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Raw Normal View History

use std::cmp;
2020-09-11 15:17:43 -07:00
use std::fmt::Debug;
use zcash_primitives::{
2020-08-04 19:49:41 -07:00
consensus::{self, BlockHeight},
merkle_tree::{CommitmentTree, IncrementalWitness},
primitives::{Note, PaymentAddress, Nullifier},
transaction::{components::Amount, Transaction, TxId},
2020-08-04 19:49:41 -07:00
use crate::{
wallet::{AccountId, SpendableNote, WalletShieldedOutput, WalletTx},
pub mod chain;
pub mod error;
pub mod wallet;
/// Read-only operations require for light wallet functions.
/// This trait defines the read-only portion of the storage
/// interface atop which higher-level wallet operations are
/// implemented. It serves to allow wallet functions to be
/// abstracted away from any particular data storage substrate.
2020-10-19 14:20:34 -07:00
pub trait WalletRead {
/// The type of errors produced by a wallet backend.
type Error;
/// Backend-specific note identifier.
/// For example, this might be a database identifier type
/// or a UUID.
type NoteRef: Copy + Debug;
/// Backend-specific transaction identifier.
/// For example, this might be a database identifier type
/// or a TxId if the backend is able to support that type
/// directly.
2020-09-11 15:17:43 -07:00
type TxRef: Copy + Debug;
/// Returns the minimum and maximum block heights for stored blocks.
fn block_height_extrema(&self) -> Result<Option<(BlockHeight, BlockHeight)>, Self::Error>;
/// Returns the default target height and anchor height, given the
/// range of block heights that the backend knows about.
fn get_target_and_anchor_heights(
) -> Result<Option<(BlockHeight, BlockHeight)>, Self::Error> {
self.block_height_extrema().map(|heights| {|(min_height, max_height)| {
let target_height = max_height + 1;
// Select an anchor ANCHOR_OFFSET back from the target block,
// unless that would be before the earliest block we have.
let anchor_height = BlockHeight::from(cmp::max(
(target_height, anchor_height)
/// Returns the block hash for the block at the given height
fn get_block_hash(&self, block_height: BlockHeight) -> Result<Option<BlockHash>, Self::Error>;
/// Returns the block hash for the block at the maximum height known
/// in stored data.
fn get_max_height_hash(&self) -> Result<Option<(BlockHeight, BlockHash)>, Self::Error> {
2020-10-19 14:20:34 -07:00
.and_then(|extrema_opt| {
.map(|(_, max_height)| {
.map(|hash_opt| |hash| (max_height, hash)))
.map(|oo| oo.flatten())
/// Returns the block height in which the specified transaction was mined.
fn get_tx_height(&self, txid: TxId) -> Result<Option<BlockHeight>, Self::Error>;
/// Returns the payment address for the specified account, if the account
/// identifier specified refers to a valid account for this wallet.
2020-08-05 16:01:22 -07:00
fn get_address<P: consensus::Parameters>(
params: &P,
account: AccountId,
2020-08-05 16:01:22 -07:00
) -> Result<Option<PaymentAddress>, Self::Error>;
/// Returns all extended full viewing keys known about by this wallet
// TODO: Should this also take an AccountId as argument?
2020-08-25 14:51:11 -07:00
fn get_extended_full_viewing_keys<P: consensus::Parameters>(
params: &P,
) -> Result<Vec<ExtendedFullViewingKey>, Self::Error>;
/// Checks whether the specified extended full viewing key is a valid
/// key for the specified account.
fn is_valid_account_extfvk<P: consensus::Parameters>(
params: &P,
account: AccountId,
extfvk: &ExtendedFullViewingKey,
) -> Result<bool, Self::Error>;
/// Returns the wallet balance for the specified account.
/// This balance amount is the raw balance of all transactions in known
/// mined blocks, irrespective of confirmation depth.
// TODO: Do we actually need this? You can always get the "verified"
// balance from the current chain tip.
fn get_balance(&self, account: AccountId) -> Result<Amount, Self::Error>;
/// Returns the wallet balance for an account as of the specified block
/// height. and
/// This may be used to obtain a balance that ignores notes that have been
/// received so recently that they are not yet deemed spendable.
fn get_verified_balance(
account: AccountId,
anchor_height: BlockHeight,
) -> Result<Amount, Self::Error>;
/// Returns the memo for a received note, if it is known and a valid UTF-8 string.
fn get_received_memo_as_utf8(
id_note: Self::NoteRef,
) -> Result<Option<String>, Self::Error>;
/// Returns the memo for a sent note, if it is known and a valid UTF-8 string.
fn get_sent_memo_as_utf8(&self, id_note: Self::NoteRef) -> Result<Option<String>, Self::Error>;
/// Returns the note commitment tree at the specified block height.
fn get_commitment_tree(
block_height: BlockHeight,
) -> Result<Option<CommitmentTree<Node>>, Self::Error>;
/// Returns the incremental witnesses as of the specified block height.
fn get_witnesses(
block_height: BlockHeight,
) -> Result<Vec<(Self::NoteRef, IncrementalWitness<Node>)>, Self::Error>;
/// Returns the unspent nullifiers, along with the account identifiers
/// with which they are associated.
fn get_nullifiers(&self) -> Result<Vec<(Nullifier, AccountId)>, Self::Error>;
/// Returns a list of spendable notes sufficient to cover the specified
/// target value, if possible.
fn select_spendable_notes(
account: AccountId,
target_value: Amount,
anchor_height: BlockHeight,
) -> Result<Vec<SpendableNote>, Self::Error>;
2021-01-08 17:08:02 -08:00
/// This trait encapsulate the write capabilities required to update stored
/// wallet data.
pub trait WalletWrite: WalletRead {
2021-01-08 17:08:02 -08:00
/// Perform one or more write operations of this trait transactionally.
/// Implementations of this method must ensure that all mutations to the
/// state of the data store made by the provided closure must be performed
/// atomically and modifications to state must be automatically rolled back
/// if the provided closure returns an error.
fn transactionally<F, A>(&mut self, f: F) -> Result<A, Self::Error>
F: FnOnce(&mut Self) -> Result<A, Self::Error>;
2021-01-08 17:08:02 -08:00
/// Add the data for a block to the data store.
fn insert_block(
&mut self,
block_height: BlockHeight,
block_hash: BlockHash,
block_time: u32,
commitment_tree: &CommitmentTree<Node>,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
2021-01-08 17:08:02 -08:00
/// This method assumes that the state of the underlying data store is
/// consistent up to a particular block height. Since it is possible that
/// a chain reorg might invalidate some stored state, this method must be
/// implemented in order to allow users of this API to "reset" the data store
/// to correctly represent chainstate as of a specified block height.
fn rewind_to_height<P: consensus::Parameters>(
&mut self,
parameters: &P,
block_height: BlockHeight,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
2021-01-08 17:08:02 -08:00
/// Add wallet-relevant metadata for a specific transaction to the data
/// store.
fn put_tx_meta(
&mut self,
tx: &WalletTx,
height: BlockHeight,
) -> Result<Self::TxRef, Self::Error>;
/// Add a full transaction contents to the data store.
fn put_tx_data(
&mut self,
tx: &Transaction,
created_at: Option<time::OffsetDateTime>,
) -> Result<Self::TxRef, Self::Error>;
fn mark_spent(&mut self, tx_ref: Self::TxRef, nf: &Nullifier) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn put_received_note<T: ShieldedOutput>(
&mut self,
output: &T,
nf: &Option<Nullifier>,
tx_ref: Self::TxRef,
) -> Result<Self::NoteRef, Self::Error>;
fn insert_witness(
&mut self,
note_id: Self::NoteRef,
witness: &IncrementalWitness<Node>,
height: BlockHeight,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn prune_witnesses(&mut self, from_height: BlockHeight) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn update_expired_notes(&mut self, from_height: BlockHeight) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn put_sent_note<P: consensus::Parameters>(
&mut self,
params: &P,
output: &DecryptedOutput,
tx_ref: Self::TxRef,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn insert_sent_note<P: consensus::Parameters>(
&mut self,
params: &P,
tx_ref: Self::TxRef,
output_index: usize,
account: AccountId,
to: &RecipientAddress,
value: Amount,
memo: Option<Memo>,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
2020-10-19 14:20:34 -07:00
pub trait BlockSource {
type Error;
fn init_cache(&self) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn with_blocks<F>(
from_height: BlockHeight,
limit: Option<u32>,
with_row: F,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>
F: FnMut(CompactBlock) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
pub trait ShieldedOutput {
fn index(&self) -> usize;
fn account(&self) -> AccountId;
fn to(&self) -> &PaymentAddress;
fn note(&self) -> &Note;
fn memo(&self) -> Option<&Memo>;
fn is_change(&self) -> Option<bool>;
impl ShieldedOutput for WalletShieldedOutput {
fn index(&self) -> usize {
fn account(&self) -> AccountId {
fn to(&self) -> &PaymentAddress {
fn note(&self) -> &Note {
fn memo(&self) -> Option<&Memo> {
fn is_change(&self) -> Option<bool> {
impl ShieldedOutput for DecryptedOutput {
fn index(&self) -> usize {
fn account(&self) -> AccountId {
AccountId(self.account as u32)
fn to(&self) -> &PaymentAddress {
fn note(&self) -> &Note {
fn memo(&self) -> Option<&Memo> {
fn is_change(&self) -> Option<bool> {