use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion}; use ff::Field; use rand_core::OsRng; use zcash_primitives::{ consensus::{NetworkUpgrade::Canopy, Parameters, TestNetwork, TEST_NETWORK}, memo::MemoBytes, sapling::{ note_encryption::{sapling_note_encryption, try_sapling_note_decryption}, util::generate_random_rseed, Diversifier, PaymentAddress, SaplingIvk, ValueCommitment, }, transaction::components::{OutputDescription, GROTH_PROOF_SIZE}, }; fn bench_note_decryption(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut rng = OsRng; let height = TEST_NETWORK.activation_height(Canopy).unwrap(); let valid_ivk = SaplingIvk(jubjub::Fr::random(&mut rng)); let invalid_ivk = SaplingIvk(jubjub::Fr::random(&mut rng)); // Construct a fake Sapling output as if we had just deserialized a transaction. let output = { let diversifier = Diversifier([0; 11]); let pk_d = diversifier.g_d().unwrap() * valid_ivk.0; let pa = PaymentAddress::from_parts(diversifier, pk_d).unwrap(); let rseed = generate_random_rseed(&TEST_NETWORK, height, &mut rng); // Construct the value commitment for the proof instance let value = 100; let value_commitment = ValueCommitment { value, randomness: jubjub::Fr::random(&mut rng), }; let cv = value_commitment.commitment().into(); let note = pa.create_note(value, rseed).unwrap(); let cmu = note.cmu(); let ne = sapling_note_encryption::<_, TestNetwork>(None, note, pa, MemoBytes::empty(), &mut rng); let ephemeral_key = *ne.epk(); let enc_ciphertext = ne.encrypt_note_plaintext(); let out_ciphertext = ne.encrypt_outgoing_plaintext(&cv, &cmu, &mut rng); OutputDescription { cv, cmu, ephemeral_key, enc_ciphertext, out_ciphertext, zkproof: [0; GROTH_PROOF_SIZE], } }; let mut group = c.benchmark_group("Sapling note decryption"); group.bench_function("valid", |b| { b.iter(|| try_sapling_note_decryption(&TEST_NETWORK, height, &valid_ivk, &output).unwrap()) }); group.bench_function("invalid", |b| { b.iter(|| try_sapling_note_decryption(&TEST_NETWORK, height, &invalid_ivk, &output)) }); } criterion_group!(benches, bench_note_decryption); criterion_main!(benches);