
171 lines
5.0 KiB

use super::commitment::{IPACommitmentScheme, ParamsIPA};
use super::msm::MSMIPA;
use super::multiopen::VerifierIPA;
use crate::{
strategy::{Guard, VerificationStrategy},
use group::Curve;
use halo2_middleware::ff::Field;
use halo2_middleware::zal::{impls::H2cEngine, traits::MsmAccel};
use halo2curves::CurveAffine;
use rand_core::OsRng;
/// Wrapper for verification accumulator
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct GuardIPA<'params, C: CurveAffine> {
pub(crate) msm: MSMIPA<'params, C>,
pub(crate) neg_c: C::Scalar,
pub(crate) u: Vec<C::Scalar>,
pub(crate) u_packed: Vec<C::Scalar>,
/// An accumulator instance consisting of an evaluation claim and a proof.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Accumulator<C: CurveAffine> {
/// The claimed output of the linear-time polycommit opening protocol
pub g: C,
/// A vector of challenges u_0, ..., u_{k - 1} sampled by the verifier, to
/// be used in computing G'_0.
pub u_packed: Vec<C::Scalar>,
/// Define accumulator type as `MSMIPA`
impl<'params, C: CurveAffine> Guard<IPACommitmentScheme<C>> for GuardIPA<'params, C> {
type MSMAccumulator = MSMIPA<'params, C>;
/// IPA specific operations
impl<'params, C: CurveAffine> GuardIPA<'params, C> {
/// Lets caller supply the challenges and obtain an MSM with updated
/// scalars and points.
pub fn use_challenges(mut self) -> MSMIPA<'params, C> {
let s = compute_s(&self.u, self.neg_c);
/// Lets caller supply the purported G point and simply appends
/// [-c] G to return an updated MSM.
pub fn use_g(mut self, g: C) -> (MSMIPA<'params, C>, Accumulator<C>) {
self.msm.append_term(self.neg_c, g.into());
let accumulator = Accumulator {
u_packed: self.u_packed,
(self.msm, accumulator)
/// Computes G = ⟨s, params.g⟩
pub fn compute_g(&self, engine: &impl MsmAccel<C>) -> C {
let s = compute_s(&self.u, C::Scalar::ONE);
engine.msm(&s, &self.msm.params.g).to_affine()
/// A verifier that checks multiple proofs in a batch.
pub struct AccumulatorStrategy<'params, C: CurveAffine> {
msm: MSMIPA<'params, C>,
impl<'params, C: CurveAffine> VerificationStrategy<'params, IPACommitmentScheme<C>, VerifierIPA<C>>
for AccumulatorStrategy<'params, C>
type Output = Self;
fn new(params: &'params ParamsIPA<C>) -> Self {
AccumulatorStrategy {
msm: MSMIPA::new(params),
fn process(
mut self,
f: impl FnOnce(MSMIPA<'params, C>) -> Result<GuardIPA<'params, C>, Error>,
) -> Result<Self::Output, Error> {
let guard = f(self.msm)?;
Ok(Self {
msm: guard.use_challenges(),
/// Finalizes the batch and checks its validity.
/// Returns `false` if *some* proof was invalid. If the caller needs to identify
/// specific failing proofs, it must re-process the proofs separately.
fn finalize(self) -> bool {
// TODO: Verification is cheap, ZkAccel on verifier is not a priority.
/// A verifier that checks single proof
pub struct SingleStrategy<'params, C: CurveAffine> {
msm: MSMIPA<'params, C>,
impl<'params, C: CurveAffine> VerificationStrategy<'params, IPACommitmentScheme<C>, VerifierIPA<C>>
for SingleStrategy<'params, C>
type Output = ();
fn new(params: &'params ParamsIPA<C>) -> Self {
SingleStrategy {
msm: MSMIPA::new(params),
fn process(
f: impl FnOnce(MSMIPA<'params, C>) -> Result<GuardIPA<'params, C>, Error>,
) -> Result<Self::Output, Error> {
let guard = f(self.msm)?;
let msm = guard.use_challenges();
// ZAL: Verification is (supposedly) cheap, hence we don't use an accelerator engine
if msm.check(&H2cEngine::new()) {
} else {
/// Finalizes the batch and checks its validity.
/// Returns `false` if *some* proof was invalid. If the caller needs to identify
/// specific failing proofs, it must re-process the proofs separately.
fn finalize(self) -> bool {
/// Computes the coefficients of $g(X) = \prod\limits_{i=0}^{k-1} (1 + u_{k - 1 - i} X^{2^i})$.
fn compute_s<F: Field>(u: &[F], init: F) -> Vec<F> {
let mut v = vec![F::ZERO; 1 << u.len()];
v[0] = init;
for (len, u_j) in u.iter().rev().enumerate().map(|(i, u_j)| (1 << i, u_j)) {
let (left, right) = v.split_at_mut(len);
let right = &mut right[0..len];
for v in right {
*v *= u_j;