
558 lines
16 KiB

/// Here we construct two circuits one for adding two vectors and one for multiplying and we check that their transcripts have the same inputs
/// by way of the unblinded inputs.
/// This is a simple example of how to use unblinded inputs to match up circuits that might be proved on different host machines.
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use ff::FromUniformBytes;
use halo2_proofs::{
arithmetic::{CurveAffine, Field},
circuit::{AssignedCell, Chip, Layouter, Region, SimpleFloorPlanner, Value},
commitment::{IPACommitmentScheme, ParamsIPA},
multiopen::{ProverIPA, VerifierIPA},
Rotation, VerificationStrategy,
Blake2bRead, Blake2bWrite, Challenge255, TranscriptReadBuffer, TranscriptWriterBuffer,
use rand_core::OsRng;
// ANCHOR: instructions
trait NumericInstructions<F: Field>: Chip<F> {
/// Variable representing a number.
type Num;
/// Loads a number into the circuit as an unblinded input this can be matched to inputs in other circuits !
fn load_unblinded(
layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
a: &[Value<F>],
) -> Result<Vec<Self::Num>, ErrorFront>;
/// Returns `c = a * b`. The caller is responsible for ensuring that `a.len() == b.len()`.
fn mul(
layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
a: &[Self::Num],
b: &[Self::Num],
) -> Result<Vec<Self::Num>, ErrorFront>;
/// Returns `c = a + b`. The caller is responsible for ensuring that `a.len() == b.len()`.
fn add(
layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
a: &[Self::Num],
b: &[Self::Num],
) -> Result<Vec<Self::Num>, ErrorFront>;
/// Exposes a number as a public input to the circuit.
fn expose_public(
layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
num: &Self::Num,
row: usize,
) -> Result<(), ErrorFront>;
// ANCHOR_END: instructions
// ANCHOR: chip
/// The chip that will implement our instructions! Chips store their own
/// config, as well as type markers if necessary.
struct MultChip<F: Field> {
config: FieldConfig,
_marker: PhantomData<F>,
// ANCHOR: chip
/// The chip that will implement our instructions! Chips store their own
/// config, as well as type markers if necessary.
struct AddChip<F: Field> {
config: FieldConfig,
_marker: PhantomData<F>,
// ANCHOR_END: chip
// ANCHOR: chip-config
/// Chip state is stored in a config struct. This is generated by the chip
/// during configuration, and then stored inside the chip.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct FieldConfig {
advice: [Column<Advice>; 3],
instance: Column<Instance>,
s: Selector,
impl<F: Field> MultChip<F> {
fn construct(config: <Self as Chip<F>>::Config) -> Self {
Self {
_marker: PhantomData,
fn configure(
meta: &mut ConstraintSystem<F>,
advice: [Column<Advice>; 3],
instance: Column<Instance>,
) -> <Self as Chip<F>>::Config {
for column in &advice {
let s = meta.selector();
// Define our multiplication gate!
meta.create_gate("mul", |meta| {
let lhs = meta.query_advice(advice[0], Rotation::cur());
let rhs = meta.query_advice(advice[1], Rotation::cur());
let out = meta.query_advice(advice[2], Rotation::cur());
let s_mul = meta.query_selector(s);
vec![s_mul * (lhs * rhs - out)]
FieldConfig {
impl<F: Field> AddChip<F> {
fn construct(config: <Self as Chip<F>>::Config) -> Self {
Self {
_marker: PhantomData,
fn configure(
meta: &mut ConstraintSystem<F>,
advice: [Column<Advice>; 3],
instance: Column<Instance>,
) -> <Self as Chip<F>>::Config {
for column in &advice {
let s = meta.selector();
// Define our multiplication gate!
meta.create_gate("add", |meta| {
let lhs = meta.query_advice(advice[0], Rotation::cur());
let rhs = meta.query_advice(advice[1], Rotation::cur());
let out = meta.query_advice(advice[2], Rotation::cur());
let s_add = meta.query_selector(s);
vec![s_add * (lhs + rhs - out)]
FieldConfig {
// ANCHOR_END: chip-config
// ANCHOR: chip-impl
impl<F: Field> Chip<F> for MultChip<F> {
type Config = FieldConfig;
type Loaded = ();
fn config(&self) -> &Self::Config {
fn loaded(&self) -> &Self::Loaded {
// ANCHOR_END: chip-impl
// ANCHOR: chip-impl
impl<F: Field> Chip<F> for AddChip<F> {
type Config = FieldConfig;
type Loaded = ();
fn config(&self) -> &Self::Config {
fn loaded(&self) -> &Self::Loaded {
// ANCHOR: instructions-impl
/// A variable representing a number.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Number<F: Field>(AssignedCell<F, F>);
impl<F: Field> NumericInstructions<F> for MultChip<F> {
type Num = Number<F>;
fn load_unblinded(
mut layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
values: &[Value<F>],
) -> Result<Vec<Self::Num>, ErrorFront> {
let config = self.config();
|| "load unblinded",
|mut region| {
.map(|(i, value)| {
.assign_advice(|| "unblinded input", config.advice[0], i, || *value)
fn add(
_: impl Layouter<F>,
_: &[Self::Num],
_: &[Self::Num],
) -> Result<Vec<Self::Num>, ErrorFront> {
panic!("Not implemented")
fn mul(
mut layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
a: &[Self::Num],
b: &[Self::Num],
) -> Result<Vec<Self::Num>, ErrorFront> {
let config = self.config();
assert_eq!(a.len(), b.len());
|| "mul",
|mut region: Region<'_, F>| {
.map(|(i, (a, b))| {
config.s.enable(&mut region, i)?;
a.0.copy_advice(|| "lhs", &mut region, config.advice[0], i)?;
b.0.copy_advice(|| "rhs", &mut region, config.advice[1], i)?;
let value = a.0.value().copied() * b.0.value();
// Finally, we do the assignment to the output, returning a
// variable to be used in another part of the circuit.
.assign_advice(|| "lhs * rhs", config.advice[2], i, || value)
fn expose_public(
mut layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
num: &Self::Num,
row: usize,
) -> Result<(), ErrorFront> {
let config = self.config();
layouter.constrain_instance(num.0.cell(), config.instance, row)
// ANCHOR_END: instructions-impl
impl<F: Field> NumericInstructions<F> for AddChip<F> {
type Num = Number<F>;
fn load_unblinded(
mut layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
values: &[Value<F>],
) -> Result<Vec<Self::Num>, ErrorFront> {
let config = self.config();
|| "load unblinded",
|mut region| {
.map(|(i, value)| {
.assign_advice(|| "unblinded input", config.advice[0], i, || *value)
fn mul(
_: impl Layouter<F>,
_: &[Self::Num],
_: &[Self::Num],
) -> Result<Vec<Self::Num>, ErrorFront> {
panic!("Not implemented")
fn add(
mut layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
a: &[Self::Num],
b: &[Self::Num],
) -> Result<Vec<Self::Num>, ErrorFront> {
let config = self.config();
assert_eq!(a.len(), b.len());
|| "add",
|mut region: Region<'_, F>| {
.map(|(i, (a, b))| {
config.s.enable(&mut region, i)?;
a.0.copy_advice(|| "lhs", &mut region, config.advice[0], i)?;
b.0.copy_advice(|| "rhs", &mut region, config.advice[1], i)?;
let value = a.0.value().copied() + b.0.value();
// Finally, we do the assignment to the output, returning a
// variable to be used in another part of the circuit.
.assign_advice(|| "lhs + rhs", config.advice[2], i, || value)
fn expose_public(
mut layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
num: &Self::Num,
row: usize,
) -> Result<(), ErrorFront> {
let config = self.config();
layouter.constrain_instance(num.0.cell(), config.instance, row)
struct MulCircuit<F: Field> {
a: Vec<Value<F>>,
b: Vec<Value<F>>,
impl<F: Field> Circuit<F> for MulCircuit<F> {
// Since we are using a single chip for everything, we can just reuse its config.
type Config = FieldConfig;
type FloorPlanner = SimpleFloorPlanner;
#[cfg(feature = "circuit-params")]
type Params = ();
fn without_witnesses(&self) -> Self {
fn configure(meta: &mut ConstraintSystem<F>) -> Self::Config {
// We create the three advice columns that FieldChip uses for I/O.
let advice = [
// We also need an instance column to store public inputs.
let instance = meta.instance_column();
MultChip::configure(meta, advice, instance)
fn synthesize(
config: Self::Config,
mut layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
) -> Result<(), ErrorFront> {
let field_chip = MultChip::<F>::construct(config);
// Load our unblinded values into the circuit.
let a = field_chip.load_unblinded(layouter.namespace(|| "load a"), &self.a)?;
let b = field_chip.load_unblinded(layouter.namespace(|| "load b"), &self.b)?;
let ab = field_chip.mul(layouter.namespace(|| "a * b"), &a, &b)?;
for (i, c) in ab.iter().enumerate() {
// Expose the result as a public input to the circuit.
field_chip.expose_public(layouter.namespace(|| "expose c"), c, i)?;
// ANCHOR_END: circuit
struct AddCircuit<F: Field> {
a: Vec<Value<F>>,
b: Vec<Value<F>>,
impl<F: Field> Circuit<F> for AddCircuit<F> {
// Since we are using a single chip for everything, we can just reuse its config.
type Config = FieldConfig;
type FloorPlanner = SimpleFloorPlanner;
#[cfg(feature = "circuit-params")]
type Params = ();
fn without_witnesses(&self) -> Self {
fn configure(meta: &mut ConstraintSystem<F>) -> Self::Config {
// We create the three advice columns that FieldChip uses for I/O.
let advice = [
// We also need an instance column to store public inputs.
let instance = meta.instance_column();
AddChip::configure(meta, advice, instance)
fn synthesize(
config: Self::Config,
mut layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
) -> Result<(), ErrorFront> {
let field_chip = AddChip::<F>::construct(config);
// Load our unblinded values into the circuit.
let a = field_chip.load_unblinded(layouter.namespace(|| "load a"), &self.a)?;
let b = field_chip.load_unblinded(layouter.namespace(|| "load b"), &self.b)?;
let ab = field_chip.add(layouter.namespace(|| "a + b"), &a, &b)?;
for (i, c) in ab.iter().enumerate() {
// Expose the result as a public input to the circuit.
field_chip.expose_public(layouter.namespace(|| "expose c"), c, i)?;
// ANCHOR_END: circuit
fn test_prover<C: CurveAffine>(
k: u32,
circuit: impl Circuit<C::Scalar>,
expected: bool,
instances: Vec<C::Scalar>,
) -> Vec<u8>
C::Scalar: FromUniformBytes<64>,
let params = ParamsIPA::<C>::new(k);
let vk = keygen_vk(&params, &circuit).unwrap();
let pk = keygen_pk(&params, vk, &circuit).unwrap();
let proof = {
let mut transcript = Blake2bWrite::<_, _, Challenge255<_>>::init(vec![]);
create_proof::<IPACommitmentScheme<C>, ProverIPA<C>, _, _, _, _>(
&mut transcript,
.expect("proof generation should not fail");
let accepted = {
let strategy = AccumulatorStrategy::new(&params);
let mut transcript = Blake2bRead::<_, _, Challenge255<_>>::init(&proof[..]);
verify_proof::<IPACommitmentScheme<C>, VerifierIPA<C>, _, _, _>(
&mut transcript,
.map(|strategy| strategy.finalize())
assert_eq!(accepted, expected);
fn main() {
use halo2curves::pasta::Fp;
const N: usize = 10;
// ANCHOR: test-circuit
// The number of rows in our circuit cannot exceed 2^k. Since our example
// circuit is very small, we can pick a very small value here.
let k = 7;
// Prepare the inputs to the circuit!
let a = [Fp::from(2); N];
let b = [Fp::from(3); N];
let c_mul: Vec<Fp> = a.iter().zip(b).map(|(&a, b)| a * b).collect();
let c_add: Vec<Fp> = a.iter().zip(b).map(|(&a, b)| a + b).collect();
// Instantiate the mul circuit with the inputs.
let mul_circuit = MulCircuit {
a: a.iter().map(|&x| Value::known(x)).collect(),
b: b.iter().map(|&x| Value::known(x)).collect(),
// Instantiate the add circuit with the inputs.
let add_circuit = AddCircuit {
a: a.iter().map(|&x| Value::known(x)).collect(),
b: b.iter().map(|&x| Value::known(x)).collect(),
// the commitments will be the first columns of the proof transcript so we can compare them easily
let proof_1 = test_prover::<halo2curves::pasta::EqAffine>(k, mul_circuit, true, c_mul);
// the commitments will be the first columns of the proof transcript so we can compare them easily
let proof_2 = test_prover::<halo2curves::pasta::EqAffine>(k, add_circuit, true, c_add);
// the commitments will be the first columns of the proof transcript so we can compare them easily
// here we compare the first 10 bytes of the commitments
"Commitments are equal: {:?}",
proof_1[..10] == proof_2[..10]
// ANCHOR_END: test-circuit