
150 lines
5.9 KiB

use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use halo2_middleware::ff::Field;
use super::{construct_intermediate_sets, ChallengeX1, ChallengeX2, ChallengeX3, ChallengeX4};
use crate::arithmetic::{eval_polynomial, lagrange_interpolate, CurveAffine};
use crate::poly::commitment::{Params, Verifier, MSM};
use crate::poly::ipa::commitment::{IPACommitmentScheme, ParamsVerifierIPA};
use crate::poly::ipa::msm::MSMIPA;
use crate::poly::ipa::strategy::GuardIPA;
use crate::poly::query::{CommitmentReference, VerifierQuery};
use crate::poly::Error;
use crate::transcript::{EncodedChallenge, TranscriptRead};
/// IPA multi-open verifier
pub struct VerifierIPA<C: CurveAffine> {
_marker: PhantomData<C>,
impl<'params, C: CurveAffine> Verifier<'params, IPACommitmentScheme<C>> for VerifierIPA<C> {
type Guard = GuardIPA<'params, C>;
type MSMAccumulator = MSMIPA<'params, C>;
const QUERY_INSTANCE: bool = true;
fn new(_params: &'params ParamsVerifierIPA<C>) -> Self {
Self {
_marker: PhantomData,
fn verify_proof<'com, E: EncodedChallenge<C>, T: TranscriptRead<C, E>, I>(
transcript: &mut T,
queries: I,
mut msm: MSMIPA<'params, C>,
) -> Result<Self::Guard, Error>
'params: 'com,
I: IntoIterator<Item = VerifierQuery<'com, C, MSMIPA<'params, C>>> + Clone,
// Sample x_1 for compressing openings at the same point sets together
let x_1: ChallengeX1<_> = transcript.squeeze_challenge_scalar();
// Sample a challenge x_2 for keeping the multi-point quotient
// polynomial terms linearly independent.
let x_2: ChallengeX2<_> = transcript.squeeze_challenge_scalar();
let (commitment_map, point_sets) = construct_intermediate_sets(queries);
// Compress the commitments and expected evaluations at x together.
// using the challenge x_1
let mut q_commitments: Vec<_> = vec![
(msm.params.empty_msm(), C::Scalar::ONE); // (accumulator, next x_1 power).
// A vec of vecs of evals. The outer vec corresponds to the point set,
// while the inner vec corresponds to the points in a particular set.
let mut q_eval_sets = Vec::with_capacity(point_sets.len());
for point_set in point_sets.iter() {
q_eval_sets.push(vec![C::Scalar::ZERO; point_set.len()]);
let mut accumulate = |set_idx: usize,
new_commitment: CommitmentReference<C, MSMIPA<'params, C>>,
evals: Vec<C::Scalar>| {
let (q_commitment, x_1_power) = &mut q_commitments[set_idx];
match new_commitment {
CommitmentReference::Commitment(c) => {
q_commitment.append_term(*x_1_power, (*c).into());
CommitmentReference::MSM(msm) => {
let mut msm = msm.clone();
for (eval, set_eval) in evals.iter().zip(q_eval_sets[set_idx].iter_mut()) {
*set_eval += (*eval) * (*x_1_power);
*x_1_power *= *x_1;
// Each commitment corresponds to evaluations at a set of points.
// For each set, we collapse each commitment's evals pointwise.
// Run in order of increasing x_1 powers.
for commitment_data in commitment_map.into_iter().rev() {
commitment_data.set_index, // set_idx,
commitment_data.commitment, // commitment,
commitment_data.evals, // evals
// Obtain the commitment to the multi-point quotient polynomial f(X).
let q_prime_commitment = transcript.read_point().map_err(|_| Error::SamplingError)?;
// Sample a challenge x_3 for checking that f(X) was committed to
// correctly.
let x_3: ChallengeX3<_> = transcript.squeeze_challenge_scalar();
// u is a vector containing the evaluations of the Q polynomial
// commitments at x_3
let mut u = Vec::with_capacity(q_eval_sets.len());
for _ in 0..q_eval_sets.len() {
u.push(transcript.read_scalar().map_err(|_| Error::SamplingError)?);
// We can compute the expected msm_eval at x_3 using the u provided
// by the prover and from x_2
let msm_eval = point_sets
|msm_eval, ((points, evals), proof_eval)| {
let r_poly = lagrange_interpolate(points, evals);
let r_eval = eval_polynomial(&r_poly, *x_3);
let eval = points.iter().fold(*proof_eval - r_eval, |eval, point| {
eval * (*x_3 - point).invert().unwrap()
msm_eval * (*x_2) + eval
// Sample a challenge x_4 that we will use to collapse the openings of
// the various remaining polynomials at x_3 together.
let x_4: ChallengeX4<_> = transcript.squeeze_challenge_scalar();
// Compute the final commitment that has to be opened
msm.append_term(C::Scalar::ONE, q_prime_commitment.into());
let (msm, v) = q_commitments.into_iter().zip(u.iter()).fold(
(msm, msm_eval),
|(mut msm, msm_eval), ((q_commitment, _), q_eval)| {
(msm, msm_eval * (*x_4) + q_eval)
// Verify the opening proof
super::commitment::verify_proof(msm, transcript, *x_3, v)