
125 lines
4.2 KiB

pub const BITS_7: usize = 1 << 7;
pub const BITS_10: usize = 1 << 10;
pub const BITS_11: usize = 1 << 11;
pub const BITS_13: usize = 1 << 13;
pub const BITS_14: usize = 1 << 14;
pub const MASK_EVEN_32: u32 = 0x55555555;
pub const MASK_ODD_32: u32 = 0xAAAAAAAA;
// Helper function that returns tag of 16-bit input
pub fn get_tag(input: u16) -> u8 {
let input = input as usize;
if input < BITS_7 {
} else if input < BITS_10 {
} else if input < BITS_11 {
} else if input < BITS_13 {
} else if input < BITS_14 {
} else {
/// Helper function that returns 32-bit spread version of 16-bit input.
pub fn interleave_u16_with_zeros(word: u16) -> u32 {
let mut word: u32 = word.into();
word = (word ^ (word << 8)) & 0x00ff00ff;
word = (word ^ (word << 4)) & 0x0f0f0f0f;
word = (word ^ (word << 2)) & 0x33333333;
word = (word ^ (word << 1)) & 0x55555555;
// Reverses interleaving function by removing interleaved zeros.
pub fn compress_u32(word: u32) -> u16 {
let mut word = word;
assert_eq!(word & MASK_EVEN_32, word);
word = (word | (word >> 1)) & 0x33333333;
word = (word | (word >> 2)) & 0x0f0f0f0f;
word = (word | (word >> 4)) & 0x00ff00ff;
word = (word | (word >> 8)) & 0x0000ffff;
word as u16
// Chops a 32-bit word into pieces of given length. The lengths are specified
// starting from the little end.
pub fn chop_u32(word: u32, lengths: &[u8]) -> Vec<u32> {
assert_eq!(lengths.iter().sum::<u8>(), 32u8);
let mut pieces: Vec<u32> = Vec::with_capacity(lengths.len());
for i in 0..lengths.len() {
assert!(lengths[i] > 0);
// lengths[i] bitstring of all 1's
let mask: u32 = (1 << lengths[i]) as u32 - 1;
// Shift mask by bits already shifted
let offset: u8 = lengths[0..i].iter().sum();
let mask: u32 = mask << offset;
pieces.push((word & mask) >> offset as u32);
// Chops a 64-bit word into pieces of given length. The lengths are specified
// starting from the little end.
pub fn chop_u64(word: u64, lengths: &[u8]) -> Vec<u64> {
assert_eq!(lengths.iter().sum::<u8>(), 64u8);
let mut pieces: Vec<u64> = Vec::with_capacity(lengths.len());
for i in 0..lengths.len() {
assert!(lengths[i] > 0);
// lengths[i] bitstring of all 1's
let mask: u64 = (1u64 << lengths[i]) - 1;
// Shift mask by bits already shifted
let offset: u8 = lengths[0..i].iter().sum();
let mask: u64 = mask << offset;
pieces.push((word & mask) >> offset as u64);
// Returns compressed even and odd bits of 32-bit word
pub fn get_even_and_odd_bits_u32(word: u32) -> (u16, u16) {
let even = word & MASK_EVEN_32;
let odd = (word & MASK_ODD_32) >> 1;
(compress_u32(even), compress_u32(odd))
// Split 4-bit value into 2-bit lo and hi halves
pub fn bisect_four_bit(word: impl Into<u32>) -> (u32, u32) {
let word: u32 = word.into();
assert!(word < (1 << 4)); // 4-bit range-check
let word_hi = (word & 0b1100) >> 2;
let word_lo = word & 0b0011;
(word_lo, word_hi)
/// Helper function to transpose an Option<Vec<F>> to a Vec<Option<F>>.
/// The length of the vector must be `len`.
pub fn transpose_option_vec<F: Copy>(vec: Option<Vec<F>>, len: usize) -> Vec<Option<F>> {
if let Some(vec) = vec {
} else {
vec![None; len]
/// Given a vector of words as vec![(lo: u16, hi: u16)], returns their sum: u32, along
/// with a carry bit.
pub fn sum_with_carry(words: Vec<(Option<u16>, Option<u16>)>) -> (Option<u32>, Option<u64>) {
let words_lo: Option<Vec<u64>> = words.iter().map(|(lo, _)| lo.map(|lo| lo as u64)).collect();
let words_hi: Option<Vec<u64>> = words.iter().map(|(_, hi)| hi.map(|hi| hi as u64)).collect();
let sum: Option<u64> = {
let sum_lo: Option<u64> = words_lo.map(|vec| vec.iter().sum());
let sum_hi: Option<u64> = words_hi.map(|vec| vec.iter().sum());
sum_lo.zip(sum_hi).map(|(lo, hi)| lo + (1 << 16) * hi)
let carry = sum.map(|sum| (sum >> 32) as u64);
let sum = sum.map(|sum| sum as u32);
(sum, carry)