use super::super::{EccBaseFieldElemFixed, EccPoint, FixedPoints, NUM_WINDOWS, T_P}; use super::H_BASE; use crate::utilities::bool_check; use crate::{ sinsemilla::primitives as sinsemilla, utilities::{bitrange_subset, lookup_range_check::LookupRangeCheckConfig, range_check}, }; use group::ff::PrimeField; use halo2_proofs::{ circuit::{AssignedCell, Layouter}, plonk::{Advice, Column, ConstraintSystem, Constraints, Error, Expression, Selector}, poly::Rotation, }; use pasta_curves::pallas; use std::convert::TryInto; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct Config> { q_mul_fixed_base_field: Selector, canon_advices: [Column; 3], lookup_config: LookupRangeCheckConfig, super_config: super::Config, } impl> Config { pub(crate) fn configure( meta: &mut ConstraintSystem, canon_advices: [Column; 3], lookup_config: LookupRangeCheckConfig, super_config: super::Config, ) -> Self { for advice in canon_advices.iter() { meta.enable_equality(*advice); } let config = Self { q_mul_fixed_base_field: meta.selector(), canon_advices, lookup_config, super_config, }; let add_incomplete_advices = config.super_config.add_incomplete_config.advice_columns(); for canon_advice in config.canon_advices.iter() { assert!( !add_incomplete_advices.contains(canon_advice), "Deconflict canon_advice columns with incomplete addition columns." ); } config.create_gate(meta); config } fn create_gate(&self, meta: &mut ConstraintSystem) { // Check that the base field element is canonical. // meta.create_gate("Canonicity checks", |meta| { let q_mul_fixed_base_field = meta.query_selector(self.q_mul_fixed_base_field); let alpha = meta.query_advice(self.canon_advices[0], Rotation::prev()); // The last three bits of α. let z_84_alpha = meta.query_advice(self.canon_advices[2], Rotation::prev()); // Decompose α into three pieces, in little-endian order: // α = α_0 (252 bits) || α_1 (2 bits) || α_2 (1 bit). // // α_0 is derived, not witnessed. let alpha_0 = { let two_pow_252 = pallas::Base::from_u128(1 << 126).square(); alpha - (z_84_alpha.clone() * two_pow_252) }; let alpha_1 = meta.query_advice(self.canon_advices[1], Rotation::cur()); let alpha_2 = meta.query_advice(self.canon_advices[2], Rotation::cur()); let alpha_0_prime = meta.query_advice(self.canon_advices[0], Rotation::cur()); let z_13_alpha_0_prime = meta.query_advice(self.canon_advices[0], Rotation::next()); let z_44_alpha = meta.query_advice(self.canon_advices[1], Rotation::next()); let z_43_alpha = meta.query_advice(self.canon_advices[2], Rotation::next()); let decomposition_checks = { // Range-constrain α_1 to be 2 bits let alpha_1_range_check = range_check(alpha_1.clone(), 1 << 2); // Boolean-constrain α_2 let alpha_2_range_check = bool_check(alpha_2.clone()); // Check that α_1 + 2^2 α_2 = z_84_alpha let z_84_alpha_check = z_84_alpha.clone() - (alpha_1.clone() + alpha_2.clone() * pallas::Base::from(1 << 2)); std::iter::empty() .chain(Some(("alpha_1_range_check", alpha_1_range_check))) .chain(Some(("alpha_2_range_check", alpha_2_range_check))) .chain(Some(("z_84_alpha_check", z_84_alpha_check))) }; // Check α_0_prime = α_0 + 2^130 - t_p let alpha_0_prime_check = { let two_pow_130 = Expression::Constant(pallas::Base::from_u128(1 << 65).square()); let t_p = Expression::Constant(pallas::Base::from_u128(T_P)); alpha_0_prime - (alpha_0 + two_pow_130 - t_p) }; // We want to enforce canonicity of a 255-bit base field element, α. // That is, we want to check that 0 ≤ α < p, where p is Pallas base // field modulus p = 2^254 + t_p // = 2^254 + 45560315531419706090280762371685220353. // Note that t_p < 2^130. // // α has been decomposed into three pieces in little-endian order: // α = α_0 (252 bits) || α_1 (2 bits) || α_2 (1 bit). // = α_0 + 2^252 α_1 + 2^254 α_2. // // If the MSB α_2 = 1, then: // - α_2 = 1 => α_1 = 0, and // - α_2 = 1 => α_0 < t_p. To enforce this: // - α_2 = 1 => 0 ≤ α_0 < 2^130 // - alpha_0_hi_120 = 0 (constrain α_0 to be 132 bits) // - a_43 = 0 or 1 (constrain α_0[130..=131] to be 0) // - α_2 = 1 => 0 ≤ α_0 + 2^130 - t_p < 2^130 // => 13 ten-bit lookups of α_0 + 2^130 - t_p // => z_13_alpha_0_prime = 0 // let canon_checks = { // alpha_0_hi_120 = z_44 - 2^120 z_84 let alpha_0_hi_120 = { let two_pow_120 = Expression::Constant(pallas::Base::from_u128(1 << 60).square()); z_44_alpha.clone() - z_84_alpha * two_pow_120 }; // a_43 = z_43 - (2^3)z_44 let a_43 = z_43_alpha - z_44_alpha * *H_BASE; std::iter::empty() .chain(Some(("MSB = 1 => alpha_1 = 0", alpha_2.clone() * alpha_1))) .chain(Some(( "MSB = 1 => alpha_0_hi_120 = 0", alpha_2.clone() * alpha_0_hi_120, ))) .chain(Some(( "MSB = 1 => a_43 = 0 or 1", alpha_2.clone() * bool_check(a_43), ))) .chain(Some(( "MSB = 1 => z_13_alpha_0_prime = 0", alpha_2 * z_13_alpha_0_prime, ))) }; Constraints::with_selector( q_mul_fixed_base_field, canon_checks .chain(decomposition_checks) .chain(Some(("alpha_0_prime check", alpha_0_prime_check))), ) }); } pub fn assign( &self, mut layouter: impl Layouter, scalar: AssignedCell, base: &>::Base, ) -> Result where >::Base: super::super::FixedPoint, { let (scalar, acc, mul_b) = layouter.assign_region( || "Base-field elem fixed-base mul (incomplete addition)", |mut region| { let offset = 0; // Decompose scalar let scalar = { let running_sum = self.super_config.running_sum_config.copy_decompose( &mut region, offset, scalar.clone(), true, pallas::Base::NUM_BITS as usize, NUM_WINDOWS, )?; EccBaseFieldElemFixed { base_field_elem: running_sum[0].clone(), running_sum: (*running_sum).as_slice().try_into().unwrap(), } }; let (acc, mul_b) = self.super_config.assign_region_inner::<_, NUM_WINDOWS>( &mut region, offset, &(&scalar).into(), base, self.super_config.running_sum_config.q_range_check(), )?; Ok((scalar, acc, mul_b)) }, )?; // Add to the accumulator and return the final result as `[scalar]B`. let result = layouter.assign_region( || "Base-field elem fixed-base mul (complete addition)", |mut region| { self.super_config.add_config.assign_region( &mul_b.clone().into(), &acc.clone().into(), 0, &mut region, ) }, )?; #[cfg(test)] // Check that the correct multiple is obtained. { use super::super::FixedPoint; use group::Curve; let scalar = &scalar .base_field_elem() .value() .map(|scalar| pallas::Scalar::from_repr(scalar.to_repr()).unwrap()); let real_mul =|scalar| base.generator() * scalar); let result = result.point(); real_mul .zip(result) .assert_if_known(|(real_mul, result)| &real_mul.to_affine() == result); } // We want to enforce canonicity of a 255-bit base field element, α. // That is, we want to check that 0 ≤ α < p, where p is Pallas base // field modulus p = 2^254 + t_p // = 2^254 + 45560315531419706090280762371685220353. // Note that t_p < 2^130. // // α has been decomposed into three pieces in little-endian order: // α = α_0 (252 bits) || α_1 (2 bits) || α_2 (1 bit). // = α_0 + 2^252 α_1 + 2^254 α_2. // // If the MSB α_2 = 1, then: // - α_2 = 1 => α_1 = 0, and // - α_2 = 1 => α_0 < t_p. To enforce this: // - α_2 = 1 => 0 ≤ α_0 < 2^130 // => 13 ten-bit lookups of α_0 // - α_2 = 1 => 0 ≤ α_0 + 2^130 - t_p < 2^130 // => 13 ten-bit lookups of α_0 + 2^130 - t_p // => z_13_alpha_0_prime = 0 // let (alpha, running_sum) = (scalar.base_field_elem, &scalar.running_sum); let z_43_alpha = running_sum[43].clone(); let z_44_alpha = running_sum[44].clone(); let z_84_alpha = running_sum[84].clone(); // α_0 = α - z_84_alpha * 2^252 let alpha_0 = alpha .value() .zip(z_84_alpha.value()) .map(|(alpha, z_84_alpha)| { let two_pow_252 = pallas::Base::from_u128(1 << 126).square(); alpha - z_84_alpha * two_pow_252 }); let (alpha_0_prime, z_13_alpha_0_prime) = { // alpha_0_prime = alpha + 2^130 - t_p. let alpha_0_prime =|alpha_0| { let two_pow_130 = pallas::Base::from_u128(1 << 65).square(); let t_p = pallas::Base::from_u128(T_P); alpha_0 + two_pow_130 - t_p }); let zs = self.lookup_config.witness_check( layouter.namespace(|| "Lookup range check alpha_0 + 2^130 - t_p"), alpha_0_prime, 13, false, )?; let alpha_0_prime = zs[0].clone(); (alpha_0_prime, zs[13].clone()) }; layouter.assign_region( || "Canonicity checks", |mut region| { // Activate canonicity check gate self.q_mul_fixed_base_field.enable(&mut region, 1)?; // Offset 0 { let offset = 0; // Copy α alpha.copy_advice(|| "Copy α", &mut region, self.canon_advices[0], offset)?; // z_84_alpha = the top three bits of alpha. z_84_alpha.copy_advice( || "Copy z_84_alpha", &mut region, self.canon_advices[2], offset, )?; } // Offset 1 { let offset = 1; // Copy alpha_0_prime = alpha_0 + 2^130 - t_p. // We constrain this in the custom gate to be derived correctly. alpha_0_prime.copy_advice( || "Copy α_0 + 2^130 - t_p", &mut region, self.canon_advices[0], offset, )?; // Decompose α into three pieces, // α = α_0 (252 bits) || α_1 (2 bits) || α_2 (1 bit). // We only need to witness α_1 and α_2. α_0 is derived in the gate. // Witness α_1 = α[252..=253] let alpha_1 = alpha.value().map(|alpha| bitrange_subset(alpha, 252..254)); region.assign_advice( || "α_1 = α[252..=253]", self.canon_advices[1], offset, || alpha_1, )?; // Witness the MSB α_2 = α[254] let alpha_2 = alpha.value().map(|alpha| bitrange_subset(alpha, 254..255)); region.assign_advice( || "α_2 = α[254]", self.canon_advices[2], offset, || alpha_2, )?; } // Offset 2 { let offset = 2; // Copy z_13_alpha_0_prime z_13_alpha_0_prime.copy_advice( || "Copy z_13_alpha_0_prime", &mut region, self.canon_advices[0], offset, )?; // Copy z_44_alpha z_44_alpha.copy_advice( || "Copy z_44_alpha", &mut region, self.canon_advices[1], offset, )?; // Copy z_43_alpha z_43_alpha.copy_advice( || "Copy z_43_alpha", &mut region, self.canon_advices[2], offset, )?; } Ok(()) }, )?; Ok(result) } } #[cfg(test)] pub mod tests { use group::{ ff::{Field, PrimeField}, Curve, }; use halo2_proofs::{ circuit::{Chip, Layouter, Value}, plonk::Error, }; use pasta_curves::pallas; use rand::rngs::OsRng; use crate::{ ecc::{ chip::{EccChip, FixedPoint, H}, tests::{BaseField, TestFixedBases}, FixedPointBaseField, NonIdentityPoint, Point, }, utilities::UtilitiesInstructions, }; pub(crate) fn test_mul_fixed_base_field( chip: EccChip, mut layouter: impl Layouter, ) -> Result<(), Error> { test_single_base( chip.clone(), layouter.namespace(|| "base_field_elem"), FixedPointBaseField::from_inner(chip, BaseField), BaseField.generator(), ) } #[allow(clippy::op_ref)] fn test_single_base( chip: EccChip, mut layouter: impl Layouter, base: FixedPointBaseField>, base_val: pallas::Affine, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let rng = OsRng; let column = chip.config().advices[0]; fn constrain_equal_non_id( chip: EccChip, mut layouter: impl Layouter, base_val: pallas::Affine, scalar_val: pallas::Base, result: Point>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { // Move scalar from base field into scalar field (which always fits for Pallas). let scalar = pallas::Scalar::from_repr(scalar_val.to_repr()).unwrap(); let expected = NonIdentityPoint::new( chip, layouter.namespace(|| "expected point"), Value::known((base_val * scalar).to_affine()), )?; result.constrain_equal(layouter.namespace(|| "constrain result"), &expected) } // [a]B { let scalar_fixed = pallas::Base::random(rng); let result = { let scalar_fixed = chip.load_private( layouter.namespace(|| "random base field element"), column, Value::known(scalar_fixed), )?; base.mul(layouter.namespace(|| "random [a]B"), scalar_fixed)? }; constrain_equal_non_id( chip.clone(), layouter.namespace(|| "random [a]B"), base_val, scalar_fixed, result, )?; } // There is a single canonical sequence of window values for which a doubling occurs on the last step: // 1333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333334 in octal. // (There is another *non-canonical* sequence // 5333333333333333333333333333333333333333332711161673731021062440252244051273333333333 in octal.) { let h = pallas::Base::from(H as u64); let scalar_fixed = "1333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333334" .chars() .fold(pallas::Base::zero(), |acc, c| { acc * &h + &pallas::Base::from(c.to_digit(8).unwrap() as u64) }); let result = { let scalar_fixed = chip.load_private( layouter.namespace(|| "mul with double"), column, Value::known(scalar_fixed), )?; base.mul(layouter.namespace(|| "mul with double"), scalar_fixed)? }; constrain_equal_non_id( chip.clone(), layouter.namespace(|| "mul with double"), base_val, scalar_fixed, result, )?; } // [0]B should return (0,0) since it uses complete addition // on the last step. { let scalar_fixed = pallas::Base::zero(); let result = { let scalar_fixed = chip.load_private( layouter.namespace(|| "zero"), column, Value::known(scalar_fixed), )?; base.mul(layouter.namespace(|| "mul by zero"), scalar_fixed)? }; result .inner() .is_identity() .assert_if_known(|is_identity| *is_identity); } // [-1]B is the largest base field element { let scalar_fixed = -pallas::Base::one(); let result = { let scalar_fixed = chip.load_private( layouter.namespace(|| "-1"), column, Value::known(scalar_fixed), )?; base.mul(layouter.namespace(|| "mul by -1"), scalar_fixed)? }; constrain_equal_non_id( chip, layouter.namespace(|| "mul by -1"), base_val, scalar_fixed, result, )?; } Ok(()) } }