
601 lines
20 KiB

//! This module contains an implementation of the polynomial commitment scheme
//! described in the [Halo][halo] paper.
//! [halo]: https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/1021
use crate::arithmetic::{
best_fft, best_multiexp, compute_inner_product, get_challenge_scalar, parallelize, Challenge,
Curve, CurveAffine, Field,
use crate::transcript::Hasher;
/// This is a proof object for the polynomial commitment scheme opening.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct OpeningProof<C: CurveAffine> {
fork: u8,
rounds: Vec<(C, C)>,
delta: C,
z1: C::Scalar,
z2: C::Scalar,
/// These are the public parameters for the polynomial commitment scheme.
pub struct Params<C: CurveAffine> {
pub(crate) k: u32,
pub(crate) n: u64,
pub(crate) g: Vec<C>,
pub(crate) g_lagrange: Vec<C>,
pub(crate) h: C,
impl<C: CurveAffine> Params<C> {
/// Initializes parameters for the curve, given a random oracle to draw
/// points from.
pub fn new<H: Hasher<C::Base>>(k: u32) -> Self {
// This is usually a limitation on the curve, but we also want 32-bit
// architectures to be supported.
assert!(k < 32);
// No goofy hardware please.
assert!(core::mem::size_of::<usize>() >= 4);
let n: u64 = 1 << k;
let g = {
let hasher = &H::init(C::Base::zero());
let mut g = Vec::with_capacity(n as usize);
g.resize(n as usize, C::zero());
parallelize(&mut g, move |g, start| {
let mut cur_value = C::Base::from(start as u64);
for g in g.iter_mut() {
let mut hasher = hasher.clone();
cur_value += &C::Base::one();
loop {
let x = hasher.squeeze().to_bytes();
let p = C::from_bytes(&x);
if bool::from(p.is_some()) {
*g = p.unwrap();
// Let's evaluate all of the Lagrange basis polynomials
// using an inverse FFT.
let mut alpha_inv = C::Scalar::ROOT_OF_UNITY_INV;
for _ in k..C::Scalar::S {
alpha_inv = alpha_inv.square();
let mut g_lagrange_projective = g.iter().map(|g| g.to_projective()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
best_fft(&mut g_lagrange_projective, alpha_inv, k);
let minv = C::Scalar::TWO_INV.pow_vartime(&[k as u64, 0, 0, 0]);
parallelize(&mut g_lagrange_projective, |g, _| {
for g in g.iter_mut() {
*g *= minv;
let g_lagrange = {
let mut g_lagrange = vec![C::zero(); n as usize];
parallelize(&mut g_lagrange, |g_lagrange, starts| {
&g_lagrange_projective[starts..(starts + g_lagrange.len())],
let h = {
let mut hasher = H::init(C::Base::zero());
let x = hasher.squeeze().to_bytes();
let p = C::from_bytes(&x);
Params {
/// This computes a commitment to a polynomial described by the provided
/// slice of coefficients. The commitment will be blinded by the blinding
/// factor `r`.
pub fn commit(&self, poly: &[C::Scalar], r: C::Scalar) -> C::Projective {
let mut tmp_scalars = Vec::with_capacity(poly.len() + 1);
let mut tmp_bases = Vec::with_capacity(poly.len() + 1);
best_multiexp::<C>(&tmp_scalars, &tmp_bases)
/// This commits to a polynomial using its evaluations over the $2^k$ size
/// evaluation domain. The commitment will be blinded by the blinding factor
/// `r`.
pub fn commit_lagrange(&self, poly: &[C::Scalar], r: C::Scalar) -> C::Projective {
let mut tmp_scalars = Vec::with_capacity(poly.len() + 1);
let mut tmp_bases = Vec::with_capacity(poly.len() + 1);
best_multiexp::<C>(&tmp_scalars, &tmp_bases)
/// Create a polynomial commitment opening proof for the polynomial defined
/// by the coefficients `px`, the blinding factor `blind` used for the
/// polynomial commitment, and the point `x` that the polynomial is
/// evaluated at.
/// This function will panic if the provided polynomial is too large with
/// respect to the polynomial commitment parameters.
/// **Important:** This function assumes that the provided `transcript` has
/// already seen the common inputs: the polynomial commitment P, the claimed
/// opening v, and the point x. It's probably also nice for the transcript
/// to have seen the elliptic curve description and the SRS, if you want to
/// be rigorous.
pub fn create_proof<H: Hasher<C::Base>>(
transcript: &mut H,
px: &[C::Scalar],
mut blind: C::Scalar,
x: C::Scalar,
) -> Result<OpeningProof<C>, ()> {
// We're limited to polynomials of degree n - 1.
assert!(px.len() <= self.n as usize);
let mut fork = 0;
// TODO: remove this hack and force the caller to deal with it
loop {
let mut transcript = transcript.clone();
transcript.absorb(C::Base::from_u64(fork as u64));
let u_x = transcript.squeeze();
// y^2 = x^3 + B
let u_y2 = u_x.square() * &u_x + &C::b();
let u_y = u_y2.deterministic_sqrt();
if u_y.is_none() {
fork += 1;
} else {
transcript.absorb(C::Base::from_u64(fork as u64));
// Compute U
let u = {
let u_x = transcript.squeeze();
// y^2 = x^3 + B
let u_y2 = u_x.square() * &u_x + &C::b();
let u_y = u_y2.deterministic_sqrt().unwrap();
C::from_xy(u_x, u_y).unwrap()
// Initialize the vector `a` as the coefficients of the polynomial,
// rounding up to the parameters.
let mut a = px.to_vec();
a.resize(self.n as usize, C::Scalar::zero());
// Initialize the vector `b` as the powers of `x`. The inner product of
// `a` and `b` is the evaluation of the polynomial at `x`.
let mut b = Vec::with_capacity(1 << self.k);
let mut cur = C::Scalar::one();
for _ in 0..(1 << self.k) {
cur *= &x;
// Initialize the vector `G` from the SRS. We'll be progressively
// collapsing this vector into smaller and smaller vectors until it is
// of length 1.
let mut g = self.g.clone();
// Perform the inner product argument, round by round.
let mut rounds = Vec::with_capacity(self.k as usize);
for k in (1..=self.k).rev() {
let half = 1 << (k - 1); // half the length of `a`, `b`, `G`
// Compute L, R
// TODO: If we modify multiexp to take "extra" bases, we could speed
// this piece up a bit by combining the multiexps.
let l = best_multiexp(&a[0..half], &g[half..]);
let r = best_multiexp(&a[half..], &g[0..half]);
let value_l = compute_inner_product(&a[0..half], &b[half..]);
let value_r = compute_inner_product(&a[half..], &b[0..half]);
let mut l_randomness = C::Scalar::random();
let r_randomness = C::Scalar::random();
let l = l + &best_multiexp(&[value_l, l_randomness], &[u, self.h]);
let r = r + &best_multiexp(&[value_r, r_randomness], &[u, self.h]);
let mut l = l.to_affine();
let r = r.to_affine();
let challenge = loop {
// We'll fork the transcript and adjust our randomness
// until the challenge is a square.
let mut transcript = transcript.clone();
// We expect these to not be points at infinity due to the randomness.
let (l_x, l_y) = l.get_xy().unwrap();
let (r_x, r_y) = r.get_xy().unwrap();
// Feed L and R into the cloned transcript...
// ... and get the squared challenge.
let challenge_sq_packed = transcript.squeeze().get_lower_128();
let challenge_sq: C::Scalar = get_challenge_scalar(Challenge(challenge_sq_packed));
// There might be no square root, in which case we'll fork the
// transcript.
let challenge = challenge_sq.deterministic_sqrt();
if let Some(challenge) = challenge {
break challenge;
} else {
// Try again, with slightly different randomness
l = (l + self.h).to_affine();
l_randomness += &C::Scalar::one();
// Challenge is unlikely to be zero.
let challenge_inv = challenge.invert().unwrap();
let challenge_sq_inv = challenge_inv.square();
let challenge_sq = challenge.square();
// Feed L and R into the real transcript
let (l_x, l_y) = l.get_xy().unwrap();
let (r_x, r_y) = r.get_xy().unwrap();
// And obtain the challenge, even though we already have it, since
// squeezing affects the transcript.
let challenge_sq_packed = transcript.squeeze().get_lower_128();
let challenge_sq_expected = get_challenge_scalar(Challenge(challenge_sq_packed));
assert_eq!(challenge_sq, challenge_sq_expected);
// Done with this round.
rounds.push((l, r));
// Collapse `a` and `b`.
// TODO: parallelize
for i in 0..half {
a[i] = (a[i] * &challenge) + &(a[i + half] * &challenge_inv);
b[i] = (b[i] * &challenge_inv) + &(b[i + half] * &challenge);
// Collapse `G`
parallel_generator_collapse(&mut g, challenge, challenge_inv);
// Update randomness (the synthetic blinding factor at the end)
blind += &(l_randomness * &challenge_sq);
blind += &(r_randomness * &challenge_sq_inv);
// We have fully collapsed `a`, `b`, `G`
assert_eq!(a.len(), 1);
let a = a[0];
assert_eq!(b.len(), 1);
let b = b[0];
assert_eq!(g.len(), 1);
let g = g[0];
// Random nonces for the zero-knowledge opening
let d = C::Scalar::random();
let s = C::Scalar::random();
let delta = best_multiexp(&[d, d * &b, s], &[g, u, self.h]).to_affine();
let (delta_x, delta_y) = delta.get_xy().unwrap();
// Feed delta into the transcript
// Obtain the challenge c.
let c_packed = transcript.squeeze().get_lower_128();
let c: C::Scalar = get_challenge_scalar(Challenge(c_packed));
// Compute z1 and z2 as described in the Halo paper.
let z1 = a * &c + &d;
let z2 = c * &blind + &s;
Ok(OpeningProof {
/// Checks to see if an [`OpeningProof`] is valid given the current
/// `transcript`, and a point `x` that the polynomial commitment `p` opens
/// purportedly to the value `v`.
pub fn verify_proof<H: Hasher<C::Base>>(
proof: &OpeningProof<C>,
transcript: &mut H,
x: C::Scalar,
p: &C,
v: C::Scalar,
) -> bool {
// Check for well-formedness
if proof.rounds.len() != self.k as usize {
return false;
transcript.absorb(C::Base::from_u64(proof.fork as u64));
// Compute U
let u = {
let u_x = transcript.squeeze();
// y^2 = x^3 + B
let u_y2 = u_x.square() * &u_x + &C::b();
let u_y = u_y2.deterministic_sqrt();
if u_y.is_none() {
return false;
let u_y = u_y.unwrap();
C::from_xy(u_x, u_y).unwrap()
let mut extra_scalars = Vec::with_capacity(proof.rounds.len() * 2 + 4 + self.n as usize);
let mut extra_bases = Vec::with_capacity(proof.rounds.len() * 2 + 4 + self.n as usize);
// Data about the challenges from each of the rounds.
let mut challenges = Vec::with_capacity(proof.rounds.len());
let mut challenges_inv = Vec::with_capacity(proof.rounds.len());
let mut challenges_sq = Vec::with_capacity(proof.rounds.len());
let mut allinv = Field::one();
for round in &proof.rounds {
// Feed L and R into the transcript.
let l = round.0.get_xy();
let r = round.1.get_xy();
if bool::from(l.is_none() | r.is_none()) {
return false;
let l = l.unwrap();
let r = r.unwrap();
let challenge_sq_packed = transcript.squeeze().get_lower_128();
let challenge_sq: C::Scalar = get_challenge_scalar(Challenge(challenge_sq_packed));
let challenge = challenge_sq.deterministic_sqrt();
if challenge.is_none() {
// We didn't sample a square.
return false;
let challenge = challenge.unwrap();
let challenge_inv = challenge.invert();
if bool::from(challenge_inv.is_none()) {
// We sampled zero for some reason, unlikely to happen by
// chance.
return false;
let challenge_inv = challenge_inv.unwrap();
allinv *= challenge_inv;
let challenge_sq_inv = challenge_inv.square();
let delta = proof.delta.get_xy();
if bool::from(delta.is_none()) {
return false;
let delta = delta.unwrap();
// Feed delta into the transcript
// Get the challenge `c`
let c_packed = transcript.squeeze().get_lower_128();
let c: C::Scalar = get_challenge_scalar(Challenge(c_packed));
// Check
// [c] P + [c * v] U + [c] sum(L_i * u_i^2) + [c] sum(R_i * u_i^-2) + delta - [z1] G - [z1 * b] U - [z2] H
// = 0
for scalar in &mut extra_scalars {
*scalar *= &c;
let b = compute_b(x, &challenges, &challenges_inv);
let neg_z1 = -proof.z1;
// [c] P
// [c * v] U - [z1 * b] U
extra_scalars.push((c * &v) + &(neg_z1 * &b));
// delta
// - [z2] H
// - [z1] G
let mut s = compute_s(&challenges_sq, allinv);
// TODO: parallelize
for s in &mut s {
*s *= &neg_z1;
bool::from(best_multiexp(&extra_scalars, &extra_bases).is_zero())
fn compute_b<F: Field>(x: F, challenges: &[F], challenges_inv: &[F]) -> F {
assert_eq!(challenges.len(), challenges_inv.len());
if challenges.len() == 1 {
*challenges_inv.last().unwrap() + *challenges.last().unwrap() * x
} else {
(*challenges_inv.last().unwrap() + *challenges.last().unwrap() * x)
* compute_b(
&challenges[0..(challenges.len() - 1)],
&challenges_inv[0..(challenges.len() - 1)],
// TODO: parallelize
fn compute_s<F: Field>(challenges_sq: &[F], allinv: F) -> Vec<F> {
let lg_n = challenges_sq.len();
let n = 1 << lg_n;
let mut s = Vec::with_capacity(n);
for i in 1..n {
let lg_i = (32 - 1 - (i as u32).leading_zeros()) as usize;
let k = 1 << lg_i;
let u_lg_i_sq = challenges_sq[(lg_n - 1) - lg_i];
s.push(s[i - k] * u_lg_i_sq);
fn parallel_generator_collapse<C: CurveAffine>(
g: &mut [C],
challenge: C::Scalar,
challenge_inv: C::Scalar,
) {
let len = g.len() / 2;
let (mut g_lo, g_hi) = g.split_at_mut(len);
parallelize(&mut g_lo, |g_lo, start| {
let g_hi = &g_hi[start..];
let mut tmp = Vec::with_capacity(g_lo.len());
for (g_lo, g_hi) in g_lo.iter().zip(g_hi.iter()) {
// TODO: could use multiexp
tmp.push(((*g_lo) * challenge_inv) + &((*g_hi) * challenge));
C::Projective::batch_to_affine(&tmp, g_lo);
fn test_commit_lagrange() {
const K: u32 = 6;
use crate::arithmetic::{EpAffine, Fp, Fq};
use crate::transcript::DummyHash;
let params = Params::<EpAffine>::new::<DummyHash<Fp>>(K);
let a = (0..(1 << K)).map(|l| Fq::from(l)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut b = a.clone();
let mut alpha = Fq::ROOT_OF_UNITY;
for _ in K..Fq::S {
alpha = alpha.square();
best_fft(&mut b, alpha, K);
assert_eq!(params.commit(&a, alpha), params.commit_lagrange(&b, alpha));
fn test_opening_proof() {
const K: u32 = 6;
use crate::arithmetic::{eval_polynomial, EpAffine, Fp, Fq};
use crate::transcript::DummyHash;
let params = Params::<EpAffine>::new::<DummyHash<Fp>>(K);
let px = (0..(1 << K))
.map(|l| Fq::from(l + 1) * Fq::ZETA)
let blind = Fq::random();
let p = params.commit(&px, blind).to_affine();
let mut transcript = DummyHash::init(Field::one());
let (p_x, p_y) = p.get_xy().unwrap();
let x_packed = transcript.squeeze().get_lower_128();
let x: Fq = get_challenge_scalar(Challenge(x_packed));
// Evaluate the polynomial
let v = eval_polynomial(&px, x);
transcript.absorb(Fp::from_bytes(&v.to_bytes()).unwrap()); // unlikely to fail since p ~ q
loop {
let mut transcript_dup = transcript.clone();
let opening_proof = params.create_proof(&mut transcript, &px, blind, x);
if opening_proof.is_err() {
transcript = transcript_dup;
} else {
let opening_proof = opening_proof.unwrap();
assert!(params.verify_proof(&opening_proof, &mut transcript_dup, x, &p, v));