lagrange_to_coeff(a.clone()); let alpha = Blind(Fp::random(OsRng)); assert_eq!(params.commit(&b, alpha), params.commit_lagrange(&a, alpha)); } #[test] fn test_opening_proof() { const K: u32 = 6; use ff::Field; use rand_core::OsRng; use super::{ commitment::{Blind, Params}, EvaluationDomain, }; use crate::arithmetic::eval_polynomial; use crate::pasta::{EpAffine, Fq}; use crate::transcript::{ Blake2bRead, Blake2bWrite, Challenge255, Transcript, TranscriptRead, TranscriptWrite, }; let rng = OsRng; let params = Params::::new(K); let mut params_buffer = vec![]; params.write(&mut params_buffer).unwrap(); let params: Params = Params::read::<_>(&mut ¶ms_buffer[..]).unwrap(); let domain = EvaluationDomain::new(1, K); let mut px = domain.empty_coeff(); for (i, a) in px.iter_mut().enumerate() { *a = Fq::from(i as u64); } let blind = Blind(Fq::random(rng)); let p = params.commit(&px, blind).to_affine(); let mut transcript = Blake2bWrite::, EpAffine, Challenge255>::init(vec![]); transcript.write_point(p).unwrap(); let x = transcript.squeeze_challenge_scalar::<()>(); // Evaluate the polynomial let v = eval_polynomial(&px, *x); transcript.write_scalar(v).unwrap(); let (proof, ch_prover) = { create_proof(¶ms, rng, &mut transcript, &px, blind, *x).unwrap(); let ch_prover = transcript.squeeze_challenge(); (transcript.finalize(), ch_prover) }; // Verify the opening proof let mut transcript = Blake2bRead::<&[u8], EpAffine, Challenge255>::init(&proof[..]); let p_prime = transcript.read_point().unwrap(); assert_eq!(p, p_prime); let x_prime = transcript.squeeze_challenge_scalar::<()>(); assert_eq!(*x, *x_prime); let v_prime = transcript.read_scalar().unwrap(); assert_eq!(v, v_prime); let mut commitment_msm = params.empty_msm(); commitment_msm.append_term(Field::ONE, p); let guard = verify_proof(¶ms, commitment_msm, &mut transcript, *x, v).unwrap(); let ch_verifier = transcript.squeeze_challenge(); assert_eq!(*ch_prover, *ch_verifier); // Test guard behavior prior to checking another proof { // Test use_challenges() let msm_challenges = guard.clone().use_challenges(); assert!(msm_challenges.eval()); // Test use_g() let g = guard.compute_g(); let (msm_g, _accumulator) = guard.clone().use_g(g); assert!(msm_g.eval()); } }