#![allow(clippy::many_single_char_names)] #![allow(clippy::op_ref)] use assert_matches::assert_matches; use halo2_proofs::arithmetic::{CurveAffine, FieldExt}; use halo2_proofs::circuit::{Cell, Layouter, SimpleFloorPlanner}; use halo2_proofs::dev::MockProver; use halo2_proofs::pasta::{Eq, EqAffine, Fp}; use halo2_proofs::plonk::{ create_proof, keygen_pk, keygen_vk, verify_proof, Advice, BatchVerifier, Circuit, Column, ConstraintSystem, Error, Fixed, SingleVerifier, TableColumn, VerificationStrategy, VerifyingKey, }; use halo2_proofs::poly::commitment::{Guard, MSM}; use halo2_proofs::poly::{commitment::Params, Rotation}; use halo2_proofs::transcript::{Blake2bRead, Blake2bWrite, Challenge255, EncodedChallenge}; use rand_core::OsRng; use std::marker::PhantomData; #[test] fn plonk_api() { const K: u32 = 5; /// This represents an advice column at a certain row in the ConstraintSystem #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct Variable(Column, usize); // Initialize the polynomial commitment parameters let params: Params = Params::new(K); #[derive(Clone)] struct PlonkConfig { a: Column, b: Column, c: Column, d: Column, e: Column, sa: Column, sb: Column, sc: Column, sm: Column, sp: Column, sl: TableColumn, } #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] trait StandardCs { fn raw_multiply( &self, layouter: &mut impl Layouter, f: F, ) -> Result<(Cell, Cell, Cell), Error> where F: FnMut() -> Result<(FF, FF, FF), Error>; fn raw_add( &self, layouter: &mut impl Layouter, f: F, ) -> Result<(Cell, Cell, Cell), Error> where F: FnMut() -> Result<(FF, FF, FF), Error>; fn copy(&self, layouter: &mut impl Layouter, a: Cell, b: Cell) -> Result<(), Error>; fn public_input(&self, layouter: &mut impl Layouter, f: F) -> Result where F: FnMut() -> Result; fn lookup_table( &self, layouter: &mut impl Layouter, values: &[FF], ) -> Result<(), Error>; } #[derive(Clone)] struct MyCircuit { a: Option, lookup_table: Vec, } struct StandardPlonk { config: PlonkConfig, _marker: PhantomData, } impl StandardPlonk { fn new(config: PlonkConfig) -> Self { StandardPlonk { config, _marker: PhantomData, } } } impl StandardCs for StandardPlonk { fn raw_multiply( &self, layouter: &mut impl Layouter, mut f: F, ) -> Result<(Cell, Cell, Cell), Error> where F: FnMut() -> Result<(FF, FF, FF), Error>, { layouter.assign_region( || "raw_multiply", |mut region| { let mut value = None; let lhs = region.assign_advice( || "lhs", self.config.a, 0, || { value = Some(f()?); Ok(value.ok_or(Error::Synthesis)?.0) }, )?; region.assign_advice( || "lhs^4", self.config.d, 0, || Ok(value.ok_or(Error::Synthesis)?.0.square().square()), )?; let rhs = region.assign_advice( || "rhs", self.config.b, 0, || Ok(value.ok_or(Error::Synthesis)?.1), )?; region.assign_advice( || "rhs^4", self.config.e, 0, || Ok(value.ok_or(Error::Synthesis)?.1.square().square()), )?; let out = region.assign_advice( || "out", self.config.c, 0, || Ok(value.ok_or(Error::Synthesis)?.2), )?; region.assign_fixed(|| "a", self.config.sa, 0, || Ok(FF::zero()))?; region.assign_fixed(|| "b", self.config.sb, 0, || Ok(FF::zero()))?; region.assign_fixed(|| "c", self.config.sc, 0, || Ok(FF::one()))?; region.assign_fixed(|| "a * b", self.config.sm, 0, || Ok(FF::one()))?; Ok((lhs.cell(), rhs.cell(), out.cell())) }, ) } fn raw_add( &self, layouter: &mut impl Layouter, mut f: F, ) -> Result<(Cell, Cell, Cell), Error> where F: FnMut() -> Result<(FF, FF, FF), Error>, { layouter.assign_region( || "raw_add", |mut region| { let mut value = None; let lhs = region.assign_advice( || "lhs", self.config.a, 0, || { value = Some(f()?); Ok(value.ok_or(Error::Synthesis)?.0) }, )?; region.assign_advice( || "lhs^4", self.config.d, 0, || Ok(value.ok_or(Error::Synthesis)?.0.square().square()), )?; let rhs = region.assign_advice( || "rhs", self.config.b, 0, || Ok(value.ok_or(Error::Synthesis)?.1), )?; region.assign_advice( || "rhs^4", self.config.e, 0, || Ok(value.ok_or(Error::Synthesis)?.1.square().square()), )?; let out = region.assign_advice( || "out", self.config.c, 0, || Ok(value.ok_or(Error::Synthesis)?.2), )?; region.assign_fixed(|| "a", self.config.sa, 0, || Ok(FF::one()))?; region.assign_fixed(|| "b", self.config.sb, 0, || Ok(FF::one()))?; region.assign_fixed(|| "c", self.config.sc, 0, || Ok(FF::one()))?; region.assign_fixed(|| "a * b", self.config.sm, 0, || Ok(FF::zero()))?; Ok((lhs.cell(), rhs.cell(), out.cell())) }, ) } fn copy( &self, layouter: &mut impl Layouter, left: Cell, right: Cell, ) -> Result<(), Error> { layouter.assign_region( || "copy", |mut region| { region.constrain_equal(left, right)?; region.constrain_equal(left, right) }, ) } fn public_input(&self, layouter: &mut impl Layouter, mut f: F) -> Result where F: FnMut() -> Result, { layouter.assign_region( || "public_input", |mut region| { let value = region.assign_advice(|| "value", self.config.a, 0, &mut f)?; region.assign_fixed(|| "public", self.config.sp, 0, || Ok(FF::one()))?; Ok(value.cell()) }, ) } fn lookup_table( &self, layouter: &mut impl Layouter, values: &[FF], ) -> Result<(), Error> { layouter.assign_table( || "", |mut table| { for (index, &value) in values.iter().enumerate() { table.assign_cell(|| "table col", self.config.sl, index, || Ok(value))?; } Ok(()) }, )?; Ok(()) } } impl Circuit for MyCircuit { type Config = PlonkConfig; type FloorPlanner = SimpleFloorPlanner; fn without_witnesses(&self) -> Self { Self { a: None, lookup_table: self.lookup_table.clone(), } } fn configure(meta: &mut ConstraintSystem) -> PlonkConfig { let e = meta.advice_column(); let a = meta.advice_column(); let b = meta.advice_column(); let sf = meta.fixed_column(); let c = meta.advice_column(); let d = meta.advice_column(); let p = meta.instance_column(); meta.enable_equality(a); meta.enable_equality(b); meta.enable_equality(c); let sm = meta.fixed_column(); let sa = meta.fixed_column(); let sb = meta.fixed_column(); let sc = meta.fixed_column(); let sp = meta.fixed_column(); let sl = meta.lookup_table_column(); /* * A B ... sl * [ * instance 0 ... 0 * a a ... 0 * a a^2 ... 0 * a a ... 0 * a a^2 ... 0 * ... ... ... ... * ... ... ... instance * ... ... ... a * ... ... ... a * ... ... ... 0 * ] */ meta.lookup(|meta| { let a_ = meta.query_any(a, Rotation::cur()); vec![(a_, sl)] }); meta.create_gate("Combined add-mult", |meta| { let d = meta.query_advice(d, Rotation::next()); let a = meta.query_advice(a, Rotation::cur()); let sf = meta.query_fixed(sf, Rotation::cur()); let e = meta.query_advice(e, Rotation::prev()); let b = meta.query_advice(b, Rotation::cur()); let c = meta.query_advice(c, Rotation::cur()); let sa = meta.query_fixed(sa, Rotation::cur()); let sb = meta.query_fixed(sb, Rotation::cur()); let sc = meta.query_fixed(sc, Rotation::cur()); let sm = meta.query_fixed(sm, Rotation::cur()); vec![a.clone() * sa + b.clone() * sb + a * b * sm - (c * sc) + sf * (d * e)] }); meta.create_gate("Public input", |meta| { let a = meta.query_advice(a, Rotation::cur()); let p = meta.query_instance(p, Rotation::cur()); let sp = meta.query_fixed(sp, Rotation::cur()); vec![sp * (a - p)] }); meta.enable_equality(sf); meta.enable_equality(e); meta.enable_equality(d); meta.enable_equality(p); meta.enable_equality(sm); meta.enable_equality(sa); meta.enable_equality(sb); meta.enable_equality(sc); meta.enable_equality(sp); PlonkConfig { a, b, c, d, e, sa, sb, sc, sm, sp, sl, } } fn synthesize( &self, config: PlonkConfig, mut layouter: impl Layouter, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let cs = StandardPlonk::new(config); let _ = cs.public_input(&mut layouter, || Ok(F::one() + F::one()))?; for _ in 0..10 { let mut a_squared = None; let (a0, _, c0) = cs.raw_multiply(&mut layouter, || { a_squared = self.a.map(|a| a.square()); Ok(( self.a.ok_or(Error::Synthesis)?, self.a.ok_or(Error::Synthesis)?, a_squared.ok_or(Error::Synthesis)?, )) })?; let (a1, b1, _) = cs.raw_add(&mut layouter, || { let fin = a_squared.and_then(|a2| self.a.map(|a| a + a2)); Ok(( self.a.ok_or(Error::Synthesis)?, a_squared.ok_or(Error::Synthesis)?, fin.ok_or(Error::Synthesis)?, )) })?; cs.copy(&mut layouter, a0, a1)?; cs.copy(&mut layouter, b1, c0)?; } cs.lookup_table(&mut layouter, &self.lookup_table)?; Ok(()) } } let a = Fp::from(2834758237) * Fp::ZETA; let instance = Fp::one() + Fp::one(); let lookup_table = vec![instance, a, a, Fp::zero()]; let empty_circuit: MyCircuit = MyCircuit { a: None, lookup_table: lookup_table.clone(), }; let circuit: MyCircuit = MyCircuit { a: Some(a), lookup_table, }; // Check that we get an error if we try to initialize the proving key with a value of // k that is too small for the minimum required number of rows. let much_too_small_params: Params = Params::new(1); assert_matches!( keygen_vk(&much_too_small_params, &empty_circuit), Err(Error::NotEnoughRowsAvailable { current_k, }) if current_k == 1 ); // Check that we get an error if we try to initialize the proving key with a value of // k that is too small for the number of rows the circuit uses. let slightly_too_small_params: Params = Params::new(K - 1); assert_matches!( keygen_vk(&slightly_too_small_params, &empty_circuit), Err(Error::NotEnoughRowsAvailable { current_k, }) if current_k == K - 1 ); // Initialize the proving key let vk = keygen_vk(¶ms, &empty_circuit).expect("keygen_vk should not fail"); let pk = keygen_pk(¶ms, vk, &empty_circuit).expect("keygen_pk should not fail"); let pubinputs = vec![instance]; // Check this circuit is satisfied. let prover = match MockProver::run(K, &circuit, vec![pubinputs.clone()]) { Ok(prover) => prover, Err(e) => panic!("{:?}", e), }; assert_eq!(prover.verify(), Ok(())); if std::env::var_os("HALO2_PLONK_TEST_GENERATE_NEW_PROOF").is_some() { let mut transcript = Blake2bWrite::<_, _, Challenge255<_>>::init(vec![]); // Create a proof create_proof( ¶ms, &pk, &[circuit.clone(), circuit.clone()], &[&[&[instance]], &[&[instance]]], OsRng, &mut transcript, ) .expect("proof generation should not fail"); let proof: Vec = transcript.finalize(); std::fs::write("plonk_api_proof.bin", &proof[..]) .expect("should succeed to write new proof"); } { // Check that a hardcoded proof is satisfied let proof = include_bytes!("plonk_api_proof.bin"); let strategy = SingleVerifier::new(¶ms); let mut transcript = Blake2bRead::<_, _, Challenge255<_>>::init(&proof[..]); assert!(verify_proof( ¶ms, pk.get_vk(), strategy, &[&[&pubinputs[..]], &[&pubinputs[..]]], &mut transcript, ) .is_ok()); } for _ in 0..10 { let mut transcript = Blake2bWrite::<_, _, Challenge255<_>>::init(vec![]); // Create a proof create_proof( ¶ms, &pk, &[circuit.clone(), circuit.clone()], &[&[&[instance]], &[&[instance]]], OsRng, &mut transcript, ) .expect("proof generation should not fail"); let proof: Vec = transcript.finalize(); assert_eq!( proof.len(), halo2_proofs::dev::CircuitCost::>::measure(K as usize, &circuit) .proof_size(2) .into(), ); // Test single-verifier strategy. { let strategy = SingleVerifier::new(¶ms); let mut transcript = Blake2bRead::<_, _, Challenge255<_>>::init(&proof[..]); assert!(verify_proof( ¶ms, pk.get_vk(), strategy, &[&[&pubinputs[..]], &[&pubinputs[..]]], &mut transcript, ) .is_ok()); } // // Test accumulation-based strategy. // struct AccumulationVerifier<'params, C: CurveAffine> { msm: MSM<'params, C>, } impl<'params, C: CurveAffine> AccumulationVerifier<'params, C> { fn new(params: &'params Params) -> Self { AccumulationVerifier { msm: MSM::new(params), } } } impl<'params, C: CurveAffine> VerificationStrategy<'params, C> for AccumulationVerifier<'params, C> { type Output = (); fn process>( self, f: impl FnOnce(MSM<'params, C>) -> Result, Error>, ) -> Result { let guard = f(self.msm)?; let g = guard.compute_g(); let (msm, _) = guard.use_g(g); if msm.eval() { Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::ConstraintSystemFailure) } } } { let strategy = AccumulationVerifier::new(¶ms); let mut transcript = Blake2bRead::<_, _, Challenge255<_>>::init(&proof[..]); assert!(verify_proof( ¶ms, pk.get_vk(), strategy, &[&[&pubinputs[..]], &[&pubinputs[..]]], &mut transcript, ) .is_ok()); } // // Test batch-verifier strategy. // { let strategy = BatchVerifier::new(¶ms, OsRng); // First proof. let mut transcript = Blake2bRead::<_, _, Challenge255<_>>::init(&proof[..]); let strategy = verify_proof( ¶ms, pk.get_vk(), strategy, &[&[&pubinputs[..]], &[&pubinputs[..]]], &mut transcript, ) .unwrap(); // Write and then read the verification key in between (to check round-trip // serialization). // TODO: Figure out whether https://github.com/zcash/halo2/issues/449 should // be caught by this, or if it is caused by downstream changes to halo2. let mut vk_buffer = vec![]; pk.get_vk().write(&mut vk_buffer).unwrap(); let vk = VerifyingKey::::read::<_, MyCircuit>(&mut &vk_buffer[..], ¶ms) .unwrap(); // "Second" proof (just the first proof again). let mut transcript = Blake2bRead::<_, _, Challenge255<_>>::init(&proof[..]); let strategy = verify_proof( ¶ms, &vk, strategy, &[&[&pubinputs[..]], &[&pubinputs[..]]], &mut transcript, ) .unwrap(); // Check the batch. assert!(strategy.finalize()); } } // Check that the verification key has not changed unexpectedly { //panic!("{:#?}", pk.get_vk().pinned()); assert_eq!( format!("{:#?}", pk.get_vk().pinned()), r#####"PinnedVerificationKey { base_modulus: "0x40000000000000000000000000000000224698fc0994a8dd8c46eb2100000001", scalar_modulus: "0x40000000000000000000000000000000224698fc094cf91b992d30ed00000001", domain: PinnedEvaluationDomain { k: 5, extended_k: 7, omega: 0x0cc3380dc616f2e1daf29ad1560833ed3baea3393eceb7bc8fa36376929b78cc, }, cs: PinnedConstraintSystem { num_fixed_columns: 7, num_advice_columns: 5, num_instance_columns: 1, num_selectors: 0, gates: [ Sum( Sum( Sum( Sum( Product( Advice { query_index: 0, column_index: 1, rotation: Rotation( 0, ), }, Fixed { query_index: 2, column_index: 2, rotation: Rotation( 0, ), }, ), Product( Advice { query_index: 1, column_index: 2, rotation: Rotation( 0, ), }, Fixed { query_index: 3, column_index: 3, rotation: Rotation( 0, ), }, ), ), Product( Product( Advice { query_index: 0, column_index: 1, rotation: Rotation( 0, ), }, Advice { query_index: 1, column_index: 2, rotation: Rotation( 0, ), }, ), Fixed { query_index: 5, column_index: 1, rotation: Rotation( 0, ), }, ), ), Negated( Product( Advice { query_index: 2, column_index: 3, rotation: Rotation( 0, ), }, Fixed { query_index: 4, column_index: 4, rotation: Rotation( 0, ), }, ), ), ), Product( Fixed { query_index: 1, column_index: 0, rotation: Rotation( 0, ), }, Product( Advice { query_index: 3, column_index: 4, rotation: Rotation( 1, ), }, Advice { query_index: 4, column_index: 0, rotation: Rotation( -1, ), }, ), ), ), Product( Fixed { query_index: 6, column_index: 5, rotation: Rotation( 0, ), }, Sum( Advice { query_index: 0, column_index: 1, rotation: Rotation( 0, ), }, Negated( Instance { query_index: 0, column_index: 0, rotation: Rotation( 0, ), }, ), ), ), ], advice_queries: [ ( Column { index: 1, column_type: Advice, }, Rotation( 0, ), ), ( Column { index: 2, column_type: Advice, }, Rotation( 0, ), ), ( Column { index: 3, column_type: Advice, }, Rotation( 0, ), ), ( Column { index: 4, column_type: Advice, }, Rotation( 1, ), ), ( Column { index: 0, column_type: Advice, }, Rotation( -1, ), ), ( Column { index: 0, column_type: Advice, }, Rotation( 0, ), ), ( Column { index: 4, column_type: Advice, }, Rotation( 0, ), ), ], instance_queries: [ ( Column { index: 0, column_type: Instance, }, Rotation( 0, ), ), ], fixed_queries: [ ( Column { index: 6, column_type: Fixed, }, Rotation( 0, ), ), ( Column { index: 0, column_type: Fixed, }, Rotation( 0, ), ), ( Column { index: 2, column_type: Fixed, }, Rotation( 0, ), ), ( Column { index: 3, column_type: Fixed, }, Rotation( 0, ), ), ( Column { index: 4, column_type: Fixed, }, Rotation( 0, ), ), ( Column { index: 1, column_type: Fixed, }, Rotation( 0, ), ), ( Column { index: 5, column_type: Fixed, }, Rotation( 0, ), ), ], permutation: Argument { columns: [ Column { index: 1, column_type: Advice, }, Column { index: 2, column_type: Advice, }, Column { index: 3, column_type: Advice, }, Column { index: 0, column_type: Fixed, }, Column { index: 0, column_type: Advice, }, Column { index: 4, column_type: Advice, }, Column { index: 0, column_type: Instance, }, Column { index: 1, column_type: Fixed, }, Column { index: 2, column_type: Fixed, }, Column { index: 3, column_type: Fixed, }, Column { index: 4, column_type: Fixed, }, Column { index: 5, column_type: Fixed, }, ], }, lookups: [ Argument { input_expressions: [ Advice { query_index: 0, column_index: 1, rotation: Rotation( 0, ), }, ], table_expressions: [ Fixed { query_index: 0, column_index: 6, rotation: Rotation( 0, ), }, ], }, ], constants: [], minimum_degree: None, }, fixed_commitments: [ (0x2bbc94ef7b22aebef24f9a4b0cc1831882548b605171366017d45c3e6fd92075, 0x082b801a6e176239943bfb759fb02138f47a5c8cc4aa7fa0af559fde4e3abd97), (0x2bf5082b105b2156ed0e9c5b8e42bf2a240b058f74a464d080e9585274dd1e84, 0x222ad83cee7777e7a160585e212140e5e770dd8d1df788d869b5ee483a5864fb), (0x374a656456a0aae7429b23336f825752b575dd5a44290ff614946ee59d6a20c0, 0x054491e187e6e3460e7601fb54ae10836d34d420026f96316f0c5c62f86db9b8), (0x374a656456a0aae7429b23336f825752b575dd5a44290ff614946ee59d6a20c0, 0x054491e187e6e3460e7601fb54ae10836d34d420026f96316f0c5c62f86db9b8), (0x02e62cd68370b13711139a08cbcdd889e800a272b9ea10acc90880fff9d89199, 0x1a96c468cb0ce77065d3a58f1e55fea9b72d15e44c01bba1e110bd0cbc6e9bc6), (0x224ef42758215157d3ee48fb8d769da5bddd35e5929a90a4a89736f5c4b5ae9b, 0x11bc3a1e08eb320cde764f1492ecef956d71e996e2165f7a9a30ad2febb511c1), (0x2d5415bf917fcac32bfb705f8ca35cb12d9bad52aa33ccca747350f9235d3a18, 0x2b2921f815fad504052512743963ef20ed5b401d20627793b006413e73fe4dd4), ], permutation: VerifyingKey { commitments: [ (0x1347b4b385837977a96b87f199c6a9a81520015539d1e8fa79429bb4ca229a00, 0x2168e404cabef513654d6ff516cde73f0ba87e3dc84e4b940ed675b5f66f3884), (0x0e6d69cd2455ec43be640f6397ed65c9e51b1d8c0fd2216339314ff37ade122a, 0x222ed6dc8cfc9ea26dcc10b9d4add791ada60f2b5a63ee1e4635f88aa0c96654), (0x13c447846f48c41a5e0675ccf88ebc0cdef2c96c51446d037acb866d24255785, 0x1f0b5414fc5e8219dbfab996eed6129d831488b2386a8b1a63663938903bd63a), (0x1aae6470aa662b8fda003894ddef5fedd03af318b3231683039d2fac9cab05b9, 0x08832d91ae69e99cd07d096c7a4a284a69e6a16227cbb07932a0cdc56914f3a6), (0x0850521b0f8ac7dd0550fe3e25c840837076e9635067ed623b81d5cbac5944d9, 0x0c25d65d1038d0a92c72e5fccd96c1caf07801c3c8233290bb292e0c38c256fa), (0x12febcf696badd970750eabf75dd3ced4c2f54f93519bcee23849025177d2014, 0x0a05ab3cd42c9fbcc1bbfcf9269951640cc9920761c87cf8e211ba73c8d9f90f), (0x053904bdde8cfead3b517bb4f6ded3e699f8b94ca6156a9dd2f92a2a05a7ec5a, 0x16753ff97c0d82ff586bb7a07bf7f27a92df90b3617fa5e75d4f55c3b0ef8711), (0x3804548f6816452747a5b542fa5656353fc989db40d69e9e27d6f973b5deebb0, 0x389a44d5037866dd83993af75831a5f90a18ad5244255aa5bd2c922cc5853055), (0x003a9f9ca71c7c0b832c802220915f6fc8d840162bdde6b0ea05d25fb95559e3, 0x091247ca19d6b73887cd7f68908cbf0db0b47459b7c82276bbdb8a1c937e2438), (0x3eaa38689d9e391c8a8fafab9568f20c45816321d38f309d4cc37f4b1601af72, 0x247f8270a462ea88450221a56aa6b55d2bc352b80b03501e99ea983251ceea13), (0x394437571f9de32dccdc546fd4737772d8d92593c85438aa3473243997d5acc8, 0x14924ec6e3174f1fab7f0ce7070c22f04bbd0a0ecebdfc5c94be857f25493e95), (0x3d907e0591343bd285c2c846f3e871a6ac70d80ec29e9500b8cb57f544e60202, 0x1034e48df35830244cabea076be8a16d67d7896e27c6ac22b285d017105da9c3), ], }, }"##### ); } }