use super::super::NonIdentityEccPoint; use super::{X, Y, Z}; use crate::utilities::bool_check; use group::ff::PrimeField; use halo2_proofs::{ circuit::{Region, Value}, plonk::{ Advice, Column, ConstraintSystem, Constraints, Error, Expression, Selector, VirtualCells, }, poly::Rotation, }; use pasta_curves::pallas; /// A helper struct for implementing single-row double-and-add using incomplete addition. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub(crate) struct DoubleAndAdd { // x-coordinate of the accumulator in each double-and-add iteration. pub(crate) x_a: Column, // x-coordinate of the point being added in each double-and-add iteration. pub(crate) x_p: Column, // lambda1 in each double-and-add iteration. pub(crate) lambda_1: Column, // lambda2 in each double-and-add iteration. pub(crate) lambda_2: Column, } impl DoubleAndAdd { /// Derives the expression `x_r = lambda_1^2 - x_a - x_p`. pub(crate) fn x_r( &self, meta: &mut VirtualCells, rotation: Rotation, ) -> Expression { let x_a = meta.query_advice(self.x_a, rotation); let x_p = meta.query_advice(self.x_p, rotation); let lambda_1 = meta.query_advice(self.lambda_1, rotation); lambda_1.square() - x_a - x_p } /// Derives the expression `Y_A = (lambda_1 + lambda_2) * (x_a - x_r)`. /// /// Note that this is missing the factor of `1/2`; the Sinsemilla constraints factor /// it out, so we leave it up to the caller to handle it. #[allow(non_snake_case)] pub(crate) fn Y_A( &self, meta: &mut VirtualCells, rotation: Rotation, ) -> Expression { let x_a = meta.query_advice(self.x_a, rotation); let lambda_1 = meta.query_advice(self.lambda_1, rotation); let lambda_2 = meta.query_advice(self.lambda_2, rotation); (lambda_1 + lambda_2) * (x_a - self.x_r(meta, rotation)) } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub(crate) struct Config { // Selector constraining the first row of incomplete addition. pub(super) q_mul_1: Selector, // Selector constraining the main loop of incomplete addition. pub(super) q_mul_2: Selector, // Selector constraining the last row of incomplete addition. pub(super) q_mul_3: Selector, // Cumulative sum used to decompose the scalar. pub(super) z: Column, // Logic specific to merged double-and-add. pub(super) double_and_add: DoubleAndAdd, // y-coordinate of the point being added in each double-and-add iteration. pub(super) y_p: Column, } impl Config { pub(super) fn configure( meta: &mut ConstraintSystem, z: Column, x_a: Column, x_p: Column, y_p: Column, lambda_1: Column, lambda_2: Column, ) -> Self { meta.enable_equality(z); meta.enable_equality(lambda_1); let config = Self { q_mul_1: meta.selector(), q_mul_2: meta.selector(), q_mul_3: meta.selector(), z, double_and_add: DoubleAndAdd { x_a, x_p, lambda_1, lambda_2, }, y_p, }; config.create_gate(meta); config } // Gate for incomplete addition part of variable-base scalar multiplication. fn create_gate(&self, meta: &mut ConstraintSystem) { // Closure to compute x_{R,i} = λ_{1,i}^2 - x_{A,i} - x_{P,i} let x_r = |meta: &mut VirtualCells, rotation: Rotation| { self.double_and_add.x_r(meta, rotation) }; // Closure to compute y_{A,i} = (λ_{1,i} + λ_{2,i}) * (x_{A,i} - x_{R,i}) / 2 let y_a = |meta: &mut VirtualCells, rotation: Rotation| { self.double_and_add.Y_A(meta, rotation) * pallas::Base::TWO_INV }; // Constraints used for q_mul_{2, 3} == 1 // // let for_loop = |meta: &mut VirtualCells, y_a_next: Expression| { let one = Expression::Constant(pallas::Base::one()); // z_i let z_cur = meta.query_advice(self.z, Rotation::cur()); // z_{i+1} let z_prev = meta.query_advice(self.z, Rotation::prev()); // x_{A,i} let x_a_cur = meta.query_advice(self.double_and_add.x_a, Rotation::cur()); // x_{A,i-1} let x_a_next = meta.query_advice(self.double_and_add.x_a, Rotation::next()); // x_{P,i} let x_p_cur = meta.query_advice(self.double_and_add.x_p, Rotation::cur()); // y_{P,i} let y_p_cur = meta.query_advice(self.y_p, Rotation::cur()); // λ_{1,i} let lambda1_cur = meta.query_advice(self.double_and_add.lambda_1, Rotation::cur()); // λ_{2,i} let lambda2_cur = meta.query_advice(self.double_and_add.lambda_2, Rotation::cur()); let y_a_cur = y_a(meta, Rotation::cur()); // The current bit in the scalar decomposition, k_i = z_i - 2⋅z_{i+1}. // Recall that we assigned the cumulative variable `z_i` in descending order, // i from n down to 0. So z_{i+1} corresponds to the `z_prev` query. let k = z_cur - z_prev * pallas::Base::from(2); // Check booleanity of decomposition. let bool_check = bool_check(k.clone()); // λ_{1,i}⋅(x_{A,i} − x_{P,i}) − y_{A,i} + (2k_i - 1) y_{P,i} = 0 let gradient_1 = lambda1_cur * (x_a_cur.clone() - x_p_cur) - y_a_cur.clone() + (k * pallas::Base::from(2) - one) * y_p_cur; // λ_{2,i}^2 − x_{A,i-1} − x_{R,i} − x_{A,i} = 0 let secant_line = lambda2_cur.clone().square() - x_a_next.clone() - x_r(meta, Rotation::cur()) - x_a_cur.clone(); // λ_{2,i}⋅(x_{A,i} − x_{A,i-1}) − y_{A,i} − y_{A,i-1} = 0 let gradient_2 = lambda2_cur * (x_a_cur - x_a_next) - y_a_cur - y_a_next; std::iter::empty() .chain(Some(("bool_check", bool_check))) .chain(Some(("gradient_1", gradient_1))) .chain(Some(("secant_line", secant_line))) .chain(Some(("gradient_2", gradient_2))) }; // q_mul_1 == 1 checks // meta.create_gate("q_mul_1 == 1 checks", |meta| { let q_mul_1 = meta.query_selector(self.q_mul_1); let y_a_next = y_a(meta, Rotation::next()); let y_a_witnessed = meta.query_advice(self.double_and_add.lambda_1, Rotation::cur()); Constraints::with_selector(q_mul_1, Some(("init y_a", y_a_witnessed - y_a_next))) }); // q_mul_2 == 1 checks // meta.create_gate("q_mul_2 == 1 checks", |meta| { let q_mul_2 = meta.query_selector(self.q_mul_2); let y_a_next = y_a(meta, Rotation::next()); // x_{P,i} let x_p_cur = meta.query_advice(self.double_and_add.x_p, Rotation::cur()); // x_{P,i-1} let x_p_next = meta.query_advice(self.double_and_add.x_p, Rotation::next()); // y_{P,i} let y_p_cur = meta.query_advice(self.y_p, Rotation::cur()); // y_{P,i-1} let y_p_next = meta.query_advice(self.y_p, Rotation::next()); // The base used in double-and-add remains constant. We check that its // x- and y- coordinates are the same throughout. let x_p_check = x_p_cur - x_p_next; let y_p_check = y_p_cur - y_p_next; Constraints::with_selector( q_mul_2, std::iter::empty() .chain(Some(("x_p_check", x_p_check))) .chain(Some(("y_p_check", y_p_check))) .chain(for_loop(meta, y_a_next)), ) }); // q_mul_3 == 1 checks // meta.create_gate("q_mul_3 == 1 checks", |meta| { let q_mul_3 = meta.query_selector(self.q_mul_3); let y_a_final = meta.query_advice(self.double_and_add.lambda_1, Rotation::next()); Constraints::with_selector(q_mul_3, for_loop(meta, y_a_final)) }); } /// We perform incomplete addition on all but the last three bits of the /// decomposed scalar. /// We split the bits in the incomplete addition range into "hi" and "lo" /// halves and process them side by side, using the same rows but with /// non-overlapping columns. The base is never the identity point even at /// the boundary between halves. /// Returns (x, y, z). #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] pub(super) fn double_and_add( &self, region: &mut Region<'_, pallas::Base>, offset: usize, base: &NonIdentityEccPoint, bits: &[Value], acc: (X, Y, Z), ) -> Result<(X, Y, Vec>), Error> { // Check that we have the correct number of bits for this double-and-add. assert_eq!(bits.len(), NUM_BITS); // Handle exceptional cases let (x_p, y_p) = (base.x.value().cloned(), base.y.value().cloned()); let (x_a, y_a) = (acc.0.value().cloned(), acc.1.value().cloned()); .zip( .error_if_known_and(|((x_a, y_a), (x_p, y_p))| { // A is point at infinity (x_p.is_zero_vartime() && y_p.is_zero_vartime()) // Q is point at infinity || (x_a.is_zero_vartime() && y_a.is_zero_vartime()) // x_p = x_a || (x_p == x_a) })?; // Set q_mul values { // q_mul_1 = 1 on offset 0 self.q_mul_1.enable(region, offset)?; let offset = offset + 1; // q_mul_2 = 1 on all rows after offset 0, excluding the last row. for idx in 0..(NUM_BITS - 1) { self.q_mul_2.enable(region, offset + idx)?; } // q_mul_3 = 1 on the last row. self.q_mul_3.enable(region, offset + NUM_BITS - 1)?; } // Initialise double-and-add let (mut x_a, mut y_a, mut z) = { // Initialise the running `z` sum for the scalar bits. let z = acc.2.copy_advice(|| "starting z", region, self.z, offset)?; // Initialise acc let x_a = acc.0.copy_advice( || "starting x_a", region, self.double_and_add.x_a, offset + 1, )?; let y_a = acc.1.copy_advice( || "starting y_a", region, self.double_and_add.lambda_1, offset, )?; (x_a, y_a.value().cloned(), z) }; // Increase offset by 1; we used row 0 for initializing `z`. let offset = offset + 1; // Initialise vector to store all interstitial `z` running sum values. let mut zs: Vec> = Vec::with_capacity(bits.len()); // Incomplete addition for (row, k) in bits.iter().enumerate() { // z_{i} = 2 * z_{i+1} + k_i // let z_val = z .value() .zip(k.as_ref()) .map(|(z_val, k)| pallas::Base::from(2) * z_val + pallas::Base::from(*k as u64)); z = region.assign_advice(|| "z", self.z, row + offset, || z_val)?; zs.push(Z(z.clone())); // Assign `x_p`, `y_p` region.assign_advice(|| "x_p", self.double_and_add.x_p, row + offset, || x_p)?; region.assign_advice(|| "y_p", self.y_p, row + offset, || y_p)?; // If the bit is set, use `y`; if the bit is not set, use `-y` let y_p = y_p .zip(k.as_ref()) .map(|(y_p, k)| if !k { -y_p } else { y_p }); // Compute and assign λ1⋅(x_A − x_P) = y_A − y_P let lambda1 = y_a .zip(y_p) .zip(x_a.value()) .zip(x_p) .map(|(((y_a, y_p), x_a), x_p)| (y_a - y_p) * (x_a - x_p).invert()); region.assign_advice( || "lambda1", self.double_and_add.lambda_1, row + offset, || lambda1, )?; // x_R = λ1^2 - x_A - x_P let x_r = lambda1 .zip(x_a.value()) .zip(x_p) .map(|((lambda1, x_a), x_p)| lambda1.square() - x_a - x_p); // λ2 = (2(y_A) / (x_A - x_R)) - λ1 let lambda2 = lambda1 .zip(y_a) .zip(x_a.value()) .zip(x_r) .map(|(((lambda1, y_a), x_a), x_r)| { y_a * pallas::Base::from(2) * (x_a - x_r).invert() - lambda1 }); region.assign_advice( || "lambda2", self.double_and_add.lambda_2, row + offset, || lambda2, )?; // Compute and assign `x_a` for the next row let x_a_new = lambda2.square() - x_a.value() - x_r; y_a = lambda2 * (x_a.value() - x_a_new) - y_a; let x_a_val = x_a_new; x_a = region.assign_advice( || "x_a", self.double_and_add.x_a, row + offset + 1, || x_a_val, )?; } // Witness final y_a let y_a = region.assign_advice( || "y_a", self.double_and_add.lambda_1, offset + NUM_BITS, || y_a, )?; Ok((X(x_a), Y(y_a), zs)) } }