
145 lines
5.1 KiB
Protocol Buffer
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) 2023 The Zcash developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or .
syntax = "proto3";
package cash.z.wallet.sdk.ffi;
// A data structure that describes a series of transactions to be created.
message Proposal {
// The version of this serialization format.
uint32 protoVersion = 1;
// The fee rule used in constructing this proposal
FeeRule feeRule = 2;
// The target height for which the proposal was constructed
// The chain must contain at least this many blocks in order for the proposal to
// be executed.
uint32 minTargetHeight = 3;
// The series of transactions to be created.
repeated ProposalStep steps = 4;
// A data structure that describes the inputs to be consumed and outputs to
// be produced in a proposed transaction.
message ProposalStep {
// ZIP 321 serialized transaction request
string transactionRequest = 1;
// The vector of selected payment index / output pool mappings. Payment index
// 0 corresponds to the payment with no explicit index.
repeated PaymentOutputPool paymentOutputPools = 2;
// The anchor height to be used in creating the transaction, if any.
// Setting the anchor height to zero will disallow the use of any shielded
// inputs.
uint32 anchorHeight = 3;
// The inputs to be used in creating the transaction.
repeated ProposedInput inputs = 4;
// The total value, fee value, and change outputs of the proposed
// transaction
TransactionBalance balance = 5;
// A flag indicating whether the step is for a shielding transaction,
// used for determining which OVK to select for wallet-internal outputs.
bool isShielding = 6;
enum ValuePool {
// Protobuf requires that enums have a zero discriminant as the default
// value. However, we need to require that a known value pool is selected,
// and we do not want to fall back to any default, so sending the
// PoolNotSpecified value will be treated as an error.
PoolNotSpecified = 0;
// The transparent value pool (P2SH is not distinguished from P2PKH)
Transparent = 1;
// The Sapling value pool
Sapling = 2;
// The Orchard value pool
Orchard = 3;
// A mapping from ZIP 321 payment index to the output pool that has been chosen
// for that payment, based upon the payment address and the selected inputs to
// the transaction.
message PaymentOutputPool {
uint32 paymentIndex = 1;
ValuePool valuePool = 2;
// The unique identifier and value for each proposed input that does not
// require a back-reference to a prior step of the proposal.
message ReceivedOutput {
bytes txid = 1;
ValuePool valuePool = 2;
uint32 index = 3;
uint64 value = 4;
// A reference to a payment in a prior step of the proposal. This payment must
// belong to the wallet.
message PriorStepOutput {
uint32 stepIndex = 1;
uint32 paymentIndex = 2;
// A reference to a change or ephemeral output from a prior step of the proposal.
message PriorStepChange {
uint32 stepIndex = 1;
uint32 changeIndex = 2;
// The unique identifier and value for an input to be used in the transaction.
message ProposedInput {
oneof value {
ReceivedOutput receivedOutput = 1;
PriorStepOutput priorStepOutput = 2;
PriorStepChange priorStepChange = 3;
// The fee rule used in constructing a Proposal
enum FeeRule {
// Protobuf requires that enums have a zero discriminant as the default
// value. However, we need to require that a known fee rule is selected,
// and we do not want to fall back to any default, so sending the
// FeeRuleNotSpecified value will be treated as an error.
FeeRuleNotSpecified = 0;
// 10000 ZAT
PreZip313 = 1;
// 1000 ZAT
Zip313 = 2;
// MAX(10000, 5000 * logical_actions) ZAT
Zip317 = 3;
// The proposed change outputs and fee value.
message TransactionBalance {
// A list of change or ephemeral output values.
repeated ChangeValue proposedChange = 1;
// The fee to be paid by the proposed transaction, in zatoshis.
uint64 feeRequired = 2;
// A proposed change or ephemeral output. If the transparent value pool is
// selected, the `memo` field must be null.
// When the `isEphemeral` field of a `ChangeValue` is set, it represents
// an ephemeral output, which must be spent by a subsequent step. This is
// only supported for transparent outputs. Each ephemeral output will be
// given a unique t-address.
message ChangeValue {
// The value of a change or ephemeral output to be created, in zatoshis.
uint64 value = 1;
// The value pool in which the change or ephemeral output should be created.
ValuePool valuePool = 2;
// The optional memo that should be associated with the newly created output.
// Memos must not be present for transparent outputs.
MemoBytes memo = 3;
// Whether this is to be an ephemeral output.
bool isEphemeral = 4;
// An object wrapper for memo bytes, to facilitate representing the
// `change_memo == None` case.
message MemoBytes {
bytes value = 1;