use super::{T_Q, Z}; use crate::{ sinsemilla::primitives as sinsemilla, utilities::lookup_range_check::LookupRangeCheckConfig, }; use group::ff::PrimeField; use halo2_proofs::circuit::AssignedCell; use halo2_proofs::{ circuit::Layouter, plonk::{Advice, Assigned, Column, ConstraintSystem, Constraints, Error, Expression, Selector}, poly::Rotation, }; use pasta_curves::pallas; use std::iter; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct Config { // Selector to check z_0 = alpha + t_q (mod p) q_mul_overflow: Selector, // 10-bit lookup table lookup_config: LookupRangeCheckConfig, // Advice columns advices: [Column; 3], } impl Config { pub(super) fn configure( meta: &mut ConstraintSystem, lookup_config: LookupRangeCheckConfig, advices: [Column; 3], ) -> Self { for advice in advices.iter() { meta.enable_equality(*advice); } let config = Self { q_mul_overflow: meta.selector(), lookup_config, advices, }; config.create_gate(meta); config } fn create_gate(&self, meta: &mut ConstraintSystem) { // meta.create_gate("overflow checks", |meta| { let q_mul_overflow = meta.query_selector(self.q_mul_overflow); // Constant expressions let one = Expression::Constant(pallas::Base::one()); let two_pow_124 = Expression::Constant(pallas::Base::from_u128(1 << 124)); let two_pow_130 = two_pow_124.clone() * Expression::Constant(pallas::Base::from_u128(1 << 6)); let z_0 = meta.query_advice(self.advices[0], Rotation::prev()); let z_130 = meta.query_advice(self.advices[0], Rotation::cur()); let eta = meta.query_advice(self.advices[0], Rotation::next()); let k_254 = meta.query_advice(self.advices[1], Rotation::prev()); let alpha = meta.query_advice(self.advices[1], Rotation::cur()); // s_minus_lo_130 = s - sum_{i = 0}^{129} 2^i ⋅ s_i let s_minus_lo_130 = meta.query_advice(self.advices[1], Rotation::next()); let s = meta.query_advice(self.advices[2], Rotation::cur()); let s_check = s - (alpha.clone() + k_254.clone() * two_pow_130); // q = 2^254 + t_q is the Pallas scalar field modulus. // We cast t_q into the base field to check alpha + t_q (mod p). let t_q = Expression::Constant(pallas::Base::from_u128(T_Q)); // z_0 - alpha - t_q = 0 (mod p) let recovery = z_0 - alpha - t_q; // k_254 * (z_130 - 2^124) = 0 let lo_zero = k_254.clone() * (z_130.clone() - two_pow_124); // k_254 * s_minus_lo_130 = 0 let s_minus_lo_130_check = k_254.clone() * s_minus_lo_130.clone(); // (1 - k_254) * (1 - z_130 * eta) * s_minus_lo_130 = 0 let canonicity = (one.clone() - k_254) * (one - z_130 * eta) * s_minus_lo_130; Constraints::with_selector( q_mul_overflow, iter::empty() .chain(Some(("s_check", s_check))) .chain(Some(("recovery", recovery))) .chain(Some(("lo_zero", lo_zero))) .chain(Some(("s_minus_lo_130_check", s_minus_lo_130_check))) .chain(Some(("canonicity", canonicity))), ) }); } pub(super) fn overflow_check( &self, mut layouter: impl Layouter, alpha: AssignedCell, zs: &[Z], // [z_0, z_1, ..., z_{254}, z_{255}] ) -> Result<(), Error> { // s = alpha + k_254 ⋅ 2^130 is witnessed here, and then copied into // the decomposition as well as the overflow check gate. // In the overflow check gate, we check that s is properly derived // from alpha and k_254. let s = { let k_254 = zs[254].clone(); let s_val = alpha .value() .zip(k_254.value()) .map(|(alpha, k_254)| alpha + k_254 * pallas::Base::from_u128(1 << 65).square()); layouter.assign_region( || "s = alpha + k_254 ⋅ 2^130", |mut region| { region.assign_advice( || "s = alpha + k_254 ⋅ 2^130", self.advices[0], 0, || s_val, ) }, )? }; // Subtract the first 130 low bits of s = alpha + k_254 ⋅ 2^130 // using thirteen 10-bit lookups, s_{0..=129} let s_minus_lo_130 = self.s_minus_lo_130(layouter.namespace(|| "decompose s_{0..=129}"), s.clone())?; layouter.assign_region( || "overflow check", |mut region| { let offset = 0; // Enable overflow check gate self.q_mul_overflow.enable(&mut region, offset + 1)?; // Copy `z_0` zs[0].copy_advice(|| "copy z_0", &mut region, self.advices[0], offset)?; // Copy `z_130` zs[130].copy_advice(|| "copy z_130", &mut region, self.advices[0], offset + 1)?; // Witness η = inv0(z_130), where inv0(x) = 0 if x = 0, 1/x otherwise { let eta = zs[130].value().map(|z_130| Assigned::from(z_130).invert()); region.assign_advice( || "η = inv0(z_130)", self.advices[0], offset + 2, || eta, )?; } // Copy `k_254` = z_254 zs[254].copy_advice(|| "copy k_254", &mut region, self.advices[1], offset)?; // Copy original alpha alpha.copy_advice( || "copy original alpha", &mut region, self.advices[1], offset + 1, )?; // Copy weighted sum of the decomposition of s = alpha + k_254 ⋅ 2^130. s_minus_lo_130.copy_advice( || "copy s_minus_lo_130", &mut region, self.advices[1], offset + 2, )?; // Copy witnessed s to check that it was properly derived from alpha and k_254. s.copy_advice(|| "copy s", &mut region, self.advices[2], offset + 1)?; Ok(()) }, )?; Ok(()) } fn s_minus_lo_130( &self, mut layouter: impl Layouter, s: AssignedCell, ) -> Result, Error> { // Number of k-bit words we can use in the lookup decomposition. let num_words = 130 / sinsemilla::K; assert!(num_words * sinsemilla::K == 130); // Decompose the low 130 bits of `s` using thirteen 10-bit lookups. let zs = self.lookup_config.copy_check( layouter.namespace(|| "Decompose low 130 bits of s"), s, num_words, false, )?; // (s - (2^0 s_0 + 2^1 s_1 + ... + 2^129 s_129)) / 2^130 Ok(zs[zs.len() - 1].clone()) } }