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use super::super::{
circuit::Expression, ChallengeBeta, ChallengeGamma, ChallengeTheta, ChallengeX, Error,
use super::Argument;
use crate::{
arithmetic::{eval_polynomial, parallelize, BatchInvert, CurveAffine, FieldExt},
commitment::{Blind, Params},
Coeff, EvaluationDomain, ExtendedLagrangeCoeff, LagrangeCoeff, Polynomial, Rotation,
transcript::{EncodedChallenge, TranscriptWrite},
use ff::Field;
use group::Curve;
use std::{
ops::{Mul, MulAssign},
pub(in crate::plonk) struct Permuted<C: CurveAffine> {
unpermuted_input_expressions: Vec<Polynomial<C::Scalar, LagrangeCoeff>>,
unpermuted_input_cosets: Vec<Polynomial<C::Scalar, ExtendedLagrangeCoeff>>,
permuted_input_expression: Polynomial<C::Scalar, LagrangeCoeff>,
permuted_input_poly: Polynomial<C::Scalar, Coeff>,
permuted_input_coset: Polynomial<C::Scalar, ExtendedLagrangeCoeff>,
permuted_input_blind: Blind<C::Scalar>,
permuted_input_commitment: C,
unpermuted_table_expressions: Vec<Polynomial<C::Scalar, LagrangeCoeff>>,
unpermuted_table_cosets: Vec<Polynomial<C::Scalar, ExtendedLagrangeCoeff>>,
permuted_table_expression: Polynomial<C::Scalar, LagrangeCoeff>,
permuted_table_poly: Polynomial<C::Scalar, Coeff>,
permuted_table_coset: Polynomial<C::Scalar, ExtendedLagrangeCoeff>,
permuted_table_blind: Blind<C::Scalar>,
permuted_table_commitment: C,
pub(in crate::plonk) struct Committed<C: CurveAffine> {
permuted: Permuted<C>,
product_poly: Polynomial<C::Scalar, Coeff>,
product_coset: Polynomial<C::Scalar, ExtendedLagrangeCoeff>,
product_blind: Blind<C::Scalar>,
product_commitment: C,
pub(in crate::plonk) struct Constructed<C: CurveAffine> {
permuted_input_poly: Polynomial<C::Scalar, Coeff>,
permuted_input_blind: Blind<C::Scalar>,
permuted_table_poly: Polynomial<C::Scalar, Coeff>,
permuted_table_blind: Blind<C::Scalar>,
product_poly: Polynomial<C::Scalar, Coeff>,
product_blind: Blind<C::Scalar>,
pub(in crate::plonk) struct Evaluated<C: CurveAffine> {
constructed: Constructed<C>,
impl<F: FieldExt> Argument<F> {
/// Given a Lookup with input expressions [A_0, A_1, ..., A_{m-1}] and table expressions
/// [S_0, S_1, ..., S_{m-1}], this method
/// - constructs A_compressed = \theta^{m-1} A_0 + theta^{m-2} A_1 + ... + \theta A_{m-2} + A_{m-1}
/// and S_compressed = \theta^{m-1} S_0 + theta^{m-2} S_1 + ... + \theta S_{m-2} + S_{m-1},
/// - permutes A_compressed and S_compressed using permute_expression_pair() helper,
/// obtaining A' and S', and
/// - constructs Permuted<C> struct using permuted_input_value = A', and
/// permuted_table_expression = S'.
/// The Permuted<C> struct is used to update the Lookup, and is then returned.
pub(in crate::plonk) fn commit_permuted<
E: EncodedChallenge<C>,
T: TranscriptWrite<C, E>,
pk: &ProvingKey<C>,
params: &Params<C>,
domain: &EvaluationDomain<C::Scalar>,
theta: ChallengeTheta<C>,
advice_values: &'a [Polynomial<C::Scalar, LagrangeCoeff>],
fixed_values: &'a [Polynomial<C::Scalar, LagrangeCoeff>],
instance_values: &'a [Polynomial<C::Scalar, LagrangeCoeff>],
advice_cosets: &'a [Polynomial<C::Scalar, ExtendedLagrangeCoeff>],
fixed_cosets: &'a [Polynomial<C::Scalar, ExtendedLagrangeCoeff>],
instance_cosets: &'a [Polynomial<C::Scalar, ExtendedLagrangeCoeff>],
transcript: &mut T,
) -> Result<Permuted<C>, Error>
C: CurveAffine<ScalarExt = F>,
C::Curve: Mul<F, Output = C::Curve> + MulAssign<F>,
// Closure to get values of expressions and compress them
let compress_expressions = |expressions: &[Expression<C::Scalar>]| {
// Values of input expressions involved in the lookup
let unpermuted_expressions: Vec<_> = expressions
.map(|expression| {
&|scalar| pk.vk.domain.constant_lagrange(scalar),
&|_| panic!("virtual selectors are removed during optimization"),
&|_, column_index, rotation| {
&|_, column_index, rotation| {
&|_, column_index, rotation| {
&|a, b| a + &b,
&|a, b| {
let mut modified_a = vec![C::Scalar::one(); params.n as usize];
parallelize(&mut modified_a, |modified_a, start| {
for ((modified_a, a), b) in modified_a
*modified_a *= *a * b;
&|a, scalar| a * scalar,
let unpermuted_cosets: Vec<_> = expressions
.map(|expression| {
&|scalar| pk.vk.domain.constant_extended(scalar),
&|_| panic!("virtual selectors are optimized away during keygen"),
&|_, column_index, rotation| {
.rotate_extended(&fixed_cosets[column_index], rotation)
&|_, column_index, rotation| {
.rotate_extended(&advice_cosets[column_index], rotation)
&|_, column_index, rotation| {
.rotate_extended(&instance_cosets[column_index], rotation)
&|a, b| a + &b,
&|a, b| a * &b,
&|a, scalar| a * scalar,
// Compressed version of expressions
let compressed_expression = unpermuted_expressions
.fold(domain.empty_lagrange(), |acc, expression| {
acc * *theta + expression
// Closure to construct commitment to vector of values
let commit_values = |values: &Polynomial<C::Scalar, LagrangeCoeff>| {
let poly = pk.vk.domain.lagrange_to_coeff(values.clone());
let blind = Blind(C::Scalar::rand());
let commitment = params.commit_lagrange(values, blind).to_affine();
(poly, blind, commitment)
// Get values of input expressions involved in the lookup and compress them
let (unpermuted_input_expressions, unpermuted_input_cosets, compressed_input_expression) =
// Get values of table expressions involved in the lookup and compress them
let (unpermuted_table_expressions, unpermuted_table_cosets, compressed_table_expression) =
// Permute compressed (InputExpression, TableExpression) pair
let (permuted_input_expression, permuted_table_expression) = permute_expression_pair::<C>(
// Commit to permuted input expression
let (permuted_input_poly, permuted_input_blind, permuted_input_commitment) =
// Commit to permuted table expression
let (permuted_table_poly, permuted_table_blind, permuted_table_commitment) =
// Hash permuted input commitment
.map_err(|_| Error::TranscriptError)?;
// Hash permuted table commitment
.map_err(|_| Error::TranscriptError)?;
let permuted_input_coset = pk.vk.domain.coeff_to_extended(permuted_input_poly.clone());
let permuted_table_coset = pk.vk.domain.coeff_to_extended(permuted_table_poly.clone());
Ok(Permuted {
impl<C: CurveAffine> Permuted<C> {
/// Given a Lookup with input expressions, table expressions, and the permuted
/// input expression and permuted table expression, this method constructs the
/// grand product polynomial over the lookup. The grand product polynomial
/// is used to populate the Product<C> struct. The Product<C> struct is
/// added to the Lookup and finally returned by the method.
pub(in crate::plonk) fn commit_product<E: EncodedChallenge<C>, T: TranscriptWrite<C, E>>(
pk: &ProvingKey<C>,
params: &Params<C>,
theta: ChallengeTheta<C>,
beta: ChallengeBeta<C>,
gamma: ChallengeGamma<C>,
transcript: &mut T,
) -> Result<Committed<C>, Error> {
let blinding_factors = pk.vk.cs.blinding_factors();
// Goal is to compute the products of fractions
// Numerator: (\theta^{m-1} a_0(\omega^i) + \theta^{m-2} a_1(\omega^i) + ... + \theta a_{m-2}(\omega^i) + a_{m-1}(\omega^i) + \beta)
// * (\theta^{m-1} s_0(\omega^i) + \theta^{m-2} s_1(\omega^i) + ... + \theta s_{m-2}(\omega^i) + s_{m-1}(\omega^i) + \gamma)
// Denominator: (a'(\omega^i) + \beta) (s'(\omega^i) + \gamma)
// where a_j(X) is the jth input expression in this lookup,
// where a'(X) is the compression of the permuted input expressions,
// s_j(X) is the jth table expression in this lookup,
// s'(X) is the compression of the permuted table expressions,
// and i is the ith row of the expression.
let mut lookup_product = vec![C::Scalar::zero(); params.n as usize];
// Denominator uses the permuted input expression and permuted table expression
parallelize(&mut lookup_product, |lookup_product, start| {
for ((lookup_product, permuted_input_value), permuted_table_value) in lookup_product
*lookup_product = (*beta + permuted_input_value) * &(*gamma + permuted_table_value);
// Batch invert to obtain the denominators for the lookup product
// polynomials
// Finish the computation of the entire fraction by computing the numerators
// (\theta^{m-1} a_0(\omega^i) + \theta^{m-2} a_1(\omega^i) + ... + \theta a_{m-2}(\omega^i) + a_{m-1}(\omega^i) + \beta)
// * (\theta^{m-1} s_0(\omega^i) + \theta^{m-2} s_1(\omega^i) + ... + \theta s_{m-2}(\omega^i) + s_{m-1}(\omega^i) + \gamma)
parallelize(&mut lookup_product, |product, start| {
for (i, product) in product.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let i = i + start;
// Compress unpermuted input expressions
let mut input_term = C::Scalar::zero();
for unpermuted_input_expression in self.unpermuted_input_expressions.iter() {
input_term *= &*theta;
input_term += &unpermuted_input_expression[i];
// Compress unpermuted table expressions
let mut table_term = C::Scalar::zero();
for unpermuted_table_expression in self.unpermuted_table_expressions.iter() {
table_term *= &*theta;
table_term += &unpermuted_table_expression[i];
*product *= &(input_term + &*beta);
*product *= &(table_term + &*gamma);
// The product vector is a vector of products of fractions of the form
// Numerator: (\theta^{m-1} a_0(\omega^i) + \theta^{m-2} a_1(\omega^i) + ... + \theta a_{m-2}(\omega^i) + a_{m-1}(\omega^i) + \beta)
// * (\theta^{m-1} s_0(\omega^i) + \theta^{m-2} s_1(\omega^i) + ... + \theta s_{m-2}(\omega^i) + s_{m-1}(\omega^i) + \gamma)
// Denominator: (a'(\omega^i) + \beta) (s'(\omega^i) + \gamma)
// where there are m input expressions and m table expressions,
// a_j(\omega^i) is the jth input expression in this lookup,
// a'j(\omega^i) is the permuted input expression,
// s_j(\omega^i) is the jth table expression in this lookup,
// s'(\omega^i) is the permuted table expression,
// and i is the ith row of the expression.
// Compute the evaluations of the lookup product polynomial
// over our domain, starting with z[0] = 1
let z = iter::once(C::Scalar::one())
.scan(C::Scalar::one(), |state, cur| {
*state *= &cur;
// Take all rows including the "last" row which should
// be a boolean (and ideally 1, else soundness is broken)
.take(params.n as usize - blinding_factors)
// Chain random blinding factors.
.chain((0..blinding_factors).map(|_| C::Scalar::rand()))
assert_eq!(z.len(), params.n as usize);
let z = pk.vk.domain.lagrange_from_vec(z);
#[cfg(feature = "sanity-checks")]
// This test works only with intermediate representations in this method.
// It can be used for debugging purposes.
// While in Lagrange basis, check that product is correctly constructed
let u = (params.n as usize) - (blinding_factors + 1);
// l_0(X) * (1 - z(X)) = 0
assert_eq!(z[0], C::Scalar::one());
// z(\omega X) (a'(X) + \beta) (s'(X) + \gamma)
// - z(X) (\theta^{m-1} a_0(X) + ... + a_{m-1}(X) + \beta) (\theta^{m-1} s_0(X) + ... + s_{m-1}(X) + \gamma)
for i in 0..u {
let mut left = z[i + 1];
let permuted_input_value = &self.permuted_input_expression[i];
let permuted_table_value = &self.permuted_table_expression[i];
left *= &(*beta + permuted_input_value);
left *= &(*gamma + permuted_table_value);
let mut right = z[i];
let mut input_term = self
.fold(C::Scalar::zero(), |acc, input| acc * &*theta + &input[i]);
let mut table_term = self
.fold(C::Scalar::zero(), |acc, table| acc * &*theta + &table[i]);
input_term += &(*beta);
table_term += &(*gamma);
right *= &(input_term * &table_term);
assert_eq!(left, right);
// l_last(X) * (z(X)^2 - z(X)) = 0
// Assertion will fail only when soundness is broken, in which
// case this z[u] value will be zero. (bad!)
assert_eq!(z[u], C::Scalar::one());
let product_blind = Blind(C::Scalar::rand());
let product_commitment = params.commit_lagrange(&z, product_blind).to_affine();
let z = pk.vk.domain.lagrange_to_coeff(z);
let product_coset = pk.vk.domain.coeff_to_extended(z.clone());
// Hash product commitment
.map_err(|_| Error::TranscriptError)?;
Ok(Committed::<C> {
permuted: self,
product_poly: z,
impl<'a, C: CurveAffine> Committed<C> {
/// Given a Lookup with input expressions, table expressions, permuted input
/// expression, permuted table expression, and grand product polynomial, this
/// method constructs constraints that must hold between these values.
/// This method returns the constraints as a vector of polynomials in
/// the extended evaluation domain.
pub(in crate::plonk) fn construct(
pk: &'a ProvingKey<C>,
theta: ChallengeTheta<C>,
beta: ChallengeBeta<C>,
gamma: ChallengeGamma<C>,
) -> (
impl Iterator<Item = Polynomial<C::Scalar, ExtendedLagrangeCoeff>> + 'a,
) {
let domain = &pk.vk.domain;
let permuted = self.permuted;
let active_rows = Polynomial::one_minus(pk.l_last.clone() + &pk.l_blind);
let expressions = iter::empty()
// l_0(X) * (1 - z(X)) = 0
Polynomial::one_minus(self.product_coset.clone()) * &pk.l0,
// l_last(X) * (z(X)^2 - z(X)) = 0
(self.product_coset.clone() * &self.product_coset - &self.product_coset)
* &pk.l_last,
// (1 - (l_last(X) + l_blind(X))) * (
// z(\omega X) (a'(X) + \beta) (s'(X) + \gamma)
// - z(X) (\theta^{m-1} a_0(X) + ... + a_{m-1}(X) + \beta) (\theta^{m-1} s_0(X) + ... + s_{m-1}(X) + \gamma)
// ) = 0
// z(\omega X) (a'(X) + \beta) (s'(X) + \gamma)
let mut left = domain.rotate_extended(&self.product_coset, Rotation::next());
parallelize(&mut left, |left, start| {
for ((left, permuted_input), permuted_table) in left
*left *= &(*permuted_input + &(*beta));
*left *= &(*permuted_table + &(*gamma));
// z(X) (\theta^{m-1} a_0(X) + ... + a_{m-1}(X) + \beta) (\theta^{m-1} s_0(X) + ... + s_{m-1}(X) + \gamma)
let mut right = self.product_coset;
parallelize(&mut right, |right, start| {
for (i, right) in right.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let i = i + start;
// Compress the unpermuted input expressions
let mut input_term = C::Scalar::zero();
for input in permuted.unpermuted_input_cosets.iter() {
input_term *= &*theta;
input_term += &input[i];
// Compress the unpermuted table expressions
let mut table_term = C::Scalar::zero();
for table in permuted.unpermuted_table_cosets.iter() {
table_term *= &*theta;
table_term += &table[i];
// Add \beta and \gamma offsets
*right *= &(input_term + &*beta);
*right *= &(table_term + &*gamma);
Some((left - &right) * &active_rows)
// Check that the first values in the permuted input expression and permuted
// fixed expression are the same.
// l_0(X) * (a'(X) - s'(X)) = 0
(permuted.permuted_input_coset.clone() - &permuted.permuted_table_coset) * &pk.l0,
// Check that each value in the permuted lookup input expression is either
// equal to the value above it, or the value at the same index in the
// permuted table expression.
// (1 - (l_last + l_blind)) * (a(X) s(X))⋅(a(X) a(\omega^{-1} X)) = 0
(permuted.permuted_input_coset.clone() - &permuted.permuted_table_coset)
* &(domain.sub_extended(
* &active_rows,
Constructed {
permuted_input_poly: permuted.permuted_input_poly,
permuted_input_blind: permuted.permuted_input_blind,
permuted_table_poly: permuted.permuted_table_poly,
permuted_table_blind: permuted.permuted_table_blind,
product_poly: self.product_poly,
product_blind: self.product_blind,
impl<C: CurveAffine> Constructed<C> {
pub(in crate::plonk) fn evaluate<E: EncodedChallenge<C>, T: TranscriptWrite<C, E>>(
pk: &ProvingKey<C>,
x: ChallengeX<C>,
transcript: &mut T,
) -> Result<Evaluated<C>, Error> {
let domain = &pk.vk.domain;
let x_inv = domain.rotate_omega(*x, Rotation::prev());
let x_next = domain.rotate_omega(*x, Rotation::next());
let product_eval = eval_polynomial(&self.product_poly, *x);
let product_next_eval = eval_polynomial(&self.product_poly, x_next);
let permuted_input_eval = eval_polynomial(&self.permuted_input_poly, *x);
let permuted_input_inv_eval = eval_polynomial(&self.permuted_input_poly, x_inv);
let permuted_table_eval = eval_polynomial(&self.permuted_table_poly, *x);
// Hash each advice evaluation
for eval in iter::empty()
.map_err(|_| Error::TranscriptError)?;
Ok(Evaluated { constructed: self })
impl<C: CurveAffine> Evaluated<C> {
pub(in crate::plonk) fn open<'a>(
&'a self,
pk: &'a ProvingKey<C>,
x: ChallengeX<C>,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = ProverQuery<'a, C>> + Clone {
let x_inv = pk.vk.domain.rotate_omega(*x, Rotation::prev());
let x_next = pk.vk.domain.rotate_omega(*x, Rotation::next());
// Open lookup product commitments at x
.chain(Some(ProverQuery {
point: *x,
poly: &self.constructed.product_poly,
blind: self.constructed.product_blind,
// Open lookup input commitments at x
.chain(Some(ProverQuery {
point: *x,
poly: &self.constructed.permuted_input_poly,
blind: self.constructed.permuted_input_blind,
// Open lookup table commitments at x
.chain(Some(ProverQuery {
point: *x,
poly: &self.constructed.permuted_table_poly,
blind: self.constructed.permuted_table_blind,
// Open lookup input commitments at x_inv
.chain(Some(ProverQuery {
point: x_inv,
poly: &self.constructed.permuted_input_poly,
blind: self.constructed.permuted_input_blind,
// Open lookup product commitments at x_next
.chain(Some(ProverQuery {
point: x_next,
poly: &self.constructed.product_poly,
blind: self.constructed.product_blind,
type ExpressionPair<F> = (Polynomial<F, LagrangeCoeff>, Polynomial<F, LagrangeCoeff>);
/// Given a vector of input values A and a vector of table values S,
/// this method permutes A and S to produce A' and S', such that:
/// - like values in A' are vertically adjacent to each other; and
/// - the first row in a sequence of like values in A' is the row
/// that has the corresponding value in S'.
/// This method returns (A', S') if no errors are encountered.
fn permute_expression_pair<C: CurveAffine>(
pk: &ProvingKey<C>,
params: &Params<C>,
domain: &EvaluationDomain<C::Scalar>,
input_expression: &Polynomial<C::Scalar, LagrangeCoeff>,
table_expression: &Polynomial<C::Scalar, LagrangeCoeff>,
) -> Result<ExpressionPair<C::Scalar>, Error> {
let blinding_factors = pk.vk.cs.blinding_factors();
let usable_rows = params.n as usize - (blinding_factors + 1);
let mut permuted_input_expression: Vec<C::Scalar> = input_expression.to_vec();
// Sort input lookup expression values
// A BTreeMap of each unique element in the table expression and its count
let mut leftover_table_map: BTreeMap<C::Scalar, u32> = table_expression
.fold(BTreeMap::new(), |mut acc, coeff| {
*acc.entry(*coeff).or_insert(0) += 1;
let mut permuted_table_coeffs = vec![C::Scalar::zero(); usable_rows];
let mut repeated_input_rows = permuted_input_expression
.filter_map(|(row, (input_value, table_value))| {
// If this is the first occurence of `input_value` in the input expression
if row == 0 || *input_value != permuted_input_expression[row - 1] {
*table_value = *input_value;
// Remove one instance of input_value from leftover_table_map
if let Some(count) = leftover_table_map.get_mut(input_value) {
assert!(*count > 0);
*count -= 1;
} else {
// Return error if input_value not found
// If input value is repeated
} else {
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
// Populate permuted table at unfilled rows with leftover table elements
for (coeff, count) in leftover_table_map.iter() {
for _ in 0..*count {
permuted_table_coeffs[repeated_input_rows.pop().unwrap() as usize] = *coeff;
permuted_input_expression.extend((0..(blinding_factors + 1)).map(|_| C::Scalar::rand()));
permuted_table_coeffs.extend((0..(blinding_factors + 1)).map(|_| C::Scalar::rand()));
assert_eq!(permuted_input_expression.len(), params.n as usize);
assert_eq!(permuted_table_coeffs.len(), params.n as usize);
#[cfg(feature = "sanity-checks")]
let mut last = None;
for (a, b) in permuted_input_expression
if *a != *b {
assert_eq!(*a, last.unwrap());
last = Some(*a);