
511 lines
15 KiB

use std::{fmt, marker::PhantomData};
use halo2_middleware::ff::Field;
use tracing::{debug, debug_span, span::EnteredSpan};
use crate::circuit::{
layouter::{RegionLayouter, SyncDeps},
AssignedCell, Cell, Layouter, Region, Table, Value,
use crate::plonk::{
circuit::expression::{Challenge, Column},
Assigned, Assignment, Circuit, ConstraintSystem, Error, FloorPlanner, Selector,
use halo2_middleware::circuit::{Advice, Any, Fixed, Instance};
/// A helper type that augments a [`FloorPlanner`] with [`tracing`] spans and events.
/// `TracingFloorPlanner` can be used to instrument your circuit and determine exactly
/// what is happening during a particular run of keygen or proving. This can be useful for
/// identifying unexpected non-determinism or changes to a circuit.
/// # No stability guarantees
/// The `tracing` output is intended for use during circuit development. It should not be
/// considered production-stable, and the precise format or data exposed may change at any
/// time.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use halo2_middleware::ff::Field;
/// use halo2_frontend::{
/// circuit::{floor_planner, Layouter, Value},
/// dev::TracingFloorPlanner,
/// plonk::{Circuit, ConstraintSystem, Error},
/// };
/// # struct MyCircuit<F: Field> {
/// # some_witness: Value<F>,
/// # };
/// # #[derive(Clone)]
/// # struct MyConfig;
/// impl<F: Field> Circuit<F> for MyCircuit<F> {
/// // Wrap `TracingFloorPlanner` around your existing floor planner of choice.
/// //type FloorPlanner = floor_planner::V1;
/// type FloorPlanner = TracingFloorPlanner<floor_planner::V1>;
/// // The rest of your `Circuit` implementation is unchanged.
/// type Config = MyConfig;
/// #[cfg(feature = "circuit-params")]
/// type Params = ();
/// fn without_witnesses(&self) -> Self {
/// Self { some_witness: Value::unknown() }
/// }
/// fn configure(meta: &mut ConstraintSystem<F>) -> Self::Config {
/// // ..
/// # todo!()
/// }
/// fn synthesize(&self, config: Self::Config, layouter: impl Layouter<F>) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// // ..
/// # todo!()
/// }
/// }
/// #[test]
/// fn some_circuit_test() {
/// // At the start of your test, enable tracing.
/// tracing_subscriber::fmt()
/// .with_max_level(tracing::Level::DEBUG)
/// .with_ansi(false)
/// .without_time()
/// .init();
/// // Now when the rest of the test runs, you will get `tracing` output for every
/// // operation that the circuit performs under the hood!
/// }
/// ```
pub struct TracingFloorPlanner<P: FloorPlanner> {
_phantom: PhantomData<P>,
impl<P: FloorPlanner> FloorPlanner for TracingFloorPlanner<P> {
fn synthesize<F: Field, CS: Assignment<F> + SyncDeps, C: Circuit<F>>(
cs: &mut CS,
circuit: &C,
config: C::Config,
constants: Vec<Column<Fixed>>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
&mut TracingAssignment::new(cs),
/// A helper type that augments a [`Circuit`] with [`tracing`] spans and events.
enum TracingCircuit<'c, F: Field, C: Circuit<F>> {
Borrowed(&'c C, PhantomData<F>),
Owned(C, PhantomData<F>),
impl<'c, F: Field, C: Circuit<F>> TracingCircuit<'c, F, C> {
fn borrowed(circuit: &'c C) -> Self {
Self::Borrowed(circuit, PhantomData)
fn owned(circuit: C) -> Self {
Self::Owned(circuit, PhantomData)
fn inner_ref(&self) -> &C {
match self {
TracingCircuit::Borrowed(circuit, ..) => circuit,
TracingCircuit::Owned(circuit, ..) => circuit,
impl<'c, F: Field, C: Circuit<F>> Circuit<F> for TracingCircuit<'c, F, C> {
type Config = C::Config;
type FloorPlanner = C::FloorPlanner;
#[cfg(feature = "circuit-params")]
type Params = ();
fn without_witnesses(&self) -> Self {
fn configure(meta: &mut ConstraintSystem<F>) -> Self::Config {
let _span = debug_span!("configure").entered();
fn synthesize(&self, config: Self::Config, layouter: impl Layouter<F>) -> Result<(), Error> {
let _span = debug_span!("synthesize").entered();
.synthesize(config, TracingLayouter::new(layouter))
/// A helper type that augments a [`Layouter`] with [`tracing`] spans and events.
struct TracingLayouter<F: Field, L: Layouter<F>> {
layouter: L,
namespace_spans: Vec<EnteredSpan>,
_phantom: PhantomData<F>,
impl<F: Field, L: Layouter<F>> TracingLayouter<F, L> {
fn new(layouter: L) -> Self {
Self {
namespace_spans: vec![],
_phantom: PhantomData,
impl<F: Field, L: Layouter<F>> Layouter<F> for TracingLayouter<F, L> {
type Root = Self;
fn assign_region<A, AR, N, NR>(&mut self, name: N, mut assignment: A) -> Result<AR, Error>
A: FnMut(Region<'_, F>) -> Result<AR, Error>,
N: Fn() -> NR,
NR: Into<String>,
let _span = debug_span!("region", name = name().into()).entered();
self.layouter.assign_region(name, |region| {
let mut region = TracingRegion(region);
let region: &mut dyn RegionLayouter<F> = &mut region;
fn assign_table<A, N, NR>(&mut self, name: N, assignment: A) -> Result<(), Error>
A: FnMut(Table<'_, F>) -> Result<(), Error>,
N: Fn() -> NR,
NR: Into<String>,
let _span = debug_span!("table", name = name().into()).entered();
self.layouter.assign_table(name, assignment)
fn constrain_instance(
&mut self,
cell: Cell,
column: Column<Instance>,
row: usize,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.layouter.constrain_instance(cell, column, row)
fn get_challenge(&self, _: Challenge) -> Value<F> {
fn get_root(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Root {
fn push_namespace<NR, N>(&mut self, name_fn: N)
NR: Into<String>,
N: FnOnce() -> NR,
let name = name_fn().into();
self.namespace_spans.push(debug_span!("ns", name).entered());
self.layouter.push_namespace(|| name);
fn pop_namespace(&mut self, gadget_name: Option<String>) {
fn debug_value<F: Field, V: fmt::Debug>(value: &AssignedCell<V, F>) {
value.value().assert_if_known(|v| {
debug!(target: "assigned", value = ?v);
fn debug_value_and_return_cell<F: Field, V: fmt::Debug>(value: AssignedCell<V, F>) -> Cell {
/// A helper type that augments a [`Region`] with [`tracing`] spans and events.
struct TracingRegion<'r, F: Field>(Region<'r, F>);
impl<'r, F: Field> RegionLayouter<F> for TracingRegion<'r, F> {
fn enable_selector<'v>(
&'v mut self,
annotation: &'v (dyn Fn() -> String + 'v),
selector: &Selector,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let _guard = debug_span!("enable_selector", name = annotation(), offset = offset).entered();
debug!(target: "layouter", "Entered");
self.0.enable_selector(annotation, selector, offset)
fn name_column<'v>(
&'v mut self,
_: &'v (dyn std::ops::Fn() -> std::string::String + 'v),
_: Column<Any>,
) {
fn assign_advice<'v>(
&'v mut self,
annotation: &'v (dyn Fn() -> String + 'v),
column: Column<Advice>,
offset: usize,
to: &'v mut (dyn FnMut() -> Value<Assigned<F>> + 'v),
) -> Result<Cell, Error> {
let _guard =
debug_span!("assign_advice", name = annotation(), column = ?column, offset = offset)
debug!(target: "layouter", "Entered");
.assign_advice(annotation, column, offset, to)
fn assign_advice_from_constant<'v>(
&'v mut self,
annotation: &'v (dyn Fn() -> String + 'v),
column: Column<Advice>,
offset: usize,
constant: Assigned<F>,
) -> Result<Cell, Error> {
let _guard = debug_span!("assign_advice_from_constant",
name = annotation(),
column = ?column,
offset = offset,
constant = ?constant,
debug!(target: "layouter", "Entered");
.assign_advice_from_constant(annotation, column, offset, constant)
fn assign_advice_from_instance<'v>(
&mut self,
annotation: &'v (dyn Fn() -> String + 'v),
instance: Column<Instance>,
row: usize,
advice: Column<Advice>,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<(Cell, Value<F>), Error> {
let _guard = debug_span!("assign_advice_from_instance",
name = annotation(),
instance = ?instance,
row = row,
advice = ?advice,
offset = offset,
debug!(target: "layouter", "Entered");
.assign_advice_from_instance(annotation, instance, row, advice, offset)
.map(|value| {
(value.cell(), value.value().cloned())
fn instance_value(
&mut self,
instance: Column<Instance>,
row: usize,
) -> Result<Value<F>, Error> {
self.0.instance_value(instance, row)
fn assign_fixed<'v>(
&'v mut self,
annotation: &'v (dyn Fn() -> String + 'v),
column: Column<Fixed>,
offset: usize,
to: &'v mut (dyn FnMut() -> Value<Assigned<F>> + 'v),
) -> Result<Cell, Error> {
let _guard =
debug_span!("assign_fixed", name = annotation(), column = ?column, offset = offset)
debug!(target: "layouter", "Entered");
.assign_fixed(annotation, column, offset, to)
fn constrain_constant(&mut self, cell: Cell, constant: Assigned<F>) -> Result<(), Error> {
debug!(target: "constrain_constant", cell = ?cell, constant = ?constant);
self.0.constrain_constant(cell, constant)
fn constrain_equal(&mut self, left: Cell, right: Cell) -> Result<(), Error> {
debug!(target: "constrain_equal", left = ?left, right = ?right);
self.0.constrain_equal(left, right)
/// A helper type that augments an [`Assignment`] with [`tracing`] spans and events.
struct TracingAssignment<'cs, F: Field, CS: Assignment<F>> {
cs: &'cs mut CS,
in_region: bool,
_phantom: PhantomData<F>,
impl<'cs, F: Field, CS: Assignment<F>> TracingAssignment<'cs, F, CS> {
fn new(cs: &'cs mut CS) -> Self {
Self {
in_region: false,
_phantom: PhantomData,
impl<'cs, F: Field, CS: Assignment<F>> Assignment<F> for TracingAssignment<'cs, F, CS> {
fn enter_region<NR, N>(&mut self, name_fn: N)
NR: Into<String>,
N: FnOnce() -> NR,
self.in_region = true;
fn annotate_column<A, AR>(&mut self, _: A, _: Column<Any>)
A: FnOnce() -> AR,
AR: Into<String>,
fn exit_region(&mut self) {
self.in_region = false;
fn enable_selector<A, AR>(
&mut self,
annotation: A,
selector: &Selector,
row: usize,
) -> Result<(), Error>
A: FnOnce() -> AR,
AR: Into<String>,
let annotation = annotation().into();
if self.in_region {
debug!(target: "position", row = row);
} else {
debug!(target: "enable_selector", name = annotation, row = row);
self.cs.enable_selector(|| annotation, selector, row)
fn query_instance(&self, column: Column<Instance>, row: usize) -> Result<Value<F>, Error> {
let _guard = debug_span!("positioned").entered();
debug!(target: "query_instance", column = ?column, row = row);
self.cs.query_instance(column, row)
fn assign_advice<V, VR, A, AR>(
&mut self,
annotation: A,
column: Column<Advice>,
row: usize,
to: V,
) -> Result<(), Error>
V: FnOnce() -> Value<VR>,
VR: Into<Assigned<F>>,
A: FnOnce() -> AR,
AR: Into<String>,
let annotation = annotation().into();
if self.in_region {
debug!(target: "position", row = row);
} else {
debug!(target: "assign_advice", name = annotation, column = ?column, row = row);
self.cs.assign_advice(|| annotation, column, row, to)
fn assign_fixed<V, VR, A, AR>(
&mut self,
annotation: A,
column: Column<Fixed>,
row: usize,
to: V,
) -> Result<(), Error>
V: FnOnce() -> Value<VR>,
VR: Into<Assigned<F>>,
A: FnOnce() -> AR,
AR: Into<String>,
let annotation = annotation().into();
if self.in_region {
debug!(target: "position", row = row);
} else {
debug!(target: "assign_fixed", name = annotation, column = ?column, row = row);
self.cs.assign_fixed(|| annotation, column, row, to)
fn copy(
&mut self,
left_column: Column<Any>,
left_row: usize,
right_column: Column<Any>,
right_row: usize,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let _guard = debug_span!("positioned").entered();
target: "copy",
left_column = ?left_column,
left_row = left_row,
right_column = ?right_column,
right_row = right_row,
self.cs.copy(left_column, left_row, right_column, right_row)
fn fill_from_row(
&mut self,
column: Column<Fixed>,
row: usize,
to: Value<Assigned<F>>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let _guard = debug_span!("positioned").entered();
debug!(target: "fill_from_row", column = ?column, row = row);
self.cs.fill_from_row(column, row, to)
fn get_challenge(&self, _: Challenge) -> Value<F> {
fn push_namespace<NR, N>(&mut self, name_fn: N)
NR: Into<String>,
N: FnOnce() -> NR,
// We enter namespace spans in TracingLayouter.
fn pop_namespace(&mut self, gadget_name: Option<String>) {
// We exit namespace spans in TracingLayouter.