Add legacy `CommitmentTree` and `IncrementalWitness` types.

These types were previously part of the `zcash_primitives` crate and are
being included here to provide a migration path for when these types are
removed from `zcash_primitives`.
This commit is contained in:
Kris Nuttycombe 2023-02-16 08:43:29 -07:00
parent 4e3c6a6378
commit 7cb2bdcc8f
5 changed files with 600 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -11,7 +11,12 @@ and this project adheres to Rust's notion of
- `incrementalmerkletree::frontier` Types that model the state at the rightmost
node of a Merkle tree that is filled sequentially from the left. These have
been migrated here from the `bridgetree` crate as they are useful outside
of the context of the `bridgetree` data structures.
of the context of the `bridgetree` data structures. Additional legacy types
used for this modeling have been moved here from the `librustzcash` crate;
these migrated types are available under a `legacy-api` feature flag.
- `incrementalmerkletree::witness` Types migrated from `librustzcash` under
the `legacy-api` feature flag related to constructing witnesses for leaves
of a Merkle tree.
## [0.3.1] - 2023-02-28

View File

@ -21,4 +21,5 @@ proptest = { version = "1.0.0", optional = true }
proptest = "1.0.0"
legacy-api = []
test-dependencies = ["proptest"]

View File

@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ use std::mem::size_of;
use crate::{Address, Hashable, Level, Position, Source};
#[cfg(feature = "legacy-api")]
use {std::collections::VecDeque, std::iter::repeat};
/// Validation errors that can occur during reconstruction of a Merkle frontier from
/// its constituent parts.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
@ -244,9 +247,227 @@ impl<H: Hashable + Clone, const DEPTH: u8> Frontier<H, DEPTH> {
#[cfg(feature = "legacy-api")]
pub(crate) struct PathFiller<H> {
pub(crate) queue: VecDeque<H>,
#[cfg(feature = "legacy-api")]
impl<H: Hashable> PathFiller<H> {
pub(crate) fn empty() -> Self {
PathFiller {
queue: VecDeque::new(),
pub(crate) fn next(&mut self, level: Level) -> H {
.unwrap_or_else(|| H::empty_root(level))
/// A Merkle tree of note commitments.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg(feature = "legacy-api")]
pub struct CommitmentTree<H, const DEPTH: u8> {
pub(crate) left: Option<H>,
pub(crate) right: Option<H>,
pub(crate) parents: Vec<Option<H>>,
#[cfg(feature = "legacy-api")]
impl<H, const DEPTH: u8> CommitmentTree<H, DEPTH> {
/// Creates an empty tree.
pub fn empty() -> Self {
CommitmentTree {
left: None,
right: None,
parents: vec![],
pub fn from_frontier(frontier: &Frontier<H, DEPTH>) -> Self
H: Clone,
frontier.value().map_or_else(Self::empty, |f| {
let mut ommers_iter = f.ommers().iter().cloned();
let (left, right) = if f.position().is_odd() {
.expect("An ommer must exist if the frontier position is odd"),
} else {
(f.leaf().clone(), None)
let upos: usize = f.position().into();
Self {
left: Some(left),
parents: (1u8..DEPTH)
.map(|i| {
if upos & (1 << i) == 0 {
} else {
pub fn to_frontier(&self) -> Frontier<H, DEPTH>
H: Hashable + Clone,
if self.size() == 0 {
} else {
let ommers_iter = self.parents.iter().filter_map(|v| v.as_ref()).cloned();
let (leaf, ommers) = match (self.left.as_ref(), self.right.as_ref()) {
(Some(a), None) => (a.clone(), ommers_iter.collect()),
(Some(a), Some(b)) => (
_ => unreachable!(),
// If a frontier cannot be successfully constructed from the
// parts of a commitment tree, it is a programming error.
Frontier::from_parts((self.size() - 1).into(), leaf, ommers)
.expect("Frontier should be constructable from CommitmentTree.")
/// Returns the number of leaf nodes in the tree.
pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
match (self.left.as_ref(), self.right.as_ref()) {
(None, None) => 0,
(Some(_), None) => 1,
(Some(_), Some(_)) => 2,
(None, Some(_)) => unreachable!(),
|acc, (i, p)| {
// Treat occupation of parents array as a binary number
// (right-shifted by 1)
acc + if p.is_some() { 1 << (i + 1) } else { 0 }
pub(crate) fn is_complete(&self, depth: u8) -> bool {
if depth == 0 {
self.left.is_some() && self.right.is_none() && self.parents.is_empty()
} else {
&& self.right.is_some()
&& self
.take((depth - 1).into())
.all(|p| p.is_some())
#[cfg(feature = "legacy-api")]
impl<H: Hashable + Clone, const DEPTH: u8> CommitmentTree<H, DEPTH> {
/// Adds a leaf node to the tree.
/// Returns an error if the tree is full.
pub fn append(&mut self, node: H) -> Result<(), ()> {
if self.is_complete(DEPTH) {
// Tree is full
return Err(());
match (&self.left, &self.right) {
(None, _) => self.left = Some(node),
(_, None) => self.right = Some(node),
(Some(l), Some(r)) => {
let mut combined = H::combine(0.into(), l, r);
self.left = Some(node);
self.right = None;
for i in 0..DEPTH {
let i_usize = usize::from(i);
if i_usize < self.parents.len() {
if let Some(p) = &self.parents[i_usize] {
combined = H::combine((i + 1).into(), p, &combined);
self.parents[i_usize] = None;
} else {
self.parents[i_usize] = Some(combined);
} else {
/// Returns the current root of the tree.
pub fn root(&self) -> H {
self.root_inner(DEPTH, PathFiller::empty())
pub(crate) fn root_inner(&self, depth: u8, mut filler: PathFiller<H>) -> H {
assert!(depth > 0);
// 1) Hash left and right leaves together.
// - Empty leaves are used as needed.
// - Note that `` is side-effecting and so cannot be factored out.
let leaf_root = H::combine(
.map_or_else(||, |n| n.clone()),
.map_or_else(||, |n| n.clone()),
// 2) Extend the parents to the desired depth with None values, then hash from leaf to
// root. Roots of the empty subtrees are used as needed.
.take((depth - 1).into())
.fold(leaf_root, |root, (i, p)| {
let level = Level::from(i as u8 + 1);
match p {
Some(node) => H::combine(level, node, &root),
None => H::combine(level, &root, &,
#[cfg(feature = "test-dependencies")]
pub mod testing {
use crate::Hashable;
use core::fmt::Debug;
use proptest::prelude::*;
use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
use std::hash::Hasher;
use crate::{Hashable, Level};
impl<H: Hashable + Clone, const DEPTH: u8> crate::testing::Frontier<H>
for super::Frontier<H, DEPTH>
@ -259,12 +480,65 @@ pub mod testing {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct TestNode(pub u64);
impl Hashable for TestNode {
fn empty_leaf() -> Self {
fn combine(level: Level, a: &Self, b: &Self) -> Self {
let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
prop_compose! {
pub fn arb_test_node()(i in any::<u64>()) -> TestNode {
#[cfg(feature = "legacy-api")]
use {crate::frontier::CommitmentTree, proptest::collection::vec};
#[cfg(feature = "legacy-api")]
pub fn arb_commitment_tree<
H: Hashable + Clone + Debug,
T: Strategy<Value = H>,
const DEPTH: u8,
min_size: usize,
arb_node: T,
) -> impl Strategy<Value = CommitmentTree<H, DEPTH>> {
assert!((1 << DEPTH) >= min_size + 100);
vec(arb_node, min_size..(min_size + 100)).prop_map(move |v| {
let mut tree = CommitmentTree::empty();
for node in v.into_iter() {
tree.parents.resize_with((DEPTH - 1).into(), || None);
mod tests {
use super::*;
#[cfg(feature = "legacy-api")]
use {
super::testing::{arb_commitment_tree, arb_test_node, TestNode},
fn nonempty_frontier_root() {
let mut frontier = NonEmptyFrontier::new("a".to_string());
@ -319,4 +593,73 @@ mod tests {
frontier.witness(4, bridge_value_at)
#[cfg(feature = "legacy-api")]
fn test_commitment_tree_complete() {
let mut t: CommitmentTree<TestNode, 6> = CommitmentTree::empty();
for n in 1u64..=32 {
// every tree of a power-of-two height is complete
let is_complete = n.count_ones() == 1;
let level = usize::BITS - 1 - n.leading_zeros(); //log2
"Tree {:?} {} complete at height {}",
if is_complete {
"should be"
} else {
"should not be"
#[cfg(feature = "legacy-api")]
fn test_commitment_tree_roundtrip() {
let ct = CommitmentTree {
left: Some("a".to_string()),
right: Some("b".to_string()),
parents: vec![
let frontier: Frontier<String, 8> = ct.to_frontier();
let ct0 = CommitmentTree::from_frontier(&frontier);
assert_eq!(ct, ct0);
let frontier0: Frontier<String, 8> = ct0.to_frontier();
assert_eq!(frontier, frontier0);
#[cfg(feature = "legacy-api")]
proptest! {
fn prop_commitment_tree_roundtrip(ct in arb_commitment_tree(32, arb_test_node())) {
let frontier: Frontier<TestNode, 8> = ct.to_frontier();
let ct0 = CommitmentTree::from_frontier(&frontier);
assert_eq!(ct, ct0);
let frontier0: Frontier<TestNode, 8> = ct0.to_frontier();
assert_eq!(frontier, frontier0);
fn prop_commitment_tree_roundtrip_str(ct in arb_commitment_tree::<_, _, 8>(32, any::<char>().prop_map(|c| c.to_string()))) {
let frontier: Frontier<String, 8> = ct.to_frontier();
let ct0 = CommitmentTree::from_frontier(&frontier);
assert_eq!(ct, ct0);
let frontier0: Frontier<String, 8> = ct0.to_frontier();
assert_eq!(frontier, frontier0);

View File

@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ use std::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Range, Sub};
pub mod frontier;
#[cfg(feature = "legacy-api")]
pub mod witness;
#[cfg(feature = "test-dependencies")]
pub mod testing;
@ -219,6 +222,13 @@ impl From<Level> for usize {
impl TryFrom<usize> for Level {
type Error = TryFromIntError;
fn try_from(sz: usize) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl Sub<u8> for Level {
type Output = Self;
fn sub(self, value: u8) -> Self {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::iter::repeat;
use crate::{
frontier::{CommitmentTree, PathFiller},
Hashable, Level,
/// A path from a position in a particular commitment tree to the root of that tree.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct MerklePath<H, const DEPTH: u8> {
auth_path: Vec<(H, bool)>,
position: u64,
impl<H, const DEPTH: u8> MerklePath<H, DEPTH> {
pub fn auth_path(&self) -> &[(H, bool)] {
pub fn position(&self) -> u64 {
/// Constructs a Merkle path directly from a path and position.
pub fn from_path(auth_path: Vec<(H, bool)>, position: u64) -> Result<Self, ()> {
if auth_path.len() == usize::from(DEPTH) {
Ok(MerklePath {
} else {
impl<H: Hashable, const DEPTH: u8> MerklePath<H, DEPTH> {
/// Returns the root of the tree corresponding to this path applied to `leaf`.
pub fn root(&self, leaf: H) -> H {
.fold(leaf, |root, (i, (p, leaf_is_on_right))| {
let level = u8::try_from(i)
.expect("Parents list length may not exceed what is representable by an u8")
match leaf_is_on_right {
false => H::combine(level, &root, p),
true => H::combine(level, p, &root),
/// An updatable witness to a path from a position in a particular [`CommitmentTree`].
/// Appending the same commitments in the same order to both the original
/// [`CommitmentTree`] and this `IncrementalWitness` will result in a witness to the path
/// from the target position to the root of the updated tree.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use incrementalmerkletree::{
/// frontier::{CommitmentTree, testing::TestNode},
/// witness::IncrementalWitness,
/// };
/// let mut tree = CommitmentTree::<TestNode, 8>::empty();
/// tree.append(TestNode(0));
/// tree.append(TestNode(1));
/// let mut witness = IncrementalWitness::from_tree(tree.clone());
/// assert_eq!(witness.position(), 1);
/// assert_eq!(tree.root(), witness.root());
/// let next = TestNode(2);
/// tree.append(next.clone());
/// witness.append(next);
/// assert_eq!(tree.root(), witness.root());
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct IncrementalWitness<H, const DEPTH: u8> {
tree: CommitmentTree<H, DEPTH>,
filled: Vec<H>,
cursor_depth: u8,
cursor: Option<CommitmentTree<H, DEPTH>>,
impl<H, const DEPTH: u8> IncrementalWitness<H, DEPTH> {
/// Creates an `IncrementalWitness` for the most recent commitment added to the given
/// [`CommitmentTree`].
pub fn from_tree(tree: CommitmentTree<H, DEPTH>) -> IncrementalWitness<H, DEPTH> {
IncrementalWitness {
filled: vec![],
cursor_depth: 0,
cursor: None,
/// Returns the position of the witnessed leaf node in the commitment tree.
pub fn position(&self) -> usize {
self.tree.size() - 1
/// Finds the next "depth" of an unfilled subtree.
fn next_depth(&self) -> u8 {
let mut skip: u8 = self
.expect("Merkle tree depths may not exceed the bounds of a u8");
if self.tree.left.is_none() {
if skip > 0 {
skip -= 1;
} else {
return 0;
if self.tree.right.is_none() {
if skip > 0 {
skip -= 1;
} else {
return 0;
let mut d = 1;
for p in &self.tree.parents {
if p.is_none() {
if skip > 0 {
skip -= 1;
} else {
return d;
d += 1;
d + skip
impl<H: Hashable + Clone, const DEPTH: u8> IncrementalWitness<H, DEPTH> {
fn filler(&self) -> PathFiller<H> {
let cursor_root = self
.map(|c| c.root_inner(self.cursor_depth, PathFiller::empty()));
PathFiller {
queue: self.filled.iter().cloned().chain(cursor_root).collect(),
/// Tracks a leaf node that has been added to the underlying tree.
/// Returns an error if the tree is full.
pub fn append(&mut self, node: H) -> Result<(), ()> {
if let Some(mut cursor) = self.cursor.take() {
cursor.append(node).expect("cursor should not be full");
if cursor.is_complete(self.cursor_depth) {
.push(cursor.root_inner(self.cursor_depth, PathFiller::empty()));
} else {
self.cursor = Some(cursor);
} else {
self.cursor_depth = self.next_depth();
if self.cursor_depth >= DEPTH {
// Tree is full
return Err(());
if self.cursor_depth == 0 {
} else {
let mut cursor = CommitmentTree::empty();
cursor.append(node).expect("cursor should not be full");
self.cursor = Some(cursor);
/// Returns the current root of the tree corresponding to the witness.
pub fn root(&self) -> H {
fn root_inner(&self, depth: u8) -> H {
self.tree.root_inner(depth, self.filler())
/// Returns the current witness, or None if the tree is empty.
pub fn path(&self) -> Option<MerklePath<H, DEPTH>> {
fn path_inner(&self, depth: u8) -> Option<MerklePath<H, DEPTH>> {
let mut filler = self.filler();
let mut auth_path = Vec::new();
if let Some(node) = &self.tree.left {
if self.tree.right.is_some() {
auth_path.push((node.clone(), true));
} else {
auth_path.push((, false));
} else {
// Can't create an authentication path for the beginning of the tree
return None;
for (i, p) in self
.take((depth - 1).into())
auth_path.push(match p {
Some(node) => (node.clone(), true),
None => ( + 1) as u8)), false),
assert_eq!(auth_path.len(), usize::from(depth));
MerklePath::from_path(auth_path, self.position() as u64).ok()