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<ol class="chapter"><li class="chapter-item expanded affix "><a href="../index.html">halo2</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../concepts.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">1.</strong> Concepts</a></li><li><ol class="section"><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../concepts/proofs.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">1.1.</strong> Proof systems</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../concepts/arithmetization.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">1.2.</strong> UltraPLONK Arithmetization</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../concepts/cores.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">1.3.</strong> Cores</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../concepts/chips.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">1.4.</strong> Chips</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../concepts/gadgets.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">1.5.</strong> Gadgets</a></li></ol></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../user.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">2.</strong> User Documentation</a></li><li><ol class="section"><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../user/simple-example.html" class="active"><strong aria-hidden="true">2.1.</strong> A simple example</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../user/lookup-tables.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">2.2.</strong> Lookup tables</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../user/gadgets.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">2.3.</strong> Gadgets</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../user/tips-and-tricks.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">2.4.</strong> Tips and tricks</a></li></ol></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../design.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">3.</strong> Design</a></li><li><ol class="section"><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../design/proving-system.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">3.1.</strong> Proving system</a></li><li><ol class="section"><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../design/proving-system/lookup.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">3.1.1.</strong> Lookup argument</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../design/proving-system/permutation.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">3.1.2.</strong> Permutation argument</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../design/proving-system/circuit-commitments.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">3.1.3.</strong> Circuit commitments</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../design/proving-system/vanishing.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">3.1.4.</strong> Vanishing argument</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../design/proving-system/multipoint-opening.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">3.1.5.</strong> Multipoint opening argument</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../design/proving-system/inner-product.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">3.1.6.</strong> Inner product argument</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../design/proving-system/comparison.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">3.1.7.</strong> Comparison to other work</a></li></ol></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../design/implementation.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">3.2.</strong> Implementation</a></li><li><ol class="section"><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../design/implementation/fields.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">3.2.1.</strong> Fields</a></li></ol></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../design/gadgets.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">3.3.</strong> Gadgets</a></li><li><ol class="section"><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../design/gadgets/sha256.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">3.3.1.</strong> SHA-256</a></li><li><ol class="section"><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../design/gadgets/sha256/table16.html"><strong aria-hidden="true"></strong> 16-bit table chip</a></li></ol></li></ol></li></ol></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../background.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">4.</strong> Background Material</a></li><li><ol class="section"><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../background/fields.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">4.1.</strong> Fields</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../background/polynomials.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">4.2.</strong> Polynomials</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../background/groups.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">4.3.</strong> Cryptographic groups</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../background/curves.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">4.4.</strong> Elliptic curves</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../background/upa.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">4.5.</strong> UltraPLONK arithmetisation</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../background/pc-ipa.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">4.6.</strong> Polynomial commitment using inner product argument</a></li><li class="chapter-item expanded "><a href="../background/recursion.html"><strong aria-hidden="true">4.7.</strong> Recursion</a></li></ol></li></ol>
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<h1><a class="header" href="#a-simple-example" id="a-simple-example">A simple example</a></h1>
<p>Let's start with a simple circuit, to introduce you to the common APIs and how they are
used. The circuit will take a public input <span class="katex"><span class="katex-html" aria-hidden="true"><span class="base"><span class="strut" style="height:0.43056em;vertical-align:0em;"></span><span class="mord mathnormal">c</span></span></span></span>, and will prove knowledge of two private
inputs <span class="katex"><span class="katex-html" aria-hidden="true"><span class="base"><span class="strut" style="height:0.43056em;vertical-align:0em;"></span><span class="mord mathnormal">a</span></span></span></span> and <span class="katex"><span class="katex-html" aria-hidden="true"><span class="base"><span class="strut" style="height:0.69444em;vertical-align:0em;"></span><span class="mord mathnormal">b</span></span></span></span> such that</p>
<p><span class="katex-display"><span class="katex"><span class="katex-html" aria-hidden="true"><span class="base"><span class="strut" style="height:0.8641079999999999em;vertical-align:0em;"></span><span class="mord"><span class="mord mathnormal">a</span><span class="msupsub"><span class="vlist-t"><span class="vlist-r"><span class="vlist" style="height:0.8641079999999999em;"><span style="top:-3.113em;margin-right:0.05em;"><span class="pstrut" style="height:2.7em;"></span><span class="sizing reset-size6 size3 mtight"><span class="mord mtight">2</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span><span class="mspace" style="margin-right:0.2222222222222222em;"></span><span class="mbin"></span><span class="mspace" style="margin-right:0.2222222222222222em;"></span></span><span class="base"><span class="strut" style="height:0.8641079999999999em;vertical-align:0em;"></span><span class="mord"><span class="mord mathnormal">b</span><span class="msupsub"><span class="vlist-t"><span class="vlist-r"><span class="vlist" style="height:0.8641079999999999em;"><span style="top:-3.113em;margin-right:0.05em;"><span class="pstrut" style="height:2.7em;"></span><span class="sizing reset-size6 size3 mtight"><span class="mord mtight">2</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span><span class="mspace" style="margin-right:0.2777777777777778em;"></span><span class="mrel">=</span><span class="mspace" style="margin-right:0.2777777777777778em;"></span></span><span class="base"><span class="strut" style="height:0.43056em;vertical-align:0em;"></span><span class="mord mathnormal">c</span><span class="mord">.</span></span></span></span></span></p>
<h2><a class="header" href="#define-instructions" id="define-instructions">Define instructions</a></h2>
<p>Firstly, we need to define the instructions that our circuit will rely on. Instructions
are the boundary between high-level <a href="../concepts/gadgets.html">gadgets</a> and the low-level
circuit operations. Instructions may be as coarse or as granular as desired, but in
practice you want to strike a balance between an instruction being large enough to
effectively optimize its implementation, and small enough that it is meaningfully
<p>For our circuit, we will use three instructions:</p>
<li>Load a private number into the circuit.</li>
<li>Multiply two numbers.</li>
<li>Expose a number as a public input to the circuit.</li>
<p>We also need a type for a variable representing a number. Instruction interfaces provide
associated types for their inputs and outputs, to allow the implementations to represent
these in a way that makes the most sense for their optimization goals.</p>
<pre><code class="language-rust ignore no_run">trait NumericInstructions: Chip {
/// Variable representing a number.
type Num;
/// Loads a number into the circuit as a private input.
fn load_private(
layouter: &amp;mut impl Layouter&lt;Self&gt;,
a: Option&lt;Self::Field&gt;,
) -&gt; Result&lt;Self::Num, Error&gt;;
/// Returns `c = a * b`.
fn mul(
layouter: &amp;mut impl Layouter&lt;Self&gt;,
a: Self::Num,
b: Self::Num,
) -&gt; Result&lt;Self::Num, Error&gt;;
/// Exposes a number as a public input to the circuit.
fn expose_public(layouter: &amp;mut impl Layouter&lt;Self&gt;, num: Self::Num) -&gt; Result&lt;(), Error&gt;;
<h2><a class="header" href="#define-a-chip-implementation" id="define-a-chip-implementation">Define a chip implementation</a></h2>
<p>For our circuit, we will build a <a href="../concepts/chips.html">chip</a> that provides the above
numeric instructions for a finite field.</p>
<pre><code class="language-rust ignore no_run">/// The chip that will implement our instructions! Chips do not store any persistent
/// state themselves, and usually only contain type markers if necessary.
struct FieldChip&lt;F: FieldExt&gt; {
_marker: PhantomData&lt;F&gt;,
<p>Every chip needs to implement the <code>Chip</code> trait. This defines the properties of the chip
that a <code>Layouter</code> may rely on when synthesizing a circuit, as well as enabling any initial
state that the chip requires to be loaded into the circuit.</p>
<pre><code class="language-rust ignore no_run">impl&lt;F: FieldExt&gt; Chip for FieldChip&lt;F&gt; {
type Config = FieldConfig;
type Loaded = ();
type Field = F;
fn load(_layouter: &amp;mut impl Layouter&lt;Self&gt;) -&gt; Result&lt;(), halo2::plonk::Error&gt; {
// None of the instructions implemented by this chip have any fixed state.
// But if we required e.g. a lookup table, this is where we would load it.
<h2><a class="header" href="#configure-the-chip" id="configure-the-chip">Configure the chip</a></h2>
<p>The chip needs to be configured with the columns, permutations, and gates that will be
required to implement all of the desired instructions.</p>
<pre><code class="language-rust ignore no_run">/// Chip state is stored in a separate config struct. This is generated by the chip
/// during configuration, and then handed to the `Layouter`, which makes it available
/// to the chip when it needs to implement its instructions.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct FieldConfig {
/// For this chip, we will use two advice columns to implement our instructions.
/// These are also the columns through which we communicate with other parts of
/// the circuit.
advice: [Column&lt;Advice&gt;; 2],
// We need to create a permutation between our advice columns. This allows us to
// copy numbers within these columns from arbitrary rows, which we can use to load
// inputs into our instruction regions.
perm: Permutation,
// We need a selector to enable the multiplication gate, so that we aren't placing
// any constraints on cells where `NumericInstructions::mul` is not being used.
// This is important when building larger circuits, where columns are used by
// multiple sets of instructions.
s_mul: Selector,
// The selector for the public-input gate, which uses one of the advice columns.
s_pub: Selector,
impl&lt;F: FieldExt&gt; FieldChip&lt;F&gt; {
fn configure(
meta: &amp;mut ConstraintSystem&lt;F&gt;,
advice: [Column&lt;Advice&gt;; 2],
instance: Column&lt;Instance&gt;,
) -&gt; FieldConfig {
let perm = Permutation::new(
.map(|column| (*column).into())
let s_mul = meta.selector();
let s_pub = meta.selector();
// Define our multiplication gate!
meta.create_gate(&quot;mul&quot;, |meta| {
// To implement multiplication, we need three advice cells and a selector
// cell. We arrange them like so:
// | a0 | a1 | s_mul |
// |-----|-----|-------|
// | lhs | rhs | s_mul |
// | out | | |
// Gates may refer to any relative offsets we want, but each distinct
// offset adds a cost to the proof. The most common offsets are 0 (the
// current row), 1 (the next row), and -1 (the previous row), for which
// `Rotation` has specific constructors.
let lhs = meta.query_advice(advice[0], Rotation::cur());
let rhs = meta.query_advice(advice[1], Rotation::cur());
let out = meta.query_advice(advice[0], Rotation::next());
let s_mul = meta.query_selector(s_mul, Rotation::cur());
// The polynomial expression returned from `create_gate` will be
// constrained by the proving system to equal zero. Our expression
// has the following properties:
// - When s_mul = 0, any value is allowed in lhs, rhs, and out.
// - When s_mul != 0, this constrains lhs * rhs = out.
s_mul * (lhs * rhs + out * -F::one())
// Define our public-input gate!
meta.create_gate(&quot;public input&quot;, |meta| {
// We choose somewhat-arbitrarily that we will use the second advice
// column for exposing numbers as public inputs.
let a = meta.query_advice(advice[1], Rotation::cur());
let p = meta.query_instance(instance, Rotation::cur());
let s = meta.query_selector(s_pub, Rotation::cur());
// We simply constrain the advice cell to be equal to the instance cell,
// when the selector is enabled.
s * (p + a * -F::one())
FieldConfig {
<h2><a class="header" href="#implement-chip-traits" id="implement-chip-traits">Implement chip traits</a></h2>
<pre><code class="language-rust ignore no_run">/// A variable representing a number.
struct Number&lt;F: FieldExt&gt; {
cell: Cell,
value: Option&lt;F&gt;,
impl&lt;F: FieldExt&gt; NumericInstructions for FieldChip&lt;F&gt; {
type Num = Number&lt;F&gt;;
fn load_private(
layouter: &amp;mut impl Layouter&lt;Self&gt;,
value: Option&lt;Self::Field&gt;,
) -&gt; Result&lt;Self::Num, Error&gt; {
let config = layouter.config().clone();
let mut num = None;
|| &quot;load private&quot;,
|mut region| {
let cell = region.assign_advice(
|| &quot;private input&quot;,
|| value.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError),
num = Some(Number { cell, value });
fn mul(
layouter: &amp;mut impl Layouter&lt;Self&gt;,
a: Self::Num,
b: Self::Num,
) -&gt; Result&lt;Self::Num, Error&gt; {
let config = layouter.config().clone();
let mut out = None;
|| &quot;mul&quot;,
|mut region| {
// We only want to use a single multiplication gate in this region,
// so we enable it at region offset 0; this means it will constrain
// cells at offsets 0 and 1.
config.s_mul.enable(&amp;mut region, 0)?;
// The inputs we've been given could be located anywhere in the circuit,
// but we can only rely on relative offsets inside this region. So we
// assign new cells inside the region and constrain them to have the
// same values as the inputs.
let lhs = region.assign_advice(
|| &quot;lhs&quot;,
|| a.value.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError),
let rhs = region.assign_advice(
|| &quot;rhs&quot;,
|| b.value.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError),
region.constrain_equal(&amp;config.perm, a.cell, lhs)?;
region.constrain_equal(&amp;config.perm, b.cell, rhs)?;
// Now we can assign the multiplication result into the output position.
let value = a.value.and_then(|a| b.value.map(|b| a * b));
let cell = region.assign_advice(
|| &quot;lhs * rhs&quot;,
|| value.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError),
// Finally, we return a variable representing the output,
// to be used in another part of the circuit.
out = Some(Number { cell, value });
fn expose_public(layouter: &amp;mut impl Layouter&lt;Self&gt;, num: Self::Num) -&gt; Result&lt;(), Error&gt; {
let config = layouter.config().clone();
|| &quot;expose public&quot;,
|mut region| {
// Enable the public-input gate.
config.s_pub.enable(&amp;mut region, 0)?;
// Load the output into the correct advice column.
let out = region.assign_advice(
|| &quot;public advice&quot;,
|| num.value.ok_or(Error::SynthesisError),
region.constrain_equal(&amp;config.perm, num.cell, out)?;
// We don't assign to the instance column inside the circuit;
// the mapping of public inputs to cells is provided to the prover.
<h2><a class="header" href="#build-the-circuit" id="build-the-circuit">Build the circuit</a></h2>
<p>Now that we have the instructions we need, and a chip that implements them, we can finally
build our circuit!</p>
<pre><code class="language-rust ignore no_run">/// The full circuit implementation.
/// In this struct we store the private input variables. We use `Option&lt;F&gt;` because
/// they won't have any value during key generation. During proving, if any of these
/// were `None` we would get an error.
struct MyCircuit&lt;F: FieldExt&gt; {
a: Option&lt;F&gt;,
b: Option&lt;F&gt;,
impl&lt;F: FieldExt&gt; Circuit&lt;F&gt; for MyCircuit&lt;F&gt; {
// Since we are using a single chip for everything, we can just reuse its config.
type Config = FieldConfig;
fn configure(meta: &amp;mut ConstraintSystem&lt;F&gt;) -&gt; Self::Config {
// We create the two advice columns that FieldChip uses for I/O.
let advice = [meta.advice_column(), meta.advice_column()];
// We also need an instance column to store public inputs.
let instance = meta.instance_column();
FieldChip::configure(meta, advice, instance)
fn synthesize(&amp;self, cs: &amp;mut impl Assignment&lt;F&gt;, config: Self::Config) -&gt; Result&lt;(), Error&gt; {
let mut layouter = SingleChip::new(cs, config)?;
// Load our private values into the circuit.
let a = FieldChip::load_private(&amp;mut layouter, self.a)?;
let b = FieldChip::load_private(&amp;mut layouter, self.b)?;
// We only have access to plain multiplication.
// We could implement our circuit as:
// asq = a*a
// bsq = b*b
// c = asq*bsq
// but it's more efficient to implement it as:
// ab = a*b
// c = ab^2
let ab = FieldChip::mul(&amp;mut layouter, a, b)?;
let c = FieldChip::mul(&amp;mut layouter, ab.clone(), ab)?;
// Expose the result as a public input to the circuit.
FieldChip::expose_public(&amp;mut layouter, c)
<h2><a class="header" href="#testing-the-circuit" id="testing-the-circuit">Testing the circuit</a></h2>
<p><code>halo2::dev::MockProver</code> can be used to test that the circuit is working correctly. The
private and public inputs to the circuit are constructed as we will do to create a proof,
but by passing them to <code>MockProver::run</code> we get an object that can test every constraint
in the circuit, and tell us exactly what is failing (if anything).</p>
<pre><code class="language-rust ignore no_run"> // The number of rows in our circuit cannot exceed 2^k. Since our example
// circuit is very small, we can pick a very small value here.
let k = 3;
// Prepare the private and public inputs to the circuit!
let a = Fp::from(2);
let b = Fp::from(3);
let c = a.square() * b.square();
// Instantiate the circuit with the private inputs.
let circuit = MyCircuit {
a: Some(a),
b: Some(b),
// Arrange the public input. We expose the multiplication result in row 6
// of the instance column, so we position it there in our public inputs.
let mut public_inputs = vec![Fp::zero(); 1 &lt;&lt; k];
public_inputs[6] = c;
// Given the correct public input, our circuit will verify.
let prover = MockProver::run(k, &amp;circuit, vec![public_inputs.clone()]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(prover.verify(), Ok(()));
// If we try some other public input, the proof will fail!
public_inputs[6] += Fp::one();
let prover = MockProver::run(k, &amp;circuit, vec![public_inputs]).unwrap();
Err(VerifyFailure::Gate {
gate_index: 1,
gate_name: &quot;public input&quot;,
row: 6,
<h2><a class="header" href="#full-example" id="full-example">Full example</a></h2>
<p>You can find the source code for this example
<a href="https://github.com/zcash/halo2/tree/main/examples/simple-example.rs">here</a>.</p>
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