use group::ff::{Field, PrimeField}; use std::iter; use super::super::{circuit::Any, ChallengeBeta, ChallengeGamma, ChallengeX}; use super::{Argument, VerifyingKey}; use crate::{ arithmetic::CurveAffine, plonk::{self, Error}, poly::{multiopen::VerifierQuery, Rotation}, transcript::{EncodedChallenge, TranscriptRead}, }; pub struct Committed { permutation_product_commitments: Vec, } pub struct EvaluatedSet { permutation_product_commitment: C, permutation_product_eval: C::Scalar, permutation_product_next_eval: C::Scalar, permutation_product_last_eval: Option, } pub struct CommonEvaluated { permutation_evals: Vec, } pub struct Evaluated { sets: Vec>, } impl Argument { pub(crate) fn read_product_commitments< C: CurveAffine, E: EncodedChallenge, T: TranscriptRead, >( &self, vk: &plonk::VerifyingKey, transcript: &mut T, ) -> Result, Error> { let chunk_len = vk.cs_degree - 2; let permutation_product_commitments = self .columns .chunks(chunk_len) .map(|_| transcript.read_point()) .collect::, _>>()?; Ok(Committed { permutation_product_commitments, }) } } impl VerifyingKey { pub(in crate::plonk) fn evaluate, T: TranscriptRead>( &self, transcript: &mut T, ) -> Result, Error> { let permutation_evals = self .commitments .iter() .map(|_| transcript.read_scalar()) .collect::, _>>()?; Ok(CommonEvaluated { permutation_evals }) } } impl Committed { pub(crate) fn evaluate, T: TranscriptRead>( self, transcript: &mut T, ) -> Result, Error> { let mut sets = vec![]; let mut iter = self.permutation_product_commitments.into_iter(); while let Some(permutation_product_commitment) = { let permutation_product_eval = transcript.read_scalar()?; let permutation_product_next_eval = transcript.read_scalar()?; let permutation_product_last_eval = if iter.len() > 0 { Some(transcript.read_scalar()?) } else { None }; sets.push(EvaluatedSet { permutation_product_commitment, permutation_product_eval, permutation_product_next_eval, permutation_product_last_eval, }); } Ok(Evaluated { sets }) } } impl Evaluated { #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub(in crate::plonk) fn expressions<'a>( &'a self, vk: &'a plonk::VerifyingKey, p: &'a Argument, common: &'a CommonEvaluated, advice_evals: &'a [C::Scalar], fixed_evals: &'a [C::Scalar], instance_evals: &'a [C::Scalar], l_0: C::Scalar, l_last: C::Scalar, l_blind: C::Scalar, beta: ChallengeBeta, gamma: ChallengeGamma, x: ChallengeX, ) -> impl Iterator + 'a { let chunk_len = vk.cs_degree - 2; iter::empty() // Enforce only for the first set. // l_0(X) * (1 - z_0(X)) = 0 .chain( self.sets .first() .map(|first_set| l_0 * &(C::Scalar::ONE - &first_set.permutation_product_eval)), ) // Enforce only for the last set. // l_last(X) * (z_l(X)^2 - z_l(X)) = 0 .chain(self.sets.last().map(|last_set| { (last_set.permutation_product_eval.square() - &last_set.permutation_product_eval) * &l_last })) // Except for the first set, enforce. // l_0(X) * (z_i(X) - z_{i-1}(\omega^(last) X)) = 0 .chain( self.sets .iter() .skip(1) .zip(self.sets.iter()) .map(|(set, last_set)| { ( set.permutation_product_eval, last_set.permutation_product_last_eval.unwrap(), ) }) .map(move |(set, prev_last)| (set - &prev_last) * &l_0), ) // And for all the sets we enforce: // (1 - (l_last(X) + l_blind(X))) * ( // z_i(\omega X) \prod (p(X) + \beta s_i(X) + \gamma) // - z_i(X) \prod (p(X) + \delta^i \beta X + \gamma) // ) .chain( self.sets .iter() .zip(p.columns.chunks(chunk_len)) .zip(common.permutation_evals.chunks(chunk_len)) .enumerate() .map(move |(chunk_index, ((set, columns), permutation_evals))| { let mut left = set.permutation_product_next_eval; for (eval, permutation_eval) in columns .iter() .map(|&column| match column.column_type() { Any::Advice => { advice_evals[vk.cs.get_any_query_index(column, Rotation::cur())] } Any::Fixed => { fixed_evals[vk.cs.get_any_query_index(column, Rotation::cur())] } Any::Instance => { instance_evals [vk.cs.get_any_query_index(column, Rotation::cur())] } }) .zip(permutation_evals.iter()) { left *= &(eval + &(*beta * permutation_eval) + &*gamma); } let mut right = set.permutation_product_eval; let mut current_delta = (*beta * &*x) * &(C::Scalar::DELTA.pow_vartime([(chunk_index * chunk_len) as u64])); for eval in columns.iter().map(|&column| match column.column_type() { Any::Advice => { advice_evals[vk.cs.get_any_query_index(column, Rotation::cur())] } Any::Fixed => { fixed_evals[vk.cs.get_any_query_index(column, Rotation::cur())] } Any::Instance => { instance_evals[vk.cs.get_any_query_index(column, Rotation::cur())] } }) { right *= &(eval + ¤t_delta + &*gamma); current_delta *= &C::Scalar::DELTA; } (left - &right) * (C::Scalar::ONE - &(l_last + &l_blind)) }), ) } pub(in crate::plonk) fn queries<'r, 'params: 'r>( &'r self, vk: &'r plonk::VerifyingKey, x: ChallengeX, ) -> impl Iterator> + Clone { let blinding_factors = vk.cs.blinding_factors(); let x_next = vk.domain.rotate_omega(*x, Rotation::next()); let x_last = vk .domain .rotate_omega(*x, Rotation(-((blinding_factors + 1) as i32))); iter::empty() .chain(self.sets.iter().flat_map(move |set| { iter::empty() // Open permutation product commitments at x and \omega^{-1} x // Open permutation product commitments at x and \omega x .chain(Some(VerifierQuery::new_commitment( &set.permutation_product_commitment, *x, set.permutation_product_eval, ))) .chain(Some(VerifierQuery::new_commitment( &set.permutation_product_commitment, x_next, set.permutation_product_next_eval, ))) })) // Open it at \omega^{last} x for all but the last set .chain(self.sets.iter().rev().skip(1).flat_map(move |set| { Some(VerifierQuery::new_commitment( &set.permutation_product_commitment, x_last, set.permutation_product_last_eval.unwrap(), )) })) } } impl CommonEvaluated { pub(in crate::plonk) fn queries<'r, 'params: 'r>( &'r self, vkey: &'r VerifyingKey, x: ChallengeX, ) -> impl Iterator> + Clone { // Open permutation commitments for each permutation argument at x vkey.commitments .iter() .zip(self.permutation_evals.iter()) .map(move |(commitment, &eval)| VerifierQuery::new_commitment(commitment, *x, eval)) } }