Expand description

Decomposes an $n$-bit field element $\alpha$ into $W$ windows, each window being a $K$-bit word, using a running sum $z$. We constrain $K \leq 3$ for this helper. $$\alpha = k_0 + (2^K) k_1 + (2^{2K}) k_2 + … + (2^{(W-1)K}) k_{W-1}$$

$z_0$ is initialized as $\alpha$. Each successive $z_{i+1}$ is computed as $$z_{i+1} = (z_{i} - k_i) / (2^K).$$ $z_W$ is constrained to be zero. The difference between each interstitial running sum output is constrained to be $K$ bits, i.e. range_check($k_i$, $2^K$), where

  range_check(word, range)
    = word * (1 - word) * (2 - word) * ... * ((range - 1) - word)

Given that the range_check constraint will be toggled by a selector, in practice we will have a selector * range_check(word, range) expression of degree range + 1.

This means that $2^K$ has to be at most degree_bound - 1 in order for the range check constraint to stay within the degree bound.


The running sum $[z_0, …, z_W]$. If created in strict mode, $z_W = 0$.
Configuration that provides methods for running sum decomposition.