window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"enum":[["PaddedWord","A word from the padded input to a Poseidon sponge."]],"mod":[["primitives","The Poseidon algebraic hash function."]],"struct":[["Hash","A Poseidon hash function, built around a sponge."],["Pow5Chip","A Poseidon chip using an $x^5$ S-Box."],["Pow5Config","Configuration for a [`Pow5Chip`]."],["Sponge","A Poseidon sponge."],["StateWord","A word in the Poseidon state."],["Word","A word over which the Poseidon permutation operates."]],"trait":[["PoseidonInstructions","The set of circuit instructions required to use the Poseidon permutation."],["PoseidonSpongeInstructions","The set of circuit instructions required to use the [`Sponge`] and `Hash` gadgets."]]};