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package cash.z.ecc.android.bip39
import cash.z.ecc.android.bip39.Mnemonics.MnemonicCode
import cash.z.ecc.android.bip39.Mnemonics.WordCount
import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldNotThrowAny
import io.kotest.core.spec.style.ShouldSpec
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe
import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldContain
class ReadmeExamplesTest : ShouldSpec({
val validPhrase =
"still champion voice habit trend flight survey between bitter process artefact blind carbon truly provide dizzy crush flush breeze blouse charge solid fish spread"
context("Example: Create 24-word mnemonic phrase") {
val mnemonicCode = MnemonicCode(WordCount.COUNT_24)
should("result in a valid 24-word phrase") {
mnemonicCode.wordCount shouldBe 24
should("result in a valid phrase") {
shouldNotThrowAny {
context("Example: Generate seed") {
val mnemonicCode = MnemonicCode(WordCount.COUNT_24)
should("result in a valid 24-word phrase") {
mnemonicCode.wordCount shouldBe 24
should("result in a valid phrase") {
shouldNotThrowAny {
context("Example: Generate seed from existing mnemonic chars") {
val mnemonicCode = MnemonicCode(validPhrase.toCharArray())
should("result in a valid 24-word phrase") {
mnemonicCode.wordCount shouldBe 24
should("result in a valid phrase") {
shouldNotThrowAny {
context("Example: Generate seed from existing mnemonic string") {
val mnemonicCode = MnemonicCode(validPhrase)
should("result in a valid 24-word phrase") {
mnemonicCode.wordCount shouldBe 24
should("result in a valid phrase") {
shouldNotThrowAny {
context("Example: Generate seed with passphrase") {
val passphrase = "bitcoin".toCharArray()
should("'normal way' results in a 64 byte seed") {
val seed = MnemonicCode(validPhrase).toSeed(passphrase)
seed.size shouldBe 64
should("'private way' results in a 64 byte seed") {
var seed: ByteArray
charArrayOf('z', 'c', 'a', 's', 'h').let { passphrase ->
seed = MnemonicCode(validPhrase).toSeed(passphrase)
String(passphrase) shouldBe "zcash"
String(passphrase) shouldBe "00000"
seed.size shouldBe 64
context("Example: Iterate over mnemonic codes") {
val mnemonicCode = MnemonicCode(validPhrase)
should("work in a for loop") {
var count = 0
for (word in mnemonicCode) {
validPhrase shouldContain word
count shouldBe 24
should("work with forEach") {
var count = 0
mnemonicCode.forEach { word ->
validPhrase shouldContain word
count shouldBe 24
context("Example: auto-clear") {
should("clear the mnemonic when done") {
val mnemonicCode = MnemonicCode(WordCount.COUNT_24)
mnemonicCode.use {
mnemonicCode.wordCount shouldBe 24
// content gets automatically cleared after use!
mnemonicCode.wordCount shouldBe 0