
112 lines
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2017-06-25 22:09:43 -07:00
extern crate proc_macro;
//extern crate syn;
extern crate quote;
//extern crate num_bigint;
//extern crate num_traits;
//use num_traits::{Zero, One, ToPrimitive};
//use num_bigint::BigUint;
#[proc_macro_derive(PrimeField, attributes(PrimeFieldModulus))]
pub fn prime_field(
_: proc_macro::TokenStream
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream
// Construct a string representation of the type definition
let s = input.to_string();
// Parse the string representation
let ast = syn::parse_derive_input(&s).unwrap();
// The struct we're deriving for is a wrapper around a "Repr" type we must construct.
let repr_ident = fetch_wrapped_ident(&ast.body)
.expect("PrimeField derive only operates over tuple structs of a single item");
// We're given the modulus p of the prime field
let modulus: BigUint = fetch_attr("PrimeFieldModulus", &ast.attrs)
.expect("Please supply a PrimeFieldModulus attribute")
.parse().expect("PrimeFieldModulus should be a number");
// The arithmetic in this library only works if the modulus*2 is smaller than the backing
// representation. Compute the number of limbs we need.
let mut limbs = 1;
let mod2 = (&modulus) << 1; // modulus * 2
let mut cur = BigUint::one() << 64;
while cur < mod2 {
limbs += 1;
cur = cur << 64;
let gen = quote::Tokens::new();
//gen.append(prime_field_repr_impl(&repr_ident, limbs));
//gen.append(prime_field_constants(&repr_ident, modulus, limbs));
//gen.append(prime_field_impl(&ast.ident, &repr_ident));
//gen.append(prime_field_arith_impl(&ast.ident, &repr_ident, limbs));
// Return the generated impl
fn fetch_wrapped_ident(
body: &syn::Body
) -> Option<syn::Ident>
match body {
&syn::Body::Struct(ref variant_data) => {
let fields = variant_data.fields();
if fields.len() == 1 {
match fields[0].ty {
syn::Ty::Path(_, ref path) => {
if path.segments.len() == 1 {
return Some(path.segments[0].ident.clone());
_ => {}
_ => {}
/// Fetch an attribute string from the derived struct.
fn fetch_attr(
name: &str,
attrs: &[syn::Attribute]
) -> Option<String>
for attr in attrs {
if == name {
match attr.value {
syn::MetaItem::NameValue(_, ref val) => {
match val {
&syn::Lit::Str(ref s, _) => {
return Some(s.clone())
_ => {
panic!("attribute {} should be a string", name);
_ => {
panic!("attribute {} should be a string", name);