use group::Curve; use halo2::{ arithmetic::FieldExt, model::ModelRecorder, pasta::{EqAffine, Fp}, plonk::*, poly::{ commitment::{Blind, Params}, Rotation, }, transcript::{Blake2bRead, Blake2bWrite}, }; use std::marker::PhantomData; /// This represents an advice column at a certain row in the ConstraintSystem #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct Variable(Column, usize); #[derive(Clone)] struct PLONKConfig { a: Column, b: Column, c: Column, sa: Column, sb: Column, sc: Column, sm: Column, sp: Column, perm: Permutation, } trait StandardCS { fn raw_multiply(&mut self, f: F) -> Result<(Variable, Variable, Variable), Error> where F: FnOnce() -> Result<(FF, FF, FF), Error>; fn raw_add(&mut self, f: F) -> Result<(Variable, Variable, Variable), Error> where F: FnOnce() -> Result<(FF, FF, FF), Error>; fn copy(&mut self, a: Variable, b: Variable) -> Result<(), Error>; fn public_input(&mut self, f: F) -> Result where F: FnOnce() -> Result; } #[derive(Clone)] struct MyCircuit { a: Option, k: u32, } struct StandardPLONK<'a, F: FieldExt, CS: Assignment + 'a> { cs: &'a mut CS, config: PLONKConfig, current_gate: usize, _marker: PhantomData, } impl<'a, FF: FieldExt, CS: Assignment> StandardPLONK<'a, FF, CS> { fn new(cs: &'a mut CS, config: PLONKConfig) -> Self { StandardPLONK { cs, config, current_gate: 0, _marker: PhantomData, } } } impl<'a, FF: FieldExt, CS: Assignment> StandardCS for StandardPLONK<'a, FF, CS> { fn raw_multiply(&mut self, f: F) -> Result<(Variable, Variable, Variable), Error> where F: FnOnce() -> Result<(FF, FF, FF), Error>, { let index = self.current_gate; self.current_gate += 1; let mut value = None; self.cs.assign_advice( || "lhs", self.config.a, index, || { value = Some(f()?); Ok(value.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError)?.0) }, )?; self.cs.assign_advice( || "rhs", self.config.b, index, || Ok(value.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError)?.1), )?; self.cs.assign_advice( || "out", self.config.c, index, || Ok(value.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError)?.2), )?; self.cs .assign_fixed(|| "a",, index, || Ok(FF::zero()))?; self.cs .assign_fixed(|| "b",, index, || Ok(FF::zero()))?; self.cs .assign_fixed(|| "c",, index, || Ok(FF::one()))?; self.cs .assign_fixed(|| "a * b",, index, || Ok(FF::one()))?; Ok(( Variable(self.config.a, index), Variable(self.config.b, index), Variable(self.config.c, index), )) } fn raw_add(&mut self, f: F) -> Result<(Variable, Variable, Variable), Error> where F: FnOnce() -> Result<(FF, FF, FF), Error>, { let index = self.current_gate; self.current_gate += 1; let mut value = None; self.cs.assign_advice( || "lhs", self.config.a, index, || { value = Some(f()?); Ok(value.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError)?.0) }, )?; self.cs.assign_advice( || "rhs", self.config.b, index, || Ok(value.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError)?.1), )?; self.cs.assign_advice( || "out", self.config.c, index, || Ok(value.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError)?.2), )?; self.cs .assign_fixed(|| "a",, index, || Ok(FF::one()))?; self.cs .assign_fixed(|| "b",, index, || Ok(FF::one()))?; self.cs .assign_fixed(|| "c",, index, || Ok(FF::one()))?; self.cs .assign_fixed(|| "a * b",, index, || Ok(FF::zero()))?; Ok(( Variable(self.config.a, index), Variable(self.config.b, index), Variable(self.config.c, index), )) } fn copy(&mut self, left: Variable, right: Variable) -> Result<(), Error> { self.cs.copy( &self.config.perm, left.0.into(), left.1, right.0.into(), right.1, ) } fn public_input(&mut self, f: F) -> Result where F: FnOnce() -> Result, { let index = self.current_gate; self.current_gate += 1; self.cs .assign_advice(|| "value", self.config.a, index, || f())?; self.cs .assign_fixed(|| "public", self.config.sp, index, || Ok(FF::one()))?; Ok(Variable(self.config.a, index)) } } impl Circuit for MyCircuit { type Config = PLONKConfig; fn configure(meta: &mut ConstraintSystem) -> PLONKConfig { let a = meta.advice_column(); let b = meta.advice_column(); let c = meta.advice_column(); let p = meta.instance_column(); let perm = meta.permutation(&[a.into(), b.into(), c.into()]); let sm = meta.fixed_column(); let sa = meta.fixed_column(); let sb = meta.fixed_column(); let sc = meta.fixed_column(); let sp = meta.fixed_column(); meta.create_gate("Combined add-mult", |meta| { let a = meta.query_advice(a, Rotation::cur()); let b = meta.query_advice(b, Rotation::cur()); let c = meta.query_advice(c, Rotation::cur()); let sa = meta.query_fixed(sa, Rotation::cur()); let sb = meta.query_fixed(sb, Rotation::cur()); let sc = meta.query_fixed(sc, Rotation::cur()); let sm = meta.query_fixed(sm, Rotation::cur()); a.clone() * sa + b.clone() * sb + a * b * sm + (c * sc * (-F::one())) }); meta.create_gate("Public input", |meta| { let a = meta.query_advice(a, Rotation::cur()); let p = meta.query_instance(p, Rotation::cur()); let sp = meta.query_fixed(sp, Rotation::cur()); sp * (a + p * (-F::one())) }); PLONKConfig { a, b, c, sa, sb, sc, sm, sp, perm, } } fn synthesize(&self, cs: &mut impl Assignment, config: PLONKConfig) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut cs = StandardPLONK::new(cs, config); let _ = cs.public_input(|| Ok(F::one() + F::one()))?; for _ in 0..((1 << (self.k - 1)) - 1) { let mut a_squared = None; let (a0, _, c0) = cs.raw_multiply(|| { a_squared =|a| a.square()); Ok(( self.a.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError)?, self.a.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError)?, a_squared.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError)?, )) })?; let (a1, b1, _) = cs.raw_add(|| { let fin = a_squared.and_then(|a2||a| a + a2)); Ok(( self.a.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError)?, a_squared.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError)?, fin.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError)?, )) })?; cs.copy(a0, a1)?; cs.copy(b1, c0)?; } Ok(()) } } fn main() { let recorder = Box::leak(Box::new(ModelRecorder::default())); metrics::set_recorder(recorder).unwrap(); // TODO: Make dynamic. let k = 11; // Initialize the polynomial commitment parameters let params: Params = Params::new(k); let empty_circuit: MyCircuit = MyCircuit { a: None, k }; // Initialize the proving key let vk = keygen_vk(¶ms, &empty_circuit).expect("keygen_vk should not fail"); let pk = keygen_pk(¶ms, vk, &empty_circuit).expect("keygen_pk should not fail"); println!("[Keygen] {}", recorder); recorder.clear(); let mut pubinputs = pk.get_vk().get_domain().empty_lagrange(); pubinputs[0] = Fp::one(); pubinputs[0] += Fp::one(); let pubinput = params .commit_lagrange(&pubinputs, Blind::default()) .to_affine(); recorder.clear(); let circuit: MyCircuit = MyCircuit { a: Some(Fp::rand()), k, }; // Create a proof let mut transcript = Blake2bWrite::init(vec![]); create_proof(¶ms, &pk, &[circuit], &[&[pubinputs]], &mut transcript) .expect("proof generation should not fail"); let proof: Vec = transcript.finalize(); println!("[Prover] {}", recorder); recorder.clear(); let pubinput_slice = &[pubinput]; let msm = params.empty_msm(); let mut transcript = Blake2bRead::init(&proof[..]); let guard = verify_proof( ¶ms, pk.get_vk(), msm, &[pubinput_slice], &mut transcript, ) .unwrap(); let msm = guard.clone().use_challenges(); assert!(msm.eval()); println!("[Verifier] {}", recorder); }