Expand description

The Sinsemilla hash function.


Chip implementations for the Sinsemilla gadgets.
Gadgets for implementing a Merkle tree with Sinsemilla.
Implementation of Sinsemilla outside the circuit.


Gadget representing a domain in which $\mathsf{SinsemillaCommit}$ and $\mathsf{SinsemillaShortCommit}$ can be used.
A domain in which $\mathsf{SinsemillaHashToPoint}$ and $\mathsf{SinsemillaHash}$ can be used.
A message to be hashed.
A message piece with a bitlength of some multiple of K.


Trait allowing circuit’s Sinsemilla CommitDomains to be enumerated.
Trait allowing circuit’s Sinsemilla HashDomains to be enumerated.
The set of circuit instructions required to use the Sinsemilla gadget. This trait is bounded on two constant parameters: K, the number of bits in each word accepted by the Sinsemilla hash, and MAX_WORDS, the maximum number of words that a single hash instance can process.