
735 lines
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//! Common types and utilities used in incremental Merkle tree implementations.
use either::Either;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
use std::num::TryFromIntError;
use std::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Range, Sub};
pub mod frontier;
#[cfg(feature = "legacy-api")]
pub mod witness;
#[cfg(feature = "test-dependencies")]
pub mod testing;
/// A type for metadata that is used to determine when and how a leaf can be pruned from a tree.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum Retention<C> {
Checkpoint { id: C, is_marked: bool },
impl<C> Retention<C> {
pub fn is_checkpoint(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Retention::Checkpoint { .. })
pub fn is_marked(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Retention::Ephemeral => false,
Retention::Checkpoint { is_marked, .. } => *is_marked,
Retention::Marked => true,
pub fn map<'a, D, F: Fn(&'a C) -> D>(&'a self, f: F) -> Retention<D> {
match self {
Retention::Ephemeral => Retention::Ephemeral,
Retention::Checkpoint { id, is_marked } => Retention::Checkpoint {
id: f(id),
is_marked: *is_marked,
Retention::Marked => Retention::Marked,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Source {
/// The sibling to the address can be derived from the incremental frontier
/// at the contained ommer index
/// The sibling to the address must be obtained from values discovered by
/// the addition of more nodes to the tree
#[must_use = "iterators are lazy and do nothing unless consumed"]
struct WitnessAddrsIter {
root_level: Level,
current: Address,
ommer_count: usize,
impl Iterator for WitnessAddrsIter {
type Item = (Address, Source);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(Address, Source)> {
if self.current.level() < self.root_level {
let current = self.current;
let source = if current.is_right_child() {
} else {
self.current = current.parent();
if matches!(source, Source::Past(_)) {
self.ommer_count += 1;
Some((current.sibling(), source))
} else {
/// A type representing the position of a leaf in a Merkle tree.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct Position(usize);
impl Position {
/// Return whether the position is odd-valued.
pub fn is_odd(&self) -> bool {
self.0 & 0x1 == 1
/// Returns the minimum possible level of the root of a binary tree containing at least
/// `self + 1` nodes.
pub fn root_level(&self) -> Level {
Level((usize::BITS - self.0.leading_zeros()) as u8)
/// Returns the number of cousins and/or ommers required to construct an authentication
/// path to the root of a merkle tree that has `self + 1` nodes.
pub fn past_ommer_count(&self) -> usize {
.filter(|i| (self.0 >> i) & 0x1 == 1)
/// Returns whether the binary tree having `self` as the position of the rightmost leaf
/// contains a perfect balanced tree with a root at level `root_level` that contains the
/// aforesaid leaf.
pub fn is_complete_subtree(&self, root_level: Level) -> bool {
!(0..(root_level.0)).any(|l| self.0 & (1 << l) == 0)
/// Returns an iterator over the addresses of nodes required to create a witness for this
/// position, beginning with the sibling of the leaf at this position and ending with the
/// sibling of the ancestor of the leaf at this position that is required to compute a root at
/// the specified level.
pub fn witness_addrs(&self, root_level: Level) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Address, Source)> {
WitnessAddrsIter {
current: Address::from(*self),
ommer_count: 0,
impl From<Position> for usize {
fn from(p: Position) -> usize {
impl From<Position> for u64 {
fn from(p: Position) -> Self {
p.0 as u64
impl Add<usize> for Position {
type Output = Position;
fn add(self, other: usize) -> Self {
Position(self.0 + other)
impl AddAssign<usize> for Position {
fn add_assign(&mut self, other: usize) {
self.0 += other
impl Sub<usize> for Position {
type Output = Position;
fn sub(self, other: usize) -> Self {
if self.0 < other {
panic!("position underflow");
Position(self.0 - other)
impl From<usize> for Position {
fn from(sz: usize) -> Self {
impl TryFrom<u64> for Position {
type Error = TryFromIntError;
fn try_from(sz: u64) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
/// A type-safe wrapper for indexing into "levels" of a binary tree, such that
/// nodes at level `0` are leaves, nodes at level `1` are parents of nodes at
/// level `0`, and so forth. This type is capable of representing levels in
/// trees containing up to 2^255 leaves.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct Level(u8);
impl Level {
// TODO: replace with an instance for `Step<Level>` once `step_trait`
// is stabilized
pub fn iter_to(self, other: Level) -> impl Iterator<Item = Self> {
impl Add<u8> for Level {
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, value: u8) -> Self {
Self(self.0 + value)
impl From<u8> for Level {
fn from(value: u8) -> Self {
impl From<Level> for u8 {
fn from(level: Level) -> u8 {
impl From<Level> for usize {
fn from(level: Level) -> usize {
level.0 as usize
impl TryFrom<usize> for Level {
type Error = TryFromIntError;
fn try_from(sz: usize) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl Sub<u8> for Level {
type Output = Self;
fn sub(self, value: u8) -> Self {
if self.0 < value {
Self(self.0 - value)
/// The address of an internal node of the Merkle tree.
/// When `level == 0`, the index has the same value as the
/// position.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct Address {
level: Level,
index: usize,
impl Address {
/// Construct a new address from its constituent parts.
pub fn from_parts(level: Level, index: usize) -> Self {
Address { level, index }
/// Returns the address at the given level that contains the specified leaf position.
pub fn above_position(level: Level, position: Position) -> Self {
Address {
index: position.0 >> level.0,
/// Returns the level of the root of the tree having its root at this address.
pub fn level(&self) -> Level {
/// Returns the index of the address.
/// The index of an address is defined as the number of subtrees with their roots
/// at the address's level that appear to the left of this address in a binary
/// tree of arbitrary height > level * 2 + 1.
pub fn index(&self) -> usize {
/// The address of the node one level higher than this in a binary tree that contains
/// this address as either its left or right child.
pub fn parent(&self) -> Address {
Address {
level: self.level + 1,
index: self.index >> 1,
/// Returns the address that shares the same parent as this address.
pub fn sibling(&self) -> Address {
Address {
level: self.level,
index: self.index ^ 1,
/// Returns the immediate children of this address.
pub fn children(&self) -> Option<(Address, Address)> {
if self.level == Level::from(0) {
} else {
let left = Address {
level: self.level - 1,
index: self.index << 1,
let right = Address {
level: self.level - 1,
index: (self.index << 1) + 1,
Some((left, right))
/// Returns whether this address is an ancestor of the specified address.
pub fn is_ancestor_of(&self, addr: &Self) -> bool {
self.level > addr.level && { addr.index >> (self.level.0 - addr.level.0) == self.index }
/// Returns whether this address is an ancestor of, or is equal to,
/// the specified address.
pub fn contains(&self, addr: &Self) -> bool {
self == addr || self.is_ancestor_of(addr)
/// Returns the minimum value among the range of leaf positions that are contained within the
/// tree with its root at this address.
pub fn position_range_start(&self) -> Position {
(self.index << self.level.0).try_into().unwrap()
/// Returns the (exclusive) end of the range of leaf positions that are contained within the
/// tree with its root at this address.
pub fn position_range_end(&self) -> Position {
((self.index + 1) << self.level.0).try_into().unwrap()
/// Returns the maximum value among the range of leaf positions that are contained within the
/// tree with its root at this address.
pub fn max_position(&self) -> Position {
self.position_range_end() - 1
/// Returns the end-exclusive range of leaf positions that are contained within the tree with
/// its root at this address.
pub fn position_range(&self) -> Range<Position> {
Range {
start: self.position_range_start(),
end: self.position_range_end(),
/// Returns either the ancestor of this address at the given level (if the level is greater
/// than or equal to that of this address) or the range of indices of root addresses of
/// subtrees with roots at the given level contained within the tree with its root at this
/// address otherwise.
pub fn context(&self, level: Level) -> Either<Address, Range<usize>> {
if level >= self.level {
Either::Left(Address {
index: self.index >> (level.0 - self.level.0),
} else {
let shift = self.level.0 - level.0;
Either::Right(Range {
start: self.index << shift,
end: (self.index + 1) << shift,
/// Returns whether the tree with this root address contains the given leaf position, or if not
/// whether an address at the same level with a greater or lesser index will contain the
/// specified leaf position.
pub fn position_cmp(&self, pos: Position) -> Ordering {
let range = self.position_range();
if range.start > pos {
} else if range.end <= pos {
} else {
/// Returns whether this address is the right-hand child of its parent
pub fn is_right_child(&self) -> bool {
self.index & 0x1 == 1
pub fn current_incomplete(&self) -> Address {
// find the first zero bit in the index, searching from the least significant bit
let mut index = self.index;
for level in self.level.0.. {
if index & 0x1 == 1 {
index >>= 1;
} else {
return Address {
level: Level(level),
unreachable!("The loop will always terminate via return in at most 64 iterations.")
pub fn next_incomplete_parent(&self) -> Address {
if self.is_right_child() {
} else {
let complete = Address {
level: self.level,
index: self.index + 1,
/// Increments this address's index by 1 and returns the resulting address.
pub fn next_at_level(&self) -> Address {
Address {
level: self.level,
index: self.index + 1,
impl From<Position> for Address {
fn from(p: Position) -> Self {
Address {
level: 0.into(),
index: p.into(),
impl<'a> From<&'a Position> for Address {
fn from(p: &'a Position) -> Self {
Address {
level: 0.into(),
index: (*p).into(),
impl From<Address> for Option<Position> {
fn from(addr: Address) -> Self {
if addr.level == 0.into() {
} else {
impl<'a> From<&'a Address> for Option<Position> {
fn from(addr: &'a Address) -> Self {
if addr.level == 0.into() {
} else {
/// A path from a position in a particular commitment tree to the root of that tree.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct MerklePath<H, const DEPTH: u8> {
path_elems: Vec<H>,
position: Position,
impl<H, const DEPTH: u8> MerklePath<H, DEPTH> {
/// Constructs a Merkle path directly from a path and position.
pub fn from_parts(path_elems: Vec<H>, position: Position) -> Result<Self, ()> {
if path_elems.len() == usize::from(DEPTH) {
Ok(MerklePath {
} else {
pub fn path_elems(&self) -> &[H] {
pub fn position(&self) -> Position {
impl<H: Hashable, const DEPTH: u8> MerklePath<H, DEPTH> {
/// Returns the root of the tree corresponding to this path applied to `leaf`.
pub fn root(&self, leaf: H) -> H {
.fold(leaf, |root, (i, h)| {
let level = Level(i as u8);
if self.position.0 >> i & 0x1 == 0 {
H::combine(level, &root, h)
} else {
H::combine(level, h, &root)
/// A trait describing the operations that make a type suitable for use as
/// a leaf or node value in a merkle tree.
pub trait Hashable: Sized + core::fmt::Debug {
fn empty_leaf() -> Self;
fn combine(level: Level, a: &Self, b: &Self) -> Self;
fn empty_root(level: Level) -> Self {
.fold(Self::empty_leaf(), |v, lvl| Self::combine(lvl, &v, &v))
pub(crate) mod tests {
use crate::MerklePath;
use super::{Address, Level, Position, Source};
use core::ops::Range;
use either::Either;
fn position_is_complete_subtree() {
assert!(Position(u32::MAX as usize).is_complete_subtree(Level(32)));
fn position_past_ommer_count() {
assert_eq!(0, Position(0).past_ommer_count());
assert_eq!(1, Position(1).past_ommer_count());
assert_eq!(1, Position(2).past_ommer_count());
assert_eq!(2, Position(3).past_ommer_count());
assert_eq!(1, Position(4).past_ommer_count());
assert_eq!(3, Position(7).past_ommer_count());
assert_eq!(1, Position(8).past_ommer_count());
fn position_root_level() {
assert_eq!(Level(0), Position(0).root_level());
assert_eq!(Level(1), Position(1).root_level());
assert_eq!(Level(2), Position(2).root_level());
assert_eq!(Level(2), Position(3).root_level());
assert_eq!(Level(3), Position(4).root_level());
assert_eq!(Level(3), Position(7).root_level());
assert_eq!(Level(4), Position(8).root_level());
fn position_witness_addrs() {
use Source::*;
let path_elem = |l, i, s| (Address::from_parts(Level::from(l), i), s);
vec![path_elem(0, 1, Future), path_elem(1, 1, Future)],
vec![path_elem(0, 3, Future), path_elem(1, 0, Past(0))],
path_elem(0, 2, Past(0)),
path_elem(1, 0, Past(1)),
path_elem(2, 1, Future)
path_elem(0, 5, Future),
path_elem(1, 3, Future),
path_elem(2, 0, Past(0)),
path_elem(3, 1, Future)
path_elem(0, 7, Future),
path_elem(1, 2, Past(0)),
path_elem(2, 0, Past(1)),
path_elem(3, 1, Future)
fn address_current_incomplete() {
let addr = |l, i| Address::from_parts(Level(l), i);
assert_eq!(addr(0, 0), addr(0, 0).current_incomplete());
assert_eq!(addr(1, 0), addr(0, 1).current_incomplete());
assert_eq!(addr(0, 2), addr(0, 2).current_incomplete());
assert_eq!(addr(2, 0), addr(0, 3).current_incomplete());
fn address_next_incomplete_parent() {
let addr = |l, i| Address::from_parts(Level(l), i);
assert_eq!(addr(1, 0), addr(0, 0).next_incomplete_parent());
assert_eq!(addr(1, 0), addr(0, 1).next_incomplete_parent());
assert_eq!(addr(2, 0), addr(0, 2).next_incomplete_parent());
assert_eq!(addr(2, 0), addr(0, 3).next_incomplete_parent());
assert_eq!(addr(3, 0), addr(2, 0).next_incomplete_parent());
assert_eq!(addr(1, 2), addr(0, 4).next_incomplete_parent());
assert_eq!(addr(3, 0), addr(1, 2).next_incomplete_parent());
fn addr_is_ancestor() {
let l0 = Level(0);
let l1 = Level(1);
assert!(Address::from_parts(l1, 0).is_ancestor_of(&Address::from_parts(l0, 0)));
assert!(Address::from_parts(l1, 0).is_ancestor_of(&Address::from_parts(l0, 1)));
assert!(!Address::from_parts(l1, 0).is_ancestor_of(&Address::from_parts(l0, 2)));
fn addr_position_range() {
Address::from_parts(Level(0), 0).position_range(),
Range {
start: Position(0),
end: Position(1)
Address::from_parts(Level(1), 0).position_range(),
Range {
start: Position(0),
end: Position(2)
Address::from_parts(Level(2), 1).position_range(),
Range {
start: Position(4),
end: Position(8)
fn addr_above_position() {
Address::above_position(Level(3), Position(9)),
Address::from_parts(Level(3), 1)
fn addr_children() {
assert_eq!(Address::from_parts(Level(0), 1).children(), None);
Address::from_parts(Level(3), 1).children(),
Address::from_parts(Level(2), 2),
Address::from_parts(Level(2), 3),
fn addr_is_ancestor_of() {
assert!(Address::from_parts(Level(3), 1).is_ancestor_of(&Address::from_parts(Level(2), 2)));
assert!(Address::from_parts(Level(3), 1).is_ancestor_of(&Address::from_parts(Level(1), 7)));
assert!(!Address::from_parts(Level(3), 1).is_ancestor_of(&Address::from_parts(Level(1), 8)));
fn addr_context() {
Address::from_parts(Level(3), 1).context(Level(0)),
Either::Right(Range { start: 8, end: 16 })
Address::from_parts(Level(3), 4).context(Level(5)),
Either::Left(Address::from_parts(Level(5), 1))
fn merkle_path_root() {
let path: MerklePath<String, 3> = MerklePath::from_parts(
vec!["a".to_string(), "cd".to_string(), "efgh".to_string()],
assert_eq!(path.root("b".to_string()), "abcdefgh".to_string());
let path: MerklePath<String, 3> = MerklePath::from_parts(
vec!["d".to_string(), "ab".to_string(), "efgh".to_string()],
assert_eq!(path.root("c".to_string()), "abcdefgh".to_string());