use std::fmt; use std::num::NonZeroU32; use std::{collections::BTreeMap, convert::Infallible}; #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] use std::fs::File; use group::ff::Field; use incrementalmerkletree::{Position, Retention}; use nonempty::NonEmpty; use prost::Message; use rand_chacha::ChaChaRng; use rand_core::{CryptoRng, RngCore, SeedableRng}; use rusqlite::{params, Connection}; use secrecy::{Secret, SecretVec}; use shardtree::error::ShardTreeError; use tempfile::NamedTempFile; #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] use tempfile::TempDir; use sapling::{ note_encryption::{sapling_note_encryption, SaplingDomain}, util::generate_random_rseed, zip32::DiversifiableFullViewingKey, Note, Nullifier, }; #[allow(deprecated)] use zcash_client_backend::{ address::Address, data_api::{ self, chain::{scan_cached_blocks, BlockSource, CommitmentTreeRoot, ScanSummary}, wallet::{ create_proposed_transactions, create_spend_to_address, input_selection::{GreedyInputSelector, GreedyInputSelectorError, InputSelector}, propose_standard_transfer_to_address, propose_transfer, spend, }, AccountBalance, AccountBirthday, WalletCommitmentTrees, WalletRead, WalletSummary, WalletWrite, }, keys::UnifiedSpendingKey, proposal::Proposal, proto::compact_formats::{ self as compact, CompactBlock, CompactSaplingOutput, CompactSaplingSpend, CompactTx, }, proto::proposal, wallet::OvkPolicy, zip321, }; use zcash_client_backend::{ data_api::chain::ChainState, fees::{standard, DustOutputPolicy}, ShieldedProtocol, }; use zcash_note_encryption::Domain; use zcash_primitives::{ block::BlockHash, consensus::{self, BlockHeight, NetworkUpgrade, Parameters}, memo::{Memo, MemoBytes}, transaction::{ components::{amount::NonNegativeAmount, sapling::zip212_enforcement}, fees::{zip317::FeeError as Zip317FeeError, FeeRule, StandardFeeRule}, Transaction, TxId, }, zip32::DiversifierIndex, }; use zcash_protocol::local_consensus::LocalNetwork; use zcash_protocol::value::{ZatBalance, Zatoshis}; use crate::{ chain::init::init_cache_database, error::SqliteClientError, wallet::{ commitment_tree, get_wallet_summary, init::init_wallet_db, sapling::tests::test_prover, SubtreeScanProgress, }, AccountId, ReceivedNoteId, WalletDb, }; use super::BlockDb; #[cfg(feature = "orchard")] use { group::ff::PrimeField, orchard::tree::MerkleHashOrchard, pasta_curves::pallas, zcash_client_backend::proto::compact_formats::CompactOrchardAction, }; #[cfg(feature = "transparent-inputs")] use { zcash_client_backend::data_api::wallet::{ input_selection::ShieldingSelector, propose_shielding, shield_transparent_funds, }, zcash_primitives::legacy::TransparentAddress, }; #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] use crate::{ chain::{init::init_blockmeta_db, BlockMeta}, FsBlockDb, }; pub(crate) mod pool; pub(crate) struct InitialChainState { pub(crate) chain_state: ChainState, pub(crate) prior_sapling_roots: Vec>, #[cfg(feature = "orchard")] pub(crate) prior_orchard_roots: Vec>, } /// A builder for a `zcash_client_sqlite` test. pub(crate) struct TestBuilder { rng: ChaChaRng, network: LocalNetwork, cache: Cache, initial_chain_state: Option, account_birthday: Option, } impl TestBuilder<()> { pub const DEFAULT_NETWORK: LocalNetwork = LocalNetwork { overwinter: Some(BlockHeight::from_u32(1)), sapling: Some(BlockHeight::from_u32(100_000)), blossom: Some(BlockHeight::from_u32(100_000)), heartwood: Some(BlockHeight::from_u32(100_000)), canopy: Some(BlockHeight::from_u32(100_000)), nu5: Some(BlockHeight::from_u32(100_000)), #[cfg(zcash_unstable = "nu6")] nu6: None, #[cfg(zcash_unstable = "zfuture")] z_future: None, }; /// Constructs a new test. pub(crate) fn new() -> Self { TestBuilder { rng: ChaChaRng::seed_from_u64(0), // Use a fake network where Sapling through NU5 activate at the same height. // We pick 100,000 to be large enough to handle any hard-coded test offsets. network: Self::DEFAULT_NETWORK, cache: (), initial_chain_state: None, account_birthday: None, } } /// Adds a [`BlockDb`] cache to the test. pub(crate) fn with_block_cache(self) -> TestBuilder { TestBuilder { rng: self.rng, network:, cache: BlockCache::new(), initial_chain_state: self.initial_chain_state, account_birthday: self.account_birthday, } } /// Adds a [`FsBlockDb`] cache to the test. #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] pub(crate) fn with_fs_block_cache(self) -> TestBuilder { TestBuilder { rng: self.rng, network:, cache: FsBlockCache::new(), initial_chain_state: self.initial_chain_state, account_birthday: self.account_birthday, } } } impl TestBuilder { pub(crate) fn with_initial_chain_state( mut self, chain_state: impl FnOnce(&mut ChaChaRng, &LocalNetwork) -> InitialChainState, ) -> Self { assert!(self.initial_chain_state.is_none()); assert!(self.account_birthday.is_none()); self.initial_chain_state = Some(chain_state(&mut self.rng, &; self } pub(crate) fn with_account_birthday( mut self, birthday: impl FnOnce( &mut ChaChaRng, &LocalNetwork, Option<&InitialChainState>, ) -> AccountBirthday, ) -> Self { assert!(self.account_birthday.is_none()); self.account_birthday = Some(birthday( &mut self.rng, &, self.initial_chain_state.as_ref(), )); self } pub(crate) fn with_account_from_sapling_activation(mut self, prev_hash: BlockHash) -> Self { assert!(self.account_birthday.is_none()); self.account_birthday = Some(AccountBirthday::from_parts( ChainState::empty( .activation_height(NetworkUpgrade::Sapling) .unwrap() - 1, prev_hash, ), None, )); self } pub(crate) fn with_account_having_current_birthday(mut self) -> Self { assert!(self.account_birthday.is_none()); assert!(self.initial_chain_state.is_some()); self.account_birthday = Some(AccountBirthday::from_parts( self.initial_chain_state .as_ref() .unwrap() .chain_state .clone(), None, )); self } /// Builds the state for this test. pub(crate) fn build(self) -> TestState { let data_file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap(); let mut db_data = WalletDb::for_path(data_file.path(),; init_wallet_db(&mut db_data, None).unwrap(); let mut cached_blocks = BTreeMap::new(); if let Some(initial_state) = &self.initial_chain_state { db_data .put_sapling_subtree_roots(0, &initial_state.prior_sapling_roots) .unwrap(); db_data .with_sapling_tree_mut(|t| { t.insert_frontier( initial_state.chain_state.final_sapling_tree().clone(), Retention::Checkpoint { id: initial_state.chain_state.block_height(), is_marked: false, }, ) }) .unwrap(); #[cfg(feature = "orchard")] { db_data .put_orchard_subtree_roots(0, &initial_state.prior_orchard_roots) .unwrap(); db_data .with_orchard_tree_mut(|t| { t.insert_frontier( initial_state.chain_state.final_orchard_tree().clone(), Retention::Checkpoint { id: initial_state.chain_state.block_height(), is_marked: false, }, ) }) .unwrap(); } let final_sapling_tree_size = initial_state.chain_state.final_sapling_tree().tree_size() as u32; let _final_orchard_tree_size = 0; #[cfg(feature = "orchard")] let _final_orchard_tree_size = initial_state.chain_state.final_orchard_tree().tree_size() as u32; cached_blocks.insert( initial_state.chain_state.block_height(), CachedBlock { chain_state: initial_state.chain_state.clone(), sapling_end_size: final_sapling_tree_size, orchard_end_size: _final_orchard_tree_size, }, ); }; let test_account =|birthday| { let seed = Secret::new(vec![0u8; 32]); let (account_id, usk) = db_data.create_account(&seed, &birthday).unwrap(); ( seed, TestAccount { account_id, usk, birthday, }, ) }); TestState { cache: self.cache, cached_blocks, latest_block_height: self .initial_chain_state .map(|s| s.chain_state.block_height()), _data_file: data_file, db_data, test_account, rng: self.rng, } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub(crate) struct CachedBlock { chain_state: ChainState, sapling_end_size: u32, orchard_end_size: u32, } impl CachedBlock { fn none(sapling_activation_height: BlockHeight) -> Self { Self { chain_state: ChainState::empty(sapling_activation_height, BlockHash([0; 32])), sapling_end_size: 0, orchard_end_size: 0, } } fn at(chain_state: ChainState, sapling_end_size: u32, orchard_end_size: u32) -> Self { assert_eq!( chain_state.final_sapling_tree().tree_size() as u32, sapling_end_size ); #[cfg(feature = "orchard")] assert_eq!( chain_state.final_orchard_tree().tree_size() as u32, orchard_end_size ); Self { chain_state, sapling_end_size, orchard_end_size, } } fn roll_forward(&self, cb: &CompactBlock) -> Self { assert_eq!(self.chain_state.block_height() + 1, cb.height()); let sapling_final_tree = cb.vtx.iter().flat_map(|tx| tx.outputs.iter()).fold( self.chain_state.final_sapling_tree().clone(), |mut acc, c_out| { acc.append(sapling::Node::from_cmu(&c_out.cmu().unwrap())); acc }, ); let sapling_end_size = sapling_final_tree.tree_size() as u32; #[cfg(feature = "orchard")] let orchard_final_tree = cb.vtx.iter().flat_map(|tx| tx.actions.iter()).fold( self.chain_state.final_orchard_tree().clone(), |mut acc, c_act| { acc.append(MerkleHashOrchard::from_cmx(&c_act.cmx().unwrap())); acc }, ); #[cfg(feature = "orchard")] let orchard_end_size = orchard_final_tree.tree_size() as u32; #[cfg(not(feature = "orchard"))] let orchard_end_size = cb.vtx.iter().fold(self.orchard_end_size, |sz, tx| { sz + (tx.actions.len() as u32) }); Self { chain_state: ChainState::new( cb.height(), cb.hash(), sapling_final_tree, #[cfg(feature = "orchard")] orchard_final_tree, ), sapling_end_size, orchard_end_size, } } fn height(&self) -> BlockHeight { self.chain_state.block_height() } } #[derive(Clone)] pub(crate) struct TestAccount { account_id: AccountId, usk: UnifiedSpendingKey, birthday: AccountBirthday, } impl TestAccount { pub(crate) fn account_id(&self) -> AccountId { self.account_id } pub(crate) fn usk(&self) -> &UnifiedSpendingKey { &self.usk } pub(crate) fn birthday(&self) -> &AccountBirthday { &self.birthday } } /// The state for a `zcash_client_sqlite` test. pub(crate) struct TestState { cache: Cache, cached_blocks: BTreeMap, latest_block_height: Option, _data_file: NamedTempFile, db_data: WalletDb, test_account: Option<(SecretVec, TestAccount)>, rng: ChaChaRng, } impl TestState where ::Error: fmt::Debug, { /// Exposes an immutable reference to the test's [`BlockSource`]. #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] pub(crate) fn cache(&self) -> &Cache::BlockSource { self.cache.block_source() } pub(crate) fn latest_cached_block(&self) -> Option<&CachedBlock> { self.latest_block_height .as_ref() .and_then(|h| self.cached_blocks.get(h)) } fn latest_cached_block_below_height(&self, height: BlockHeight) -> Option<&CachedBlock> { self.cached_blocks.range(..height).last().map(|(_, b)| b) } fn cache_block( &mut self, prev_block: &CachedBlock, compact_block: CompactBlock, ) -> Cache::InsertResult { self.cached_blocks.insert( compact_block.height(), prev_block.roll_forward(&compact_block), ); self.cache.insert(&compact_block) } /// Creates a fake block at the expected next height containing a single output of the /// given value, and inserts it into the cache. pub(crate) fn generate_next_block( &mut self, fvk: &Fvk, req: AddressType, value: NonNegativeAmount, ) -> (BlockHeight, Cache::InsertResult, Fvk::Nullifier) { let pre_activation_block = CachedBlock::none(self.sapling_activation_height() - 1); let prior_cached_block = self.latest_cached_block().unwrap_or(&pre_activation_block); let height = prior_cached_block.height() + 1; let (res, nf) = self.generate_block_at( height, prior_cached_block.chain_state.block_hash(), fvk, req, value, prior_cached_block.sapling_end_size, prior_cached_block.orchard_end_size, false, ); (height, res, nf) } /// Adds an empty block to the cache, advancing the simulated chain height. #[allow(dead_code)] // used only for tests that are flagged off by default pub(crate) fn generate_empty_block(&mut self) -> (BlockHeight, Cache::InsertResult) { let new_hash = { let mut hash = vec![0; 32]; self.rng.fill_bytes(&mut hash); hash }; let pre_activation_block = CachedBlock::none(self.sapling_activation_height() - 1); let prior_cached_block = self .latest_cached_block() .unwrap_or(&pre_activation_block) .clone(); let new_height = prior_cached_block.height() + 1; let mut cb = CompactBlock { hash: new_hash, height: new_height.into(), ..Default::default() }; cb.prev_hash .extend_from_slice(&prior_cached_block.chain_state.block_hash().0); cb.chain_metadata = Some(compact::ChainMetadata { sapling_commitment_tree_size: prior_cached_block.sapling_end_size, orchard_commitment_tree_size: prior_cached_block.orchard_end_size, }); let res = self.cache_block(&prior_cached_block, cb); self.latest_block_height = Some(new_height); (new_height, res) } /// Creates a fake block with the given height and hash containing a single output of /// the given value, and inserts it into the cache. /// /// This generated block will be treated as the latest block, and subsequent calls to /// [`Self::generate_next_block`] will build on it. #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub(crate) fn generate_block_at( &mut self, height: BlockHeight, prev_hash: BlockHash, fvk: &Fvk, req: AddressType, value: NonNegativeAmount, initial_sapling_tree_size: u32, initial_orchard_tree_size: u32, allow_broken_hash_chain: bool, ) -> (Cache::InsertResult, Fvk::Nullifier) { let mut prior_cached_block = self .latest_cached_block_below_height(height) .cloned() .unwrap_or_else(|| CachedBlock::none(self.sapling_activation_height() - 1)); assert!(prior_cached_block.chain_state.block_height() < height); assert!(prior_cached_block.sapling_end_size <= initial_sapling_tree_size); assert!(prior_cached_block.orchard_end_size <= initial_orchard_tree_size); // If the block height has increased or the Sapling and/or Orchard tree sizes have changed, // we need to generate a new prior cached block that the block to be generated can // successfully chain from, with the provided tree sizes. if prior_cached_block.chain_state.block_height() == height - 1 { if !allow_broken_hash_chain { assert_eq!(prev_hash, prior_cached_block.chain_state.block_hash()); } } else { let final_sapling_tree = (prior_cached_block.sapling_end_size..initial_sapling_tree_size).fold( prior_cached_block.chain_state.final_sapling_tree().clone(), |mut acc, _| { acc.append(sapling::Node::from_scalar(bls12_381::Scalar::random( &mut self.rng, ))); acc }, ); #[cfg(feature = "orchard")] let final_orchard_tree = (prior_cached_block.orchard_end_size..initial_orchard_tree_size).fold( prior_cached_block.chain_state.final_orchard_tree().clone(), |mut acc, _| { acc.append(MerkleHashOrchard::random(&mut self.rng)); acc }, ); prior_cached_block = CachedBlock::at( ChainState::new( height - 1, prev_hash, final_sapling_tree, #[cfg(feature = "orchard")] final_orchard_tree, ), initial_sapling_tree_size, initial_orchard_tree_size, ); self.cached_blocks .insert(height - 1, prior_cached_block.clone()); } let (cb, nf) = fake_compact_block( &, height, prev_hash, fvk, req, value, initial_sapling_tree_size, initial_orchard_tree_size, &mut self.rng, ); assert_eq!(cb.height(), height); let res = self.cache_block(&prior_cached_block, cb); self.latest_block_height = Some(height); (res, nf) } /// Creates a fake block at the expected next height spending the given note, and /// inserts it into the cache. pub(crate) fn generate_next_block_spending( &mut self, fvk: &Fvk, note: (Fvk::Nullifier, NonNegativeAmount), to: impl Into
, value: NonNegativeAmount, ) -> (BlockHeight, Cache::InsertResult) { let prior_cached_block = self .latest_cached_block() .cloned() .unwrap_or_else(|| CachedBlock::none(self.sapling_activation_height() - 1)); let height = prior_cached_block.height() + 1; let cb = fake_compact_block_spending( &, height, prior_cached_block.chain_state.block_hash(), note, fvk, to.into(), value, prior_cached_block.sapling_end_size, prior_cached_block.orchard_end_size, &mut self.rng, ); assert_eq!(cb.height(), height); let res = self.cache_block(&prior_cached_block, cb); self.latest_block_height = Some(height); (height, res) } /// Creates a fake block at the expected next height containing only the wallet /// transaction with the given txid, and inserts it into the cache. /// /// This generated block will be treated as the latest block, and subsequent calls to /// [`Self::generate_next_block`] (or similar) will build on it. pub(crate) fn generate_next_block_including( &mut self, txid: TxId, ) -> (BlockHeight, Cache::InsertResult) { let tx = self .wallet() .get_transaction(txid) .unwrap() .expect("TxId should exist in the wallet"); // Index 0 is by definition a coinbase transaction, and the wallet doesn't // construct coinbase transactions. So we pretend here that the block has a // coinbase transaction that does not have shielded coinbase outputs. self.generate_next_block_from_tx(1, &tx) } /// Creates a fake block at the expected next height containing only the given /// transaction, and inserts it into the cache. /// /// This generated block will be treated as the latest block, and subsequent calls to /// [`Self::generate_next_block`] will build on it. pub(crate) fn generate_next_block_from_tx( &mut self, tx_index: usize, tx: &Transaction, ) -> (BlockHeight, Cache::InsertResult) { let prior_cached_block = self .latest_cached_block() .cloned() .unwrap_or_else(|| CachedBlock::none(self.sapling_activation_height() - 1)); let height = prior_cached_block.height() + 1; let cb = fake_compact_block_from_tx( height, prior_cached_block.chain_state.block_hash(), tx_index, tx, prior_cached_block.sapling_end_size, prior_cached_block.orchard_end_size, &mut self.rng, ); assert_eq!(cb.height(), height); let res = self.cache_block(&prior_cached_block, cb); self.latest_block_height = Some(height); (height, res) } /// Invokes [`scan_cached_blocks`] with the given arguments, expecting success. pub(crate) fn scan_cached_blocks( &mut self, from_height: BlockHeight, limit: usize, ) -> ScanSummary { let result = self.try_scan_cached_blocks(from_height, limit); assert_matches!(result, Ok(_)); result.unwrap() } /// Invokes [`scan_cached_blocks`] with the given arguments. pub(crate) fn try_scan_cached_blocks( &mut self, from_height: BlockHeight, limit: usize, ) -> Result< ScanSummary, data_api::chain::error::Error< SqliteClientError, ::Error, >, > { let prior_cached_block = self .latest_cached_block_below_height(from_height) .cloned() .unwrap_or_else(|| CachedBlock::none(from_height - 1)); let result = scan_cached_blocks( &, self.cache.block_source(), &mut self.db_data, from_height, &prior_cached_block.chain_state, limit, ); result } /// Resets the wallet using a new wallet database but with the same cache of blocks, /// and returns the old wallet database file. /// /// This does not recreate accounts, nor does it rescan the cached blocks. /// The resulting wallet has no test account. /// Before using any `generate_*` method on the reset state, call `reset_latest_cached_block()`. pub(crate) fn reset(&mut self) -> NamedTempFile { let network =; self.latest_block_height = None; let tf = std::mem::replace(&mut self._data_file, NamedTempFile::new().unwrap()); self.db_data = WalletDb::for_path(self._data_file.path(), network).unwrap(); self.test_account = None; init_wallet_db(&mut self.db_data, None).unwrap(); tf } // /// Reset the latest cached block to the most recent one in the cache database. // #[allow(dead_code)] // pub(crate) fn reset_latest_cached_block(&mut self) { // self.cache // .block_source() // .with_blocks::<_, Infallible>(None, None, |block: CompactBlock| { // let chain_metadata = block.chain_metadata.unwrap(); // self.latest_cached_block = Some(CachedBlock::at( // BlockHash::from_slice(block.hash.as_slice()), // BlockHeight::from_u32(block.height.try_into().unwrap()), // chain_metadata.sapling_commitment_tree_size, // chain_metadata.orchard_commitment_tree_size, // )); // Ok(()) // }) // .unwrap(); // } } impl TestState { /// Exposes an immutable reference to the test's [`WalletDb`]. pub(crate) fn wallet(&self) -> &WalletDb { &self.db_data } /// Exposes a mutable reference to the test's [`WalletDb`]. pub(crate) fn wallet_mut(&mut self) -> &mut WalletDb { &mut self.db_data } /// Exposes the test framework's source of randomness. pub(crate) fn rng_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ChaChaRng { &mut self.rng } /// Exposes the network in use. pub(crate) fn network(&self) -> LocalNetwork { self.db_data.params } /// Convenience method for obtaining the Sapling activation height for the network under test. pub(crate) fn sapling_activation_height(&self) -> BlockHeight { self.db_data .params .activation_height(NetworkUpgrade::Sapling) .expect("Sapling activation height must be known.") } /// Exposes the test seed, if enabled via [`TestBuilder::with_test_account`]. pub(crate) fn test_seed(&self) -> Option<&SecretVec> { self.test_account.as_ref().map(|(seed, _)| seed) } /// Exposes the test account, if enabled via [`TestBuilder::with_test_account`]. pub(crate) fn test_account(&self) -> Option<&TestAccount> { self.test_account.as_ref().map(|(_, acct)| acct) } /// Exposes the test account's Sapling DFVK, if enabled via [`TestBuilder::with_test_account`]. pub(crate) fn test_account_sapling(&self) -> Option { self.test_account .as_ref() .and_then(|(_, acct)| acct.usk.to_unified_full_viewing_key().sapling().cloned()) } /// Exposes the test account's Sapling DFVK, if enabled via [`TestBuilder::with_test_account`]. #[cfg(feature = "orchard")] pub(crate) fn test_account_orchard(&self) -> Option { self.test_account .as_ref() .and_then(|(_, acct)| acct.usk.to_unified_full_viewing_key().orchard().cloned()) } /// Insert shard roots for both trees. pub(crate) fn put_subtree_roots( &mut self, sapling_start_index: u64, sapling_roots: &[CommitmentTreeRoot], #[cfg(feature = "orchard")] orchard_start_index: u64, #[cfg(feature = "orchard")] orchard_roots: &[CommitmentTreeRoot], ) -> Result<(), ShardTreeError> { self.wallet_mut() .put_sapling_subtree_roots(sapling_start_index, sapling_roots)?; #[cfg(feature = "orchard")] self.wallet_mut() .put_orchard_subtree_roots(orchard_start_index, orchard_roots)?; Ok(()) } /// Invokes [`create_spend_to_address`] with the given arguments. #[allow(deprecated)] #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub(crate) fn create_spend_to_address( &mut self, usk: &UnifiedSpendingKey, to: &Address, amount: NonNegativeAmount, memo: Option, ovk_policy: OvkPolicy, min_confirmations: NonZeroU32, change_memo: Option, fallback_change_pool: ShieldedProtocol, ) -> Result< NonEmpty, data_api::error::Error< SqliteClientError, commitment_tree::Error, GreedyInputSelectorError, Zip317FeeError, >, > { let params =; let prover = test_prover(); create_spend_to_address( &mut self.db_data, ¶ms, &prover, &prover, usk, to, amount, memo, ovk_policy, min_confirmations, change_memo, fallback_change_pool, ) } /// Invokes [`spend`] with the given arguments. #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] pub(crate) fn spend( &mut self, input_selector: &InputsT, usk: &UnifiedSpendingKey, request: zip321::TransactionRequest, ovk_policy: OvkPolicy, min_confirmations: NonZeroU32, ) -> Result< NonEmpty, data_api::error::Error< SqliteClientError, commitment_tree::Error, InputsT::Error, ::Error, >, > where InputsT: InputSelector>, { #![allow(deprecated)] let params =; let prover = test_prover(); spend( &mut self.db_data, ¶ms, &prover, &prover, input_selector, usk, request, ovk_policy, min_confirmations, ) } /// Invokes [`propose_transfer`] with the given arguments. #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] pub(crate) fn propose_transfer( &mut self, spend_from_account: AccountId, input_selector: &InputsT, request: zip321::TransactionRequest, min_confirmations: NonZeroU32, ) -> Result< Proposal, data_api::error::Error< SqliteClientError, Infallible, InputsT::Error, ::Error, >, > where InputsT: InputSelector>, { let params =; propose_transfer::<_, _, _, Infallible>( &mut self.db_data, ¶ms, spend_from_account, input_selector, request, min_confirmations, ) } /// Invokes [`propose_standard_transfer`] with the given arguments. #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub(crate) fn propose_standard_transfer( &mut self, spend_from_account: AccountId, fee_rule: StandardFeeRule, min_confirmations: NonZeroU32, to: &Address, amount: NonNegativeAmount, memo: Option, change_memo: Option, fallback_change_pool: ShieldedProtocol, ) -> Result< Proposal, data_api::error::Error< SqliteClientError, CommitmentTreeErrT, GreedyInputSelectorError, Zip317FeeError, >, > { let params =; let result = propose_standard_transfer_to_address::<_, _, CommitmentTreeErrT>( &mut self.db_data, ¶ms, fee_rule, spend_from_account, min_confirmations, to, amount, memo, change_memo, fallback_change_pool, ); if let Ok(proposal) = &result { check_proposal_serialization_roundtrip(self.wallet(), proposal); } result } /// Invokes [`propose_shielding`] with the given arguments. #[cfg(feature = "transparent-inputs")] #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] #[allow(dead_code)] pub(crate) fn propose_shielding( &mut self, input_selector: &InputsT, shielding_threshold: NonNegativeAmount, from_addrs: &[TransparentAddress], min_confirmations: u32, ) -> Result< Proposal, data_api::error::Error< SqliteClientError, Infallible, InputsT::Error, ::Error, >, > where InputsT: ShieldingSelector>, { let params =; propose_shielding::<_, _, _, Infallible>( &mut self.db_data, ¶ms, input_selector, shielding_threshold, from_addrs, min_confirmations, ) } /// Invokes [`create_proposed_transactions`] with the given arguments. pub(crate) fn create_proposed_transactions( &mut self, usk: &UnifiedSpendingKey, ovk_policy: OvkPolicy, proposal: &Proposal, ) -> Result< NonEmpty, data_api::error::Error< SqliteClientError, commitment_tree::Error, InputsErrT, FeeRuleT::Error, >, > where FeeRuleT: FeeRule, { let params =; let prover = test_prover(); create_proposed_transactions( &mut self.db_data, ¶ms, &prover, &prover, usk, ovk_policy, proposal, ) } /// Invokes [`shield_transparent_funds`] with the given arguments. #[cfg(feature = "transparent-inputs")] #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] pub(crate) fn shield_transparent_funds( &mut self, input_selector: &InputsT, shielding_threshold: NonNegativeAmount, usk: &UnifiedSpendingKey, from_addrs: &[TransparentAddress], min_confirmations: u32, ) -> Result< NonEmpty, data_api::error::Error< SqliteClientError, commitment_tree::Error, InputsT::Error, ::Error, >, > where InputsT: ShieldingSelector>, { let params =; let prover = test_prover(); shield_transparent_funds( &mut self.db_data, ¶ms, &prover, &prover, input_selector, shielding_threshold, usk, from_addrs, min_confirmations, ) } fn with_account_balance T>( &self, account: AccountId, min_confirmations: u32, f: F, ) -> T { let binding = self.get_wallet_summary(min_confirmations).unwrap(); f(binding.account_balances().get(&account).unwrap()) } pub(crate) fn get_total_balance(&self, account: AccountId) -> NonNegativeAmount { self.with_account_balance(account, 0, |balance| } pub(crate) fn get_spendable_balance( &self, account: AccountId, min_confirmations: u32, ) -> NonNegativeAmount { self.with_account_balance(account, min_confirmations, |balance| { balance.spendable_value() }) } pub(crate) fn get_pending_shielded_balance( &self, account: AccountId, min_confirmations: u32, ) -> NonNegativeAmount { self.with_account_balance(account, min_confirmations, |balance| { balance.value_pending_spendability() + balance.change_pending_confirmation() }) .unwrap() } #[allow(dead_code)] pub(crate) fn get_pending_change( &self, account: AccountId, min_confirmations: u32, ) -> NonNegativeAmount { self.with_account_balance(account, min_confirmations, |balance| { balance.change_pending_confirmation() }) } pub(crate) fn get_wallet_summary( &self, min_confirmations: u32, ) -> Option> { get_wallet_summary( &self.wallet().conn.unchecked_transaction().unwrap(), &self.wallet().params, min_confirmations, &SubtreeScanProgress, ) .unwrap() } /// Returns a vector of transaction summaries pub(crate) fn get_tx_history( &self, ) -> Result>, SqliteClientError> { let mut stmt = self.wallet().conn.prepare_cached( "SELECT * FROM v_transactions ORDER BY mined_height DESC, tx_index DESC", )?; let results = stmt .query_and_then::, SqliteClientError, _, _>([], |row| { Ok(TransactionSummary { account_id: AccountId(row.get("account_id")?), txid: TxId::from_bytes(row.get("txid")?), expiry_height: row .get::<_, Option>("expiry_height")? .map(BlockHeight::from), mined_height: row .get::<_, Option>("mined_height")? .map(BlockHeight::from), account_value_delta: ZatBalance::from_i64(row.get("account_balance_delta")?)?, fee_paid: row .get::<_, Option>("fee_paid")? .map(Zatoshis::from_nonnegative_i64) .transpose()?, has_change: row.get("has_change")?, sent_note_count: row.get("sent_note_count")?, received_note_count: row.get("received_note_count")?, memo_count: row.get("memo_count")?, expired_unmined: row.get("expired_unmined")?, }) })? .collect::, _>>()?; Ok(results) } #[allow(dead_code)] // used only for tests that are flagged off by default pub(crate) fn get_checkpoint_history( &self, ) -> Result)>, SqliteClientError> { let mut stmt = self.wallet().conn.prepare_cached( "SELECT checkpoint_id, 2 AS pool, position FROM sapling_tree_checkpoints UNION SELECT checkpoint_id, 3 AS pool, position FROM orchard_tree_checkpoints ORDER BY checkpoint_id", )?; let results = stmt .query_and_then::<_, SqliteClientError, _, _>([], |row| { Ok(( BlockHeight::from(row.get::<_, u32>(0)?), match row.get::<_, i64>(1)? { 2 => ShieldedProtocol::Sapling, 3 => ShieldedProtocol::Orchard, _ => unreachable!(), }, row.get::<_, Option>(2)?.map(Position::from), )) })? .collect::, _>>()?; Ok(results) } } pub(crate) struct TransactionSummary { account_id: AccountId, txid: TxId, expiry_height: Option, mined_height: Option, account_value_delta: ZatBalance, fee_paid: Option, has_change: bool, sent_note_count: usize, received_note_count: usize, memo_count: usize, expired_unmined: bool, } #[allow(dead_code)] impl TransactionSummary { pub(crate) fn account_id(&self) -> &AccountId { &self.account_id } pub(crate) fn txid(&self) -> TxId { self.txid } pub(crate) fn expiry_height(&self) -> Option { self.expiry_height } pub(crate) fn mined_height(&self) -> Option { self.mined_height } pub(crate) fn account_value_delta(&self) -> ZatBalance { self.account_value_delta } pub(crate) fn fee_paid(&self) -> Option { self.fee_paid } pub(crate) fn has_change(&self) -> bool { self.has_change } pub(crate) fn sent_note_count(&self) -> usize { self.sent_note_count } pub(crate) fn received_note_count(&self) -> usize { self.received_note_count } pub(crate) fn expired_unmined(&self) -> bool { self.expired_unmined } pub(crate) fn memo_count(&self) -> usize { self.memo_count } } /// Trait used by tests that require a full viewing key. pub(crate) trait TestFvk { type Nullifier; fn sapling_ovk(&self) -> Option; #[cfg(feature = "orchard")] fn orchard_ovk(&self, scope: zip32::Scope) -> Option; fn add_spend( &self, ctx: &mut CompactTx, nf: Self::Nullifier, rng: &mut R, ); #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn add_output( &self, ctx: &mut CompactTx, params: &P, height: BlockHeight, req: AddressType, value: NonNegativeAmount, initial_sapling_tree_size: u32, rng: &mut R, ) -> Self::Nullifier; #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn add_logical_action( &self, ctx: &mut CompactTx, params: &P, height: BlockHeight, nf: Self::Nullifier, req: AddressType, value: NonNegativeAmount, initial_sapling_tree_size: u32, rng: &mut R, ) -> Self::Nullifier { self.add_spend(ctx, nf, rng); self.add_output( ctx, params, height, req, value, initial_sapling_tree_size, rng, ) } } impl TestFvk for DiversifiableFullViewingKey { type Nullifier = Nullifier; fn sapling_ovk(&self) -> Option { Some(self.fvk().ovk) } #[cfg(feature = "orchard")] fn orchard_ovk(&self, _: zip32::Scope) -> Option { None } fn add_spend( &self, ctx: &mut CompactTx, nf: Self::Nullifier, _: &mut R, ) { let cspend = CompactSaplingSpend { nf: nf.to_vec() }; ctx.spends.push(cspend); } fn add_output( &self, ctx: &mut CompactTx, params: &P, height: BlockHeight, req: AddressType, value: NonNegativeAmount, initial_sapling_tree_size: u32, rng: &mut R, ) -> Self::Nullifier { let recipient = match req { AddressType::DefaultExternal => self.default_address().1, AddressType::DiversifiedExternal(idx) => self.find_address(idx).unwrap().1, AddressType::Internal => self.change_address().1, }; let position = initial_sapling_tree_size + ctx.outputs.len() as u32; let (cout, note) = compact_sapling_output(params, height, recipient, value, self.sapling_ovk(), rng); ctx.outputs.push(cout);, position as u64) } } #[cfg(feature = "orchard")] impl TestFvk for orchard::keys::FullViewingKey { type Nullifier = orchard::note::Nullifier; fn sapling_ovk(&self) -> Option { None } fn orchard_ovk(&self, scope: zip32::Scope) -> Option { Some(self.to_ovk(scope)) } fn add_spend( &self, ctx: &mut CompactTx, revealed_spent_note_nullifier: Self::Nullifier, rng: &mut R, ) { // Generate a dummy recipient. let recipient = loop { let mut bytes = [0; 32]; rng.fill_bytes(&mut bytes); let sk = orchard::keys::SpendingKey::from_bytes(bytes); if sk.is_some().into() { break orchard::keys::FullViewingKey::from(&sk.unwrap()) .address_at(0u32, zip32::Scope::External); } }; let (cact, _) = compact_orchard_action( revealed_spent_note_nullifier, recipient, NonNegativeAmount::ZERO, self.orchard_ovk(zip32::Scope::Internal), rng, ); ctx.actions.push(cact); } fn add_output( &self, ctx: &mut CompactTx, _: &P, _: BlockHeight, req: AddressType, value: NonNegativeAmount, _: u32, mut rng: &mut R, ) -> Self::Nullifier { // Generate a dummy nullifier let revealed_spent_note_nullifier = orchard::note::Nullifier::from_bytes(&pallas::Base::random(&mut rng).to_repr()) .unwrap(); let (j, scope) = match req { AddressType::DefaultExternal => (0u32.into(), zip32::Scope::External), AddressType::DiversifiedExternal(idx) => (idx, zip32::Scope::External), AddressType::Internal => (0u32.into(), zip32::Scope::Internal), }; let (cact, note) = compact_orchard_action( revealed_spent_note_nullifier, self.address_at(j, scope), value, self.orchard_ovk(scope), rng, ); ctx.actions.push(cact); note.nullifier(self) } // Override so we can merge the spend and output into a single action. fn add_logical_action( &self, ctx: &mut CompactTx, _: &P, _: BlockHeight, revealed_spent_note_nullifier: Self::Nullifier, req: AddressType, value: NonNegativeAmount, _: u32, rng: &mut R, ) -> Self::Nullifier { let (j, scope) = match req { AddressType::DefaultExternal => (0u32.into(), zip32::Scope::External), AddressType::DiversifiedExternal(idx) => (idx, zip32::Scope::External), AddressType::Internal => (0u32.into(), zip32::Scope::Internal), }; let (cact, note) = compact_orchard_action( revealed_spent_note_nullifier, self.address_at(j, scope), value, self.orchard_ovk(scope), rng, ); ctx.actions.push(cact); // Return the nullifier of the newly created output note note.nullifier(self) } } #[allow(dead_code)] pub(crate) enum AddressType { DefaultExternal, DiversifiedExternal(DiversifierIndex), Internal, } /// Creates a `CompactSaplingOutput` at the given height paying the given recipient. /// /// Returns the `CompactSaplingOutput` and the new note. fn compact_sapling_output( params: &P, height: BlockHeight, recipient: sapling::PaymentAddress, value: NonNegativeAmount, ovk: Option, rng: &mut R, ) -> (CompactSaplingOutput, sapling::Note) { let rseed = generate_random_rseed(zip212_enforcement(params, height), rng); let note = Note::from_parts( recipient, sapling::value::NoteValue::from_raw(value.into_u64()), rseed, ); let encryptor = sapling_note_encryption(ovk, note.clone(), *MemoBytes::empty().as_array(), rng); let cmu = note.cmu().to_bytes().to_vec(); let ephemeral_key = SaplingDomain::epk_bytes(encryptor.epk()).0.to_vec(); let enc_ciphertext = encryptor.encrypt_note_plaintext(); ( CompactSaplingOutput { cmu, ephemeral_key, ciphertext: enc_ciphertext.as_ref()[..52].to_vec(), }, note, ) } /// Creates a `CompactOrchardAction` at the given height paying the given recipient. /// /// Returns the `CompactOrchardAction` and the new note. #[cfg(feature = "orchard")] fn compact_orchard_action( nf_old: orchard::note::Nullifier, recipient: orchard::Address, value: NonNegativeAmount, ovk: Option, rng: &mut R, ) -> (CompactOrchardAction, orchard::Note) { use zcash_note_encryption::ShieldedOutput; let (compact_action, note) = orchard::note_encryption::testing::fake_compact_action( rng, nf_old, recipient, orchard::value::NoteValue::from_raw(value.into_u64()), ovk, ); ( CompactOrchardAction { nullifier: compact_action.nullifier().to_bytes().to_vec(), cmx: compact_action.cmx().to_bytes().to_vec(), ephemeral_key: compact_action.ephemeral_key().0.to_vec(), ciphertext: compact_action.enc_ciphertext().as_ref()[..52].to_vec(), }, note, ) } /// Creates a fake `CompactTx` with a random transaction ID and no spends or outputs. fn fake_compact_tx(rng: &mut R) -> CompactTx { let mut ctx = CompactTx::default(); let mut txid = vec![0; 32]; rng.fill_bytes(&mut txid); ctx.hash = txid; ctx } /// Create a fake CompactBlock at the given height, containing a single output paying /// an address. Returns the CompactBlock and the nullifier for the new note. #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn fake_compact_block( params: &P, height: BlockHeight, prev_hash: BlockHash, fvk: &Fvk, req: AddressType, value: NonNegativeAmount, initial_sapling_tree_size: u32, initial_orchard_tree_size: u32, mut rng: impl RngCore + CryptoRng, ) -> (CompactBlock, Fvk::Nullifier) { // Create a fake CompactBlock containing the note let mut ctx = fake_compact_tx(&mut rng); let nf = fvk.add_output( &mut ctx, params, height, req, value, initial_sapling_tree_size, &mut rng, ); let cb = fake_compact_block_from_compact_tx( ctx, height, prev_hash, initial_sapling_tree_size, initial_orchard_tree_size, rng, ); (cb, nf) } /// Create a fake CompactBlock at the given height containing only the given transaction. fn fake_compact_block_from_tx( height: BlockHeight, prev_hash: BlockHash, tx_index: usize, tx: &Transaction, initial_sapling_tree_size: u32, initial_orchard_tree_size: u32, rng: impl RngCore, ) -> CompactBlock { // Create a fake CompactTx containing the transaction. let mut ctx = CompactTx { index: tx_index as u64, hash: tx.txid().as_ref().to_vec(), ..Default::default() }; if let Some(bundle) = tx.sapling_bundle() { for spend in bundle.shielded_spends() { ctx.spends.push(spend.into()); } for output in bundle.shielded_outputs() { ctx.outputs.push(output.into()); } } #[cfg(feature = "orchard")] if let Some(bundle) = tx.orchard_bundle() { for action in bundle.actions() { ctx.actions.push(action.into()); } } fake_compact_block_from_compact_tx( ctx, height, prev_hash, initial_sapling_tree_size, initial_orchard_tree_size, rng, ) } /// Create a fake CompactBlock at the given height, spending a single note from the /// given address. #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn fake_compact_block_spending( params: &P, height: BlockHeight, prev_hash: BlockHash, (nf, in_value): (Fvk::Nullifier, NonNegativeAmount), fvk: &Fvk, to: Address, value: NonNegativeAmount, initial_sapling_tree_size: u32, initial_orchard_tree_size: u32, mut rng: impl RngCore + CryptoRng, ) -> CompactBlock { let mut ctx = fake_compact_tx(&mut rng); // Create a fake spend and a fake Note for the change fvk.add_logical_action( &mut ctx, params, height, nf, AddressType::Internal, (in_value - value).unwrap(), initial_sapling_tree_size, &mut rng, ); // Create a fake Note for the payment match to { Address::Sapling(recipient) => ctx.outputs.push( compact_sapling_output( params, height, recipient, value, fvk.sapling_ovk(), &mut rng, ) .0, ), Address::Transparent(_) => panic!("transparent addresses not supported in compact blocks"), Address::Unified(ua) => { // This is annoying to implement, because the protocol-aware UA type has no // concept of ZIP 316 preference order. let mut done = false; #[cfg(feature = "orchard")] if let Some(recipient) = ua.orchard() { // Generate a dummy nullifier let nullifier = orchard::note::Nullifier::from_bytes(&pallas::Base::random(&mut rng).to_repr()) .unwrap(); ctx.actions.push( compact_orchard_action( nullifier, *recipient, value, fvk.orchard_ovk(zip32::Scope::External), &mut rng, ) .0, ); done = true; } if !done { if let Some(recipient) = ua.sapling() { ctx.outputs.push( compact_sapling_output( params, height, *recipient, value, fvk.sapling_ovk(), &mut rng, ) .0, ); done = true; } } if !done { panic!("No supported shielded receiver to send funds to"); } } } fake_compact_block_from_compact_tx( ctx, height, prev_hash, initial_sapling_tree_size, initial_orchard_tree_size, rng, ) } fn fake_compact_block_from_compact_tx( ctx: CompactTx, height: BlockHeight, prev_hash: BlockHash, initial_sapling_tree_size: u32, initial_orchard_tree_size: u32, mut rng: impl RngCore, ) -> CompactBlock { let mut cb = CompactBlock { hash: { let mut hash = vec![0; 32]; rng.fill_bytes(&mut hash); hash }, height: height.into(), ..Default::default() }; cb.prev_hash.extend_from_slice(&prev_hash.0); cb.vtx.push(ctx); cb.chain_metadata = Some(compact::ChainMetadata { sapling_commitment_tree_size: initial_sapling_tree_size + cb.vtx.iter().map(|tx| tx.outputs.len() as u32).sum::(), orchard_commitment_tree_size: initial_orchard_tree_size + cb.vtx.iter().map(|tx| tx.actions.len() as u32).sum::(), }); cb } /// Trait used by tests that require a block cache. pub(crate) trait TestCache { type BlockSource: BlockSource; type InsertResult; /// Exposes the block cache as a [`BlockSource`]. fn block_source(&self) -> &Self::BlockSource; /// Inserts a CompactBlock into the cache DB. fn insert(&self, cb: &CompactBlock) -> Self::InsertResult; } pub(crate) struct BlockCache { _cache_file: NamedTempFile, db_cache: BlockDb, } impl BlockCache { fn new() -> Self { let cache_file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap(); let db_cache = BlockDb::for_path(cache_file.path()).unwrap(); init_cache_database(&db_cache).unwrap(); BlockCache { _cache_file: cache_file, db_cache, } } } impl TestCache for BlockCache { type BlockSource = BlockDb; type InsertResult = (); fn block_source(&self) -> &Self::BlockSource { &self.db_cache } fn insert(&self, cb: &CompactBlock) { let cb_bytes = cb.encode_to_vec(); self.db_cache .0 .prepare("INSERT INTO compactblocks (height, data) VALUES (?, ?)") .unwrap() .execute(params![u32::from(cb.height()), cb_bytes,]) .unwrap(); } } #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] pub(crate) struct FsBlockCache { fsblockdb_root: TempDir, db_meta: FsBlockDb, } #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] impl FsBlockCache { fn new() -> Self { let fsblockdb_root = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let mut db_meta = FsBlockDb::for_path(&fsblockdb_root).unwrap(); init_blockmeta_db(&mut db_meta).unwrap(); FsBlockCache { fsblockdb_root, db_meta, } } } #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] impl TestCache for FsBlockCache { type BlockSource = FsBlockDb; type InsertResult = BlockMeta; fn block_source(&self) -> &Self::BlockSource { &self.db_meta } fn insert(&self, cb: &CompactBlock) -> Self::InsertResult { use std::io::Write; let meta = BlockMeta { height: cb.height(), block_hash: cb.hash(), block_time: cb.time, sapling_outputs_count: cb.vtx.iter().map(|tx| tx.outputs.len() as u32).sum(), orchard_actions_count: cb.vtx.iter().map(|tx| tx.actions.len() as u32).sum(), }; let blocks_dir = self.fsblockdb_root.as_ref().join("blocks"); let block_path = meta.block_file_path(&blocks_dir); File::create(block_path) .unwrap() .write_all(&cb.encode_to_vec()) .unwrap(); meta } } pub(crate) fn input_selector( fee_rule: StandardFeeRule, change_memo: Option<&str>, fallback_change_pool: ShieldedProtocol, ) -> GreedyInputSelector< WalletDb, standard::SingleOutputChangeStrategy, > { let change_memo =|m| MemoBytes::from(m.parse::().unwrap())); let change_strategy = standard::SingleOutputChangeStrategy::new(fee_rule, change_memo, fallback_change_pool); GreedyInputSelector::new(change_strategy, DustOutputPolicy::default()) } // Checks that a protobuf proposal serialized from the provided proposal value correctly parses to // the same proposal value. fn check_proposal_serialization_roundtrip( db_data: &WalletDb, proposal: &Proposal, ) { let proposal_proto = proposal::Proposal::from_standard_proposal(proposal); let deserialized_proposal = proposal_proto.try_into_standard_proposal(db_data); assert_matches!(deserialized_proposal, Ok(r) if &r == proposal); }