use super::super::SinsemillaInstructions; use super::{CellValue, EccPoint, SinsemillaChip, Var}; use crate::primitives::sinsemilla::{self, lebs2ip_k, INV_TWO_POW_K, SINSEMILLA_S}; use halo2::{ circuit::{Chip, Region}, plonk::Error, }; use ff::{Field, PrimeFieldBits}; use pasta_curves::{ arithmetic::{CurveAffine, FieldExt}, pallas, }; use std::ops::Deref; impl SinsemillaChip { #[allow(non_snake_case)] #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] pub(super) fn hash_message( &self, region: &mut Region<'_, pallas::Base>, Q: pallas::Affine, message: &>::Message, ) -> Result<(EccPoint, Vec>>), Error> { let config = self.config().clone(); let mut offset = 0; // Get the `x`- and `y`-coordinates of the starting `Q` base. let x_q = *Q.coordinates().unwrap().x(); let y_q = *Q.coordinates().unwrap().y(); // Constrain the initial x_a, lambda_1, lambda_2, x_p using the q_sinsemilla4 // selector. let mut y_a: Y = { // Enable `q_sinsemilla4` on the first row. config.q_sinsemilla4.enable(region, offset)?; region.assign_fixed(|| "fixed y_q", config.fixed_y_q, offset, || Ok(y_q))?; (Some(y_q)).into() }; // Constrain the initial x_q to equal the x-coordinate of the domain's `Q`. let mut x_a: X = { let x_a = { let cell = region.assign_advice_from_constant(|| "fixed x_q", config.x_a, offset, x_q)?; CellValue::new(cell, Some(x_q)) }; x_a.into() }; let mut zs_sum: Vec>> = Vec::new(); // Hash each piece in the message. for (idx, piece) in message.iter().enumerate() { let final_piece = idx == message.len() - 1; // The value of the accumulator after this piece is processed. let (x, y, zs) = self.hash_piece(region, offset, piece, x_a, y_a, final_piece)?; // Since each message word takes one row to process, we increase // the offset by `piece.num_words` on each iteration. offset += piece.num_words(); // Update the accumulator to the latest value. x_a = x; y_a = y; zs_sum.push(zs); } // Assign the final y_a. let y_a = { // Assign the final y_a. let y_a_cell = region.assign_advice( || "y_a", config.lambda_1, offset, || y_a.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError), )?; // Assign lambda_2 and x_p zero values since they are queried // in the gate. (The actual values do not matter since they are // multiplied by zero.) { region.assign_advice( || "dummy lambda2", config.lambda_2, offset, || Ok(pallas::Base::zero()), )?; region.assign_advice( || "dummy x_p", config.x_p, offset, || Ok(pallas::Base::zero()), )?; } CellValue::new(y_a_cell, y_a.0) }; #[cfg(test)] #[allow(non_snake_case)] // Check equivalence to result from primitives::sinsemilla::hash_to_point { use crate::circuit::gadget::sinsemilla::message::MessagePiece; use crate::primitives::sinsemilla::{K, S_PERSONALIZATION}; use group::{prime::PrimeCurveAffine, Curve}; use pasta_curves::arithmetic::CurveExt; let field_elems: Option> = message.iter().map(|piece| piece.field_elem()).collect(); if field_elems.is_some() && x_a.value().is_some() && y_a.value().is_some() { // Get message as a bitstring. let bitstring: Vec = message .iter() .map(|piece: &MessagePiece| { piece .field_elem() .unwrap() .to_le_bits() .into_iter() .take(K * piece.num_words()) .collect::>() }) .flatten() .collect(); let hasher_S = pallas::Point::hash_to_curve(S_PERSONALIZATION); let S = |chunk: &[bool]| hasher_S(&lebs2ip_k(chunk).to_le_bytes()); // We can use complete addition here because it differs from // incomplete addition with negligible probability. let expected_point = bitstring .chunks(K) .fold(Q.to_curve(), |acc, chunk| (acc + S(chunk)) + acc); let actual_point = pallas::Affine::from_xy(x_a.value().unwrap(), y_a.value().unwrap()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected_point.to_affine(), actual_point); } } Ok((EccPoint::from_coordinates_unchecked(x_a.0, y_a), zs_sum)) } #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] /// Hashes a message piece containing `piece.length` number of `K`-bit words. /// /// To avoid a duplicate assignment, the accumulator x-coordinate provided /// by the caller is not copied. This only works because `hash_piece()` is /// an internal API. Before this call to `hash_piece()`, x_a MUST have been /// already assigned within this region at the correct offset. fn hash_piece( &self, region: &mut Region<'_, pallas::Base>, offset: usize, piece: &>::MessagePiece, mut x_a: X, mut y_a: Y, final_piece: bool, ) -> Result< ( X, Y, Vec>, ), Error, > { let config = self.config().clone(); // Selector assignments { // Enable `q_sinsemilla1` selector on every row. for row in 0..piece.num_words() { config.q_sinsemilla1.enable(region, offset + row)?; } // Set `q_sinsemilla2` fixed column to 1 on every row but the last. for row in 0..(piece.num_words() - 1) { region.assign_fixed( || "q_s2 = 1", config.q_sinsemilla2, offset + row, || Ok(pallas::Base::one()), )?; } // Set `q_sinsemilla2` fixed column to 0 on the last row if this is // not the final piece, or to 2 on the last row of the final piece. region.assign_fixed( || { if final_piece { "q_s2 for final piece" } else { "q_s2 between pieces" } }, config.q_sinsemilla2, offset + piece.num_words() - 1, || { Ok(if final_piece { pallas::Base::from_u64(2) } else { pallas::Base::zero() }) }, )?; } // Message piece as K * piece.length bitstring let bitstring: Option> = piece.field_elem().map(|value| { value .to_le_bits() .into_iter() .take(sinsemilla::K * piece.num_words()) .collect() }); let words: Option> =|bitstring| { bitstring .chunks_exact(sinsemilla::K) .map(|word| lebs2ip_k(word)) .collect() }); // Get (x_p, y_p) for each word. let generators: Option> = words.clone().map(|words| { words .iter() .map(|word| SINSEMILLA_S[*word as usize]) .collect() }); // Convert `words` from `Option>` to `Vec>` let words: Vec> = if let Some(words) = words { words.into_iter().map(Some).collect() } else { vec![None; piece.num_words()] }; // Decompose message piece into `K`-bit pieces with a running sum `z`. let zs = { let mut zs = Vec::with_capacity(piece.num_words() + 1); // Copy message and initialize running sum `z` to decompose message in-circuit let cell = region.assign_advice( || "z_0 (copy of message piece)", config.bits, offset, || piece.field_elem().ok_or(Error::SynthesisError), )?; region.constrain_equal(piece.cell(), cell)?; zs.push(CellValue::new(cell, piece.field_elem())); // Assign cumulative sum such that for 0 <= i < n, // z_i = 2^K * z_{i + 1} + m_{i + 1} // => z_{i + 1} = (z_i - m_{i + 1}) / 2^K // // For a message piece m = m_1 + 2^K m_2 + ... + 2^{K(n-1)} m_n}, initialize z_0 = m. // We end up with z_n = 0. (z_n is not directly encoded as a cell value; // it is implicitly taken as 0 by adjusting the definition of m_{i+1}.) let mut z = piece.field_elem(); let inv_2_k = pallas::Base::from_bytes(&INV_TWO_POW_K).unwrap(); // We do not assign the final z_n as it is constrained to be zero. for (idx, word) in words[0..(words.len() - 1)].iter().enumerate() { // z_{i + 1} = (z_i - m_{i + 1}) / 2^K z = z .zip(*word) .map(|(z, word)| (z - pallas::Base::from_u64(word as u64)) * inv_2_k); let cell = region.assign_advice( || format!("z_{:?}", idx + 1), config.bits, offset + idx + 1, || z.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError), )?; zs.push(CellValue::new(cell, z)) } zs }; // The accumulator x-coordinate provided by the caller MUST have been assigned // within this region. let generators: Vec> = if let Some(generators) = generators { generators.into_iter().map(Some).collect() } else { vec![None; piece.num_words()] }; for (row, gen) in generators.iter().enumerate() { let x_p =|gen| gen.0); let y_p =|gen| gen.1); // Assign `x_p` region.assign_advice( || "x_p", config.x_p, offset + row, || x_p.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError), )?; // Compute and assign `lambda_1` let lambda_1 = { let lambda_1 = x_a .value() .zip(y_a.0) .zip(x_p) .zip(y_p) .map(|(((x_a, y_a), x_p), y_p)| (y_a - y_p) * (x_a - x_p).invert().unwrap()); // Assign lambda_1 region.assign_advice( || "lambda_1", config.lambda_1, offset + row, || lambda_1.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError), )?; lambda_1 }; // Compute `x_r` let x_r = lambda_1 .zip(x_a.value()) .zip(x_p) .map(|((lambda_1, x_a), x_p)| lambda_1.square() - x_a - x_p); // Compute and assign `lambda_2` let lambda_2 = { let lambda_2 = x_a.value().zip(y_a.0).zip(x_r).zip(lambda_1).map( |(((x_a, y_a), x_r), lambda_1)| { pallas::Base::from_u64(2) * y_a * (x_a - x_r).invert().unwrap() - lambda_1 }, ); region.assign_advice( || "lambda_2", config.lambda_2, offset + row, || lambda_2.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError), )?; lambda_2 }; // Compute and assign `x_a` for the next row. let x_a_new: X = { let x_a_new = lambda_2 .zip(x_a.value()) .zip(x_r) .map(|((lambda_2, x_a), x_r)| lambda_2.square() - x_a - x_r); let x_a_cell = region.assign_advice( || "x_a", config.x_a, offset + row + 1, || x_a_new.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError), )?; CellValue::new(x_a_cell, x_a_new).into() }; // Compute y_a for the next row. let y_a_new: Y = lambda_2 .zip(x_a.value()) .zip(x_a_new.value()) .zip(y_a.0) .map(|(((lambda_2, x_a), x_a_new), y_a)| lambda_2 * (x_a - x_a_new) - y_a) .into(); // Update the mutable `x_a`, `y_a` variables. x_a = x_a_new; y_a = y_a_new; } Ok((x_a, y_a, zs)) } } /// The x-coordinate of the accumulator in a Sinsemilla hash instance. struct X(CellValue); impl From> for X { fn from(cell_value: CellValue) -> Self { X(cell_value) } } impl Deref for X { type Target = CellValue; fn deref(&self) -> &CellValue { &self.0 } } /// The y-coordinate of the accumulator in a Sinsemilla hash instance. /// /// This is never actually witnessed until the last round, since it /// can be derived from other variables. Thus it only exists as a field /// element, not a `CellValue`. struct Y(Option); impl From> for Y { fn from(value: Option) -> Self { Y(value) } } impl Deref for Y { type Target = Option; fn deref(&self) -> &Option { &self.0 } }