window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"constant":[["FIXED_BASE_WINDOW_SIZE","Window size for fixed-base scalar multiplication"],["H","$2^{`FIXED_BASE_WINDOW_SIZE`}$"],["NUM_WINDOWS","Number of windows for a full-width scalar"],["NUM_WINDOWS_SHORT","Number of windows for a short signed scalar"]],"fn":[["compute_lagrange_coeffs","For each window, we interpolate the $x$-coordinate. Here, we pre-compute and store the coefficients of the interpolation polynomial."],["find_zs_and_us","For each window, $z$ is a field element such that for each point $(x, y)$ in the window:"],["test_lagrange_coeffs","Test that Lagrange interpolation coefficients reproduce the correct x-coordinate for each fixed-base multiple in each window."],["test_zs_and_us","Test that the z-values and u-values satisfy the conditions: 1. z + y = u^2, 2. z - y is not a square for the y-coordinate of each fixed-base multiple in each window."]]};