
80 lines
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package cash.z.ecc.android.crypto
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
import javax.crypto.Mac
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
import kotlin.experimental.xor
import kotlin.math.ceil
* This is a clean-room implementation of PBKDF2 using RFC 2898 as a reference.
* RFC 2898: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2898#section-5.2
* This code passes all RFC 6070 test vectors: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6070
* http://cryptofreek.org/2012/11/29/pbkdf2-pure-java-implementation/<br></br>
* Modified to use SHA-512 - Ken Sedgwick ken@bonsai.com
* Modified to for Kotlin - Kevin Gorham anothergmale@gmail.com
object Pbkdf2Sha512 {
* Generate a derived key from the given parameters.
* @param p the password
* @param s the salt
* @param c the iteration count
* @param dkLen the key length in bits
fun derive(p: CharArray, s: ByteArray, c: Int, dkLen: Int): ByteArray {
ByteArrayOutputStream().use { baos ->
val dkLenBytes = dkLen / 8
val pBytes = p.foldIndexed(ByteArray(p.size)) { i, acc, c ->
acc.apply { this[i] = c.code.toByte() }
val hLen = 20.0
// note: dropped length check because it's redundant, given the size of an int in kotlin
val l = ceil(dkLenBytes / hLen).toInt()
for (i in 1..l) {
F(pBytes, s, c, i).let { Tn ->
return ByteArray(dkLenBytes).apply {
System.arraycopy(baos.toByteArray(), 0, this, 0, size)
private fun F(p: ByteArray, s: ByteArray, c: Int, i: Int): ByteArray {
val key = SecretKeySpec(p, "HmacSHA512")
val mac = Mac.getInstance(key.algorithm).apply { init(key) }
val bU = ByteArray(s.size + 4)
// concat s and i into array bU w/o additional allocations
System.arraycopy(s, 0, bU, 0, s.size)
repeat(4) { j ->
bU[s.size + j] = (i shr (24 - 8 * j)).toByte()
val uXor = mac.doFinal(bU)
var uLast = uXor
repeat(c - 1) {
val baU = mac.doFinal(uLast)
uXor.forEachIndexed { k, b ->
uXor[k] = (b.xor(baU[k]))
uLast = baU
return uXor