
504 lines
18 KiB

use super::{
add, add_incomplete, EccBaseFieldElemFixed, EccScalarFixed, EccScalarFixedShort, FixedPoint,
use crate::utilities::decompose_running_sum::RunningSumConfig;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use group::{
ff::{PrimeField, PrimeFieldBits},
use halo2_proofs::{
circuit::{AssignedCell, Region},
Advice, Column, ConstraintSystem, Constraints, Error, Expression, Fixed, Selector,
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use pasta_curves::{
arithmetic::{CurveAffine, FieldExt},
pub mod base_field_elem;
pub mod full_width;
pub mod short;
lazy_static! {
static ref TWO_SCALAR: pallas::Scalar = pallas::Scalar::from(2);
// H = 2^3 (3-bit window)
static ref H_SCALAR: pallas::Scalar = pallas::Scalar::from(H as u64);
static ref H_BASE: pallas::Base = pallas::Base::from(H as u64);
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Config<FixedPoints: super::FixedPoints<pallas::Affine>> {
running_sum_config: RunningSumConfig<pallas::Base, FIXED_BASE_WINDOW_SIZE>,
// The fixed Lagrange interpolation coefficients for `x_p`.
lagrange_coeffs: [Column<Fixed>; H],
// The fixed `z` for each window such that `y + z = u^2`.
fixed_z: Column<Fixed>,
// Decomposition of an `n-1`-bit scalar into `k`-bit windows:
// a = a_0 + 2^k(a_1) + 2^{2k}(a_2) + ... + 2^{(n-1)k}(a_{n-1})
window: Column<Advice>,
// y-coordinate of accumulator (only used in the final row).
u: Column<Advice>,
// Configuration for `add`
add_config: add::Config,
// Configuration for `add_incomplete`
add_incomplete_config: add_incomplete::Config,
_marker: PhantomData<FixedPoints>,
impl<FixedPoints: super::FixedPoints<pallas::Affine>> Config<FixedPoints> {
pub(super) fn configure(
meta: &mut ConstraintSystem<pallas::Base>,
lagrange_coeffs: [Column<Fixed>; H],
window: Column<Advice>,
u: Column<Advice>,
add_config: add::Config,
add_incomplete_config: add_incomplete::Config,
) -> Self {
let q_running_sum = meta.selector();
let running_sum_config = RunningSumConfig::configure(meta, q_running_sum, window);
let config = Self {
fixed_z: meta.fixed_column(),
_marker: PhantomData,
// Check relationships between `add_config` and `add_incomplete_config`.
config.add_config.x_p, config.add_incomplete_config.x_p,
"add and add_incomplete are used internally in mul_fixed."
config.add_config.y_p, config.add_incomplete_config.y_p,
"add and add_incomplete are used internally in mul_fixed."
for advice in [config.window, config.u].iter() {
*advice, config.add_config.x_qr,
"Do not overlap with output columns of add."
*advice, config.add_config.y_qr,
"Do not overlap with output columns of add."
/// Check that each window in the running sum decomposition uses the correct y_p
/// and interpolated x_p.
/// This gate is used both in the mul_fixed::base_field_elem and mul_fixed::short
/// helpers, which decompose the scalar using a running sum.
/// This gate is not used in the mul_fixed::full_width helper, since the full-width
/// scalar is witnessed directly as three-bit windows instead of being decomposed
/// via a running sum.
fn running_sum_coords_gate(&self, meta: &mut ConstraintSystem<pallas::Base>) {
meta.create_gate("Running sum coordinates check", |meta| {
let q_mul_fixed_running_sum =
let z_cur = meta.query_advice(self.window, Rotation::cur());
let z_next = meta.query_advice(self.window, Rotation::next());
// z_{i+1} = (z_i - a_i) / 2^3
// => a_i = z_i - z_{i+1} * 2^3
let word = z_cur - z_next * pallas::Base::from(H as u64);
Constraints::with_selector(q_mul_fixed_running_sum, self.coords_check(meta, word))
/// [Specification](https://p.z.cash/halo2-0.1:ecc-fixed-mul-coordinates).
fn coords_check(
meta: &mut VirtualCells<'_, pallas::Base>,
window: Expression<pallas::Base>,
) -> Vec<(&'static str, Expression<pallas::Base>)> {
let y_p = meta.query_advice(self.add_config.y_p, Rotation::cur());
let x_p = meta.query_advice(self.add_config.x_p, Rotation::cur());
let z = meta.query_fixed(self.fixed_z, Rotation::cur());
let u = meta.query_advice(self.u, Rotation::cur());
let window_pow: Vec<Expression<pallas::Base>> = (0..H)
.map(|pow| {
(0..pow).fold(Expression::Constant(pallas::Base::one()), |acc, _| {
acc * window.clone()
let interpolated_x = window_pow.iter().zip(self.lagrange_coeffs.iter()).fold(
|acc, (window_pow, coeff)| {
acc + (window_pow.clone() * meta.query_fixed(*coeff, Rotation::cur()))
// Check interpolation of x-coordinate
let x_check = interpolated_x - x_p.clone();
// Check that `y + z = u^2`, where `z` is fixed and `u`, `y` are witnessed
let y_check = u.square() - y_p.clone() - z;
// Check that (x, y) is on the curve
let on_curve =
y_p.square() - x_p.clone().square() * x_p - Expression::Constant(pallas::Affine::b());
("check x", x_check),
("check y", y_check),
("on-curve", on_curve),
fn assign_region_inner<F: FixedPoint<pallas::Affine>, const NUM_WINDOWS: usize>(
region: &mut Region<'_, pallas::Base>,
offset: usize,
scalar: &ScalarFixed,
base: &F,
coords_check_toggle: Selector,
) -> Result<(NonIdentityEccPoint, NonIdentityEccPoint), Error> {
// Assign fixed columns for given fixed base
self.assign_fixed_constants::<F, NUM_WINDOWS>(region, offset, base, coords_check_toggle)?;
// Initialize accumulator
let acc = self.initialize_accumulator::<F, NUM_WINDOWS>(region, offset, base, scalar)?;
// Process all windows excluding least and most significant windows
let acc = self.add_incomplete::<F, NUM_WINDOWS>(region, offset, acc, base, scalar)?;
// Process most significant window
let mul_b = self.process_msb::<F, NUM_WINDOWS>(region, offset, base, scalar)?;
Ok((acc, mul_b))
/// [Specification](https://p.z.cash/halo2-0.1:ecc-fixed-mul-load-base).
fn assign_fixed_constants<F: FixedPoint<pallas::Affine>, const NUM_WINDOWS: usize>(
region: &mut Region<'_, pallas::Base>,
offset: usize,
base: &F,
coords_check_toggle: Selector,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut constants = None;
let build_constants = || {
let lagrange_coeffs = base.lagrange_coeffs();
assert_eq!(lagrange_coeffs.len(), NUM_WINDOWS);
let z = base.z();
assert_eq!(z.len(), NUM_WINDOWS);
(lagrange_coeffs, z)
// Assign fixed columns for given fixed base
for window in 0..NUM_WINDOWS {
coords_check_toggle.enable(region, window + offset)?;
// Assign x-coordinate Lagrange interpolation coefficients
for k in 0..H {
|| {
"Lagrange interpolation coeff for window: {:?}, k: {:?}",
window, k
window + offset,
|| {
if constants.as_ref().is_none() {
constants = Some(build_constants());
let lagrange_coeffs = &constants.as_ref().unwrap().0;
// Assign z-values for each window
|| format!("z-value for window: {:?}", window),
window + offset,
|| {
let z = &constants.as_ref().unwrap().1;
/// Assigns the values used to process a window.
fn process_window<F: FixedPoint<pallas::Affine>, const NUM_WINDOWS: usize>(
region: &mut Region<'_, pallas::Base>,
offset: usize,
w: usize,
k_usize: Option<usize>,
window_scalar: Option<pallas::Scalar>,
base: &F,
) -> Result<NonIdentityEccPoint, Error> {
let base_value = base.generator();
let base_u = base.u();
assert_eq!(base_u.len(), NUM_WINDOWS);
// Compute [window_scalar]B
let mul_b = {
let mul_b = window_scalar.map(|scalar| base_value * scalar);
let mul_b = mul_b.map(|mul_b| mul_b.to_affine().coordinates().unwrap());
let x = mul_b.map(|mul_b| {
let x = *mul_b.x();
assert!(x != pallas::Base::zero());
let x = region.assign_advice(
|| format!("mul_b_x, window {}", w),
offset + w,
|| x.ok_or(Error::Synthesis),
let y = mul_b.map(|mul_b| {
let y = *mul_b.y();
assert!(y != pallas::Base::zero());
let y = region.assign_advice(
|| format!("mul_b_y, window {}", w),
offset + w,
|| y.ok_or(Error::Synthesis),
NonIdentityEccPoint { x, y }
// Assign u = (y_p + z_w).sqrt()
let u_val = k_usize.map(|k| pallas::Base::from_repr(base_u[w][k]).unwrap());
region.assign_advice(|| "u", self.u, offset + w, || u_val.ok_or(Error::Synthesis))?;
fn initialize_accumulator<F: FixedPoint<pallas::Affine>, const NUM_WINDOWS: usize>(
region: &mut Region<'_, pallas::Base>,
offset: usize,
base: &F,
scalar: &ScalarFixed,
) -> Result<NonIdentityEccPoint, Error> {
// Recall that the message at each window `w` is represented as
// `m_w = [(k_w + 2) ⋅ 8^w]B`.
// When `w = 0`, we have `m_0 = [(k_0 + 2)]B`.
let w = 0;
let k0 = scalar.windows_field()[0];
let k0_usize = scalar.windows_usize()[0];
self.process_lower_bits::<_, NUM_WINDOWS>(region, offset, w, k0, k0_usize, base)
fn add_incomplete<F: FixedPoint<pallas::Affine>, const NUM_WINDOWS: usize>(
region: &mut Region<'_, pallas::Base>,
offset: usize,
mut acc: NonIdentityEccPoint,
base: &F,
scalar: &ScalarFixed,
) -> Result<NonIdentityEccPoint, Error> {
let scalar_windows_field = scalar.windows_field();
let scalar_windows_usize = scalar.windows_usize();
assert_eq!(scalar_windows_field.len(), NUM_WINDOWS);
for (w, (k, k_usize)) in scalar_windows_field
// The MSB is processed separately.
.take(NUM_WINDOWS - 1)
// Skip k_0 (already processed).
// Compute [(k_w + 2) ⋅ 8^w]B
// This assigns the coordinates of the returned point into the input cells for
// the incomplete addition gate, which will then copy them into themselves.
let mul_b =
self.process_lower_bits::<_, NUM_WINDOWS>(region, offset, w, k, k_usize, base)?;
// Add to the accumulator.
// After the first loop, the accumulator will already be in the input cells
// for the incomplete addition gate, and will be copied into themselves.
acc = self
.assign_region(&mul_b, &acc, offset + w, region)?;
/// Assigns the values used to process a window that does not contain the MSB.
fn process_lower_bits<F: FixedPoint<pallas::Affine>, const NUM_WINDOWS: usize>(
region: &mut Region<'_, pallas::Base>,
offset: usize,
w: usize,
k: Option<pallas::Scalar>,
k_usize: Option<usize>,
base: &F,
) -> Result<NonIdentityEccPoint, Error> {
// `scalar = [(k_w + 2) ⋅ 8^w]
let scalar = k.map(|k| (k + *TWO_SCALAR) * (*H_SCALAR).pow(&[w as u64, 0, 0, 0]));
self.process_window::<_, NUM_WINDOWS>(region, offset, w, k_usize, scalar, base)
/// Assigns the values used to process the window containing the MSB.
fn process_msb<F: FixedPoint<pallas::Affine>, const NUM_WINDOWS: usize>(
region: &mut Region<'_, pallas::Base>,
offset: usize,
base: &F,
scalar: &ScalarFixed,
) -> Result<NonIdentityEccPoint, Error> {
let k_usize = scalar.windows_usize()[NUM_WINDOWS - 1];
// offset_acc = \sum_{j = 0}^{NUM_WINDOWS - 2} 2^{FIXED_BASE_WINDOW_SIZE*j + 1}
let offset_acc = (0..(NUM_WINDOWS - 1)).fold(pallas::Scalar::zero(), |acc, w| {
acc + (*TWO_SCALAR).pow(&[FIXED_BASE_WINDOW_SIZE as u64 * w as u64 + 1, 0, 0, 0])
// `scalar = [k * 8^(NUM_WINDOWS - 1) - offset_acc]`.
let scalar = scalar.windows_field()[scalar.windows_field().len() - 1]
.map(|k| k * (*H_SCALAR).pow(&[(NUM_WINDOWS - 1) as u64, 0, 0, 0]) - offset_acc);
self.process_window::<_, NUM_WINDOWS>(
enum ScalarFixed {
impl From<&EccScalarFixed> for ScalarFixed {
fn from(scalar_fixed: &EccScalarFixed) -> Self {
impl From<&EccScalarFixedShort> for ScalarFixed {
fn from(scalar_fixed: &EccScalarFixedShort) -> Self {
impl From<&EccBaseFieldElemFixed> for ScalarFixed {
fn from(base_field_elem: &EccBaseFieldElemFixed) -> Self {
impl ScalarFixed {
/// The scalar decomposition was done in the base field. For computation
/// outside the circuit, we now convert them back into the scalar field.
/// This function does not require that the base field fits inside the scalar field,
/// because the window size fits into either field.
fn windows_field(&self) -> Vec<Option<pallas::Scalar>> {
let running_sum_to_windows = |zs: Vec<AssignedCell<pallas::Base, pallas::Base>>| {
(0..(zs.len() - 1))
.map(|idx| {
let z_cur = zs[idx].value();
let z_next = zs[idx + 1].value();
let word = z_cur
.map(|(z_cur, z_next)| z_cur - z_next * *H_BASE);
// This assumes that the endianness of the encodings of pallas::Base
// and pallas::Scalar are the same. They happen to be, but we need to
// be careful if this is generalised.
word.map(|word| pallas::Scalar::from_repr(word.to_repr()).unwrap())
match self {
Self::BaseFieldElem(scalar) => running_sum_to_windows(scalar.running_sum.to_vec()),
Self::Short(scalar) => running_sum_to_windows(
.expect("EccScalarFixedShort has been constrained")
Self::FullWidth(scalar) => scalar
.expect("EccScalarFixed has been witnessed")
.map(|bits| {
// This assumes that the endianness of the encodings of pallas::Base
// and pallas::Scalar are the same. They happen to be, but we need to
// be careful if this is generalised.
.map(|value| pallas::Scalar::from_repr(value.to_repr()).unwrap())
/// The scalar decomposition is guaranteed to be in three-bit windows, so we construct
/// `usize` indices from the lowest three bits of each window field element for
/// convenient indexing into `u`-values.
fn windows_usize(&self) -> Vec<Option<usize>> {
.map(|window| {
window.map(|window| {
.fold(0, |acc, b| 2 * acc + if b { 1 } else { 0 })