Expand description

Gadgets for elliptic curve operations.


Chip implementations for the ECC gadgets.


A constant elliptic curve point over the given curve, for which window tables have been provided to make scalar multiplication more efficient.

A constant elliptic curve point over the given curve, used in scalar multiplication with a base field element

A constant elliptic curve point over the given curve, used in scalar multiplication with a short signed exponent

A non-identity elliptic curve point over the given curve.

An elliptic curve point over the given curve.

A full-width element of the given elliptic curve’s scalar field, to be used for fixed-base scalar mul.

A signed short element of the given elliptic curve’s scalar field, to be used for fixed-base scalar mul.

An element of the given elliptic curve’s base field, that is used as a scalar in variable-base scalar mul.

The affine short Weierstrass x-coordinate of an elliptic curve point over the given curve.


The set of circuit instructions required to use the ECC gadgets.

Defines the fixed points for a given instantiation of the ECC chip.