
487 lines
16 KiB

use group::Curve;
use halo2_middleware::ff::{Field, PrimeField};
use super::{Argument, ProvingKey, VerifyingKey};
use crate::{
arithmetic::{parallelize, CurveAffine},
commitment::{Blind, Params},
use halo2_middleware::circuit::ColumnMid;
use halo2_middleware::permutation::{ArgumentMid, AssemblyMid};
// NOTE: Temporarily disabled thread-safe-region feature. Regions are a frontend concept, so the
// thread-safe support for them should be only in the frontend package.
// TODO: Bring the thread-safe region feature back
// https://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/halo2/issues/258
// #[cfg(feature = "thread-safe-region")]
// use crate::multicore::{IndexedParallelIterator, IntoParallelIterator, ParallelIterator};
#[cfg(feature = "thread-safe-region")]
use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap};
// #[cfg(not(feature = "thread-safe-region"))]
/// Struct that accumulates all the necessary data in order to construct the permutation argument.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Assembly {
/// Columns that participate on the copy permutation argument.
columns: Vec<ColumnMid>,
/// Mapping of the actual copies done.
mapping: Vec<Vec<(usize, usize)>>,
/// Some aux data used to swap positions directly when sorting.
aux: Vec<Vec<(usize, usize)>>,
/// More aux data
sizes: Vec<Vec<usize>>,
// #[cfg(not(feature = "thread-safe-region"))]
impl Assembly {
pub(crate) fn new_from_assembly_mid(
n: usize,
p: &ArgumentMid,
a: &AssemblyMid,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let mut assembly = Self::new(n, &p.clone());
for copy in &a.copies {
assembly.copy(copy.0.column, copy.0.row, copy.1.column, copy.1.row)?;
pub(crate) fn new(n: usize, p: &Argument) -> Self {
// Initialize the copy vector to keep track of copy constraints in all
// the permutation arguments.
let mut columns = vec![];
for i in 0..p.columns.len() {
// Computes [(i, 0), (i, 1), ..., (i, n - 1)]
columns.push((0..n).map(|j| (i, j)).collect());
// Before any equality constraints are applied, every cell in the permutation is
// in a 1-cycle; therefore mapping and aux are identical, because every cell is
// its own distinguished element.
Assembly {
columns: p.columns.clone(),
mapping: columns.clone(),
aux: columns,
sizes: vec![vec![1usize; n]; p.columns.len()],
pub(crate) fn copy(
&mut self,
left_column: ColumnMid,
left_row: usize,
right_column: ColumnMid,
right_row: usize,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let left_column = self
.position(|c| c == &left_column)
let right_column = self
.position(|c| c == &right_column)
// Check bounds
if left_row >= self.mapping[left_column].len()
|| right_row >= self.mapping[right_column].len()
return Err(Error::BoundsFailure);
// See book/src/design/permutation.md for a description of this algorithm.
let mut left_cycle = self.aux[left_column][left_row];
let mut right_cycle = self.aux[right_column][right_row];
// If left and right are in the same cycle, do nothing.
if left_cycle == right_cycle {
return Ok(());
if self.sizes[left_cycle.0][left_cycle.1] < self.sizes[right_cycle.0][right_cycle.1] {
std::mem::swap(&mut left_cycle, &mut right_cycle);
// Merge the right cycle into the left one.
self.sizes[left_cycle.0][left_cycle.1] += self.sizes[right_cycle.0][right_cycle.1];
let mut i = right_cycle;
loop {
self.aux[i.0][i.1] = left_cycle;
i = self.mapping[i.0][i.1];
if i == right_cycle {
let tmp = self.mapping[left_column][left_row];
self.mapping[left_column][left_row] = self.mapping[right_column][right_row];
self.mapping[right_column][right_row] = tmp;
pub(crate) fn build_vk<'params, C: CurveAffine, P: Params<'params, C>>(
params: &P,
domain: &EvaluationDomain<C::Scalar>,
p: &Argument,
) -> VerifyingKey<C> {
build_vk(params, domain, p, |i, j| self.mapping[i][j])
pub(crate) fn build_pk<'params, C: CurveAffine, P: Params<'params, C>>(
params: &P,
domain: &EvaluationDomain<C::Scalar>,
p: &Argument,
) -> ProvingKey<C> {
build_pk(params, domain, p, |i, j| self.mapping[i][j])
#[cfg(feature = "thread-safe-region")]
/// Struct that accumulates all the necessary data in order to construct the permutation argument.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Assembly {
/// Columns that participate on the copy permutation argument.
columns: Vec<ColumnMid>,
/// Mapping of the actual copies done.
cycles: Vec<Vec<(usize, usize)>>,
/// Mapping of the actual copies done.
ordered_cycles: Vec<BTreeSet<(usize, usize)>>,
/// Mapping of the actual copies done.
aux: HashMap<(usize, usize), usize>,
/// total length of a column
col_len: usize,
/// number of columns
num_cols: usize,
#[cfg(feature = "thread-safe-region")]
impl Assembly {
pub(crate) fn new_from_assembly_mid(
n: usize,
p: &ArgumentV2,
a: &AssemblyMid,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let mut assembly = Self::new(n, &p.clone().into());
for copy in &a.copies {
assembly.copy(copy.0.column, copy.0.row, copy.1.column, copy.1.row)?;
pub(crate) fn new(n: usize, p: &Argument) -> Self {
// Initialize the copy vector to keep track of copy constraints in all
// the permutation arguments.
let mut columns = vec![];
for i in 0..p.columns.len() {
// Computes [(i, 0), (i, 1), ..., (i, n - 1)]
columns.push((0..n).map(|j| (i, j)).collect());
Assembly {
columns: p.columns.clone().into_iter().map(|c| c.into()).collect(),
mapping: columns.clone(),
aux: columns,
sizes: vec![vec![1usize; n]; p.columns.len()],
pub(crate) fn copy(
&mut self,
left_column: ColumnMid,
left_row: usize,
right_column: ColumnMid,
right_row: usize,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let left_column = self
.position(|c| c == &left_column)
let right_column = self
.position(|c| c == &right_column)
// Check bounds
if left_row >= self.col_len || right_row >= self.col_len {
return Err(Error::BoundsFailure);
let left_cycle = self.aux.get(&(left_column, left_row));
let right_cycle = self.aux.get(&(right_column, right_row));
// extract cycle elements
let right_cycle_elems = match right_cycle {
Some(i) => {
let entry = self.cycles[*i].clone();
self.cycles[*i] = vec![];
None => [(right_column, right_row)].into(),
assert!(right_cycle_elems.contains(&(right_column, right_row)));
// merge cycles
let cycle_idx = match left_cycle {
Some(i) => {
let entry = &mut self.cycles[*i];
// if they were singletons -- create a new cycle entry
None => {
let mut set: Vec<(usize, usize)> = right_cycle_elems.clone();
set.push((left_column, left_row));
let cycle_idx = self.cycles.len() - 1;
self.aux.insert((left_column, left_row), cycle_idx);
let index_updates = vec![cycle_idx; right_cycle_elems.len()].into_iter();
let updates = right_cycle_elems.into_iter().zip(index_updates);
/// Builds the ordered mapping of the cycles.
/// This will only get executed once.
pub fn build_ordered_mapping(&mut self) {
use crate::multicore::IntoParallelRefMutIterator;
// will only get called once
if self.ordered_cycles.is_empty() && !self.cycles.is_empty() {
self.ordered_cycles = self
.map(|col| {
let mut set = BTreeSet::new();
// free up memory
*col = vec![];
fn mapping_at_idx(&self, col: usize, row: usize) -> (usize, usize) {
!self.ordered_cycles.is_empty() || self.cycles.is_empty(),
"cycles have not been ordered"
if let Some(cycle_idx) = self.aux.get(&(col, row)) {
let cycle = &self.ordered_cycles[*cycle_idx];
let mut cycle_iter = cycle.range((
std::ops::Bound::Excluded((col, row)),
// point to the next node in the cycle
match cycle_iter.next() {
Some((i, j)) => (*i, *j),
// wrap back around to the first element which SHOULD exist
None => *(cycle.iter().next().unwrap()),
// is a singleton
} else {
(col, row)
pub(crate) fn build_vk<'params, C: CurveAffine, P: Params<'params, C>>(
&mut self,
params: &P,
domain: &EvaluationDomain<C::Scalar>,
p: &Argument,
) -> VerifyingKey<C> {
build_vk(params, domain, p, |i, j| self.mapping_at_idx(i, j))
pub(crate) fn build_pk<'params, C: CurveAffine, P: Params<'params, C>>(
&mut self,
params: &P,
domain: &EvaluationDomain<C::Scalar>,
p: &Argument,
) -> ProvingKey<C> {
build_pk(params, domain, p, |i, j| self.mapping_at_idx(i, j))
/// Returns columns that participate in the permutation argument.
pub fn columns(&self) -> &[ColumnMid] {
/// Returns mappings of the copies.
pub fn mapping(
) -> impl Iterator<Item = impl IndexedParallelIterator<Item = (usize, usize)> + '_> {
(0..self.num_cols).map(move |i| {
.map(move |j| self.mapping_at_idx(i, j))
pub(crate) fn build_pk<'params, C: CurveAffine, P: Params<'params, C>>(
params: &P,
domain: &EvaluationDomain<C::Scalar>,
p: &Argument,
mapping: impl Fn(usize, usize) -> (usize, usize) + Sync,
) -> ProvingKey<C> {
// Compute [omega^0, omega^1, ..., omega^{params.n - 1}]
let mut omega_powers = vec![C::Scalar::ZERO; params.n() as usize];
let omega = domain.get_omega();
parallelize(&mut omega_powers, |o, start| {
let mut cur = omega.pow_vartime([start as u64]);
for v in o.iter_mut() {
*v = cur;
cur *= &omega;
// Compute [omega_powers * \delta^0, omega_powers * \delta^1, ..., omega_powers * \delta^m]
let mut deltaomega = vec![omega_powers; p.columns.len()];
parallelize(&mut deltaomega, |o, start| {
let mut cur = C::Scalar::DELTA.pow_vartime([start as u64]);
for omega_powers in o.iter_mut() {
for v in omega_powers {
*v *= &cur;
cur *= &C::Scalar::DELTA;
// Compute permutation polynomials, convert to coset form.
let mut permutations = vec![domain.empty_lagrange(); p.columns.len()];
parallelize(&mut permutations, |o, start| {
for (x, permutation_poly) in o.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let i = start + x;
for (j, p) in permutation_poly.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let (permuted_i, permuted_j) = mapping(i, j);
*p = deltaomega[permuted_i][permuted_j];
let mut polys = vec![domain.empty_coeff(); p.columns.len()];
parallelize(&mut polys, |o, start| {
for (x, poly) in o.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let i = start + x;
let permutation_poly = permutations[i].clone();
*poly = domain.lagrange_to_coeff(permutation_poly);
let mut cosets = vec![domain.empty_extended(); p.columns.len()];
parallelize(&mut cosets, |o, start| {
for (x, coset) in o.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let i = start + x;
let poly = polys[i].clone();
*coset = domain.coeff_to_extended(poly);
ProvingKey {
pub(crate) fn build_vk<'params, C: CurveAffine, P: Params<'params, C>>(
params: &P,
domain: &EvaluationDomain<C::Scalar>,
p: &Argument,
mapping: impl Fn(usize, usize) -> (usize, usize) + Sync,
) -> VerifyingKey<C> {
// Compute [omega^0, omega^1, ..., omega^{params.n - 1}]
let mut omega_powers = vec![C::Scalar::ZERO; params.n() as usize];
let omega = domain.get_omega();
parallelize(&mut omega_powers, |o, start| {
let mut cur = omega.pow_vartime([start as u64]);
for v in o.iter_mut() {
*v = cur;
cur *= &omega;
// Compute [omega_powers * \delta^0, omega_powers * \delta^1, ..., omega_powers * \delta^m]
let mut deltaomega = vec![omega_powers; p.columns.len()];
parallelize(&mut deltaomega, |o, start| {
let mut cur = C::Scalar::DELTA.pow_vartime([start as u64]);
for omega_powers in o.iter_mut() {
for v in omega_powers {
*v *= &cur;
cur *= &<C::Scalar as PrimeField>::DELTA;
// Computes the permutation polynomial based on the permutation
// description in the assembly.
let mut permutations = vec![domain.empty_lagrange(); p.columns.len()];
parallelize(&mut permutations, |o, start| {
for (x, permutation_poly) in o.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let i = start + x;
for (j, p) in permutation_poly.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let (permuted_i, permuted_j) = mapping(i, j);
*p = deltaomega[permuted_i][permuted_j];
// Pre-compute commitments for the URS.
let mut commitments = Vec::with_capacity(p.columns.len());
for permutation in &permutations {
// Compute commitment to permutation polynomial
.commit_lagrange(permutation, Blind::default())
VerifyingKey { commitments }