//! Helper functions defined in the Zcash Protocol Specification. use std::iter; use blake2b_simd::Params; use ff::PrimeField; use group::{Curve, Group}; use halo2::{ arithmetic::{CurveAffine, CurveExt, FieldExt}, pasta::pallas, }; use crate::{constants::L_ORCHARD_BASE, primitives::sinsemilla}; const PRF_EXPAND_PERSONALIZATION: &[u8; 16] = b"Zcash_ExpandSeed"; /// $\mathsf{ToBase}^\mathsf{Orchard}(x) := LEOS2IP_{\ell_\mathsf{PRFexpand}}(x) (mod q_P)$ /// /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 4.2.3: Orchard Key Components][orchardkeycomponents]. /// /// [orchardkeycomponents]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#orchardkeycomponents pub(crate) fn to_base(x: [u8; 64]) -> pallas::Base { pallas::Base::from_bytes_wide(&x) } /// $\mathsf{ToScalar}^\mathsf{Orchard}(x) := LEOS2IP_{\ell_\mathsf{PRFexpand}}(x) (mod r_P)$ /// /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 4.2.3: Orchard Key Components][orchardkeycomponents]. /// /// [orchardkeycomponents]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#orchardkeycomponents pub(crate) fn to_scalar(x: [u8; 64]) -> pallas::Scalar { pallas::Scalar::from_bytes_wide(&x) } /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 4.2.3: Orchard Key Components][orchardkeycomponents]. /// /// [orchardkeycomponents]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#orchardkeycomponents pub(crate) fn commit_ivk( ak: &pallas::Base, nk: &pallas::Base, rivk: &pallas::Scalar, ) -> pallas::Scalar { // We rely on the API contract that to_le_bits() returns at least PrimeField::NUM_BITS // bits, which is equal to L_ORCHARD_BASE. let ivk = sinsemilla::short_commit( "z.cash:Orchard-CommitIvk", iter::empty() .chain(ak.to_le_bits().iter().by_val().take(L_ORCHARD_BASE)) .chain(nk.to_le_bits().iter().by_val().take(L_ORCHARD_BASE)), rivk, ); // Convert from pallas::Base to pallas::Scalar. This requires no modular reduction // because Pallas' base field is smaller than its scalar field. pallas::Scalar::from_repr(ivk.to_repr()).unwrap() } /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § DiversifyHash^Sapling and DiversifyHash^Orchard Hash Functions][concretediversifyhash]. /// /// [concretediversifyhash]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#concretediversifyhash pub(crate) fn diversify_hash(d: &[u8; 11]) -> Option { let pk_d = pallas::Point::hash_to_curve("z.cash:Orchard-gd")(d); if pk_d.is_identity().into() { None } else { Some(pk_d) } } /// $PRF^\mathsf{expand}(sk, t) := BLAKE2b-512("Zcash_ExpandSeed", sk || t)$ /// /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 5.4.2: Pseudo Random Functions][concreteprfs]. /// /// [concreteprfs]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/orchard.pdf#concreteprfs pub(crate) fn prf_expand(sk: &[u8], t: &[u8]) -> [u8; 64] { prf_expand_vec(sk, &[t]) } pub(crate) fn prf_expand_vec(sk: &[u8], ts: &[&[u8]]) -> [u8; 64] { let mut h = Params::new() .hash_length(64) .personal(PRF_EXPAND_PERSONALIZATION) .to_state(); h.update(sk); for t in ts { h.update(t); } *h.finalize().as_array() } /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § Orchard Key Agreement][concreteorchardkeyagreement]. /// /// [concreteorchardkeyagreement]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#concreteorchardkeyagreement pub(crate) fn ka_orchard(sk: &pallas::Scalar, b: &pallas::Point) -> pallas::Point { b * sk } /// Hash extractor for Pallas. /// /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § Hash Extractor for Pallas][concreteextractorpallas]. /// /// [concreteextractorpallas]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#concreteextractorpallas pub(crate) fn extract_p(point: &pallas::Point) -> pallas::Base { if let Some((x, _)) = point.to_affine().get_xy().into() { x } else { pallas::Base::zero() } }