
601 lines
21 KiB

use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashSet};
use std::fmt;
use group::ff::Field;
use super::{
util::{self, AnyQuery},
MockProver, Region,
#[cfg(feature = "unstable-dynamic-lookups")]
use crate::plonk::DynamicTable;
use crate::{
plonk::{Any, Column, ConstraintSystem, Expression, Gate, Instance},
mod emitter;
/// The location within the circuit at which a particular [`VerifyFailure`] occurred.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum FailureLocation {
/// A location inside a region.
InRegion {
/// The region in which the failure occurred.
region: metadata::Region,
/// The offset (relative to the start of the region) at which the failure
/// occurred.
offset: usize,
/// A location outside of a region.
OutsideRegion {
/// The circuit row on which the failure occurred.
row: usize,
impl fmt::Display for FailureLocation {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::InRegion { region, offset } => write!(f, "in {} at offset {}", region, offset),
Self::OutsideRegion { row } => {
write!(f, "outside any region, on row {}", row)
impl FailureLocation {
pub(super) fn find_expressions<'a, F: Field>(
cs: &ConstraintSystem<F>,
regions: &[Region],
failure_row: usize,
failure_expressions: impl Iterator<Item = &'a Expression<F>>,
) -> Self {
let failure_columns: HashSet<Column<Any>> = failure_expressions
.flat_map(|expression| {
&|_| vec![],
&|_| panic!("virtual selectors are removed during optimization"),
#[cfg(feature = "unstable-dynamic-lookups")]
&|_| panic!("virtual table tags are removed during optimization"),
&|query| vec![cs.fixed_queries[query.index].0.into()],
&|query| vec![cs.advice_queries[query.index].0.into()],
&|query| vec![cs.instance_queries[query.index].0.into()],
&|a| a,
&|mut a, mut b| {
a.append(&mut b);
&|mut a, mut b| {
a.append(&mut b);
&|a, _| a,
Self::find(regions, failure_row, failure_columns)
/// Figures out whether the given row and columns overlap an assigned region.
pub(super) fn find(
regions: &[Region],
failure_row: usize,
failure_columns: HashSet<Column<Any>>,
) -> Self {
.find(|(_, r)| {
if let Some((start, end)) = r.rows {
// We match the region if any input columns overlap, rather than all of
// them, because matching complex selector columns is hard. As long as
// regions are rectangles, and failures occur due to assignments entirely
// within single regions, "any" will be equivalent to "all". If these
// assumptions change, we'll start getting bug reports from users :)
(start..=end).contains(&failure_row) && !failure_columns.is_disjoint(&r.columns)
} else {
// Zero-area region
.map(|(r_i, r)| FailureLocation::InRegion {
region: (r_i, r.name.clone()).into(),
offset: failure_row - r.rows.unwrap().0,
.unwrap_or_else(|| FailureLocation::OutsideRegion { row: failure_row })
/// The reasons why a particular circuit is not satisfied.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum VerifyFailure {
/// A cell used in an active gate was not assigned to.
#[cfg(feature = "unstable-dynamic-lookups")]
DynamicTableCellNotAssigned {
/// The tag of the table containing a unassigned cell.
dynamic_table: DynamicTable,
/// The region in which this cell should be assigned.
region: metadata::Region,
/// The column in which this cell should be assigned.
column: Column<Any>,
/// The offset (relative to the start of the region) at which this cell should be assigned.
offset: usize,
/// A cell used in an active gate was not assigned to.
CellNotAssigned {
/// The index of the active gate.
gate: metadata::Gate,
/// The region in which this cell should be assigned.
region: metadata::Region,
/// The offset (relative to the start of the region) at which the active gate
/// queries this cell.
gate_offset: usize,
/// The column in which this cell should be assigned.
column: Column<Any>,
/// The offset (relative to the start of the region) at which this cell should be
/// assigned. This may be negative (for example, if a selector enables a gate at
/// offset 0, but the gate uses `Rotation::prev()`).
offset: isize,
/// An instance cell used in an active gate was not assigned to.
InstanceCellNotAssigned {
/// The index of the active gate.
gate: metadata::Gate,
/// The region in which this gate was activated.
region: metadata::Region,
/// The offset (relative to the start of the region) at which the active gate
/// queries this cell.
gate_offset: usize,
/// The column in which this cell should be assigned.
column: Column<Instance>,
/// The absolute row at which this cell should be assigned.
row: usize,
/// A constraint was not satisfied for a particular row.
ConstraintNotSatisfied {
/// The polynomial constraint that is not satisfied.
constraint: metadata::Constraint,
/// The location at which this constraint is not satisfied.
/// `FailureLocation::OutsideRegion` is usually caused by a constraint that does
/// not contain a selector, and as a result is active on every row.
location: FailureLocation,
/// The values of the virtual cells used by this constraint.
cell_values: Vec<(metadata::VirtualCell, String)>,
/// A constraint was active on an unusable row, and is likely missing a selector.
ConstraintPoisoned {
/// The polynomial constraint that is not satisfied.
constraint: metadata::Constraint,
/// A lookup input did not exist in its corresponding table.
Lookup {
/// The index of the lookup that is not satisfied. These indices are assigned in
/// the order in which `ConstraintSystem::lookup` is called during
/// `Circuit::configure`.
lookup_index: usize,
/// The location at which the lookup is not satisfied.
/// `FailureLocation::InRegion` is most common, and may be due to the intentional
/// use of a lookup (if its inputs are conditional on a complex selector), or an
/// unintentional lookup constraint that overlaps the region (indicating that the
/// lookup's inputs should be made conditional).
/// `FailureLocation::OutsideRegion` is uncommon, and could mean that:
/// - The input expressions do not correctly constrain a default value that exists
/// in the table when the lookup is not being used.
/// - The input expressions use a column queried at a non-zero `Rotation`, and the
/// lookup is active on a row adjacent to an unrelated region.
location: FailureLocation,
/// A permutation did not preserve the original value of a cell.
Permutation {
/// The column in which this permutation is not satisfied.
column: metadata::Column,
/// The location at which the permutation is not satisfied.
location: FailureLocation,
impl fmt::Display for VerifyFailure {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
#[cfg(feature = "unstable-dynamic-lookups")]
VerifyFailure::DynamicTableCellNotAssigned {
} => {
"{:?} includes the row at offset {} in the {}, which requires cell in column {:?} be assigned.",
dynamic_table, offset, region, column
Self::CellNotAssigned {
} => {
"{} uses {} at offset {}, which requires cell in column {:?} at offset {} to be assigned.",
region, gate, gate_offset, column, offset
Self::InstanceCellNotAssigned {
} => {
"{} uses {} at offset {}, which requires cell in instance column {:?} at row {} to be assigned.",
region, gate, gate_offset, column, row
Self::ConstraintNotSatisfied {
} => {
writeln!(f, "{} is not satisfied {}", constraint, location)?;
for (name, value) in cell_values {
writeln!(f, "- {} = {}", name, value)?;
Self::ConstraintPoisoned { constraint } => {
"{} is active on an unusable row - missing selector?",
Self::Lookup {
} => write!(f, "Lookup {} is not satisfied {}", lookup_index, location),
Self::Permutation { column, location } => {
"Equality constraint not satisfied by cell ({:?}, {})",
column, location
/// Renders `VerifyFailure::CellNotAssigned`.
/// ```text
/// error: cell not assigned
/// Cell layout in region 'Faulty synthesis':
/// | Offset | A0 | A1 |
/// +--------+----+----+
/// | 0 | x0 | |
/// | 1 | | X | <--{ X marks the spot! 🦜
/// Gate 'Equality check' (applied at offset 1) queries these cells.
/// ```
fn render_cell_not_assigned<F: Field>(
gates: &[Gate<F>],
gate: &metadata::Gate,
region: &metadata::Region,
gate_offset: usize,
column: Column<Any>,
offset: isize,
) {
// Collect the necessary rendering information:
// - The columns involved in this gate.
// - How many cells are in each column.
// - The grid of cell values, indexed by rotation.
let mut columns = BTreeMap::<metadata::Column, usize>::default();
let mut layout = BTreeMap::<i32, BTreeMap<metadata::Column, _>>::default();
for (i, cell) in gates[gate.index].queried_cells().iter().enumerate() {
let cell_column = cell.column.into();
*columns.entry(cell_column).or_default() += 1;
.or_insert_with(|| {
if cell.column == column && gate_offset as i32 + cell.rotation.0 == offset as i32 {
} else {
format!("x{}", i)
eprintln!("error: cell not assigned");
" ",
&FailureLocation::InRegion {
region: region.clone(),
offset: gate_offset,
|row_offset, rotation| {
if (row_offset.unwrap() + rotation) as isize == offset {
eprint!(" <--{{ X marks the spot! 🦜");
" Gate '{}' (applied at offset {}) queries these cells.",
gate.name, gate_offset
/// Renders `VerifyFailure::ConstraintNotSatisfied`.
/// ```text
/// error: constraint not satisfied
/// Cell layout in region 'somewhere':
/// | Offset | A0 |
/// +--------+----+
/// | 0 | x0 | <--{ Gate 'foo' applied here
/// | 1 | x1 |
/// Constraint 'bar':
/// x1 + x1 * 0x100 + x1 * 0x10000 + x1 * 0x100_0000 - x0 = 0
/// Assigned cell values:
/// x0 = 0x5
/// x1 = 0x5
/// ```
fn render_constraint_not_satisfied<F: Field>(
gates: &[Gate<F>],
constraint: &metadata::Constraint,
location: &FailureLocation,
cell_values: &[(metadata::VirtualCell, String)],
) {
// Collect the necessary rendering information:
// - The columns involved in this constraint.
// - How many cells are in each column.
// - The grid of cell values, indexed by rotation.
let mut columns = BTreeMap::<metadata::Column, usize>::default();
let mut layout = BTreeMap::<i32, BTreeMap<metadata::Column, _>>::default();
for (i, (cell, _)) in cell_values.iter().enumerate() {
*columns.entry(cell.column).or_default() += 1;
.or_insert(format!("x{}", i));
eprintln!("error: constraint not satisfied");
emitter::render_cell_layout(" ", location, &columns, &layout, |_, rotation| {
if rotation == 0 {
eprint!(" <--{{ Gate '{}' applied here", constraint.gate.name);
// Print the unsatisfied constraint, in terms of the local variables.
eprintln!(" Constraint '{}':", constraint.name);
" {} = 0",
// Print the map from local variables to assigned values.
eprintln!(" Assigned cell values:");
for (i, (_, value)) in cell_values.iter().enumerate() {
eprintln!(" x{} = {}", i, value);
// TODO: handle dynamic lookups separately?
/// Renders `VerifyFailure::Lookup`.
/// ```text
/// error: lookup input does not exist in table
/// (L0) ∉ (F0)
/// Lookup inputs:
/// L0 = x1 * x0 + (1 - x1) * 0x2
/// ^
/// | Cell layout in region 'Faulty synthesis':
/// | | Offset | A0 | F1 |
/// | +--------+----+----+
/// | | 1 | x0 | x1 | <--{ Lookup inputs queried here
/// |
/// | Assigned cell values:
/// | x0 = 0x5
/// | x1 = 1
/// ```
fn render_lookup<F: Field>(
prover: &MockProver<F>,
lookup_index: usize,
location: &FailureLocation,
) {
let n = prover.n as i32;
let cs = &prover.cs;
let lookup = &cs.lookups[lookup_index];
// Get the absolute row on which the lookup's inputs are being queried, so we can
// fetch the input values.
let row = match location {
FailureLocation::InRegion { region, offset } => {
prover.regions[region.index].rows.unwrap().0 + offset
FailureLocation::OutsideRegion { row } => *row,
} as i32;
// Recover the fixed columns from the table expressions.
// We don't allow composite expressions for the table side of fixed lookups.
// The table side of Dynamic lookups have a tag column.
let table_columns = lookup.table_expressions.iter().map(|expr| {
&|_| panic!("no constants in table expressions"),
&|_| panic!("no selectors in table expressions"),
#[cfg(feature = "unstable-dynamic-lookups")]
&|_| panic!("no virtual columns in table expressions"),
&|query| format!("F{}", query.column_index),
&|query| format!("A{}", query.column_index),
&|_| panic!("no instance columns in table expressions"),
&|_| panic!("no negations in table expressions"),
&|_, _| panic!("no sums in table expressions"),
&|a, b| format!("{} * {}", a, b),
&|_, _| panic!("no scaling in table expressions"),
fn cell_value<'a, F: Field, Q: Into<AnyQuery> + Copy>(
column_type: Any,
load: impl Fn(Q) -> Value<F> + 'a,
) -> impl Fn(Q) -> BTreeMap<metadata::VirtualCell, String> + 'a {
move |query| {
let AnyQuery {
} = query.into();
((column_type, column_index).into(), rotation.0).into(),
match load(query) {
Value::Real(v) => util::format_value(v),
Value::Poison => unreachable!(),
eprintln!("error: lookup input does not exist in table");
eprint!(" (");
for i in 0..lookup.input_expressions.len() {
eprint!("{}L{}", if i == 0 { "" } else { ", " }, i);
eprint!(") ∉ (");
for (i, column) in table_columns.enumerate() {
eprint!("{}{}", if i == 0 { "" } else { ", " }, column);
eprintln!(" Lookup inputs:");
for (i, input) in lookup.input_expressions.iter().enumerate() {
// Fetch the cell values (since we don't store them in VerifyFailure::Lookup).
let cell_values = input.evaluate(
&|_| BTreeMap::default(),
&|_| panic!("virtual selectors are removed during optimization"),
#[cfg(feature = "unstable-dynamic-lookups")]
&|_| panic!("virtual table tags are removed during optimization"),
&util::load(n, row, &cs.fixed_queries, &prover.fixed),
&util::load(n, row, &cs.advice_queries, &prover.advice),
&util::load_instance(n, row, &cs.instance_queries, &prover.instance),
&|a| a,
&|mut a, mut b| {
a.append(&mut b);
&|mut a, mut b| {
a.append(&mut b);
&|a, _| a,
// Collect the necessary rendering information:
// - The columns involved in this constraint.
// - How many cells are in each column.
// - The grid of cell values, indexed by rotation.
let mut columns = BTreeMap::<metadata::Column, usize>::default();
let mut layout = BTreeMap::<i32, BTreeMap<metadata::Column, _>>::default();
for (i, (cell, _)) in cell_values.iter().enumerate() {
*columns.entry(cell.column).or_default() += 1;
.or_insert(format!("x{}", i));
if i != 0 {
" L{} = {}",
emitter::expression_to_string(input, &layout)
eprintln!(" ^");
emitter::render_cell_layout(" | ", location, &columns, &layout, |_, rotation| {
if rotation == 0 {
eprint!(" <--{{ Lookup inputs queried here");
// Print the map from local variables to assigned values.
eprintln!(" |");
eprintln!(" | Assigned cell values:");
for (i, (_, value)) in cell_values.iter().enumerate() {
eprintln!(" | x{} = {}", i, value);
impl VerifyFailure {
/// Emits this failure in pretty-printed format to stderr.
pub(super) fn emit<F: Field>(&self, prover: &MockProver<F>) {
match self {
Self::CellNotAssigned {
} => render_cell_not_assigned(
Self::ConstraintNotSatisfied {
} => {
render_constraint_not_satisfied(&prover.cs.gates, constraint, location, cell_values)
Self::Lookup {
} => render_lookup(prover, *lookup_index, location),
_ => eprintln!("{}", self),