window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"enum":[["Error","This is an error that could occur during proving or circuit synthesis."]],"mod":[["commitment","This module contains an implementation of the polynomial commitment scheme described in the Halo paper."],["multiopen","This module contains an optimisation of the polynomial commitment opening scheme described in the Halo paper."]],"struct":[["Coeff","The polynomial is defined as coefficients"],["EvaluationDomain","This structure contains precomputed constants and other details needed for performing operations on an evaluation domain of size $2^k$ and an extended domain of size $2^{k} * j$ with $j \\neq 0$."],["ExtendedLagrangeCoeff","The polynomial is defined as coefficients of Lagrange basis polynomials in an extended size domain which supports multiplication"],["LagrangeCoeff","The polynomial is defined as coefficients of Lagrange basis polynomials"],["PinnedEvaluationDomain","Represents the minimal parameters that determine an `EvaluationDomain`."],["Polynomial","Represents a univariate polynomial defined over a field and a particular basis."],["Rotation","Describes the relative rotation of a vector. Negative numbers represent reverse (leftmost) rotations and positive numbers represent forward (rightmost) rotations. Zero represents no rotation."]],"trait":[["Basis","The basis over which a polynomial is described."]]};