
244 lines
8.2 KiB

use std::{
collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap},
use super::{RegionColumn, RegionShape};
use crate::circuit::RegionStart;
use halo2_middleware::circuit::Any;
/// A region allocated within a column.
#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct AllocatedRegion {
// The starting position of the region.
start: usize,
// The length of the region.
length: usize,
impl Ord for AllocatedRegion {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> cmp::Ordering {
impl PartialOrd for AllocatedRegion {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {
/// An area of empty space within a column.
pub(crate) struct EmptySpace {
// The starting position (inclusive) of the empty space.
start: usize,
// The ending position (exclusive) of the empty space, or `None` if unbounded.
end: Option<usize>,
impl EmptySpace {
pub(crate) fn range(&self) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
self.end.map(|end| self.start..end)
/// Allocated rows within a column.
/// This is a set of [a_start, a_end) pairs representing disjoint allocated intervals.
#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)]
pub struct Allocations(BTreeSet<AllocatedRegion>);
impl Allocations {
/// Returns the row that forms the unbounded unallocated interval [row, None).
pub(crate) fn unbounded_interval_start(&self) -> usize {
.map(|r| r.start + r.length)
/// Return all the *unallocated* nonempty intervals intersecting [start, end).
/// `end = None` represents an unbounded end.
pub(crate) fn free_intervals(
start: usize,
end: Option<usize>,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = EmptySpace> + '_ {
.scan(start, move |row, region| {
Some(if let Some(region) = region {
if end.map(|end| region.start >= end).unwrap_or(false) {
} else {
let ret = if *row < region.start {
Some(EmptySpace {
start: *row,
end: Some(region.start),
} else {
*row = cmp::max(*row, region.start + region.length);
} else if end.map(|end| *row < end).unwrap_or(true) {
Some(EmptySpace { start: *row, end })
} else {
/// Allocated rows within a circuit.
pub type CircuitAllocations = HashMap<RegionColumn, Allocations>;
/// - `start` is the current start row of the region (not of this column).
/// - `slack` is the maximum number of rows the start could be moved down, taking into
/// account prior columns.
fn first_fit_region(
column_allocations: &mut CircuitAllocations,
region_columns: &[RegionColumn],
region_length: usize,
start: usize,
slack: Option<usize>,
) -> Option<usize> {
let (c, remaining_columns) = match region_columns.split_first() {
Some(cols) => cols,
None => return Some(start),
let end = slack.map(|slack| start + region_length + slack);
// Iterate over the unallocated non-empty intervals in c that intersect [start, end).
for space in column_allocations
.free_intervals(start, end)
// Do we have enough room for this column of the region in this interval?
let s_slack = space
.map(|end| (end as isize - space.start as isize) - region_length as isize);
if let Some((slack, s_slack)) = slack.zip(s_slack) {
assert!(s_slack <= slack as isize);
if s_slack.unwrap_or(0) >= 0 {
let row = first_fit_region(
s_slack.map(|s| s as usize),
if let Some(row) = row {
if let Some(end) = end {
assert!(row + region_length <= end);
.insert(AllocatedRegion {
start: row,
length: region_length,
return Some(row);
// No placement worked; the caller will need to try other possibilities.
/// Positions the regions starting at the earliest row for which none of the columns are
/// in use, taking into account gaps between earlier regions.
pub fn slot_in(
region_shapes: Vec<RegionShape>,
) -> (Vec<(RegionStart, RegionShape)>, CircuitAllocations) {
// Tracks the empty regions for each column.
let mut column_allocations: CircuitAllocations = Default::default();
let regions = region_shapes
.map(|region| {
// Sort the region's columns to ensure determinism.
// - An unstable sort is fine, because region.columns() returns a set.
// - The sort order relies on Column's Ord implementation!
let mut region_columns: Vec<_> = region.columns().iter().cloned().collect();
let region_start = first_fit_region(
&mut column_allocations,
.expect("We can always fit a region somewhere");
(region_start.into(), region)
// Return the column allocations for potential further processing.
(regions, column_allocations)
/// Sorts the regions by advice area and then lays them out with the [`slot_in`] strategy.
pub fn slot_in_biggest_advice_first(
region_shapes: Vec<RegionShape>,
) -> (Vec<RegionStart>, CircuitAllocations) {
let mut sorted_regions: Vec<_> = region_shapes.into_iter().collect();
let sort_key = |shape: &RegionShape| {
// Count the number of advice columns
let advice_cols = shape
.filter(|c| match c {
RegionColumn::Column(c) => matches!(c.column_type(), Any::Advice(_)),
_ => false,
// Sort by advice area (since this has the most contention).
advice_cols * shape.row_count()
// This used to incorrectly use `sort_unstable_by_key` with non-unique keys, which gave
// output that differed between 32-bit and 64-bit platforms, and potentially between Rust
// versions.
// We now use `sort_by_cached_key` with non-unique keys, and rely on `region_shapes`
// being sorted by region index (which we also rely on below to return `RegionStart`s
// in the correct order).
#[cfg(not(feature = "floor-planner-v1-legacy-pdqsort"))]
// To preserve compatibility, when the "floor-planner-v1-legacy-pdqsort" feature is enabled,
// we use a copy of the pdqsort implementation from the Rust 1.56.1 standard library, fixed
// to its behaviour on 64-bit platforms.
// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/1.56.1/library/core/src/slice/mod.rs#L2365-L2402
#[cfg(feature = "floor-planner-v1-legacy-pdqsort")]
halo2_legacy_pdqsort::sort::quicksort(&mut sorted_regions, |a, b| sort_key(a).lt(&sort_key(b)));
// Lay out the sorted regions.
let (mut regions, column_allocations) = slot_in(sorted_regions);
// Un-sort the regions so they match the original indexing.
regions.sort_unstable_by_key(|(_, region)| region.region_index().0);
let regions = regions.into_iter().map(|(start, _)| start).collect();
(regions, column_allocations)